Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?
2016-07-09 21:27:39 UTC
I have studied Christian history very deeply. Also I have a phd in evolution and have found it to be lacking. It seems that evolution is unsatisfying as a scientific idea, and so is atheism.
114 answers:
2016-07-10 05:20:30 UTC
Stupid persons are the lucky one for they do not know they are already in heaven. LOL

some will tell you story differently like this one:

Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?

I have studied Christian history very deeply. Also I have a phd in evolution and have found it to be lacking. It seems that evolution is unsatisfying as a scientific idea, and so is atheism.

Your God is a kunt, who rapes 13 year old girls, then makes up some bullsh!t that virgins can get pregnant, just to cover up his paedophilia!

There's nothing educated about believing that cr@p, my friend
2016-07-10 03:58:20 UTC
Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?

I have studied Christian history very deeply. Also I have a phd in evolution and have found it to be lacking. It seems that evolution is unsatisfying as a scientific idea, and so is atheism.

Your God is a kunt, who rapes 13 year old girls, then makes up some bullsh!t that virgins can get pregnant, just to cover up his paedophilia!

There's nothing educated about believing that cr@p, my friend. .
2016-07-12 13:25:15 UTC
'Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am then you are'. No not really, did you possibly consider how intelligent I am - I don't think so. Also you are stereotyping the whole atheist community based on one little opinion that someone said. We don't think people are stupid we see the potential and don't care about your intelligence as long as you know the basics and ae nice to us we have no problem. But its people like you who start pushing and start believing that all atheists believe in evolution, all atheists are discriminating against all religions and most of us are arseholes who are obsessed with science. No, we are normal people like you whole I should hope the greater majority of us judge people on their personality and their views. There are some of us who believe believers are a little weird and that for believing in a religion but most of us don't think like that. We all have our views, cant we just all get along man!
2016-07-11 09:08:19 UTC
"Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?" Well, posting claims about yourself with nothing substantial with which to back it up is a great starting point. Then there's the fact that there's no such thing as a "phd in evolution".
2016-07-10 09:12:59 UTC
Bobby, by what you say and the way you express it it is doubtful you have a PhD of any kind.

But if atheists call believers stupid they are wrong too.

We all know a number of non-believers, or atheists as you say, but though they may declare that they cannot make sense of religious people since in their view they worship an 'idea' only, I never heard anybody call anybody stupid. Perhaps, absurd, yes. That's their comment to which they are entitled.

And that's not a bad word
2016-07-12 18:06:26 UTC
If you have studied the Bible so deeply perhaps you can reply to my questions. In Genesis, we are told how god created the earth. Now this planet we live on is about 500 million years old, and man has only been on this earth for the last 4 million years, so my question is this. Who was there to witness God creating this earth ? We are told he created the birds of the air, but there were no birds as we know them. featherd birds were evoleved forom Dinosaurs and became feathered only after the ice age.

Moses did not cross the Red sea nor did the sea open up for him. During the translation of the Bible from the hebrew to the greek language, a scholar made a mistake by writing the "Red Sea" instead of the Reed Sea.which is 5 miles north of the Red Sea and is mostly marshland. By the time this mistake was found it was too many pages to rewrite again, so the story of crossing the Red Sea was left in.

Again, in the London Museum of Antiueties is a Clay tablet written in the language of the Babylonians. For many years no one could decipher the writing on it until A scholar from Austria could decipher this writing. What he read was the instructions to build an Ark numbering 100 or more to carry a family and a small number of livestock in readiness for a flood within the next two years. This Talet also told the Measurement to build these arks this was written over a Thousnd \years ago before the story of The Ark in the bible. This tablet is on display to the public now.

Again the story of the walls of Jericho coming down. The bible tells us that joshua and his trumpts brought the walls down. But Archelogists have taken earth sample s from this land and when the earth sample were anylised it showed that earth tremors had brought the walls and buildings inside the walls down and not trumpets as told in the Bible. There are many "Miracles" in the Bible which were stolen from Historic events such as this. What is your answer to this ?
Immune to Indoctrination
2016-07-10 18:01:47 UTC
"Also I have a phd in evolution and have found it to be lacking."

