Do Atheists know how to read the bible?
White Shooting Star of HK
2012-01-23 10:54:14 UTC
Atheists say the bible is a fairy tale and lies, if that were so why is the bible the best selling book of history?? It is an international book with different languages and so many people read it!

Throughout history, people have discredit, insult, burn, spit, trample it under foot....and in fact, Christians literally have gotten tortured, arrested, even killed for carry the bible! Yet after thousands of years, the bible is still HERE making changes of our lives!

NO OTHER BOOK HAS ever endured such event and still exist. Unless the bible came from Heaven, it wouldn't last this long!

Jesus said this 2000 years ago and it is still being fulfilled today

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35

Do Atheists even know how to read?? If the bible was nothing but a fairy tale, do you think it would last this long!?!? Think with your head, the one that God gave you!
46 answers:
2012-01-23 11:00:31 UTC
I know how to read quite well.

The second most popular book in history is the Sayings of Chairman Mao. It's been around for a much shorter time, so I think if you consider sales by year it's much more popular. Does that mean that it contains eternal truth? Does it mean that it came from heaven? Should people use it as a guide to life because of its astounding value? Or does it just mean that a large group of people considers it a necessary thing to have in the house, therefore accounting for large sales volume?

The Upanishads have been around quite a bit longer than the Bible and are still read in many languages. Guess what that means.

Oh, by the way, the Bible says that the earth will never pass away:

Psalm 104:5

Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.

Ecclessiastes 1:4

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

2012-01-23 11:08:39 UTC
This question is ludicrous. Many Atheists were brought up Catholic or Protestant, which is why they became Atheists in the first place. The Bible is filled with commands to slaughter every living thing in a conquered city. It commands people to wreck pagan temples and shrines (no religious tolerance here). It tells fairy tales like Joshua stopping the Sun. If this event had ocurred, consider this: The Earth rotates on her axis at about 26,000 miles per hour. Like a speeding automobile coming to an abrut halt, everything in it is still travelling at the same speed, so everything goes hurtling forward. I mention this because the movement of the Sun is actually the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Stopping either the Earths rotation or revolution would have caused all the oceans of the Earth to go hurtling East, probably even over high mountains. It would also have caused Earth splitting earthquakes. Since none of this happened, ever, the story is mythology.

The question should not be Why don't Atheists know how to read the Bible, but Why can't bible thumpers learn the simplest facts of science?
2012-01-23 11:07:23 UTC
"Atheists say the bible is a fairy tale and lies, if that were so why is the bible the best selling book of history?? It is an international book with different languages and so many people read it!"

---- Then Harry Potter must be true or Don Quixote.

"Throughout history, people have discredit, insult, burn, spit, trample it under foot....and in fact, Christians literally have gotten tortured, arrested, even killed for carry the bible! Yet after thousands of years, the bible is still HERE making changes of our lives!"

----- Throughout history, scientists and non-believers (till this day and age) are tortured, insulted, discredited, burned, etc, etc, etc. Think Galileo perhaps and who ended up being right?

"NO OTHER BOOK HAS ever endured such event and still exist. Unless the bible came from Heaven, it wouldn't last this long! "

----- You clearly show your lack of education. Please refer to: Instructions of Shuruppak, Epic of Etana, Pyramid Texts, Code of Urukagina, Palermo Stone, The Wisdom of Ptah-Hotep, En-hedu-ana’s Hymns, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Code of Ur-Nammu, or the Coffin Texts to name a few.

"Jesus said this 2000 years ago and it is still being fulfilled today. . . Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35"

-----So does literature, music, arts, etc. and other texts. Again, lack of education.

"Do Atheists even know how to read??" ---- Yes. That's why a lot of us hold PhD's.

"If the bible was nothing but a fairy tale, do you think it would last this long!?!?" -----Please refer to other texts and literature. Again, lack of proper education.

Such brain you have, a waste really. Guess your parents procreated you when they were really tired and hungry...
2012-01-23 11:43:10 UTC
Have you ever checked out the Amazon Top 100 Books? It is based on actual sales on Amazon.

Notice that the bible is not in there at all. Sure, there are a few religious books but the bible itself is not there. So, it is not the best selling book on Amazon.

Now, look at Barnes and Noble top 100. Also based on actual sales.

