Mary is the mother of God. True of false?
2018-03-21 19:23:17 UTC
Before you say God doesn't have a mother, Mary carried Jesus for 9 months (and He is God). Mary gave birth to Him, went through labor pains. She was His mother biologically there is no way around it. If you say Jesus had two persons, one human and one divine, you create the Nestorian heresy. Nestorious belived that Jesus had two persons, one human and the other divine but Christians believe Jesus was fully man and fully God. Nestorious was considered a heretic. If Mary gave birth to Jesus she was mother to both the human and divine person because Jesus only has one being. This would make her the mother of God.

If you say Mary isn't the mother of God you say Jesus isn't God.
98 answers:
2018-03-24 14:06:08 UTC
Stop fooling with devilish ambiguities .. and deal in FACTS:~

God is Spirit .. He is eternal .. He has no "mother."

Jesus was a MAN .. a human born of Mary .. His Spirit is the

same eternal God. That is why Jesus is God, Who came into

this world "manifested in the flesh" (1 Timothy 3:16) .. "In Him

dwelled all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Colossians 2:9)

See where Jesus is called "Son of God" and "Son of Man".

His Father - the Spirit in Him - is God ... His humanity is

the physical, flesh and blood offspring of Mary. (Isaiah 7:14 / 9:6)

Do you even understand WHY He came as a man to die

and shed human BLOOD to save us .. as the "Lamb of God"?

You need to get your theology sorted out by ALL of the Bible

scriptures and correct doctrine, before such blowhard fictions.
2018-03-23 21:27:39 UTC
Its a logical question. If Jesus is son of God, then he cannot be God. Because he cannot be his own Father. If you say Jesus is God and the son of God as well, you are purely throwing all the rubbish on your face.
2018-03-22 21:23:06 UTC
That seems to be your god, so you deal with that superstition. There is no god, and the NT is a huge lie and a comic parody, as well as anti Semitism. All the Marys, and all other characters associated with the NT story are fictional including the main character Jesus. Only a very few real persons are mentioned in that story to fool the ignorant to believe it. Your claimed Jesus was nothing abut a Roman invented character.
2018-03-22 21:06:35 UTC
I agree with "Your word is a light to my roadway." Jesus is not "The God," Jesus says many times that He is not God and and that God the Father is greater than Himself. This does not mean that Jesus is not divine but people must learn how to read. When Jesus says that He is one with the Father that does not mean that He is the Father! If my right arm could speak it could truthfully say that it is "one with my body". But it cannot say that it is my body. I hope this is helpful to people. The other thing that is necessary is that people go by what the Bible wsays and not by what their Minister or Priest says unless it is word for word the same.
2018-03-22 07:14:52 UTC
I think "Jim V" answered correctly.

No, to say that Mary is the mother of God is to say that Mary is the Mother of the Godhead. Mary was just the vessel; Jesus' earthly caregiver.
Ernest S
2018-03-22 06:26:53 UTC
God can have no mother. Only idiots could possibly think that.
2018-03-22 04:05:29 UTC
No. Mary is not the mother of God. That’s a Catholic doctrine. It doesn’t come from the Bible.

Mary is the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and not of God “the Most High” himself.

LUKE 1:32-35:

“You are to conceive

in your womb and

bear a son,

and you must

name him Jesus. He will

be great and will be called

Son of the Most High. . . .

And so the child will be

holy and will be

called Son of God.”​—

The New Jerusalem Bible.
Bobby Jim
2018-03-22 02:49:47 UTC
Mary was the biological Mother of Jesus. Jesus was one member of our Triune God.
2018-03-21 22:10:17 UTC
“And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:42-43‬ ‭KJV‬‬
2018-03-21 19:43:35 UTC
It’s a “True and false”, depending how you look at it.
2018-03-23 05:41:51 UTC
There are several thousand Gods and Goddesses on the Big List.

And the person who COMPILED the list admits that it is not a COMPLETE list.

You do not believe in most of them, and I do not believe in any of them.

If you have testable, repeatable evidence of the existence of any of them, please present it, so that it may be tested, repeatedly.

If the answers come up the same way every time, that one DOES exist.

Once you have shown evidence that there is a God, we can begin a discussion as to whether or not that particular God had any sort of Mother.

Until then, you are simply wasting keystrokes and electrons by asking that question.
Sheltie Lover
2018-03-23 01:33:16 UTC
God does not have a Mother. ... God is eternal, he was neither born nor created. HE is the Creator.

Mary was the Mother of God's Son, Jesus. Matthew 1:18-25.
2018-03-22 20:28:21 UTC
2018-03-22 20:03:31 UTC
False !