First of all you're a liar. There's no such thing as a PhD in evolution and if you had even the slightest education in biology you'd already know that. Evolution is a single theory and, though it is broad and far reaching, it's not an entire field of study. Here is a list of all doctoral study fields in the United States

Check under Biological/Biomedical sciences and you'll find there is no 'evolution' PhD. Claiming to have one is every bit as stupid as claiming to have a PhD in gravity.

Now stop trying to sound smart, stop lying for Jesus, and run along back to your mom's basement.
2016-07-11 21:24:29 UTC
Seems the closed minded Zionists are not even halfwits , put 5 of their IQ levels together it is still less then average . The Grandmaster of Mandrakian Warlockism , said it himself 'Science and physical proof takes precedence over Stories and myths " GM Blackstone goes on to say " Unless one can offer up tangible supportive evidence from other sources from around the world , then one must consider it myth or a story that was concocted in order to con and control others " . Mandrake Blackstone is a very Wise Priest . He has often defended the Atheistic view , and accepts them as he accepts Science logic and Majick ( he spells it Majick with willful intent ) and I quote " true Majick is based on science logic and that which can be proven " .
Doubting Like Thomas
2016-07-10 06:55:44 UTC
I do not say they are stupid.

I only paraphrase Matt Dillahunty.

He pointed out that a Being which KNOWS ALL Things and is All-Powerful, would KNOW exactly which individual bit of evidence would convince each individual of the existence of this Being, and would have the POWER to produce those bits.

Instead, we have a few religions claiming that they have a book, which is all the evidence ANYBODY needs.

And yet, the Believers in the Q'ran, and the Believers in the Bible, fight with each other, and fight among themselves, over which book is the real deal, and exactly what the real message IS.
2016-07-11 05:39:22 UTC
And then you go and shout your stupidity from the rooftops? You do realise this is the 21st century and not the dark ages? That man has landed on the moon and fossils have been dated to millions of years old or like so many other religious half-wits, you ignore the evidence in front of your face? Did you buy your PhD off the internet by any chance because I'd want my money back if I were you.
2016-07-10 14:42:48 UTC
No such degree in Evolution.....silly child.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies, Philosophy of Religion and Eng Lit.
2016-07-10 13:57:28 UTC
I don't buy your having a Ph.D. in evolution; I have relatives who are scientists (and Christians) and they teach evolution, but their degrees are in zoology, biology, etc. Evolution is the overwhelming scientific consensus, including among scientists who are Christian.

However, atheists see idiotic Christians such as Jim Bakker and country Baptists and think (correctly, in many instances) that all Christians are anti-intellectual idiots. Atheists also somehow think that it's wise to be pretty sure that there is no God just because God isn't directly visible to them. I don't think that is a good approach.
2016-07-10 08:15:50 UTC
I have considered many things

1 of which is how intelligent you are

The result I came to - you are far from intelligent - you are bordering on the moronic

I dont say all believers are stupid, I say some of them are

And you are one of them

PhD in evolution have you?

Since there aint any such thing thats remarkable

Bet you had to look in dictionary on how to spell PhD

now use that dictionary to find out what "moronic" means
2016-07-11 15:36:04 UTC
First off you already insulted me from the beginning, so you must be right! (grow up). How the fk am I the stupid one for NOT believing in illogical, immoral, insane, laughable dessert dwelling buffoons that literally knew nothing about the world. You are 99% atheist as I am and you don't have to balls to drop the rest of your bias American cultured BS because you are scared of the unknown just as much as the characters in the Bible you hold so dear and defend with such ruthlessness and you ego shows it. No Christian has ever read the damned thing even if they did they BS you and give excuses for horrific crimes against humanity. Keep your religion to thy self and do no harm.

"With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
2016-07-11 08:22:19 UTC
The more educated you are the more stupid you would be to continue to believe in faery tales.

Education is not in & of itself a measure of stupidity or lack thereof & if you really where more educated than I you should know that.

But that aside I call Troll, have a nice day o/
2016-07-11 12:37:25 UTC
"Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?"

