I'm muslim. I personally know westerners who converted to Islam willingly and are more religious than anything you'd imagine. There are over 1 billion muslims in the world, most of whom actually practice their religion. I'm a 22 year old woman, and I know that my religion gives women their full rights, and I mean FULL. Muslim women were allowed to inherit, allowed to save their own money, allowed to make big choices in their lives long, (I mean like 1200 years long) before western women (see sense and sensiblity, pride and prejudice). As a woman, Islam guarantees me that I won't be used for my beauty, or my body, because of my hijab. Most muslim women CHOOSE to wear the hijab willingly because they know it is one big asset. My religion views women as precious gems, not for sale, not for anyone to enjoy. And the last words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his companions before he died were 'be gentle to women', he always said that women are of fragile hearts, and men should always be nice to them, and never should they be mean. The men actually have far heavier responsiblities than women, too. In short my religion guarantees me respect (if I follow it properly, not the way a lot of losers are doing now).
Islam is a way of life; it explains everything about my life; my death, my afterlife, so that I only have to worry about being a good person, and doing good deeds. It teaches me morals; without morals, there is no religion, and it reflects in the morals of Prophet Muhammad: before he knew he was prophet, his people (the same people who fought him to death afterwards) used to call him: The honest and truthful.
He never lied, never got angry for a reason concerning his own welfare, never took revenge from someone who hurt him personally, never hit a woman, never broke a promise, never backstabbed anyone.
If I wanted to know something about a particular subject; I'd go ask people who actually studied the subject (in this case, muslim converts).
During war, his orders to his companions were to not kill a child, or a woman, or an old man, to not scare a priest in his safe haven (church or temple), to not kill animals or bring down trees. His tolerance was beyond imagination. Any loser who bombs himself into anyone out of warfare is certainly not a muslim, and please read about Islam from reliable sources.
And about slaves; if anyone committed a wrongdoing in Islam, the first step to repent was to free a slave, always.
One of prophet Muhammad's best companions, Bilal, used to be a black slave freed by an other companion of the Prophet, Abu Bakr, who was a rich white man. Bilal was the first muslim ever to call for prayer (The Athan). Among the Prophet's companions was Suhaib, a roman, and Salman, a persian. Before adoption was prohibited, Prophet Muhammad adopted Zaid, who was also black.
The Prophet said that their is no difference between black and white, arab or non arab, except by how pious and righteous they are. To sum it up, my religion teaches me that racism is a hideous and unrightful, sinful act, and it taught people that almost 1400 years ago...