Do people believe in evolution so they can oppose the the existence of God? ?
2009-01-01 20:11:53 UTC
In some things you just have to use common sense and their is no science required. I chose to believe in God because evolution seems like a bunch of nonsense. Adaption is true but evolution requires more faith than creationism to believe their is an undiscovered missing link out their. Isn't evolution just a way for people to resist the truth of God?
43 answers:
2009-01-01 20:18:33 UTC
I'm a Christian, and feel that the theory of evolution is more scientifically plausible than Creationism. It has nothing to do with wanting to oppose the existence of God. I grew up attending Christian schools, and we were taught the theory of evolution. In religious school, we were told that while Creationism might be considered a nice story, it is not deemed acceptable in any scientific sense.
2009-01-03 00:22:56 UTC
Look. If God is real, why would he let murders, drugs, suicide, illness, all this happen? Why would there be war? Why would he let the boys of the USS Indianapolis soak in the water of the pacific undetected by the navy for 5, yes 5 days with out water or food?? Why would there be cancer, brain tumors, poverty in Africa, bad economy, financial crisis, bankruptcy, foreclosures, children loosing a mother or father, CHILDREN DYING of AIDS! COME ON GUYS!! If god was real, none of this sh*t should happen. And how the heck could God have created the earth??? Or said "Let there be light!" and all of a sudden the sun was born. Look at science, guys, not a 20,000 (exaggerated) year old book. If the book didn't exist, neither would he. And yes, people were alive before Jesus, and if Adam and Eve did exist, they wouldn't know English, and they would live in a world where the only form of life was bacteria!

When people say they pray, and than they get healed again, or something like that, it was not God that did that, it was the power of the mind. Like when they give people pills for a certain illness, and they tell them it is prescription medicine, but it is just a vitamin, or capsule full of flower, and the person is cured. Yeah, it's mind power because you believed you were taking the drug and your brain thought you were, and your body healed. Simple as that. Oh, and what were people like before Jesus was born, bad sinners that had no life. Hmm, makes you think.

oh, 1 more thing, what is the point of hating people over their religion? Even though it is all made up? It is like children saying, oh, you believe in the monster in the closet, so I'm not going to be your friend. As a matter of fact, ill just kill you.
2009-01-01 20:16:45 UTC
You do know that religious belief and acceptance of evolution are not mutually exclusive, yes? Millions of Christians alone have no problem accepting the conclusions of science as being true. If evolution was a way of "resisting the truth of God", then no believe would accept it as true. As this is obviously not the case, your argument isn't correct.

Also, your ignorance of evolution is clearly shown by your use of the term "missing link". No biologist uses that term, as it makes no sense in an evolutionary context. All species of organism are transitional forms between the parent species they evolved from, to whatever new species will eventually arise from the current species.
Richard B
2009-01-01 20:18:48 UTC
Evolution does not depend upon the possible existence of any sort of missing link. There is not one thing in the theory of evolution that contradicts the theory of creation. If you put them side by side you can see that, generally speaking, they follow a very logical and sensible progression from when there was nothing to when there was something. The theory of evolution fills in the details which occurred along the way. The theory of creation talks in far more sweeping generalities. I am a Christian who believes that these theories do not contradict each other and by knowing about them I feel that my own personal faith has been improved. It is important that believers also use our brains and not fall back on the old "it says it in the Bible" routine.
2009-01-01 20:15:32 UTC
It's not really a belief in evolution so much as an observation and understanding. From what I've read evolution doesn't attempt to prove existence as a species, merely the change over time. Maybe if religious zealots didn't try to censor themselves and kids from the theory of evolution they would understand that and quit making ignorant assumptions.
General Patten
2009-01-02 00:40:29 UTC
To fully understand how the pseudo-science of evolution got funded into every major university in the world, you have to follow the money trail.

The tax-free foundations like: Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, The Ford foundation, The Rockefeller foundation, financed this fairy tale for one purpose: To move the tenets of evolution into public policy. That means "natural selection,survival of the fittest,

and might makes right" gives the Elites of the coming NWO the right to become "literally" the gods of the planet.

Don't believe me? Just google search the "George Guide Stones" and see what this ponzi scheme really was about for the last 100 years. The dehumanization of mankind for the purpose of depopulation down 85% of its present level. And have the evolutionists bought it lock, shock, and barrel.

You can tell by the posts they have put on here.

When that faithful day comes, they will say "I have my rights." And the Elites will say "what rights? We own you now." Then they will appeal to God. But you don't believe in God, you're an evolutionist, remember? You have the so-called "theory of evolution" to thank for this.

Edit: For those of you that are already indoctrinated baptized members of the evolution cult, let me make this prediction to you: watch for a merger of evolution with the "save the earth" cult. Its tenets being: Too many people are destroying the earth, and only a mass population reduction can save it.

