Any faith: Is there a connection between acceptance of contraception and loss of faith in God?
2009-02-01 18:37:38 UTC
Moslems are with Conservative and Traditional Catholics on this. What do you think?

Fr Paul Marx, OB, founder of Human Life International preached in any country that would have him, and was convinced by experience that any country that allows contraception will have abortion on demand.

Fr John Hardon, SJ took it one step further and believed that contraception can lead to "As you read some of the homosexual and lesbian literature, you are moved to tears at seeing how a contraceptive society has begotten a homosexual society. In their desperate search for love, men will turn to other men and women to other women. To say they are being deceived is only to emphasize the pity of a sodomistic culture that is starving for love. Contraception deprives married people of the love that they expect to find in a marriage between two people of opposite and complementary gender."

Martin Luther, the reformer stated in The Bible and Birth Control,

"Contraception is sodomy."

What do you think? Is there a connection between contraception and a loss of God sense in the individuals who contracept?
Nineteen answers:
Catholic Mythbuster
2009-02-02 06:18:30 UTC
The increase in the use of contraception has actually led to an increase in divorce, adultery, and children born out of wedlock, because an increased acceptance of contraception leads to an increased acceptance of sexual behaviours outside of wedlock.

This has also led to an increase in abortion, unfortunately, and it was the acceptance of contraception (a crusade led by Margaret Sanger) led directly to the legalization of abortion (a cause ALSO supported by Margaret Sanger, especially its liberal use on those who didn't fit her view of the "perfect human." The perfect human to her, by the way, was the same as the perfect human to Hitler, and she praised his "perfect solution.")

And what has that increase in abortion led to? A 500% increase in child abuse, an increase in women's deaths, an increase in "illigetimacy" of children from 5% to 33%, and the murder rates amongst teens born AFTER Roe v. Wade was 3.6 times higher than the murder rates amongst teens born BEFORE Roe v. Wade.

If all of that doesn't indicate that we've become further away from God, I don't know what does.
domenic x
2009-02-02 10:42:53 UTC
When using contraception methods when there is the act of love, you are deliberately saying to God that you don't want to partake in the creation of other people. In a way it is a loss of faith, because you are not leaving it to God that if He wants to give you a new life He can do it, but if you use especially certain contraception you are denying your faith in God and that He will provide you with all your needs. Jesus said " Look at the birds in the sky, they do not sow or harvest, yet God gives them food, how much then He take care of you man ".

Then you have to consider that there could be reasons for contraception to be used, still the best thing is to use the natural method by calculating the menstrual period of the woman , when it is safe. Still it is not 100% safe if God really wants. Still are not safe the contraceptive methods like the condoms which as you rightly said it is increasing in failure and that is why many young ladies become pregnant because they thought that they were safe when in fact they were not. Condoms could easily break or not fitted well and so it would be no protection at all.

If a lot of Caholics use contraception it does not make it good. As I told you one has to consider certain problems that couples could have , especially in their health. The best thing is to have a good advice from a clergy if one feels a problem. On the other hand , between married couples, sex is only part of showing love to each other. Sex is not love and love is not sex. Love goes much deeper than just having sex.
2009-02-02 02:38:15 UTC
Hello Mistoday.

While I am 100% against abortion and consider it the taking of a human life under any circumstances, I do side with those of my Catholic Faith believing contraceptive devices and medications should be accepted by The Church.

Contraceptives prevent a pregnancy from happening. If they fail, I personally would consider it as God's will this life be brought into the world.

Abortion would terminate this human life and thus be going against His will.

My wife used birth control pills for 25 years other than during breaks to have our two children with no loss of our faith in God nor of the love in our marriage (and none of that either Mr. Luther).

Regarding Fr. Marx :

Liberalism tends to lead to more liberalism so there may be the smallest grain of truth that acceptance of contraceptives paves the road to acceptance of abortion and other liberalist thinking however where is the line drawn between common sense and oppression ?

By the thinking of Fr. Marx, allowing woman the right to vote has given them more voice which made them more involved in society and the work place which led to the desire for contraceptives which nauseum.

I think you see where I'm going with this. A similar cascade of events could be gleamed from almost any "this will cause that" line of thinking which can easily lead to oppression.

Societal conscience and intelligence must be equal partners when centering the line of conservatism VS liberalism.

Regarding Fr. Hardon :

I see no relationship to the use/promotion of contraceptives and homosexuality in any way.

I cannot see people turning to homosexuality from exposure to contraceptives. I also don't see men and woman switching to sex with partners of their own gender due to fear of impregnating or being impregnated by members of the opposite sex. I'm not actually sure where he is going with his writings other than a generalized warning about "homosexual and lesbian literature".

I can in no way understand how "Contraception deprives married people of the love that they expect to find in a marriage between two people of opposite and complementary gender." unless he's referring to Gays and Lesbians removing potential partners from the "pool" of available spouses. ? ? ?

An interesting question, thanks.



PS : Thanks for the stats on the 10% condom failure rate . . . I was thinking of dating again :- {

2009-02-01 20:57:10 UTC
All of Christianity forbade contraception until 1930. The Anglicans permitted it first. Soon all protestants began to allow it. Today they all advocate it. We still hold the line, although many cafeteria Catholics contracept, and piously claim the Church is mistaken on this issue. They even receive the Eucharist while in serious sin. I don't know if it has caused or is caused by a loss of faith. But I do know that it has changed the way people fear God. Pax Christi
2009-02-01 21:09:40 UTC
Depends on your faith!

I'm LDS, we're encourages not to use permanent means of contraception (surgical sterilization) but all other forms are up to us; so for me there isn't an issue.

My wife uses the pill, it's very effective, if we were to have a baby while on the pill we'd probably look at it as a blessing. The child would be loved and accepted in our house as sent from God.

