2009-02-01 18:37:38 UTC
Fr Paul Marx, OB, founder of Human Life International preached in any country that would have him, and was convinced by experience that any country that allows contraception will have abortion on demand.
Fr John Hardon, SJ took it one step further and believed that contraception can lead to "As you read some of the homosexual and lesbian literature, you are moved to tears at seeing how a contraceptive society has begotten a homosexual society. In their desperate search for love, men will turn to other men and women to other women. To say they are being deceived is only to emphasize the pity of a sodomistic culture that is starving for love. Contraception deprives married people of the love that they expect to find in a marriage between two people of opposite and complementary gender."
Martin Luther, the reformer stated in The Bible and Birth Control,
"Contraception is sodomy."
What do you think? Is there a connection between contraception and a loss of God sense in the individuals who contracept?