Watch for large grant monies to flow to the universities and professors that teach this. And this funding will come from the tax-free foundations.
2009-01-01 20:25:09 UTC
This is often a problem with creationists- it's the problem maths teachers face in the classroom all the time teaching maths to students who don't see the point- see maths is complicated, abstract and difficult- fairy-tales are really really easy, evolution only sounds 'crazy' to you because you don't know the difference between RNA and DNA and couldn't see how studying something like fruit-flies could possibly lead to discovery about human biology.

Just like children who don't get maths, you can't see how evolution as a theory in biology could be fascinating, informative and useful in and of itself- like children not being able to relate maths to the real world- you're unable to relate the theory of evolution to the reason you take antibiotics or account for how species of animals are continously coming about- you're quite happy to remain ignorant of these connections- that are so important for things to actually work the way they do and instead try and tell people ludicrously simple fairy-tales about the way the world was formed that benefits nobody.

This would be fine- i'd let you remain in this blissful ignorance- but the problem is you're making class impossible for the rest of the kids, who need to learn this stuff so that they can have a real and positive effect in the world-not just spend the next two thousand years like we did the last two thousand- praying for rain in monasteries. With your constant castigation and wilful neglect- you make it very hard for our class to progress.
Mel-am Meru
2009-01-01 20:16:58 UTC
No some people really do believe it because they haven't studied it enough to see the facts that disprove it. Also there are christians who teach God created everything through evolution so's not an excuse, just lack of real education.

One of the strongest cases against evolution is the total absence of transitional forms. Darwin himself recognized this:

“The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed [must] truly be enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory [of evolution].” Darwin, The Origin of Species, p. 323. These are examples among many others.

The “sudden” diversification of life in the Cambrian layer is baffling to evolutionists. Gish quotes a Swedish paleontologist:

“Baffling (and embarrassing) to Darwin, this event still dazzles us … The animal phyla emerged out of the Precambrian mists with most of the attributes of the modern descendants.”

Gish notes: “Yes, indeed, this sudden appearance of complex invertebrates ‘out of the Precambrian mist’ without a trace of ancestors or transitional forms is still baffling and embarrassing to evolutionists today, just as it was to Darwin, because 135 years after Darwin evolutionists are no nearer to a solution of the ‘mystery’ than was Darwin.”

Richard Dawkins, the British biologist and evolutionist, states:”

… the Cambrian strata of rocks, vintage about 600 million years [evolutionists are now dating the beginning of the Cambrian at about 530 million years], are the oldest in which we find most of the major invertebrate groups. And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history.
2009-01-01 20:19:47 UTC
Yes that is right. I read 'On the Origin of Species', and despite it being a well-written, well-reasoned, intelligent, breathtakingly simple proposition, it still seemed nonsense to me to believe that I was a Monkey, I only go along with it because I hate the Bible so much.

Actually, forget that, even the Bible itself presents evolution:

"And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life"

That is a very very simple description of evolution!
2009-01-02 22:30:38 UTC
no. Evolution is a FACT. I stopped believing in god. When i was little and i really needed help, he didn't help me. Even when i begged and cried for days. If he does exist than he doesn't care about me. Evolution is real. You people just keep denying it because you want to be right. Sorry. I'm very angry right now so if i'm being mean i'm sorry. really.
William M
2009-01-01 20:16:36 UTC

People believe in evolution because believing in God seems like a bunch of nonsense.

Take a trip up or down the walls of the Grand Canyon. Fossils. Tons of fossils over tens of millions of years.

So God planted fossils for a practical joke, right?
2009-01-01 21:14:17 UTC
There is no undiscovered missing link. That's an old myth, Mate.

You need to catch up on your science a bit.

Also, the scientific theory of evolution is NOT about disproving God. Science cares nothing about God. Science doesn't deal with ANY supernatural beings or causes - it only works in the natural world. And science has a REALLY good track record for proving things:

The Sun - was a God, now explained by science

The Moon - was a God, now understood by science

The stars - were God, now science

The tides - were attributed to God, now science

The seasons - attributed to God, now science

Earthquakes - were God, now science

Lightning - was God, now science

Rain - was God, now science

Health & disease - was God, now science

Origin of species - was God, now science (evolution)

Origin of first life - still God, but we're getting closer

Birth of universe - God before the Big Bang, science after

Many creationists believe in natural evolution - they believe God set off the Big Bang and let it run from there. Others believe the Book of Genesis is 100% factual history and life on Earth started in 4004 BC, in October. So there is no consistent "creationism" viewpoint.

Besides - James Hutton and other geologists disproved Biblical Creation long before Darwin put pen to paper.

So the argument is really "evolution acceptance" versus "evolution denial", where evolution denial is no different than any other form of reality denial. Evolution denial = Holocaust denial = lunar landing denial = round Earth denial.

