Abortion, Homosexual, Abstinence, War, Liberals, Creation, Islam, Conservative, George Bush, Drugs, Sex, Porn?
2010-04-10 17:10:01 UTC
Euthanasia, Christians, Condoms, Catholics, Global Warming, Underage Sex, North Korea, Evolution, Nuclear Weapons, Hinduism, Shinto, Scientology and Born Again Christians.

I'm just wondering what your opinion is on those things?
28 answers:
2010-04-10 17:30:07 UTC
1. Abortion. Not a big fan, but its a woman's choice.

2. Homosexual. I'm not. Don't have any problems with people who are. Don't care what they do as long as I don't have to watch it, unless its a couple of lesbians, in which case if they're good looking I might watch. LOL.

3. Abstinence. Booze (YES). Street drugs (YES). Sex (NO). Overeating (YES).

4. War. Its the scourge of humanity but ask Rev. Thomas Malthus as to him it keeps the population in check.

5. Liberals. They have some good points, but mostly bad points. Fanatical liberals test my patience.

6. Creation. I suppose it exists. It all had to come from somewhere so someone or something created everything.

7. Islam. Not a big fan.

8. Conservative. Yes.

9. George Bush (which one?). Older George Bush (he lied about taxes so a TD). Younger George Bush (fool, idiot, but hey some of us voted for him).

10. Drugs. Prescriptions drugs? Okay if you need them. Street drugs ... if only they were legal ...

11. Sex. YES.

12. Porn. YES.

13. Euthanasia. If its consensual, why make someone suffer? If they want to die, please let them.

14. Christians. Many mean well. Many sin repeatedly and too often. Some are pious. Takes all kinds.

15. Condoms. Necessary in controlling unwanted pregnancies (ergo preventing Abortion -- See #1 above). Also important in preventing the spread of STD's and AIDS. Not 100 percent effective, but a good options.

16. Catholics. Some are very good people, but as an institution: NO. I quit the Church in 1978 and am happy about that decision.

17. Global Warming. Propaganda designed to create new industries to make a small elite richer.

18. Underage Sex. I don't support it unless it involves the use of sex education, free birth control and STD monitoring.

19. North Korea. It could implode and fall into the sea tomorrow and aside from the Good North Koreans, I couldn't care less about the commies.

20. Evolution. A plausible theory to explain the ape-man thing.

21. Nuclear Weapons. The end of humanity and most all but the hardiest of creation. Another scourge related to war. See above.

22. Hinduism. Not opposed to it. Not a fan either.

23. Shinto. It has its good points.

24. Scientology. A cult.

25. Born Again Christians. See George Bush the younger, above. Translation: A legion of the brainwashed.

26. Bacon. Its tasty but don't overdo it. You could puke.

27. Vegans. What you put in YOUR body is YOUR business. Just remember which end to put it in, unless you like it in the other end.

28. Texans. Well they are rather daft at times, and like to super-size everything. Don't mess with Texas.

29. French people. Absolutely horrible-acting tourists. Rude, obnoxious. Yes, even the Japanese have a hard time tolerating them.

30. Hitler. An azzhat. Totally deserves to burn for eternity.

Hope that answers your question.
2016-07-19 10:36:37 UTC
2010-04-10 17:27:25 UTC
Oh, do want cookies, while you're at it?

Here goes, then:

Abortion happens.

Homosexual is a person who likes the same gender, as I happen to be.

Abstinence I've never practiced.

War is for 'We Are Right', though it is more like 'We Are Left'.

Liberals try to be agreeable but conservatives find them too disagreeable, so it sucks.

Creation happens in the crotch with meiosis.

Islam I can't quite remember what it was.

Conservative is bad when there's only (censored) to conserve.

George Bush is a politician, therefore untrustworthy and either a greedy bastard or a bigoted bastard, or both.

Drugs are means to an end.

Porn sometimes pays well.

Euthanasia is, perhaps, a very merciful act, and perhaps just an attempt to conserve the money of our greedy overlords.

Christians sometimes bug me, but they also claim it is I who bug them, confusing me quite a bit.

Condoms are nice to prevent STD's.

Global Warming is possibly a hoax, and possibly true.

Underage Sex happens all the time and is often a very agreeable experience of pleasant learning.

North Korea is not my problem, since I'm Brazilian.

Evolution is a misnomer.

Nuclear Weapons are only good for a scorched earth combat strategy.

Hinduism is a terrible misnomer for a toss up of different deities and doctrines.

Shinto I've never heard of.

Scientology I've never had much interest on.

Born Again Christians I've also never heard of.

Is that all?

Goodbye, then.
2010-04-10 17:38:02 UTC
Abortion- A woman's choice, not mine, or yours, or any religion's.

Homosexual- People are born gay. Even if they choose to be gay, it's none of my business or the Church's.

