2011-05-12 09:28:29 UTC
I have had a liking for a Hare Krishna Bramachari for about 2 years now. I am a Hare Krishna Devotee as well. He is from Andra Pradesh (Telugu) and I am a Khatri Sikh girl, from Australia..He is about 20 and Im two years younger...

Recently when I visited the ISKCON temple where he is mostly, I noticed him staring at me, sooo deeply. 2 years back, he would stare at me the same way. I know for sure now, there is some connection betwen us.
This is LOVE, not LUST.

I mean, how often does someone fall in love with a bramachari... its not just attraction either because it has been 2 years and i still feel the same yearning and need for him..

In the Hare Krishna, I know that it is wrong for a bramachari to have any interest in a girl at all.
But what if he does, but cannot admit, because he is afraid to fall in love, because he will lose his complete devotion to the Lord...

And I will become the demoness who lures him away from his complete celibacy...

All i know is I love him, and I definately know he is interested in me too...( i have spoken to his brother who is also a bramachari and confirmed it)

Am I doing wrong?

A bramachari cant feel lust right?? Becuase i cant read his im not sure, but there is a connection.......................

and i feel love............ coz Lust cant last for two years.............

and I long to see him everyday, but i restrict myself from entering the ISKCON temple becuase of him.......

Please someone help me with some advice.... Please, Enlighten me!

Thank You so much :)
Fifteen answers:
John Savage
2011-05-12 09:30:50 UTC
Oh dear. poor child.

2011-05-12 17:14:26 UTC
Neither Krishna was a brahamachari nor Har (Shiva) was one. In fact, Grahashtashram, i.e. marrying and having children and taking the responsibility of rearing them at the same continuing with devotion to God, is supposed to be the best of all ashrams.Therefore, every religion permits marriage and considers it as a sacred ritual. Many of the great sages, like Nanak, Kabir, Mohamed etc, were all family people with wife and children. All the Gods which Hindus worship(Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesha) were married. So marriage no way keeps you away from the path of God. The real problems is that both of you are still very young and not mature enough to find a suitable partner for yourselves.
2011-05-13 11:21:23 UTC
Chris Lantijin is right to advise you to the needful,"You could approach his authorities and discuss the matter'

When one is a brahmacary one is not allowed to have interest in a girl, but when he is interested, he should get married.

Remember, Arjuna dressed as a sannyasi kidnapped Shubhadra, the sister of Lord Krishna.

The brahmacary may be dressed as brahmacari, may be practicing, but may not be a naishtiki brahmacary like His Divine Grace, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, the spiritual master of ISKCON founder acharya Srila Prabhupada.

It is expected that a brahmacary is expected to marry and enter into the next ashrama that is the grihastha ashrama. only a few remain as naishtiki and among them only very a few accept sannyasa, but most of them accept the grihastha ashram.

Since you have already spoken to his brother, then wait and see.

falling in love is not losing complete devotion to Vishnu and you will not become the demoness who lures him away. Bhaktivinoda Thakura was a great vaishnava who fathered Bimala Prasad and a dozen children.

There is a famous saying in ISKCON circles, Grihe thako vane thako sada hari bole dako.

One should always chant Hare Krishna mahamantra, whether brahmacary or grihastha or sannyasi.
mx. know it all
2011-05-12 16:45:20 UTC
I suggest you forget about him, and move on from that place, so that you can forget. Love does not see who a person is, it loves all aspect of the person. If it is forbidden in his case, and he is resisting it, you need to understand that he is there by choice. And if he should feel something for you, and he is not taking any action, you cannot, interfere and make him take action. For he may one day resent you for it. Being a Bramachari, does not make you immune from love dear, but it is an devotional oath, if he feels so strongly about it. But remember, Krishna himself was never a bramachari!!! You can love god, weather you are one or not! But if you are there for the exclusive service of god and feel that being a bramachari, is the only way you can serve him, then that is your choice. Unless he makes a move, you cannot do anything about it. So I suggest you move out of place and find another place to go to, so that you can move on with your life, instead of making him feel even more uncomfortable with your presence. If he loves you and wants you, he will try to stop you! If not, you are wasting your life.
2011-05-14 05:11:14 UTC
LOVE is with God, LUST is with Man, but that does not mean that LUST should not be given vent to.

