Here is something interesting for you: We humans have what is called a GLO gene. This gene produces vitamin C in other species, yet ours does not work. If there were an intelligent designer, why would he (or she . . . or it) design us with a faulty one? The only answer is that it was functional previously, and then became dysfunctional at some stage, after which it was passed on to all people. This is actually true, but it just so happens that our closest primate relatives—orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees—have the same faulty GLO gene, unlike other, distant primates (which have functional GLO genes). Kenneth R. Miller, in his book 'Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul', writes, "That means that the common ancestor in which the capacity to make vitamin C was originally lost wasn't a human, but a primate—an ancestor that, according to the advocates of intelligent design, we're not supposed to have. And there's the problem. (2008:85-87)"
There are so many examples of this (inheritance from recent primate ancestors) that confirm the THEORY of evolution to be factual.
And who has an agenda? I love all this talk of agendas. I listen to Christian talk radio everyday and hear about the gay and lesbian agenda, the atheists agenda, the liberal agenda . . . it's like everyone is just out to get you and force you not to believe your interpretation of the Bible--as though they have secret planning meetings and stuff. That's silly. The real gay and lesbian agenda is simply to get through another day without being harassed, ridiculed, and disrespected by as many people as possible. Atheists don't have an agenda (not a formal one anyway). Atheists just enjoy watching Christians get all mad and resort to logical fallacy in the face of peer-reviewed, scientific, empirical evidence. As for liberals . . . democrats and republicans are both so close to the center the only cause for division is an imaginary fear of being pulled at all toward the other side. The media loves this fear (it sells), so exploits politicians mistakes and controversy to fuel the divisive, imaginary fear.
The only agenda of science is to establish natural reasons for things through peer-reviewed testing and observation, such as that above.