However, in the case that a church doesn't allow any contraception, acceptance of it is a sign of waining faith.

So it's completely relative to your faith base. For me drinking coffee is a sin and thus shows lack of faith but contraception is just fine in my family planning. For you coffee is just fine as that's not a commandment for you, but contraception is out.

So rather than trying to say that coffee is bad for all people and contraception is bad for all people it's best just to realize that as religious poeple we need to follow our individual religions as some sins are relative to our faith and so you shouldn't feel guilty drinking coffee and I can use birth control without either practice being sinful.
2009-02-01 18:47:24 UTC
No, I do not believe that contraception has anything to do with my faith in God. It only prevents unwanted pregnancies in a society that is already over populated, and prevents abortions. Neither do I believe it gives one the right to have sex outside of marriage. My Faith is in Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross, not whether a woman takes a pill or a man uses a contraceptive.
Romans 3:24
2009-02-03 06:55:08 UTC
loss of faith in God implies that we originally had a good and right faith in God to begin with. That is not Paul's teaching in Romans 1:18-32. Every man does believe in some kind of god, but it is idolatrous and a perversion of the true and living God of the Bible. It is the hardness of mankind's heart against God because of our original sin that causes lack of faith. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love, even when we were dead in our sins, made us alive, by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4). Read verses 1-3 and that is how we naturally are in the flesh before the Holy Spirit saves us and gives us new life in Christ.
2009-02-01 18:48:56 UTC
religious loons like that have no clue what the **** they're talking about. however, there is a connection between acceptance of contraception and lower rates of unwanted pregnancies. look at sweden for instance. a predominantly atheist country that doesn't let dogma get in the way of common sense and has probably some of the lowest rates of unwanted pregnancies in the world.
2009-02-01 18:44:29 UTC
In Judaism in some cases anti conception is allowed. In general it is not the done thing, but say for example that a woman can not deal with it, she can get a allowance sometimes.
2016-10-14 09:13:37 UTC
you comprehend the announcing, that if God seems far-off, it is not Him, yet you that has moved. So with the intention to be closer to God, you will desire to pass by using HIS SON, Jesus Christ with the intention to return to Him as suggested interior the Bible. purely by using Jesus, there is not any opposite direction. Christianity is a dating with Jesus Christ. with the intention to have this intimate dating, you will desire to settle for and have faith in Christ and His dying for you. additionally, he arose and is in Heaven making waiting a place for you. comprehend God by using His observe, the Bible and pray on a regular basis. he will supply you the Holy Spirit and alter you. as quickly as you're born returned spiritually, you will choose to stay close to Him perpetually. compliment God for you pick. God bless
2009-02-01 18:48:04 UTC
Hosea 9:14-16 (NIV) (this prophet of God is improvising a prayer to the LORD about one of the tribes in Israel that he hates!!!...) Give them, O LORD— what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry. (The heck with any fetus consideration! By the future blood of Jesus Christ on the Holy Cross of Calvary, God rushes to answer him on the spot!!!) "Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I HATED them there * (*the loving God HATES one WHOLE tribe in Israel!). Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them* (*God won’t love this tribe of Israelites at all!); all their leaders are rebellious. Ephraim is blighted, their root is withered, they yield no fruit* (*I, God Almighty won’t help!!!). EVEN IF THEY BEAR CHILDREN* (*these are innocent children of a God’s chosen, but rejected tribe of Israelites that are slated for a big gory slaughter. God usually takes it on the innocent children in the Bible… not on the smart adults! Praise THE LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen?) I WILL SLAY THEIR CHERISHED OFFSPRING."* (*Yeah... the kids!!! The Bible writers are saying that God will have the kids killed!)

God always answers your prayer even before you open your eyes, but you must ask “according to his will”…! You get an immediate answer especially when you pray for the slaughter of God’s chosen people and their babies that YOU AND GOD HATE! And the Christians make such a big deal against the PRO-CHOICE people who really NEED an abortion!

Jeremiah 16:3-4 (NIV) For this is what the LORD says about the sons and daughters* (*Jewish babies) born in this land* (*not in cursed Egypt, but in the PROMISED HOLY LAND) and about the women who are their mothers and the men who are their fathers: "They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried but will be like refuse lying on the ground. They will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will become food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth."

It is funny that prayers requesting the destruction of anybody especially children have an immediate and enthusiastic response from the Bible God, but prayers on behalf of a sick person like a baby may never be answered! Even when IT IS KNOWN FOR SURE that God is the author of ALL THE EVIL in the life of the baby!
2009-02-02 10:12:25 UTC
It's not so much a loss of Faith. It's more about mankind's tendancy to be easily mislead.
2009-02-01 18:53:31 UTC
Hm... if such were the case do you suppose I'd be able to take care of our local Bible-philiac infestation by handing out condoms and Alesse?
Melissa Swan
2009-02-01 18:43:10 UTC
a country that is open minded enough to allow contraception, probably is more likely to allow abortion and homosexuality. not because of loss of faith in God, but because they are more open minded!!

contraception is not a sin and nor is homosexuality.
- Tudor Gothic Serpent -
2009-02-01 18:42:54 UTC, no I don't. Contraception usually results in fewer children being born to parents who can't care for them.
2009-02-01 18:43:34 UTC
no its not contraception that causes a loss of faith in God.

My wife used it at one time because we did not want children at that time.

We are still strong in our faith.
2009-02-01 18:55:21 UTC
If God created disease, bigotry and pestilence did he not create contraception
Cassie T
2009-02-01 18:42:33 UTC
I wish. Then, not only would they not spread their seed, but they would stop being such nut cases too.
2009-02-01 18:40:25 UTC
Do you think there is a connection between stupid questions and stupid people?

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