Not there either. Hmmm. Maybe you ought to consider the idea of the bible being a best selling book. Sure, if you look at all of the purchases done by groups so they can hand them out or leave them in places it can up the amount that the book is sold but in actual individual sales it is not popular at all.

Now, if you carefully read the bible and pay attention to it you will find that it is loaded with inconsistencies and errors. Most christians ignore these and those who do not generally make up explanations for them like calling them translation errors or something like that.

As for the "NO OTHER BOOK HAS ever endured such event and still exist. Unless the bible came from Heaven, it wouldn't last this long! ". That statement is just a fabrication on your part. You cannot find anything to back up your beliefs so you just make up stuff. It is very possible for the bible to survive history because of the the meaning that some people have placed on it. However, that does not mean the book itself is magical in any shape or form. In fact, if you look in history you can see where it has been edited and even funnier are the examples of some of the typos that have popped up in bibles. Check out the Sinner's Bible as an example.
2012-01-23 11:16:46 UTC
First, a piece of historical fact. For most of those 2000 years, the Bible was the only book people ever saw. And, you can track the rise in humanism in past centuries to the rise in literacy and atheism in the last few decades to the rise in information technology.

Second, have you ever watched the Oscar's and been amazed that some crappy movie won? Or the Grammys? Emmys? Often, the winner is something that is popular, while better, more thoughtful entries lose, or are sometimes not even nominated. And, how common it is that the movies, TV shows, and songs that are really innovative remain part of the zeitgeist, while the winners become forgotten, or sometimes dated anachronisms. Your 'popular' Bible is a data anachronism. Welcome to the new world.
2012-01-23 11:06:58 UTC
The reason we atheists believe people buy the bible is simply because a large chunk of the population is theist and therefore believes it important to have a bible. this explains why it is frequently sold.

The reason this book has lasted so long is not because it came from heaven, it lives on because of those who believed in it. If it were not for those people nobody would have cared to keep it. there is no holy thing keeping the book alive, just the people.

Didn't god or something promise an apocalypse how many years ago? he is trying to kill us all, why would you believe in such a crazy thing? XD its been years! we are supposed to be dead now!

Yes, we can read. Darwin could read. like I explained above it depends on what you believe. I am thinking with the head my mama (not god) gave meh!

and here's something for you thiests to think about, if god created man all perfect, then is athieism one of his flaws in creation? no, cause he made us perfect. think about it.
2012-01-23 11:03:57 UTC
How about this question, do Christians know how to read the Bible better than atheists?

For the most part, I pray it is so. When I consider this though who needs the Bible more?

I think anyone can learn from a book full of words to live by. Even if the person may not repent of sins and become forgiven and walk with our savior Jesus Christ.

Yes an atheists can read the Bible and I hope they do this often.
2012-01-23 11:17:22 UTC
And your proof that Jesus said those words are in a video, right? Seriously, a book written 2,000 years ago by a bunch of doped up wanna be writers is just no proof at all. There are hundreds of contradictions in the bible. It has resulted in numerous different religions, each one claiming to be the true religion. It encourages persecution, violence, discrimination and racism. People who claim to be worshippers are the most judgmental people that I have met. Not to mention that they lack tolerance. Sorry, I just can't believe a book that is supposed to about a loving deity but instead has created so much division and violence in this world.
2012-01-23 11:08:45 UTC
Appeal to popularity is illogical. "The Da Vinci Code" was a best-seller as well, and it is absurd "gou pi". The Vedas and Upanishads of India, the "Tao Te Ching" and "Analects" of China have been in existence much longer than the Bible that did not appear until the 4th Century C.E. By your bad reasoning, Hinduism, taoism and Confucianism are much more true than Christianity, because they have existed much longer. You are "hoist upon you own petard!" Jesus never existed, and he did not actually predict anything correctly. he said he would return while some people hearing his sermons were still alive. They were fictional characters who would have all been dead nearly 2000 years by now, if they has actually existed, so he was quite wrong. We atheists can read much better than Christians can. Would the Vedas and Upanishads last much longer than the Bible if they were fairy tales? Your own flawed reasoning says Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism and other religions are more valid than Christianity, because their holy books have lasted much longer than the Bible has.
2016-09-25 07:13:03 UTC
Ive learn the bible in many instances, from begin to conclude. I have got to say despite the fact that it does not make me consider a reference to God/Jesus/Jehovah so I bet I learn it with out perception in it, despite the fact that first of all as I was once christened a RC it was once a valuable "software" to again up RE courses. Now I am older and wiser I can see that extracts that have been used have been taken out of context, however I nonetheless do not fully grasp how any one might worship a person that was once side of a global in which toddlers have been killed and different matters equivalent to genocide , treachery, and so on.... Why compliment a character like that? We do not compliment the Al Queida can we?
2012-01-23 11:05:53 UTC
You're forgetting one thing, Sparky. Different Christians read the same book yet interpret it differently. Which of them knows how to read it and which don't?

