The hugggge myth is that ALL Christians HATE gays, and believe that gays should "rot in hell" or "gays are all sinners". Is this true?
This is the truth, Christians believe that we are ALL sinners, no matter what. Yes we were all created equal, and we are to love everyone and treat them as our neighbor. When you take marriage, and change the definition of it, it will open a whole new window. Incest, bestiality, polygamy, and many more things. You may think, "what the heck? What kind of people do that stuff?" You'd be surprised, they would start wanting there rights. If we just change up that definition, then all the other definitions in the constitution should be changed. Tradition is what founded this country, and changing it would bring about a whole new problem. I believe that when you take God out of the equation of marriage, it is not right. "not right"??? Not right as in, it isn't the natural law of LIFE. Ever since the beginning of time it has been man and woman, and when you change this, history involving these things do not mean what they used to.
Another myth is Christians believe simply even BEING gay is wrong, and a sin.
No again.
Being gay is not a sin at all. ACTING on the gay urges is wrong. In fact acting on your urges when you're a STRAIGHT single or married person is equally as wrong. I'm totally against gay marriage, but i still love gays, actually my best friend is gay :) and i love him no matter what, even if i don't support some of his beliefs. And we should never let a disagreement affect a relationship between two people.
Like i stated, we are all sinners, even if you're atheist, humans all do bad things basically. And Christians, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, no matter what should love each other, by showing compassion and understanding No.Matter.What.
God bless :)