What is one thing that completely destroys Evolution out of the water, and is irrefutable that no evilutionist can answer?
2021-03-30 15:30:40 UTC
What is one thing that completely destroys Evolution out of the water, and is irrefutable that no evilutionist can answer?
68 answers:
Bulldog redux
2021-04-02 06:22:16 UTC
     I would say that QAnon is the most effective refutation of the theory of evolution, because how could evolution ever result in such profound and deliberate stupidity?

     Addendum for Earnest S:  I am a "thickie" whose "malignant agenda" is to give answers that are supported by more than 160 years of research by hundreds of thousands of highly trained scientists (of which I am one).  I suggest that you consult your colleagues at QAnon before answering another question.
2021-04-01 16:49:44 UTC
Due to variances in the gene pool, some individuals are born less intelligent than others. A dumb man is unable to comprehend the degree of his impairment, for this reason.
2021-03-31 21:52:12 UTC
Undoubtably the very same thing that can smash religion into pieces.


Religion is a belief that is impossible to prove but quite easy to demonstrate that in it's current form of bible ranting and icon worshipping, it is untenable in a modern, progressive world.

Evolution, is a theory that whilst supported by masses of deep and very convincing evidence, it is quite possible that what we believe today will be considerably changed in a few hundred years.

That is the nature of theory.

It changes as we explore further and add new evidence.

Religion on the other hand is dogmatic and beginning to look more and more irrelevant as the days pass.
2021-03-31 14:40:51 UTC
I don't know if you're trolling or you are someone else who doesn't understand what “evolution” is!

Evolution is the name given to the process where, over (often long) periods of time, from generation to generation changes occur in living things that allow them to be better able to survive and do well in their environment. This process has been recognised for many thousands of years.

Rats and mice have evolved to be immune to warfarin, Covid 19 was produced by evolution and the various mutations are the result of evolution. There can't be anything that could prove these things “wrong” - they are FACTS.
2021-03-31 13:21:39 UTC
There might be life forms on earth donated from other planets and you will never be able to prove evolution. 
Phil M
2021-03-31 12:47:36 UTC
Question mark, the reason why is survival.

Publius, your examples are correct. That is exactly why only the beneficial mutations survive to be passed on. Thanks for helping the case for evolution.

Jimbrewski, no one knows exactly how life began. Any search will only result in speculation and opinion. Science is continually looking for the answer always observing new evidence. Theists gave up long ago throwing up their hands and saying "It must have been magic".
2021-03-30 20:19:25 UTC
Sorry, no such "thing" available.  Biological evolution is one of the most thoroughly understood natural processes that exist. We understand it far better than we understand gravity. There are literally millions of preserved fossils that clearly demonstrate the gradual steps in the evolution of many types of animals.

born again Christian biologist
2021-03-30 18:56:07 UTC
Intelligent Design by Hugh Ross
Ernest S
2021-03-30 16:53:33 UTC
First of all Evolution cannot even be made out without logical invalidity and contradiction of reason.

Bit of a bummer for those pretending it !!!

Then of course, for those not clever enough for that, there are the various conclusive evidences that show it to be quite impossible.

You have to want to be deceived to hold Evolution.

Edit :

From the TDs there must be a lot of thickies using this section, unable to reason or think! Either that or they have a malignant agenda and want to shut out that which condemns them.

They must be very upset, eh?
2021-03-30 16:19:35 UTC
Evolution is the strongest fact of science, so your question is ridiculous.

Look it up. Google and Wikipedia are your friends.
2021-04-02 22:19:21 UTC
Protein synthesis.  Statistically impossible to produce even one protein randomly that would be viable. Yet quite a number are required to make life possible, along with the mechanisms necessary to replicate them. 
2021-04-02 06:58:33 UTC
Lots. Where does morality come from? It can't be subjective, because people's morality can conflict. It has to come outside of ourselves. Oh and the fact that it is a scientific impossiblility for nothing to produce the entire universe. It isn't logical. It is mathematically impossible. There has never been a transitional fossil found. Aging of the fossils is very flawed. Look up creation science you'll be glad you did.
2021-04-01 20:01:06 UTC
There plainly can be no proof in the sense os assessing the distant past.

But are you unaware that Darwin was a Christian?
2021-04-01 16:00:04 UTC
You have absolutely no idea what evolution is and what it is not - all you have are lies from your church.....