Abstinence- Great in theory, not in practice. People want to have lots of sex. It's best to have one partner for a long period of time, and use protection. Have you ever wondered why states with large numbers of Christians who oppose sex ed. and promote abstinence have the highest teenage pregnancy rates? Use protection.

War- Sometimes it should happen to prevent the death of a much larger amount of people, or to stop a massive problem that can be stopped in no other way. Note that the two wars we are fighting right now are complete nonsense.

Liberals- Liberals are social geniuses, but sometimes (not right now) are economic dumbasses. (I am a liberal)

Creation- There was no creator.

Islam- Worst religion in modern times. (Islam once preached equality, justice, and tolerance, not any more)

Conservative- Since so many conservatives are so willing to believe in religion, I am persuaded to believe they have no idea what the **** they are talking about.

George Bush- Economy, wars, yeah...

Drugs- Most drugs should be legalized. How many people have overdosed on Marijuana? ZERO. How many have died of alcohol poisoning? THOUSANDS every year.

Sex- Have responsible sex.

Porn- Watch porn. Just don't get addicted, and consider your significant other's viewpoint if you're in a relationship.

Euthanasia- If a person is mentally healthy, and diagnosed with a terminal illness with nearly no chance of survival, it is their own choice.

Christians- Christianity is responsible for so much anti-science and hate, they deserve no acknowledgment, yet I have to acknowledge them or they might do something stupid.

Condoms- Use condoms.

Catholics- See Christians.

Global Warming- Global warming is not a political issue. Al Gore is not a climate scientist. What we do know is that CO2 can trap heat. I say we sit back and let the real scientists find the real data, which we will interpret and come to a real conclusion with no political influence whatsoever.

Underage Sex- What do you consider underage? Just make sure sex ed. is taught thoroughly throughout our schools, and don't let 12 year old **** each other. They are idiots.

North Korea- Brainwashed mass of poor people, who will never know what the real world is like because they are taught to believe their leader is all powerful.

Evolution- Proven. Fact.

Nuclear Weapons- We don't really need them, but so many other countries have them we don't really have a choice. Just make efforts to reduce them, and we may see a nuclear free world.

Hinduism/Shinto- These are examples of sane religions, that don't preach intolerance and control over one's personal life. Buddhism is even better.

Scientology- What do you get when you out together gullible people, Tom Cruise, and child molesters? Scientology.

Born Again Christians- Just more insane Christians.

Bacon- Delicious, people should pray to, and worship bacon.

Vegans- I support ethical slaughtering of animals, they don't deserve to die with massive amounts of pain. But I hate Vegans, they are just trying to make some sort of statement that will never affect anything.

Texans- There are good parts to Texas. (Austin, Houston, AKA educated parts) Then there is the overwhelmingly insanely Christian idiotic parts. This is mostly evident in cases like the current "Texas Textbook Massacre" which is sad and pathetic.

French People- I like French people.

Hitler- Hitler sucked hard.
2010-04-10 17:13:10 UTC
Abortion: Pro-choice. Pro Comprehensive Abstinence Plus Education.

Homosexuality: Pro same sex marriage.

Abstinence: Doesn't work, see my answer to abortion.

War: Used for profit and power.

Liberals: They're fine.

Creation: Unsubstantiated, no scientific, and is based off of biblical ideas with no evidence.

Islam: Another religion, worships the Abrahamic deity like Judaism and Christianity.

Conservative: Most conservatives I know are not very pleasant individuals, there are exceptions to this case.

George Bush: Puppet upholding the ideals of those who pull his strings. Very unmotivational speaker to intelligent people.

Drugs: Narcotics such as heroine, coke and meth should continue to be illegal and destroyed. Cannabis should be legalized.

Sex: Natural act between consenting matured humans.

Porn: Inconsequential.

Euthanasia: Mercy and fine.

Christians: There are extremists and moderates, but are part of one of the most illogical and confused religion.

Condoms: Should be dumped by the millions by planes to people.

Catholics: Christians with a historic heirarchy and notorious for slaughter.

Global Warming: No opinion.

Underage Sex: This is vague. Is it between two 14 year olds, or between a 14 year old and a 28 year old?

North Korea: I don't fault them for wanting to remain exempt from the UN, but I don't agree with the totalitarian actions.

Evolution: fact.

Nuclear Weapons: Ridiculous, should not be manufactured, yet still fascinating.

Hindiusm: An interesting religion.

Shinto: No opinion.

Scientology: A corporation that uses the courts as a weapon, tears apart families, drives people to suicide and financial ruin.