Obvious troll is... somehow successful!?
2016-07-10 00:35:02 UTC
It's a troll's stupid question, possible a poster named Mark pretending to be a Christian .

Christians, DON'T ANSWER.

2 Timothy 2:23

Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
2016-07-10 06:31:58 UTC
Why does your, in comparison to mine, puny academic achievements, give you the right to say that Atheists are halfwits? I am certain that my theist friends would be saying as I do that, as you illustrate, stupidity and education go hand in hand in the absence of respect and common sense.
2016-07-11 13:27:02 UTC
Lol. Evolution. Check mate halfwit.
2016-07-10 13:03:03 UTC
I'm not a halfwit, Mr Bible Basher, but I have seen NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that any God exists. You're entitled to believe whatever you wish, but that doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong. Keep posting these insulting comments about Atheists. I'm starting to get abuzz from all the reporting.
2016-07-10 16:54:04 UTC
People who actually have PhD's should know how to capitalize it. And actual academics generally don't need to go around telling people how educated they are. They already sound well educated.

You also have not made any arguments for your position besides a fallacious argument from your own dubiously alleged authority.
2016-07-10 02:59:11 UTC
But you add to the evidence that like for like the religious LACK the intelligence of the non religious!

Research has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!

More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

Only 7 per cent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 per cent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

Neuroscientists have conducted the most comprehensive brain mapping to date of the cognitive abilities measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the most widely used intelligence test in the world.

The results show that the various factors that comprise a high or low IQ score

depend on particular regions of the brain.

The WAIS test is composed of four indices of intelligence, each consisting of several subtests, which together produce a full-scale IQ score. The four indices are the verbal comprehension index, which represents the ability to understand and to produce speech and use language; the perceptual organization index, which involves visual and spatial processing, such as the ability to perceive complex figures; the working memory index, which represents the ability to hold information temporarily in mind (similar to short-term memory); and the processing speed index.

With the exception of processing speed, which appears scattered throughout the brain, the lesion mapping showed that the other three cognitive indices really do depend on specific brain regions.

For example, lesions in the left frontal cortex were associated with lower scores on the verbal comprehension index; lesions in the left frontal and parietal cortex (located behind the frontal lobe) were associated with lower scores on the working memory index; and lesions in the right parietal cortex were associated with lower scores on the perceptual organization index.

The study also revealed a large amount of overlap in the brain regions responsible for verbal comprehension and working memory, which suggests that these two now-separate measures of cognitive ability may actually represent the same type of intelligence, at least as assessed using the WAIS.

It matters not if they are atheist because of this new type of intelligence or get it because they are atheist – it is a totally different and far more efficient

2016-07-10 21:06:50 UTC
"Atheist halfwits, have you considered how much more educated I am than you are? How can you say that believers are stupid?"

The educated people who I know don't begin sentences with words like "atheist halfwits"

Perhaps you are not as educated as you think you are.
Tyler L
2016-07-09 21:31:30 UTC
There's no such thing as a PH.D. In evolution. Nice try but you still are an idiot believing in fairy tales written by people 2000 years ago. Hell im probably younger then you and still know more about the world and history then you
2016-07-10 16:16:45 UTC
I believe that God created everything after that it's all conjecture. No one can prove anything. It seems a little bit disingenuous that to prove your point you only use one source your Bible, Quran. Humans wrote all of the religious texts. Before you judge others maybe you should read your holy books again, which all mention that you shouldn't judge.
2016-07-12 06:08:07 UTC
Yep, reading a book written thousands of years ago about a mythical idea and believing in fairy tales like Noah's Ark makes you VERY educated. Keep at at it.
2016-07-10 01:41:14 UTC
Atheist "HALFWITS" have you "CONSIDERED" how much "MORE" educated I am than "YOU" are ? "HOW" can you "SAY" that "BELIEVERS" are "STUPID" ?