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in other words, you're a fool
2021-03-31 23:22:24 UTC

"Can you provide the testable, repeatable, observable, evidence of a species like say, the fruit fly, evolving into a new species that is not a fruit fly?"


"If evolution takes 'millions of years' and humankind's earliest recordings are but 20,000 years old, how can you be sure the theory of evolution is correct?  Wouldn't it be safe to say it's still presently an assumption?"
2021-03-31 18:37:23 UTC
It isn't just one thing, it is too many to count and post here. From a young elementary school age to the age of 68 now, I have observed countless living examples of how detailed and beautiful nature is. Countless life forms from the ocean, around the earth and birds, how seasons are in order, days and nights always in order, etc., earth grows produce which is not only vital to life but also good to eat, fruits, vegetables, flowers of seemingly endless varieties,how everything grows from seeds, etc.,the complexity how living creatures and humans are constructed. For anyone who has studied biology, they would be even more aware of how the cells, genes, DNA, etc. are all contributing to how life is passed on from one kind of creature to the offspring. Humans are the only living beings who have an unending learning capacity, have a concept of eternity, can plan for the future apart from instinct.To assume that life came from nothing, just by some accident of a chance combination of something is a giant step of blind faith, but to think that everything, everyone around us and we ourselves changed physically over great assumed long periods of time in order to survive and adapt to the environment, are many more countless leaps of blind faith. Those who think life was established that way should also make a deep heartfelt investigation and research into how the evolutionary theory was constructed and reconstructed over the years, not just how the teachers of the theory explain it.       
2021-03-31 14:02:29 UTC

Crushed under billions of tons of water for a year, everything that was trapped in the tsunami waves of mud turned into stone replicas of themselves.

Before the flood everything lived ten times longer - that’s why some things grew huge. Trees, reptiles, some bugs, horns, fangs, etc... don’t stop growing as long as they live.
Doubting Like Thomas
2021-03-31 14:01:46 UTC
The GOD known as PHUQUIORAS cannot be detected by ANY scientific method.

It was He who created the God of the Bible, and the God of the Bible created everything which exists, with SOME help from the Gods of the Norse and Greek  and Egyptian pantheons.

  Evilutionists( as you call them) deny the existence of Phuquioras, but cannot PROVE that He does not exist.

Surely, YOU are not so silly as to deny Phuquioras!
2021-03-31 13:32:04 UTC
There really isn't.  Those who say "why?" assume there has to be a "why," some things simply "are."  Those who say "its just a theory" don't understand the concept of a "theory" and are trying to play semantic games.  Those who claim it is illogical or lacking evidence clearly don't understand the reasoning or the evidence behind evolution.  Most Creationists are relying on what they've been told by individuals unqualified to offer a real opinion on the matter.  

Here is the truth.  For 150 years, Creationists have been trying to discredit evolution.  They have lied, cherry picked, and ignored the evidence.  Evolution has stood up to every challenge... EVERY challenge.  99% of those involved in bio-sciences accept evolution as truth.  And, it isn't just the evidence, there is the practical truth that most of modern medicine only exists because of our understanding of evolution.
Don Verto
2021-03-31 13:30:04 UTC
The origin of all things has a first cause.

The first cause of nescesity had to be all powerful and all knowing.The problem ' evolution ' faces is that absolutely nothing ever brings anything into existence.Go back if you like a trillion years squared by it self if you like and you find nothing that exists then the question remains; " how and why did all come to exist?"
Simon T
2021-03-31 13:00:57 UTC
Beats me.

That is why I accept the evidence and the position of thousands of scientists who are experts in the fields of biology, genetics, etc.   that evolution is correct.
2021-03-31 12:46:12 UTC
I'm sure there are problems with explaining everything at the moment, but in time we will know. The difference in science and religion is that we admit we don't yet know it all. Religion is perfect because it doesn't have to explain things in real terms, it just speaks of spirits and souls and gods, and other airy fairy things that do not exist.
Pirate AM™
2021-03-31 12:22:38 UTC
If such a thing existed, it would have been published in Nature or a similarly peer reviewed journal and the author(s) would be well on their way to a Nobel prize.

However, you won't understand this because you can't figure out why this question is more appropriate for either the science section (where you might learn how science actually works) or the biology section (where you would learn about evolution); both subjects you seem to be lacking the least comprehension of.
2021-03-30 21:13:22 UTC
If such a thing existed, then the majority of biologists would reject evolution.