Born Again Christians: Some of the most pompous and illogical.
2010-04-10 17:20:07 UTC
As far as religion goes i have a simple quote that in a way "settles" my curiosity on the subject. "Religion is many different roads that all lead to the same place" interpret it as you wish. Now on drugs, i absolutely hate them as well as alcohol. Why would someone like to take, inhale, or drink a substance that will indeed harm them? It is beyond me. Global warming is a natural thing, it has been proven many times. All nuclear weapons need to go, of course war will always be around, but why take the chance of completely destroying our planet and our race? Again it is beyond me. I support Abstinence fully, I feel very strongly that teenagers are not at all ready for sex, or even relationships for that matter. All of this comes from a 17 year old, I loved the question and I do hope that my answer was in no way offensive.
2010-04-10 17:12:40 UTC
Abortion: Anybody irresponsible enough to get pregnant without being able to raise a kid, probably is too irresponsible to raise a kid. So, I feel anybody who wants an abortion should have one, free.

Homosexuality: I'm not into it. I don't care if other people are. Leave them alone. It's not your business to meddle.

Abstinence: The safest way to avoid pregnancy and STDs. The surest ways of producing sexually repressed people. Just look at the priest sex scandals for an example of what it does to you.

War: The worst form of diplomacy, but sometimes the last resort.

Liberals: Tend to think that government should take a role in helping people live good lives. I am one.

Creation: Don't like the term because it implies a sentient creator, which is false.

Islam: Religion is superstition.

Conservative: Tends to be someone who thinks that rich people are better than poor people. Tends to use relgiious rhetoric to dupe poor people into supporting them. Generally uses fear tactics to scare the populace. Keeping the government small is a good idea, but conservatives tend to have too much other baggage.

George Bush: Sr: Other than being too conservative, was an ok president. Jr: One of our worst presidents.

Drugs: Some good. Some bad.

Sex: Like driving cars, and using guns, it is enjoyable, but requires a certain amount of responsibility.
2010-04-10 17:54:36 UTC
Abortion: Pro-choice

Homosexual: Pro-marriage

Abstinence: Doesn't work, but whatever floats your boat.

War: Is only for power and greed.

Liberals: I like them.

Creation: Has no facts.

Islam: Just another religion that brain washes people.

Conservative: Not a fan of those people.

George Bush: An idiot.

Drugs: Pro cannabis

Sex: Is for two consenting adults.

Pron: Again, whatever floats your boat.

Christians: They kinda scare me and I don't agree with what they believe.

Global Warning: Does exist and we need to save our planet.

Underage Sex: No great but will happen, and they need to be taught to protect themselves.

Evolution: Fact.

Scientology: Nut jobs, however, what ever floats your boat.

Born Again Christians: See Scientology.

Vegans: Never could be one, but whatever floats your boat.

Texans: Weird, but just look at Bush.

Hitler: Was an idiot.

Bacon: I prefer turkey bacon.
2010-04-10 17:35:41 UTC
Abortion- Not enough information for me to make a conclusion.

Homosexuality- No problem with it, but the flamboyant ones really tick me off.

Abstinence- Whatever floats your boat.

War- There is no profit in peace, but wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to kill to profit?

Liberals- Dead on concerning social issues, but I'm a fiscal conservative.

Creation- Define it. I'm a deist, so I guess I'm sort of on the fence for this one.

Islam- Stupid.

Conservative- Dead on concerning economic issues, but very bigoted and oppressive socially.

George Bush- Bad president, but not as bad as he's made out to be. Still, bad president.

Sex- Good.

Porn- Almost as good.

Euthanasia- Whatever floats your boat.

Christians- Stupid.

Condoms- Spermicidal, please.

Catholics- Stupid.

Global Warming- Natural process, exaggerated by the media.

Underage sex- Under what age?

North Korea- I feel sorry for the citizens.

Evolution- To deny it is akin to denying gravity in favor of intelligent falling.

Nuclear weapons- I wish they had never been invented, but since they are, better stock up.

Hinduism- Stupid.

Shinto- Stupid. I think.

Scientology- Stupid.

Born again Christians- Stupid. Again.

Bacon- Delicious. Sucks to be Muslim.

Vegans- Stupid.

Texans- Hook 'em horns! Don't but into the stereotypes, we're not all bad. Just most of us, haha.

French people- They smell of cheese and cowardice.

Hitler- That's my uncle!
2010-04-12 09:38:03 UTC
Should be legal on a state by state basis.

I'm not, but I don't care if you are.

Does not work.

Horrifying and usually unnecessary.

Happened a long time ago.

Has the most bad-*** symbol of all religions.

Should shave less.

Said "I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession."

Are a really broad category.

Is fun, but comes with responsibility.

I don't care.

Should be legalized.

When they aren't getting in their own way, can really help people.

I was raised one before I escaped.

If Al Gore believes in it, I'm out.

Is fine if the responsibility is there.

Is just north of South Korea.

Was a Pearl Jam song (though not a good one).