WOW I will answer the second half of the question first the "HOW" its real EASY READ MY LIPS or in this case "WHAT I TYPED " that doesn't take a PHd. its called simple observation

Next I do not usually call "BELIEVERS" STUPID I call them "THEIST " Now I will present some actual Information

NEITHER Atheist /Atheism nor Theist/ Theism are "RELIGIONS " they are DESCRIPTIVE TERMS similar to the word SYMPTOMATIC with symptoms and ASYMPTOMATIC without symptoms or Typical or Atypical

..... RELIGION is defined as a CULTURAL SYSTEM of BEHAVIORS and practices world views ethics text of SOCIETAL ORGANIZATIONS that relate Humanity to an order of existence .

One would have to concede that a human being ( we will call him JOE ) can formulate a concept of a "GOD" though his own human thought and NEVER adopt the narrative god of any societal organization aka religion that person is termed a Theist

there are Atheistic Religions ( Non theistic Quakers Buddhist Shinto Confucianism ) and Theistic religions ( Hindu Judaism Christianity Islam ) there are also NON religious atheists (Myself ) and Non religious theist such as JOE

What we do Know is conditioning and cause and effect We do know that human beings experience emotion an effect of internal or external human thought and even a combination of both

Examine the OCD ( obsessive compulsive disorder ) person ( we will call him John ) though either internal thought or the adoption of external thought or both "JOHN" like RELIGION engages in ritualistic BEHAVIORS related to his FEARS or ANXIETY and BELIEVES that if he does not do a behavior as in counting to 10 3 times before turning a door knob to open it BELIEVES some invisible FORCE will CAUSE something BAD to happen to him ...

..How is that different than the ritualistic behaviors of Theistic religions engaging in prayer ceremonies to a invisible force and non compliance will cause something bad to happen to them .

I do not call that stupid. I call it being externally influence to elicit fear and the adaptation of behaviors to reduce that fear instilled by the religion itself and possibly delusional .

If the questioner is MORE educated what does that MEAN exactly so one BELIEVES they are MORE educated . one might be but a Phd in Evolution is questionable and BELIEVING something is TRUE does not make it TRUE ... The TEST for any statement of TRUTH is what ? VERIFIABILITY
2016-07-11 06:52:02 UTC
They would be halfwits only if they believed a single word you said. A "phd in evolution", really?!? Nobody is fooled by you.
2016-07-11 10:05:54 UTC
You mean a PHD in evolutionary Biology? Yeah I don t think so. In order to get a PHD in a field you must publish a report on research that you were involved in or that you carried out that contributes to advancement on the knowledge of that field of study. I truly doubt you would have anything to contribute on the matter.
2016-07-10 14:09:06 UTC
You can t be that we ll educated if you find evolution is an unsatisfactory idea. The debate about Evolution was over in the 1870s, it is one of the most well tested and well supported theories in existance, and there are no alternative theories. If there is a God, evolution is how he made us. God bless!
2016-07-11 04:18:05 UTC
You literally ignore education, science and evidence to believe in a story book that was written to enforce law...You ARE stupid.
2016-07-10 03:33:59 UTC
Your problem for you argument is being 'I have studied Christian history'

And this PhD in evolution you say you have gained. Care to share the details of it, the where the when's etc. Because a PhD in 'evolution' doesn't exist on it's own... Evolution is made up of a number of the sciences that interact to create a theory from a number of theories and many many hypothesis.
undefined undefined
2016-07-10 15:38:52 UTC
Guess some of us are more educated than you due to the mere fact that we don't ask questions for the sole purpose of obtaining a sizeable reaction.
2016-07-10 05:37:10 UTC
Simple plain truth is you have no understanding of evolution as you haven't really studied it and your jealous because Atheists use something known as their brains, whilst theists tend to use the brain a lot less :)
2016-07-10 07:16:39 UTC
Troll rating 1/10. Too obvious.
Brigalow Bloke
2016-07-11 16:15:30 UTC
Your unsupported assertions are noted and placed in the round file, where the cleaners will remove them this evening. Your name has also been noted as a possible alias of so many users with one and two syllable male names.
2016-07-10 01:39:11 UTC
Yeah right. So educated you can't cite your sources.

I find your education level that of a really poor community college.
2016-07-10 04:33:40 UTC
Experience is the name everyone like you gives to their mistakes.