But that is clearly not the case.
2021-03-30 20:49:12 UTC
Every single imperfect system that is not maintained degrades and fails with time.  Life is no exception, so let's hear no special pleading for it.  Further, only one mutation in 100 is even weakly beneficial.  Half are fatal.  The rest are debilitating.  Do the math. It really isn't that hard.  The trends of atheistic evolution are to weakness, disease, and death, not to life and diversity.  Life could not have existed for billions of years, much less increased in order and complexity during that time, without somebody maintaining and improving it, countering the trends of atheistic evolution and entropy.
2021-03-30 20:16:47 UTC
Atheists think they came from pond scum on a rock by chance or just magically appeared from non-life through no known process or law. Nothing to "deny" here other than delusion. It "destroys" itself. What else do you call "willful ignorance"? Unsupported opinion presented as fact, I call that a bald faced lie. Evolutionists are liars and admit they lie to themselves every day; an easy way out but low life.

You still have this little problem with evolution, the basis of your entire worldview, of how it all got started, or you "deny" that abiogenesis or life from non-life is a part of evolution, but a primary ASSUMPTION.

Of course it's pretty hard to confirm macro evolution w/o a mechanism for common descent, then you would have to deny a small thing called evidence, or a scientific REQUIREMENT called burden of proof. You would have to produce a working model for your hypothesis called evolution before it can graduate to a "scientific theory", but no atheist or anyone else has a working model for evolution, nor seem to understand how science works.

Given the hundred years they've been changing the Theory of Evolution, it still isn't even a good premise, let alone a valid "theory." Darwinian Evolution fails to meet the minimum criteria for Scientific Theory, Fact, Hypothesis, or Law and so is none of the above. In the eyes of operational science, evolution is nothing; it is untestable, unobservable; it's just a story, or when told by atheists, pseudo-science as fact where no fact is forthcoming. Atheists don't use facts or common sense.

Christians do not deny atheism or evolution, we reject it because of the evidence. I challenge claims made by scientists because their claims do not appear to be supported by the evidence. This in fact is part of the scientific method and as a result, when I question claims based on the evidence, I am in fact affirming science and the scientific method. Those who avoid the questions and deny the evidence are the ones denying science!

Watson and Crick disproved Darwinian Evolution in 1953, but some people still must believe in mythology & folklore like evolution, because we're still discussing it, still trying to get the correct information out to dispense with an infinite number of lies that develop around the myth called evolution.

The mechanism for Darwinian Evolution was discredited in 1953 when Watson and Crick's discovery of DNA refuted Darwin's assertion that the possible human genetic variation was infinite thereby disproving the common dissent aspect of Darwin's Model.

Also, Crick says the human genome cannot occur randomly. If life cannot occur randomly, evolution in the past is impossible. Proof enough. Even if they some day do figure out how to create life from non-life in the lab, doesn't make any difference. DNA, by itself, disproves evolution by the verifiable, testable, observable, evidence of operational science.

Evolution relies on abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is empirically proven false over and over, and will remain false until it isn't. Abiogenesis violates the natural universal law of biogenesis--life comes from life, not non-life. Abiogenesis is scientifically proven false. That means evolution has no starting point and is therefore non-existent.

The Natural Laws pertaining to genetic or celestial or other information hold that information is immaterial and that matter cannot bring forth anything immaterial. Yet the whole of the material universe contains vast amounts of information. To assert a materialistic explanation, it is necessary to demonstrate information arising from material interactions.. When we include DNA into the mix we are talking not just information but language - including syntax and grammar and complex algorithms. Not only can science not explain this but the Natural Laws pertaining to Information assert this type of information cannot be produced by matter or material interactions.

This is yet another line of evidence that invalidates systematic materialism.

So really, what it comes down to is just common sense, which atheists here seem to lack. We are not here to prove someone else's position. Atheists are lazy and want someone else to provide their thinking for them. Without a fact, don't have a clue.

To believe life evolved from non-life in the face of all scientific knowledge certainly requires a truck load of blind faith! We should bear in mind that scientism serves as justification of the evolutionary (naturalist) story of origins which, in turn, justifies physicalism (materialism).