Are commonly mispronounced.

I know virtually nothing about.

Sounds Delicious, but I don't know what it is.

Is a deadly and dangerous cult.

Can get in the way of the groups overall and original intentions.

Additional Details

DELICIOUS, but fatty.

Miss out on bacon, which is REALLY sad.

I'm not a fan of the belt buckles.

All vaguely smell.

Has become the paragon of evil personified in common vernacular (ie, he was like a modern Hitler).
2010-04-10 17:26:42 UTC
Abortion murder

homosexual weird and unnatural

abstinence good

war a time for it

liberals don't know

creation the truth on the origins of life

lslam a false copycat version of Christianity

George Bush the best leader of the USA

drugs some good some bad

sex something that's good to wait until marriage for

porn not real sex

Christians children of God

condoms ok protection

Catholics confused on salvation

Global warming something I don't need to worry about

underage sex not good

North Korea don't know much about

Evolution a fairy tale created for grownups

nuclear weapons evil

Hinduism another false religion

Shinto another false religion

Scientology an interesting point of view

Born again christians citizens of Heaven
2010-04-10 17:19:10 UTC
1) Pro-Choice

2) Pro marriage

3) Silly concept

4) Not in favor

5) In what way?

6) It's a religion

7) One way of thinking

8) Gone

9) For medicinal purposes only

10) Highly in favor of..

11) Occasionally

12) Pro, In certain circumstances

13) Most are OK, fundies are dangerous and silly

14) One form of contraception

15) See #13

16) Happening

17) Not in favor of..

18) Dangerous

19) Best explaination so far..

20) Not in favor, but...

21) See #13

22) See #13

23) WTF?

24) Weird...
2016-04-15 02:19:21 UTC
Sir you hit the nail on the head. I stand by Bush on the war on terror, but the man let things get out of control. Although, The Dems took control of congress in 06. But ultimately he can vito. I say the line item vito would be a good idea.
Anonnie Mouse
2010-04-10 17:18:18 UTC

None of my business/fine



We rule

Load of crock


Right-winger nutbags

Right-winger nutbag

Should be legal and regulated


Is legal and regulated

Legal right to end one's own life


Should be free


Climate change

Teens are people too

Country in Asia

Bad for children and other living things






Diet with little nutritional value

People who live in texas

People who live in france

The Doctor
2010-04-10 17:13:55 UTC
Abortion: wrong, but should be legal

Homosexuality: what two consenting adults do in private is THEIR business

George Bush: an idiot

Euthanasia: it's my body, I should be able to die with dignity if I want to.

Condoms: help prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies
2010-04-10 17:13:57 UTC
I am very glad you asked that question. I was wondering the exact same thing in the shower. Oh, you forgot embryonic stem cells ... and bacon.
2010-04-10 17:28:50 UTC
How dare you forget Alan Alda and First Corinthians.
2010-04-10 17:17:06 UTC
abortion is ok, in fact it is not alive yet, so..

homosexuality is ok and you should know it.

War is bad.

Liberals and Conservatives are on the same team and they keep funccking you in the aarse.

islam is a religion, religions are bad.

drugs is ok when you are a hippy.
2010-04-10 17:13:40 UTC
all in a days work
2010-04-10 17:16:25 UTC
let em do it but not late unless theyre gonna die or something, cool, i think its stupid but whatever people want to do, i abhor it, cool, fake, oppressing, cool whatever, retarded, whatever you want to do, part of life, awesome, if you have to, some are retarded but most are at least ok, necessary, see "christians", something we cant ignore, its gonna happen, dont tell em not to, give em condoms, please dont blow us up, real, please dont blow us up, a really old religion, cool, a scam, see "christians"
2010-04-10 17:13:06 UTC
They are all things you are obsessed with.

Too bad your parents weren't as obsessed with condoms as you are, though.

Oh, and congrats on the "-2" for the week.
2010-04-10 17:12:41 UTC
All a waste of time to worry about and the time we take worrying about them the worse they become...
2010-04-10 17:14:58 UTC
That's great it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes and airplanes...
2010-04-10 17:50:08 UTC


abstinence: yes

war: no

liberals: no

creation: yes

islam: terrorists

conservative: yes

goerge bush: stupid

drugs: low lives

sex: yes

porn: yes

euthanasia: no

christians: no

condoms: no

catholics: no

underage sex: no

evolution: no

e/t else: no
2010-04-11 07:00:46 UTC
Dead Man Chill
2010-04-10 17:15:00 UTC
Keep wondering....
Southern Baptist
2010-04-10 17:11:42 UTC
You just put a whole lot of things together, religion and all that you arent supposed to do (drinking, sex. etc.)
2010-04-10 17:29:27 UTC
Hey, you know, we didn't start the fire...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.