Short, fast version.
Angels fell from heaven, called Nephilim, the reptiles. They bred with humans. God did not like this, so created Noahs flood to remove them. Few survived but went into hiding.
Since Satan, the Illuminatary one is the head, his group is called the Illuminati or what most call the NWO. This is the head or cap of the pyramid.
From there down you have freemasons, knights templar, red cross, cia, fbi, skull n bones, bohemian grove, etc, etc. All these groups or organizations each do their part to bring the NWO to reality. Its done by compartmentization, just like corporations do with workers when they put them into cubicals and no one knows what the others are doing.
We, the people of the world, fund this group called the Illuminati. We know them as the Billderburg group, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Foreign Exchange commision and a few others. Believe its 16 all together. They are the wealthy of the wealthy. Making people like Bill Gates look like a pennyless bum. These men/groups are quad trillionaires and own the world.
USA was founded by Freemasons (Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, etc) and was designed as a tool, machine to power the NWO to exisitence. Americans were fed a lie from the start to make them think one thing while they did another.
All wars and such are fake and also caused by these wealthy men for they fund the banks on both sides and own all the military weapons companies as well, along with oil and everything else. So we go to battle, the people, and kill each other and destroy things, while a few get richer and richer. Then they get even richer off the rebuilding and the whole process starts again.
Pretty much same thing with the IRS and the Fedearl Reserve. Its fake money, printed on worthless paper, then loaned to the US Gov. Then the people pay taxes to the IRS to pay back JUST the interest on that fake money that was loaned. In turn, making USA 100% in debt to these wealthy men. In turn, they are the real people who run this country and put people like Bush, Clinton and all the others into the role of president to do thier bidding, not ours.
This has been going on for hundreds of years even back as far as ancient Egypt. Even the Native Americans were part of this. For Chris Columbus came to America's in 1492 just after the Knights Templars went into hiding in1490. Columbus had the Templars logo on his sails.
They came to the America's to cause genocide against the Native Indians. Why? Cause parts of them are parts of the Lost Tribes of Israel. The Templars job was not done yet. This same group later became the Skull n Bones of the USA.
The skull you see in their logo is that of Tecumseh, the great Shawnee profit. His bones were stolen by Bush Sr. years ago to break the Tecumseh curse. The curse that was put on presidents so certain ones would die. Reagan was due that curse and was shot but lived. Because they already had the bones and I am sure did a satanic ritual to break the curse.
Cause Reagan is not the one they were trying to save, but "the one in waiting". Well Bush Jr.'s name with the Skull n Bones is "temporary" or the one in waiting. For he had to live through this curse so the NWO aka the Illuminati aka Satan's forces could come to power at this time.
Which they clearly are doing if you are paying attention to the bible and the worlds events. We are already into Revelation. Famine, disease, economic collapse and massive war is at our door step and could start any day. Many don't notice this or refuse to pay attention. But there are millions world wide that clearly see this and are getting ready.
It is all done with mind control items. From movies, to TV shows, commericals, just about everything is marketed for a reason to be against you. Just 1 simple example.... notice that every food chain pushes bacon. All of them have some bacon special going on, all the time. Why? Well if you read the bible, the demons were cast out into the swine aka pigs.
The bad side has taught you through marketing, TV shows, etc that only fools think its wrong to not eat bacon, ham, pork, sausage, etc. And to push this, they then in turn have all food chains push this item to where you really have almost no choice but to take it. In turn, you are now allowing demons to enter into you, which control you more n more. What some call demonic possession.
Cell phones are part of this all as well, I would not advice using one or being near any. The cell antenna's you see everywhere are not antennas, but reflectors. For they are actually part of HAARP, a large mind control machine that is placed all over the world.
Cause when the time comes, they will fire up this machine against us, more than its used now, and it will cause micro waves and other forms of waves to happen that we either will be controled mentally (HAARP works on the same frequency has the human mind) or like the micro wave weapons you see the military have. You can make city blocks just bow to their knees in agonizing stomache pain, unable to fight or resist.
Those that claim all this is bogus, have never taken even 1 minute to do any research. And they are scared too, cause if it is true, which it is, then that means their reality has to change. And people in general do not like change. They will actually fight it.
There are over 100 presidential and congressional laws that back this all up. Some recently should scare EVERY American into the streets for a revolution, but they are too busy focused on just themselves. In turn, divided we stand, divided we shall fall!! Just as the NWO wants.
See, USA has to collapse and implode before they can take over the rest of the world. We are the keystone to allow or not allow it to happen. And so far... THEY are winning!
Get on Google Video, YouTube, anywhere and start watching videos, do research, etc. Nothing else in life is more important than this info and waking up to it. Cause everything else that we know, will be gone if we don't wake up. The call to have a nation of Paul Reveres is here.,
I have given up my career, business and spent the last 2 years in all this research, cause like I said, nothing else matters.
NASA is part of this, UFO's are as well, some are us and some aren't. Book of Enoch explains them more. They are the Nephilim. 2012 coming is a major time as well.
Bible says when Israel is reborn, that generation shall witness the end (end of a cycle, not kaboom, end of earth). Bible defines a generation as 72 years. Israel came about in 1948. Doing the math, we have till 2020 or 12 years. And like I said before, Revelation has clearly started. 9/11 was Revelation 10.
Most likely famine and economic collapse will come in 2008 or 2009. And that is being led on by the collapse of the bee's world wide. In 2007 1/4 of them died in the world. And each year now we are expected to lose 1/4 more. Bee's make almost all the food we need and what the animals need. Without them, we live on a dead planet. And this shortage of bee's will in turn cause food shortages in turn causing disease in turn causing wars over food AND oil. If not even land for the bee's and food.
WWIII at hand.