Even though atheists don't use facts, the simple fact is the more data that comes in - the less plausible Darwinism (any of it's forms) becomes. Were it not for the social and political aspects of the theory it would have been abandoned a long time ago.

Fossil Evidence
2021-03-30 20:16:29 UTC
If anyone ever discovered the fossil of a rabbit deeper in the earth than a dinosaur  fossil, that would be proof positive.  But it will never happen.  
2021-03-30 20:01:45 UTC
You mean, "answer adequately," because anyone can answer anything.

There's not just one thing, but I'll go ahead and give you one of the ones that make me doubt it.

Consider bacteria—they are great at adapting to their environment (like becoming resistant to antibiotics or altering their diet), but they are still bacteria and don’t change in their fundamental nature. And no matter what we do, they stay bacteria. As Dr. Berlinski has pointed out, we should have far more flexibility and plasticity under laboratory conditions than we actually do if Darwinian evolution were true. A good example is the work of Michigan State’s Richard Lenski on laboratory evolution of E. coli, which has shown trillions of bacteria evolving under selection for tens of thousands of generations yielding just broken genes and minor changes (in a word—more E. coli).

As Dr. Carl Wieland (who has degrees in medicine and surgery) has said, “Bacteria actually provide evidence against evolution. Bacterial populations multiply at incredibly high rates. In only a matter of a few years, bacteria can go through a massive number of generations, equivalent to millions of years in human terms. Therefore, since we see mutation and natural selection in bacterial populations happening all the time, we should see tremendous amounts of real evolution happening. However, the bacteria we have with us today are essentially the same as those described by Robert Koch a century ago. In fact, there are bacteria found fossilized in rock layers, claimed by evolutionists to be millions of years old, which as far as one can tell are the same as bacteria living today” (Superbugs Not Super After All).


There are other things like the Cambrian explosion, abrupt appearance and stasis in the fossil record, living fossils, extreme convergent evolution, the limits to artificial selection, nanotechnology in the cell, the amazing requirements of changing from single-celled life to true multicellular life, the difficulty of evolution producing features that require multiple mutations before gaining a benefit, the extreme rarity of protein folds, etc. that cause us to find Darwinian evolution unlikely.
2021-03-30 16:08:56 UTC
I don't need to. Evolutionary biologists debunk evolution by themselves. Modern evolutionary theory as of 2021 is about 97% different from Darwinian evolution. Mutation driven genetics makes a whole lot more sense anyway. 
2021-03-30 15:32:43 UTC
With God anything is possible!
Adullah M
2021-04-16 04:19:41 UTC
Ask them how can big apes who posses no intellect and free will can evolve to be human or mankind of having intellect and free will and at the same time the four  legs of big apes still equal, while of human being, the hands are shorter than the legs. By these hands and feet , mankind use them to build their Civilization up till now. 
2021-04-03 04:45:38 UTC
For me, it has always been the mathematical impossibility of the proteins assembling, by accident, to form life.

The threshold of impossible starts at 1 chance in 10 to the 50th power.

The specific number for those specific proteins is 1 chance in 10 to the 77th power
2021-04-01 15:29:56 UTC
Your unadulterated and absolute proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that God does exist. When do you expect to have that proof?
2021-04-01 12:15:10 UTC
Isaiah 29:4,5  God states when the Lord makes a sudden instant visitation Ariel ariel. 

Man will say to his maker you did not make me Isaiah 29:16 . 

The church view is Romans 14 some believe all things are some do not we are not to hurt the weak. There room for evolution in Genesis even though I believe in special creation

Jude 1:22 be merciful to those who doubt 
2021-04-01 09:33:21 UTC
The one thing that completely destroys evolution is: Where does life itself comes from.  No one is able to give a definitive answer to that question.
wind rider
2021-04-01 04:55:24 UTC
Word has only word before and after it . Word has no beginning or end but any word can  be the beginning or end at the same time.  Nothing exist without word and a word could never be created without a word, Thought is word and needed to think of a word. God is word for everything is created with word.You need word to even argue it. when you are brain dead you are dead .
Alice S
2021-03-31 19:38:04 UTC
Hah.  Good luck with that one.
2021-03-31 16:55:29 UTC
A completely irrational idiot with the social maturity of Trump. 
2021-03-31 16:17:19 UTC
The fact of the matter: Everything has a creator, except God. because God is the creator of everything and God is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, that is why God is called the Alpha and Omega. The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
2021-03-31 13:36:55 UTC
Willful delusions can lead to permanent delusions-schizophrenia- then you can no longer access reality-

 problem solved. 
2021-03-31 13:16:03 UTC
EVILUTIONIST   the blending of the word evil   +  evolution  a  negative term  for person who supports  the "  origin of SPECIES by natural selection  Aka      the theory  of evolution "