HARE KRISHNA's know well that Lord Krishna does not condemn as is seen in the Gita 7.11.,

dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamo 'smi

dharma-aviruddhah--not against the religious principles; bhutesu--in all beings;

kamah--sex life; asmi--I am;

I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles


As artha can be regulated according to dharma, similarly

kama can be regulated according to dharma in such a way

that activities of the senses can pave the way to moksha,

liberation, instead of degradation.

The activity of eating,

for example, becomes purified by accepting only krishna-prasadam,

vegetarian food that has been offered to God.

Even the state of sleep can also become spiritualised by the

practice of hearing about Krishna before going to bed.

The act of mating can be regulated according to dharma by

being confined to religious marriage.Within marriage, sex can be further regulated according to religious principles by being engaged exclusively for its divine purpose, which is to beget children.

Defending is acceptable according to religious principles

for the lawful protection of dependants. The religious duty

of a kshatriyais to protect the citizens who are under his care

and the religious duty of a husband is to protect his wife

and children.
jeyakumar n
2011-05-12 16:42:50 UTC
No such things, if both are in love marry and lead a very good family, I know I am a hindu , god willbe very happy only if u get married and get a child like krishna or radha. Start it now for the marriage.Show this answer to him.
2011-05-13 11:36:49 UTC

Love is universal phenomena when you will have pure love for him, automatically you shall start loving everyone.

Both of you are on different track. His power lies in renuntiation or being a brahamchari and your power lies in loving a person to whom you can get marry and contribute someting to the universe as done in Karam Yoga. If he will change his path than neither he can concentrate on brahmcharya nor in karmayoga. His state is definetely at heigher side. It is your duty my dear friend that you should avoid him.

The basis of the pure love is secrifice. If you love purley with him than you need to secrifice in the form of his avoidance.

God Bless to both of you.

2011-05-12 17:48:08 UTC
hare krishna dear,

all the four ashramas are as important as any.

they are meant for the well fare of society.

grahasta ashram is also very important for the balance in society.

Srila Prabhupad once gave a lect on varnashram dharma, and he mentioned that

brahmacharya, grahasta, vanaprasta and sanyas and the 4 varnas.

But varna-ashram means following the path of varna keeping Krishna in the centre of all thier activities.

if one is in brahmacharya ashram then needless to say, he is going through a lot of austerities, just to please Krishna and his Guru Maharaj.

controlling one's senses is THE MOST austier practice.

he is free to enter into grahastashrama whn he pleases. BUT please do not be a reason for him to take this ashram.

if u really like him and as u say love him, then u would come to respect his way of life. please do not disturb his life.

he might like u, but i have seen brahmacharis who enterd into grahastashram but are not as satisfied as they were before.

and if u still want to gohead for a relationship, wait for a few years... u r still 18 and he is just 20..

not that u are very young, but in this case it is a huge, big dicission from him to take. tell him continue in b-ashram for few more year (just few not more)... even if he asks u out or something.. k?

u dont want this to ruin ur whole life... or his...

u are to get married some day... but he has made a dicission.. try not to make him change it...

please do not restrict urself from going to temple.

associat with devotees, chat with frnds, take darshan Lord Krishna is so beautiful.........
Kris Lantijn
2011-05-13 05:04:49 UTC
As for him, brahmacaris don't stare at women. He is not a brahmacari. But since he is dressed as a brahmacari, he thinks he is one.

As for you, lust lasts for as long as the body lasts, which is longer than 2 years.

You are both living in denial and you should both come to the level of acceptance, accepting that you both are lusty (as is 99.9% of the population). It's neither good nor bad, it's simply a fact. It should be admitted, accepted and dealt with in a manner as prescribed in scripture. You could approach his authorities and discuss the matter.

Best wishes.

Hare Krsna
▐▀▀▀▀▀▌ ▌ Chiff ▐ ▐▄▄▄▄▄▌
2011-05-12 16:43:16 UTC
Wanting is lustful. Love has no expectation.
2011-05-13 16:29:37 UTC
This is not love, but the moha taking the form of Love.
ME 2
2011-05-12 16:44:30 UTC
SO tell him you love him and his religion should not stop you.There is nothing wrong with falling in love.
2011-05-13 15:22:45 UTC
See what the horoscope says.
2011-05-12 16:37:42 UTC
"Follow your heart! It was with you before religion and will be with you all your life."

Ty, Brewster, a Black Jew
2011-05-12 16:34:46 UTC

follow osho

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