One day most of you will get better. Until then, rather than think

about that, I've begun to draw a picture of what DNA looks like.
2016-07-09 21:49:36 UTC
But I am a self-made man. Could you be as rich? I doubt so.

Most people with PhD work for others. I, on the other hand, employ people and some with PhD.
2016-07-09 21:38:13 UTC
What reputable university offers a PhD in evolution? None. Next time at least take time to make your lies somewhat credible before posting them.
Robin W
2016-07-11 12:51:48 UTC
I've never said theists are stupid. I don't believe you have a "PHD in evolution". Atheism is not science.
2016-07-10 13:43:40 UTC
whether something is satisfying to you or not has nothing to do with it's veracity (look it up in a dictionary).

I'd like to know what university gives out degrees in evolution- can you supply that?
2016-07-10 08:29:13 UTC
There is no Ph. D. in evolution. The other thing that gives you away is that educated people don't write this way.
2016-07-10 14:32:59 UTC
Having studied Christian history does not make a person a Christian. It just makes you a little more knowledgeable than those who did not do that. Knowledge will never allow a person into Heaven.
2016-07-10 17:38:47 UTC
it seems that to be a perfect religion, that the god would have to be perfect, as well as the teachings; there is no evidence at all of christian religion being a perfect teaching. the god taught in christian religion falls far short of being a higher teaching of life and death.

a true teaching would understand the reality we live and not deny it.

christianity asks you to deny reality for a supernatural explanation of life, no wonder peoples lives are confused, and that they can not find true solutions and answers to the problems of life.

the christian god and the christian teachings are therefore evil, and create suffering for the countries and the peoples who believe in them.

the people's lives are the life of the country, there are not two different countries or two different peoples; the difference lies solely in the good or evil of the minds of the people; only a true teaching will bring peace to a country.

secondly, for christianity to be able to claim evolution or science as its own teaching, it would have had to be a part of the original teachings of the christian bible. it is shear non-sense that you paste it into the catalogue of christian teachings and then claim you actually taught it. to do so is heresy and plagiarism or thief. haven't you read: the origin of the darwin?

so, as i said, there are higher teachings of life than christianity, so i offer these.

heritage of the ultimate law of life,

the true entity of life,

the opening of the eyes,

the rissho ankoku ron,

on attaining buddhahood in this lifetime,
2016-07-10 21:34:42 UTC
If you were as educated as you believe you are you would have better things to do than abuse other people that you dont Know
2016-07-10 18:50:20 UTC
Simply think!!! No actual god or devil or heaven or hell exist any where outside of any ones inculcated til believed or simply brainwashed childish minds!!! BELIEFS only need an ear to be "just believed", KNOWLEDGE HOWEVER uses our ears, eyes and brains and all other organs to expand learning into a life of reality, not "JUST A BELIEF"!!! If any god existed then i would not!!!
2016-07-10 17:19:38 UTC
Whereas the idea of God is supported by loads of evidence? Once you reject scientific evidence and accept that a celestial being watches us and controls us how can you call yourself educated?
2016-07-11 11:04:55 UTC
Bobby, you can't get a PhD in Evolution, Ace. It doesn't exist.
2016-07-12 08:38:19 UTC
Doesn't Jesus instruct you to love your neighbours and turn the other cheek? You won't be going to heaven, will you?

And no...I have never said believers are stupid....we are all entitled to our beliefs.
2016-07-13 08:56:18 UTC
a PhD in Evolution, eh? where's that from? Can you give me the name of the insitituteion that awards a degree in Evolution>?

Probably not because your PhD, like your claims ALL FAKE
2016-07-10 05:25:19 UTC
Is a person who believes in Zeus stupid?
2016-08-23 14:41:13 UTC
They claim to be more educated due to science, but they just don't understand the glory of God!
Vincent G
2016-07-09 21:32:38 UTC
0% best answer... Yeah, you have "education" written all over you.

By the way, "evolution" is not a program. One can have a PhD in evolutionary biology, but not in "evolution".

So, you even flunked garbage bullshitting 101.
2016-07-09 21:31:40 UTC
One thing that was obviously lacking in the evolution fairy tale for the

1st bacteria that magically poofed up from nothingness was FOOD..