And this argument that says that the fact that the bible has been around for 2000 years somehow adds to its credibility. Well, there are religions that are now dead which existed for more than 2000 years. That pretty much shoots your argument down in flames.
pat z
2012-01-23 11:05:43 UTC
How to read the Bible? One word at a time and, of course, from left to right, top to bottom on the page.

The Bible was written by humans (men), who may -- or may not -- have heard "voices" telling them what to write, or so it has been said, repeatedly.

Sales figures have NOTHING to do with truthfulness -- or point of origin, for that matter. A lot of so-called "airport" novels (named because one buys them to read while traveling) have sold millions. Arthur Haley, Richard Ludlum, Tom Clancy and that ilk with their "thrillers", Stephen King, Anne Rice, Barbara Cartland, et al. with their particular genres -- all have books translated into many languages and selling worldwide. J.K. Rowling and J.R.R.Tolkien before her (Harry Potter and The Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings) have also sold millions. So?
2012-01-23 11:10:28 UTC
i am hoping it is not a non fiction.

Everyone will have to worship Jesus -- whether they want to or not. Philippians 2:10

Leviticus 21:14.…He must never marry a widow, a divorced woman, a woman who has lost her virginity, or a prostitute. He may only marry a virgin from his own people

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

"Happy those who seize your children and smash them against a rock." Psalms 137:9 NAB

Jesus Speaking) If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he can not be my disciple. (Luke

You shall not delay the offering of your harvest and your press. You shall give me the first born of your sons. You must do the same for your oxen and your sheep. (Exodus 22:28-29 NAB)

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7

(sounds like what they say abot allah)

A raped, unengaged virgin must marry her rapist and they can never divorce (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). (really?)

God will not forgive (Josh 24:19).

need more reasons not to believe??
2015-10-22 05:55:39 UTC
Dracula has never been out of print, and unlike Battlefield Earth or the Bible, Dracula does that WITHOUT being backed up by a cult, which is kind of cheating.
Daniel Van harmelen
2012-01-23 10:58:47 UTC
the bible is based on the jewish old testament, which has been around for... I don't know, 5000 years perhaps? christianity is a pretentious attempt, it's a religion based upon a religion, but not true to it's origins. And really, believing the messiah has come, even though he has done NOTHING for this world? AT ALL? that's just plain retarded. Just like the heat stroke that inspired Paulus to invent something as ridiculous as christianity.

Christians are desperate in identifying themselves as a separate faith, even though the jews laugh at their faces for trying so hard, yet failing completely.

christianity sucks. NO matter what.
Red Dakini
2012-01-23 11:06:54 UTC
Wanna know how I became an atheist? I read the Bible.

I really don't understand how anyone could read that and remain a Christian. Or a theist, for that matter.
Acid Zebra
2012-01-23 10:57:24 UTC
"Do Atheists know how to read the bible"

You start at the beginning, note the obvious discrepancies between claims made and observed reality, and move on.

"why is the bible the best selling book of history"

The Gideons. But aside from that, "best seller" =/= "truth". See also: Dan Brown.
Desert Rose
2012-01-23 10:59:22 UTC
I'm sure Atheists are capable of reading the text of The Holy Bible. God's word is rich with wisdom and miracles, and it's inspiring to read. The issue is that many Atheists who pick up the Bible and read it are doing just that: reading it. There is no comprehensive study. Many Atheists will read the Bible, take the verses that sound terrible out-of-context, and use them to attack Christianity. It seems that many Atheists simply don't understand how Theology works - how verses in the Bible are related to one another in ways that help them make more sense and provide clarity. The Bible is incredibly complex and full of information, so it only makes sense that the way to truly understand it - like a textbook - is to intensely study it and do so without a premeditated malice towards the Bible.
xx Rosa xx
2012-01-23 11:00:26 UTC
It lasted so long because people like you chose to believe that rather than learn how the world ACTUALLY works instead of believing in some magical guy up in the sky who controls us all,can make things that are actually impossible happen and exists without form or being.
2012-01-23 15:21:38 UTC
People like fantasy books, even when they tell horrible stories -- like one about an invisible evil magic man who drowned almost everyone, or about the magic man who loves us, yet he will torture us forever if we didn't say or think magic words. That's not love; it's extortion.
2012-01-23 10:59:15 UTC
Do Christians know how to read the Bible?