  EVOLUTION Out of the SEA FISH  evolved from ancestral vertebrates in the sea  30 million years BEFORE those per-historic fish crawled out of the water  and began the evolutionary  LINEAGE

  SEE" understanding"  evolution in 1938  South African fishermen  pulled out a strange catch from the waters  of the Indian Ocean , it had odd FLESHY FINS that looked like LIMBS  only noted previously in FOSSILS  a   COELACANTH  forelimb comparison     such a question   is to high light  that SCIENCE  SEEKS answers based on EVIDENCE experiments knowledge  what is demonstrable  in contrast

RELIGION a  cultural SYSTEM  of directed  behaviors and practices RITUAL  sacred places  and  ASSERTION of PROPOSITIONS  / supernatural  by Social organizations  that is NOT demonstration  and is based on "BELIEFS "    not FACT for example  some religions  claim  SUPERNATURAL  BEING  had A THOUGHT  and material things appeared  land and water  then had another  THOUGHT  and vegetation occurred had another  THOUGHT  and insects fish animals   formed and finally breath  into DIRT and a male human appeared..

.. sometime prior to that  it created "ANGELS " and  the supernatural bring had no creation always existed ... and the EVIDENCE  for this proposition  is some PERSON  GUY wrote it and said so about the year  ( Deuteronomy )  in the 7th century BCE

   belief vs fact  FACT  both involve  some concept of truth , but BELIEF  does NOT  really hint at whether something is  proven or not  ( or whether  it is even  provable )
2021-03-31 12:31:43 UTC
"Parent" fossils don't exist. 
2021-03-31 12:00:23 UTC
Evolution is not a theory, since it can not be replicated. It's a denial of God. The question to ask is: Why haven't any missing links been found?
2021-03-30 21:43:22 UTC
The Virgin Mary is called Star of the Sea.  It is good to recite the prayer Ave Maris Stella frequently in her honor, preferably in Latin.  Mary is the perfect disciple Jesus Christ, and grants her special protection and the greatest graces to people who recite her rosary every day with care and sincerity.
2021-03-30 21:17:46 UTC
I am so happy I got permission to rip the control guts out of a machine at work and replace it with a new modern system. Almost giddy.
2021-03-30 20:31:37 UTC
There are many, many ways that DNA can encode the same information.  There are numerous ways, for example, that a large protein can be encoded.  There is also a lot of "extra" DNA in most organisms, DNA that gets reproduced but doesn't do anything.

That being the case, God could make the DNA for each "kind" be totally different, and the extra DNA could be used, for example, to encode the Bible into every cell of every living organism.  If that were the case, God's creation would be irrefutable.

But that's not the way things are.  Instead, God made each species' DNA look EXACTLY AS IF it had evolved by a minimal number of mutations from ancestor species.  The result is a > 98% similarity between humans and the great apes, and a ~50% similarity with all other species (including plants).  So God created all living things to look EXACTLY AS IF they had evolved by mutation and natural selection.  God wants us to believe in evolution. 
military supporter
2021-03-30 15:55:16 UTC
There is nothing that can destroy evolution or the science supporting it.
2021-03-30 15:38:52 UTC
You could give yourself lead poisoning or concussions by playing sports against athletic people, since you're much too weak to do it by yourself.
2021-03-30 15:31:32 UTC
There is nothing.  All the supposed "gotcha" questions that supposedly can't be answered are based on misconceptions and can all be answered. Every objection posted here is based on an incorrect assumption about what evolution says and is therefore invalid.
2021-03-30 15:31:30 UTC
Well, that 'blows'.
Taint No Thang
2021-04-02 16:20:48 UTC
The squid. Those things didn't evolve. They obviously came here from a distant galaxy. We need to find their ship.                   
2021-03-31 22:24:46 UTC
'Evolution' requires believing in the miracle of all miracles occurring without crediting the intervention of higher intelligence in either the 'seeding' or 'guiding' of life's formation and development.

