Abortion- A woman's choice, not mine, or yours, or any religion's.
Homosexual- People are born gay. Even if they choose to be gay, it's none of my business or the Church's.
Abstinence- Great in theory, not in practice. People want to have lots of sex. It's best to have one partner for a long period of time, and use protection. Have you ever wondered why states with large numbers of Christians who oppose sex ed. and promote abstinence have the highest teenage pregnancy rates? Use protection.
War- Sometimes it should happen to prevent the death of a much larger amount of people, or to stop a massive problem that can be stopped in no other way. Note that the two wars we are fighting right now are complete nonsense.
Liberals- Liberals are social geniuses, but sometimes (not right now) are economic dumbasses. (I am a liberal)
Creation- There was no creator.
Islam- Worst religion in modern times. (Islam once preached equality, justice, and tolerance, not any more) http://www.iecclesia.com/archives/episode52/wtc-9-11.jpg
Conservative- Since so many conservatives are so willing to believe in religion, I am persuaded to believe they have no idea what the **** they are talking about.
George Bush- Economy, wars, yeah...
Drugs- Most drugs should be legalized. How many people have overdosed on Marijuana? ZERO. How many have died of alcohol poisoning? THOUSANDS every year.
Sex- Have responsible sex.
Porn- Watch porn. Just don't get addicted, and consider your significant other's viewpoint if you're in a relationship.
Euthanasia- If a person is mentally healthy, and diagnosed with a terminal illness with nearly no chance of survival, it is their own choice.
Christians- Christianity is responsible for so much anti-science and hate, they deserve no acknowledgment, yet I have to acknowledge them or they might do something stupid.
Condoms- Use condoms.
Catholics- See Christians.
Global Warming- Global warming is not a political issue. Al Gore is not a climate scientist. What we do know is that CO2 can trap heat. I say we sit back and let the real scientists find the real data, which we will interpret and come to a real conclusion with no political influence whatsoever.
Underage Sex- What do you consider underage? Just make sure sex ed. is taught thoroughly throughout our schools, and don't let 12 year old **** each other. They are idiots.
North Korea- Brainwashed mass of poor people, who will never know what the real world is like because they are taught to believe their leader is all powerful.
Evolution- Proven. Fact.
Nuclear Weapons- We don't really need them, but so many other countries have them we don't really have a choice. Just make efforts to reduce them, and we may see a nuclear free world.
Hinduism/Shinto- These are examples of sane religions, that don't preach intolerance and control over one's personal life. Buddhism is even better.
Scientology- What do you get when you out together gullible people, Tom Cruise, and child molesters? Scientology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7EEOMbBIO8&feature=related
Born Again Christians- Just more insane Christians.
Bacon- Delicious, people should pray to, and worship bacon.
Vegans- I support ethical slaughtering of animals, they don't deserve to die with massive amounts of pain. But I hate Vegans, they are just trying to make some sort of statement that will never affect anything.
Texans- There are good parts to Texas. (Austin, Houston, AKA educated parts) Then there is the overwhelmingly insanely Christian idiotic parts. This is mostly evident in cases like the current "Texas Textbook Massacre" which is sad and pathetic.
French People- I like French people.
Hitler- Hitler sucked hard.