What say Ye?
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-07-10 04:32:48 UTC
Oh my dear piggy, I considered it for a bit - then I decided you are a compleat wit. Unlike other believers
2016-07-12 04:16:03 UTC
Proverbs 27:2 Let a stranger praise you and not your own mouth,

an alien and not your own lips.
Jan C
2016-07-11 15:25:44 UTC
You are pretty s for judging others.. Who cares what education you have I must say you are definitely lacking.
2016-07-10 01:25:14 UTC
Why are you an athiest about Zeus, Thor, Muhammed or scientology? Same reason im an Athiest about your God
2016-07-11 14:16:30 UTC
a pity pretentious liars like you have to be so damned full of **** PhD in "evolution"...maybe in what are referred to as "evolution sciences"...but that claim alone shows how spineless and dishonest you are. If you had a solitary honest cell in your corpulent lil self...I'd be astounded.
2016-07-10 23:36:46 UTC
That is why, I never like to argue with elders and knowledgeable people. By my nature, I give respect to others.
2016-07-10 16:44:27 UTC
LMFAO..PhD in evolution....where'd you get that? Off the internet for $5?? Rolls eyes
2016-07-09 22:27:16 UTC
I encourage you to believe whatever the hell you want; I'm sure you'll find ID much more intellectually satisfying.
2016-07-10 19:10:15 UTC
You forget Atheists are Democrats and know only how to lie.
2016-07-10 03:17:06 UTC
The Universe doesn't give a damn if you think Evolution is unsatisfying, just saying.
2016-07-09 23:35:15 UTC
You believe in a guy that causes floods and made a planet. He didnt do **** because he is not real
2016-07-10 03:13:15 UTC
Troll score 2. Come on, you can get lower than that. Much lower.
2016-07-09 22:48:54 UTC
I think everyone has the right to their own beliefs as long as they don't try to shove it down other people's throats.
2016-07-11 09:27:21 UTC
They make stupid questions
2016-07-11 07:26:53 UTC
where did you get your phd in evolution,you cant have had very good teachers,and who do you think you are calling us half atheists have our own beliefs,its about time christian idiots like you realised that
2016-07-09 21:34:28 UTC
I don't know which is more of a joke. "Christian History" or a "Ph.D in Evolution"? Evolution isn't a Ph.D. What was your thesis?
2016-07-11 09:16:17 UTC
if a believer thinks they have a PhD in evolution, they are beyond stupid!
2016-07-10 16:18:14 UTC
So education is the means to getting into your heaven?

And humility.
2016-07-11 04:18:45 UTC
It is quite possible to be Christian and believe in evolution. You are a prize eejit.
2016-07-09 21:28:18 UTC
Atheists are still trying to figure out how something (the universe) came from nothing.


2016-07-11 09:52:48 UTC
Is there even such thing as a PhD in evolution?
2016-07-10 16:05:01 UTC
A phd in evolution ?
2016-07-10 14:41:26 UTC
Phd in Evolution. Don't talk crap.
2016-07-10 15:36:49 UTC
Why do you even bother with atheists....there is no point unless a miracle can convince them
2016-07-09 22:37:33 UTC
You have to be pretty dumb to consider atheism unsatisfying as a scientific idea, because it's not a scientific idea.
2016-07-09 21:31:40 UTC
Therefore, it can be reasoned that you lack a Ph. D in evolution. You have, after all, found it to be lacking indeed.