Did they skip the part where it says.."Judge not lest ye be judged."

"Do unto others as you would do unto me."

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Oh, there are so many others, but you can read it all if you pick up your Bible.
2012-01-23 10:56:20 UTC
Best selling doesn't mean true. Many of the New York Times bestsellers are fiction books. And old doesn't mean real either. Gilgamesh is older than the Bible, so by the standards of this question, that means Gilgamesh must be true too, as well as Hinduism.

And the Lord of the Rings is in the Best Selling books, so I guess MiddleEarth and Hobbits are real as well!!!
2012-01-24 04:17:51 UTC
I don't know how to read the bible.

2012-01-23 11:01:27 UTC
Without the Holy Spirit, how can man understand the Scriptures?

I love how Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians - "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"

Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit that dwells in us will teach us all things concerning Christ Jesus.
2012-01-23 11:01:34 UTC
You make an excellent point.

Jesus also wants us to love our neighbor as thy self, and love our enemies. Someone with a carnal mind thinks naturally instead of in the Spirit. They do not have the Holy Spirit guiding them to understanding and are Spiritually blinded. Until they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior they will continue to walk in blindness. We need to remember this, and continue to walk in love as Jesus does.
2012-01-23 10:58:24 UTC
So is every book on the best seller list a true story?
2012-01-23 10:57:15 UTC
Yes. That's one reason we're atheists -- we've read it.

That people believe in your bible is evidence that people believe in your bible -- not that it's magical or from any god. You seem to have a real problem understanding logic.

2012-01-23 10:57:13 UTC
It's a silly book, and it's not even the original bible.
2012-01-23 11:25:07 UTC
I take it you are a Christian. As a Christian myself, I am embarrassed by the ignorance of your rant here.
2012-01-23 11:04:14 UTC
I have created the true religion based on the novel "Moby Dick." Melville is the prophet.
2012-01-23 10:59:43 UTC
Most Atheists on this sight were once Christians. We can read but we understand that it's full of shitt.
2012-01-23 10:56:51 UTC
did you know the man responsible for translating the bible into English was hunted down and killed?

It's been rewritten many times, and you still believe it?
2012-01-23 10:56:14 UTC
So, under your reasoning, An international book with different languages and so many people read it!

Like Twilight?

Are vampires real too then?
Slightly Ravenous
2012-01-23 11:00:27 UTC
Huh? Wat yu tockin bout? I don unnerstand them big words yous using.


Seriously? You think atheists can't read? Just because something has been around for a long time, doesn't make it true.
2012-01-23 10:59:18 UTC
Another Christian crying persecution. Nothing new here, folks.
2012-01-23 10:56:22 UTC
The Bible is the most shoplifted book of all time..

What about "thou shalt not steal" do you theists not get?
2012-01-23 10:56:43 UTC
I'm sorry, do you have a question for us atheists, or is this just yet another boring unconvincing rant? When you have to justify your faith, it is weak.
2012-01-27 00:37:08 UTC
2012-01-23 10:55:32 UTC
2000 years from now, some moron will be reciting the same drivel about Lord of the Rings.
2012-01-23 10:56:13 UTC
The real question is, do you know how many logical fallacies you committed in just a few sentences?
2012-01-23 10:56:02 UTC
"Appeal to Book Sales?" That even beats "Appeal to Bananas!"
2012-01-23 10:55:47 UTC
So is Kama Sutra
2012-01-23 10:55:07 UTC
Harry potter is right under the bible. Why, using your logic, harry potter must be real too.
2012-01-23 10:57:16 UTC
some do some dont.
Royal Racer Hell=Grave ©
2012-01-23 10:55:16 UTC
Not all are meant to understand the Bible.
2012-01-23 10:55:42 UTC

you d/ck

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.