Evolution-deniers claim Evolution is "only a theory". But in science, any complex model in science is called a "theory". The theory that life evolved from earlier life is as well supported as the "theories" that the continents drift, that germs cause disease and that stuff is made of atoms. You can bet you life on all of those "theories".

Evolution-deniers claim there is no evidence for Evolution. This is a lie. Here are a long list of strong evidence for evolution, and even a list of how you'd disprove evolution, and why the evidence supports evolution:

Evolution-deniers claim scientists are "abandoning" evolution because some scientists signed a statement saying they are skeptical that Darwinian evolution accounts for all the variation in the species. But (1) this doesn't mean those scientists believe it takes divine or non-natural intervention for evolution to happen, and (2) the list is a FRAUD:

Not only that, but there are nearly 12,000 Christian CLERGY who've signed a statement supporting evolution and rejecting the teaching of creationism as science. Science isn't about voting, but even if it was, evolution still wins.

Evolution-deniers claim the fossil record does not support evolution, and that there are no intermediate species. This is an outright lie.

Professional evolution-deniers like Kent Hovind or Harun Yahya claim that a "transitional fossil" is some unworkable mutant like half-crocodile/half-duck or half-starfish/half-flounder. They paint these ridiculous pictures, then say "see! none exist!".

However, evolution doesn't work that way. Evolution works by tiny changes over a long time, so that species slowly morph into different species. When you grow from an infant to an adult, your left leg doesn't grow to full size first, then your right arm, then your head. Similary, evolution doesn't happen to make a whale's head on a cow's body.

Here is an "Old Earth Creationist" explaining about all sorts of intermediate species and how the fossil record absolutely supports evolution:

Here is an example of how scientists used evolutionary theory to predict a particular undiscovered species should exist, when it should have existed, and where to dig NOW to find a fossil of it. They went to that spot, and dug up not one, but five examples. What successful predictions has creation ever made?

And here are more examples of intermediate species. Are these mammal-like reptiles or reptile-like mammals?

Evolution-deniers, unable to refute the actual theory of evolution, then say "evolution doesn't explain the creation of the first life or the creation of the universe." That is also dishonest, because the theory of evolution doesn't ATTEMPT to explain those. It has nothing to do with those. The birth of the universe is cosmology, not evolution. And non-life to life is abiogenesis. We don't YET know how abiogenesis happened, but we've got some good ideas:

Evolution-deniers claim we've never SEEN evolution - that's a lie, because we have:
2009-01-01 20:25:08 UTC

At the very root of evolution is the endeavor to "scientifically" (haha) refute the Biblical account of creation and therefore cast doubt on God Himself.

Evolution is an arrogant lie that has been taught to our school children as scientific fact although it is still to this day rightfully defined as theory.


Theory of Evolution: the quintessential contradiction in terms.

By the way; note how cruel, arrogant and insulting the atheists (who "believe" in evolution) are to you.

Very telling, isn't it?!
neil s
2009-01-01 20:21:01 UTC
Evolutionary science makes not claim about a deity one way or the other. It only addresses how existing life changes. So, the question indicates a huge lack of understanding about evolution.
Reflecting on the Force
2009-01-01 20:23:53 UTC
No, evolution is a theory developed from the evidence.

The fact that the evidence contradicts your belief in a magical sky daddy does not go to the intention of evolutionary biologists.
2009-01-01 20:15:24 UTC
The same argument could be made about those who resist the truth of evolution.

Personally I don't see the two as incompatible, if you use your imagination.
2009-01-01 20:19:25 UTC
I'm sorry, but the person who asked this question must be losing his mind.

We have evidence of evolution. Not intangible evidence. We can literally see it when we go to the museum. We have the fossil records for it and we can work backwards from our genetics.

Evolution is not a theory, it's a fact. It has substantial evidence to support it.
2009-01-01 20:34:54 UTC
The two concepts are basically the same. God created TIME and SPACE. Those who believe in the evolution theory are not considering timelessness and spacelessness. Hence they are right when they say that everything has evolved over a period of TIME.
2009-01-01 20:17:31 UTC
No. And I reject the dichotomy you've created. You think that one is worse than the other, so the other is true. This is the fallacy of limited choice. Don't believe something because something else doesn't make sense. Believe it because it makes sense. If neither make sense, don't believe either.
Occam's Pitbull
2009-01-01 20:17:25 UTC
Why is it that you think evolution has anything at all to do with religion? Evolution is scientific fact, but no scientist has ever said that the fact of evolution disproves religion. No, there are many other ways to disprove religion. It was YOU GUYS who took evolution and made it the controversy it seems to be today, not us...
2009-01-01 20:16:10 UTC
I'm Catholic, don't believe in creationism but believe in evolution.
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-01-01 20:16:54 UTC
Science is to be understood and accepted (or challenged), not "believed in". Do you "believe in" gravity?