In the absence of that intervention, the 'atheistic' cosmology requires believing in the 'natural' overcoming of odds exceeding one in one duodecillion, which is an astronomical number containing 39 zeros. 'Impossible' starts well before we arrive at 39 zeros. However, that is what we simply must 'accept' as the premise before moving on to the actual 'evidence.'

If the premise is impossible, then the evidence is specious, even if it becomes voluminous beyond comprehension. It proves NOTHING at all. The data streams must be related to something else entirely. Common sense tells me that these data streams must be related to the intervention and activities of a higher intelligence. Since the existence of such an intelligence by 'natural' means would require even more absurd 'odds' than described above, (since It would first have to overcome those same impossible odds just to be like humans, then advance beyond us), the only rational explanation is a Creator GOD that did not 'evolve' from lesser states.
2021-03-31 20:33:44 UTC
Evolution within any given species is a Scientific FACT, there is no refuting that.

However if you are talking about evolutionist that believe evolution is the reason all life started on this planet, that is 100% FICTION.

my question to those who believe evolution to create all life on this planet, that i like to ask, that they NEVER have an answer for is this:

If Scientists have been trying for thousands of years to create a NEW Species, and even in recent years trying to mutate DNA to create a NEW Species. And have NEVER succeeded in creating any NEW Species. How do you believe all the Species in the world were created by accidents, that we can't duplicate. EVER!

Those who believe Evolution to create all life on this planet, believes one specie created different species than of itself, yet Scientists, no matter how hard they try, can't produce the same results.

Evolutionist, who believe all life started from ONE species, which created all Species on the planet, believe in FICTION.

No species has ever, EVER! created a new species. Cats ALWAYS produce Cat type species. ALWAYS! Dogs create Dog type species, ALWAYS!

If Evolution to create all life on this planet were True, then i assure you Any species would be able to MATE with any other species, which would create a NEW type of species. But as it is NOW, and Always has been. Cats produce Cats. Dogs produce Dogs. Apes produce Apes. Humans produce Humans.

Every species creates its own species, even if they are evolving within their own species

Species do not, i REPEAT DO NOT, have a common ancestor. If they did, then they would be able to MATE, as any ancestor of any species can.

Again Evolution within any given species is a Scientific FACT.

Those who try to use that Fact to try to explain how all life got on this planet, is 100% Fairy Tale, backed up by ZERO scientific evidence. Zero, Nil, NONE. And that is a FACT.
Dennis Sagt
2021-03-31 16:06:59 UTC
I've often seen a question like this, " If you found one wrong thing about the bible, would it negate the whole bible?"  My answer is no.  Similarly, if a part of the theory of evolution is wrong, does it negate the whole theory?  Again, my answer is no.  At any rate, what you posit doesn't exist.
2021-03-31 14:35:21 UTC
That information or evidence is not available at this time probably due to the lack of intelligence to ask the right questions and not getting the correct answers.
2021-03-31 13:26:12 UTC
Which extremist sect or cult indoctrinated you to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools?

Pope Francis says the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand” putting an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design! So the Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Christian Fundamentalist is a complete contradiction in terms!

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!
2021-03-31 13:20:54 UTC
 There aint any

  and just cos I aint got an answer dont mean there aint one - all it means is I dont know what it is (for now)
2021-03-30 21:38:09 UTC
There are plenty of wrong things w/ evolution. One if fossils formation. They say for example 10000 years is needed for fossils formations. But how can one leaf stays so much long OR so many leaves out there exist? After asking them, like after asking about bones of dinosaurs, they give you a similar answer: Those fossils are fake. I don't think any real fossils exist at all.. Simply, nothing can survive for 10,000 years. AND for disproving it, they have to bring more than IT Might...