2016-07-10 16:45:25 UTC
You reveal your personal stupidity in your obvious lies. Plain as day.
2016-07-11 19:48:41 UTC
the US mainline voting base their customs,honest way of living,are enemies worse to the left than the talebs isis isil levant state,,not surprising you see that, the left has hijacked the democrat party over the lest 40 years,in great part because jfk signed off on public employee unions,the left has been burrowing into every bureaucracy non profit,press building and the burgeoning internet news outfits,,you,,are the enemy YOU have a target on your back,,so do the rest of your religious buds,liberals lie in wait in the govt bureaucraces,,( many are good effective workers,btw)_ many are also tru believin leftists,like lois lerner, waiting for what she knew perfectly well what her job demanded,no need to see obama,no matter what he knew about her,,same for dingy kelli burresci In the hearing before jeff sessions committee not having the fainTest ideas of who's responsible for what in the DHLS,,ALSO REMEMBER ATHEISM IS A RELIGION,, AND WE KNOW DAMN WELL HOW TOLERANT RELIGIOUS FANATICS ARE, ( WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH FOR ONE.) SHARIA LAW,SHARIACRATS ARE THE DEMS ALLY IN YANKING CHRISTIANITY AND IT'S TRIAD OF 3 FROM,FIRST THE PUBLIC SQUARE, ( SCHOOLS,VILLAGE COMMONS),HOMES AND BUSINESSES,,CONDO ASSOCIATIONS, because some damn moozie complains, they can,pal, they do because it is who they are,intolerant statists,,because liberal courts will back them up.
2016-07-14 16:33:05 UTC
all religions are remnants of earliest mans desire to find meaning and validation in life.They are the result of fear and ignorance .They only exist today due powerful interests t seeing it as opiate and distraction of the masses to real issues.Your life should be lived in courage and knowledge;not ignorance and fear!
2016-07-11 07:10:03 UTC
I see Jesus sometimes

I some times c angels

I see beardoes, they are in heaven to in white clothing some times.

I see things falling out of heaven to. as well to.

one plus one is to.
2016-07-11 18:02:17 UTC
awwwhhhh come on, we're all stupid, but we're still precious. I saw this bumper sticker! "Jesus loves you even though you are an @SSHOLE" % $^ @#% & @smile
2016-07-10 21:56:39 UTC
well since a phd in evolution isnt a thing
2016-07-11 07:13:23 UTC
probably because of the questions you ask and why are you so scared of people who dont follow bullshit i take it you were bullied at school and thats why you turned to **** i mean god ..actually wots the difference u love both
2016-07-11 02:31:21 UTC

I do not believe you are what you say you are. I believe you pretend be one of what you dislike so that you can make them look bad. Please do not insult my intelligence or waste my time.
2016-07-10 04:38:50 UTC
if you had a phd in evolution, you wouldn't disagree with it. do you know how attaining a phd even works? lying idiot.
2016-07-10 21:47:49 UTC
Nice meme friend
2016-07-11 16:20:19 UTC
Heh heh heh, awesome troll comment.
2016-07-09 23:30:32 UTC
Your trolling needs some work.
2016-07-10 08:09:39 UTC
How can I say that? Easy. I just form the words with my lips and voice the sounds: "Believers" "are" "stupid."
2016-07-09 22:25:13 UTC
Bobby, you are a lousy liar.

Not at all convincing.
2016-07-09 23:00:06 UTC
Amen Bobby ... go

yep, most of them are morons.
2016-07-10 13:35:57 UTC
OK well can you explain what you think is wrong with evolution?
2016-07-09 21:29:04 UTC
Just one word for you here Bobby: Horseshit.
2016-07-11 05:21:47 UTC
They're no crazier than we are.
2016-07-09 21:29:21 UTC
Jea, we KNOW it's you using one of your other accounts, "pretending" to be a dumb Christian.
2016-07-10 22:45:47 UTC
no because your not educated
2016-07-09 21:29:24 UTC
but atheists are more evolution indoctrinated
Steve B
2016-07-11 10:18:09 UTC
Ok, you're smart.
2016-07-10 17:34:13 UTC
2016-07-10 03:33:54 UTC
Shut up dick head.
2016-07-10 22:56:36 UTC
I like this question :D
2016-07-10 19:49:14 UTC
I have a PhD in **** you.
2016-07-10 12:35:25 UTC
*grabs popcorn*
2016-07-10 15:29:22 UTC
Blah, blah, huh, what?
2016-07-11 10:26:54 UTC
2016-07-11 11:00:14 UTC
Islam is the true religion of God

Please read Carefully about Islam .
2016-07-11 09:09:04 UTC
2016-07-10 03:47:02 UTC
2016-07-10 00:44:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.