* Evolution is very much a fact.

* The theory of evolution is a theory - just like atomic theory, gravity theory, and the germ theory of disease. The word "theory" has a very specific meaning in a scientific context: THE THEORY EXPLAINS THE FACTS. See

* Over 99.8% of biologists and geologists accept evolution.

* There are no alternative scientific theories.

* There is a huge amount of evidence in support of evolution...

* And zero evidence against it.

* The "debate" is actually educated people trying to educate others.

* The more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to understand and accept evolution.

* The "debate" only happens in backward places like Turkey and parts of the united states.

* There are two types of creationists: professionals who make money from books, lectures and such, and knowingly make false claims - and followers who accept those claims without understanding them.

* The basics of evolution:

* Examples of ridiculous creationist anti-science:

* Examples of creationist quote mining (like quoting part of a scientists' sentence to make it sound like he's saying something completely different):

* Scientific American's 15 answers to creationist nonsense:

* The evolutionary tree:

* Hominid species:

* Transitional fossils:

* A comprehensive list of evolution resources:

* Or just look at this bonobo:

Please, just stop. You're embarrassing both christians and americans in general (I don't need to ask if you're a christian or american, your question gave it away).
Iain D
2009-01-01 20:18:01 UTC
No many people believe in evolution just so they don't have to follow moral law. Others do it because they believe evolution. Others do it because they fear persecution.
Freethinking Liberal
2009-01-01 20:15:05 UTC
It is not a case of 'believing' in evolution - facts are not about belief they just are.
2009-01-01 20:14:32 UTC
No, evolution does not disprove God.

I accept evolution because it is observable. we can actually see it happening.

If you're going to "take a side" in the evolution "debate" (there is no debate really), at LEAST study it and understand it. Because you CLEARLY dont.

You're ignorance is showing.
2009-01-01 20:21:43 UTC
Understand please please understand, life has existed on this planet for billions of years, that is a time scale NO one can even begin to contemplate in their wildest dreams, 'missing links' have been found and evolution is a fact if you want me to explain it to you real clear and slow you can instant message you but i think alot of the time people such as yourself are not ready to accept facts.
2009-01-01 20:23:34 UTC
I don't think so. I truly believe that they believe they came from a primordial swamp, slithered onto land and became a monkey.

Sad very sad!

God bless!
Robin W
2009-01-01 20:15:36 UTC
I accept evolution because there is an abundance of evidence for it. BTW, there are plenty of transitional fossils.
Lady Morgana
2009-01-01 20:16:04 UTC
NO. Go to the back of the class and try to study using your mind whenever possible.
2009-01-01 20:18:37 UTC
*swoosh* There went the logic train, think you missed it. Guess you should buy another boarding pass and hope you can catch the next one.
2009-01-01 20:14:28 UTC
I believe you're the one here who isn't using common sense.
2009-01-01 20:16:49 UTC
Shot answer no

Long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2009-01-01 20:15:45 UTC hit the nail on the head! Amen!!! Yes, evolution is their escape from reality. They figure if they ignore God, he'll just go away. Boy, are they in for a rude awakening! I pray they come to their senses real soon.
2009-01-01 20:16:17 UTC
No. No it's not. Do you even go to school?
interesting yes?
2009-01-01 20:15:50 UTC
People who don't want to believe in God wont. They will find any reason not to... for some its that they dont want to be judged by something (diety) or there are too many road blocks (suffering) in the way for them to believe.

Evolution can be used that way... its just another piece out there that can be used for or against in that argument.... all depends on what your looking for and what viewpoint you want to believe.
2009-01-01 20:14:25 UTC
Not everything is about your God. Your arrogance is unbelievable.
2009-01-01 20:14:38 UTC

Hear that? That was logic, intelligence, and education, flying right over your head.

Let me guess - you're American, aren't you?
2009-01-01 20:16:20 UTC
Are you serious?

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2009-01-01 20:14:21 UTC
No, they just have a thing about monkeys
Sweet Suzy 777!
2009-01-01 20:15:52 UTC
Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. [fn]

Rom 1:19 For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. [fn] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.

Rom 1:20 From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

Rom 1:21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.

Rom 1:23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people, or birds and animals and snakes.

Rom 1:24 So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies.

Rom 1:25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen.

Rom 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.

Rom 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved.

Rom 1:28 When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done.

Rom 1:29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.

Rom 1:30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents.

Rom 1:31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving.

Rom 1:32 They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
2009-01-01 20:15:40 UTC
sure they do !! some !
2009-01-01 20:15:18 UTC
I think so.
2009-01-01 20:14:41 UTC
valid point----you may be on to something---I just pray for them.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.