This going to be #1.#2 Science itself proves through DNA that almost 90% of species were created simultaneously. #3 It is a proven part of science that all living humans are from a single mother.. And a single couple, too.. IT IS PROVEN FACT..#4 Evolution never happened and recorded in history and we never heard that our ancestors say nor After science and writing was done..... Never anything evolved in our lives and lives of our ancestors.. They say it takes longer IS a wrong reasoning way.. We lived in thousands of years, AND we never recorded any new species evolved from an old one.. They say force behind evolution maybe sexual mutations and they always have only one sample: Viruses.. AND that's not happening in cells. Did you ever see a black couples give birth to a white? Search all those areas, you can find none..... Even worse, we all have come from one couple. How do we have so many races????? They can't answer it. Why is Africa black China Yellow Europe White and Middle East dark white???? Only one answer: G-d made these so, based on Torah in Babylon.. Creationists think Adam and Eve had all these in their DNA... Good response, but I think that your skin color has nothing to do with environment. 500 years of USA's coldness didn't make blacks whites. Not even their other characteristics differ from other Africans, even scientists of evolution CLAIM most differences exist in blacks, thus, blacks are oldest race, but it has no reason. 
2021-03-30 19:53:09 UTC
I suppose Darwin couldn't factor the God thing into the equation very well?? I don't know, but he couldn't bring in Romans 1:20 into the factor that God might have had something to do with design?
2021-03-30 19:38:08 UTC
Evolution is a fact. All of the pseudoscience idiots here have presented is pure nonsense. Currently, there is zero real evidence that refutes Evolution. The only reason the pseudoscience creationists are against evolution is because they know it disproves the Christian god. There is literally more evidence for evolution than any other scientific fact.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2021-03-30 18:59:06 UTC
There is absolutely nothing that destroys evolution out of the water. There is a massive amount of evidence that supports evolution. That is why the promoters of creationism, in their web sites and books, are forced to resort to misrepresentation, deception, omission of facts, and outright falsehoods in their attempts to refute evolution.

And clueless lay creationists just lap it all up and regurgitate it.
2021-03-30 17:15:55 UTC
If it were true, fossils should exhibit new structures in the process of being formed. Some fossils should have been found developing legs, arms, wings, eyes as well as some specific bones and organs.

Samples should be found of fish fins changing into amphibian legs with feet and toes; gills changing into lungs;  front limbs of reptiles changing into bird wings; back limbs changing into legs with claws, scales changing into feathers, and mouths changing into horny beaks. The fossil record is totally devoid of those highly expected samples!

The British journal New Scientist put it that way:“It predicts that a complete fossil record would consist of lineages of organisms showing gradual change continuously over long periods of time." *1 Darwin highly expected that an immense number of such samples would be found: "The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, [must] be truly enormous." However, cautiously, he reasoned: " “If numerous species . . . have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution." *2 Apparently, his worst "fears" came true.

*1 New Scientist, book review by Tom Kemp of The New Evolutionary Timetable by    Steven M. Stanley, February 4, 1982, p. 320.

*2 The Origin of Species, Part Two, p. 55.
2021-03-30 16:01:04 UTC
The logical progression of considering evolution must be where did that first most primitive organism come from.

Life has ALWAYS been observed as coming from life.  Life exists on Earth, therefore it must have come from a Living Source.  To believe otherwise goes against what has always been observed.

Secondly, evolution is based on the idea that mutations added new genetic material to that first life form, and that is how we got such a diversity of life now.

The problem with that is mutations have never been observed to add genetic material.  Instead, mutations tend to take away genetic material.  That is why mutations tend to be detrimental, and not possative.

Finally, even evolutionists admit that for a new life form to be created it is a rare process.  For this reason, they have a problem explaining certain things, like the evolution from a-sexual organisms to sexual organisms. 

Think about it.  For the first sexual organism to evolve, you must have TWO organisms evolve at the same time, in the same place, they must both be healthy enough to reproduce, and they must be compatible.

Likewise, for life that lives in water to come up on land, it would have to develop lungs within a few seconds or it would perish.
2021-03-30 15:57:26 UTC
Who made the dirt?
2021-03-30 15:53:18 UTC
Life magically poofing up from nothing..

Do you realize that if that happened,there’d be NO FOOD FOR THAT LIFE FORM TO EAT,ON THE ENTIRE PLANET?

Here’s some more problems-
The Godfather's Daughter
2021-03-30 15:45:18 UTC
The fact that you used the term “evilutionist” shows what a moronic Christian you are!
2021-03-30 15:40:33 UTC
I don't make it my interest. I think it is a waste of time to do it that way. I'm not trying to destroy Evolution, or blow it out of the water. The important thing is to allow people their beliefs. If they have a question about God, Christ, or the Bible, you answer them as well as you can. If they attack you, that is normal. If you get inspired to say more, do that. At least this works for me. 
2021-03-30 15:38:03 UTC
There's no experiment that can be conducted that proves that a living thing comes from nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.