The Bible says that Mary was the mother of Jesus, and Jesus was the Son of God.
2018-03-22 16:11:13 UTC

She was an underage slag who let some dude plough her for £5.
2018-03-22 15:17:11 UTC
2018-03-22 15:07:44 UTC
Yes, Jesus had a human mother and a Divine Father because God came down in human flesh so He could walk among His creation. Jesus is the only sinless man, because only God is sinless.
Geraldine Dela cruz
2018-03-22 12:49:10 UTC
Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ - A pure lover of God.
2018-03-22 11:05:16 UTC
Jesus was a human being but people respect Jesus as God. In that way Mary becomes a mother of God. It has nothing to do with the supreme power. People live according to their beliefs and spirits do whatever they can do for them. But they are subject to good and bad they did in their lives. All human beings are ruled by spirits. Even Jesus was ruled by a group of spirits. Spirits had determined the destiny of the Jesus. The spirits must have alerted him to change his course of life to avoid a horrible death. But I guess he had ignored.
2018-03-22 10:40:20 UTC
Which Mary?
Campbell Hayden
2018-03-22 09:28:59 UTC
False, and there is no PROOF that `God` requires a mother.

Thinking that a fabricated fool and religious idol called "jesus"

was always inherent in something that is far greater than anyone can imagine, and then making sure

that this "jesus" can do miraculous things, indicates how cheap and chincy the idea must have been to begin with.

To simply assume that the bible's texts exist as inarguable facts, is just like assuming that Humpty Dumpty has to be an egg.

Mary has never been the mother of "God" ... she is simply another player in a 1200-page collection of mindless circumstances.
2018-03-22 08:38:34 UTC
Mary is the "MOTHER" of God .... true or false ?

I do not know sounds like a Proposition to me .

... a Proposal presented for consideration or acceptance .

.. there are two parts to convincing people

# 1 the Proposal # 2 the Evidence ... waiting for part 2 thats like

Bob making a claim he invented the microwave

and accepting it to "BE THE CASE " just because Bob said so...

..CLAIM Mary carried Jesus for 9 Months .... so one has Certainty . of the 9 months ..

. could have been 8 or 7 or 10 .months ..according to my mother and the doctors I only took 7 months

If you say Mary isn't the Mother of God , you are saying Jesus is not god ..

.. the claim is a Jesus is two PERSONS a human person and a DIVINE person

its all how one USES a word

Dictionary DIVINE ( adjective ) of from or LIKE a god ( noun ) a cleric or theologian

..I am not saying anything he who assert s has the burden of proof ..

.. the father contributes the SPERM ... the Mother the EGG PLUS a place of incubation Womb also her Blood calcium calories energy and harry is born . it doesn't make HARRY 2 PERSONS
2018-03-22 02:55:56 UTC
True if you are speaking of Jesus.
2018-03-22 00:23:16 UTC



Your Word is a light to my roadway
2018-03-21 23:15:15 UTC
Mary is not the mother of God because Jesus is not God. Plenty of Scriptures say that Jesus is not God and the ones you think says he is, don't. You are twisting their meaning.
2018-03-21 20:54:46 UTC
False. There is no god or Jesus.
NEVER SUBMIT... to evil
2018-03-21 20:15:52 UTC
false............. Jesus is not God
2018-03-21 19:54:17 UTC
Nice try. Protestants all have V'Ger Syndrome: They'd rather cut off their ears than hear the truth.
2018-03-21 19:36:36 UTC
I say Jesus is not the Almighty God.

The Scriptures make it clear that Jesus was entirely human from his birth until his death.

John did not say that the Word was merely clothed with flesh. He became flesh and was not part flesh and part God.

If Jesus had been human and divine at the same time, it could not have been said that he had been made a little lower than angels. Hebrews 2:9

If Jesus had been both God and man when on the earth, why did he repeatedly pray to his father?

Paul wrote: In the days of his flesh Christ offered up supplications and also petitions to the One who was able to save him out of death, with strong outcries and tears, and he was favorably heard for his godly fear. Hebrews 5:7

That Jesus was not partly a spirit when on the earth is proved by Peter’s statement that Christ was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.

Only because Jesus was wholly human could he have experienced what imperfect people experience and thus become a sympathetic high priest.

Paul said: We have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. Hebrews 4:15

As the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, Jesus gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.

In that way, Jesus bought back exactly what Adam had lost perfect, eternal human life.

Since God’s justice required soul for soul, Jesus thus had to be what Adam was originally a perfect human, not a God-man.

As the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, Jesus gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.

In that way, Jesus bought back exactly what Adam had lost perfect, eternal human life. Since God’s justice required soul for soul, Jesus thus had to be what Adam was originally a perfect human, not a God-man.
Den B7
2018-03-21 19:33:40 UTC
Are you forgetting the Holy Trinity? Jesus is the son of God but also one of the trinity. Jesus is God and God is Jesus and each are of the same spirit.

God is eternal without beginning or end, therefore Jesus has always been, but not always in human form.

Mary delivered the human Jesus to the Earth, but he has always been one with the Father.

You're making a mistake by trying to include human physiology into the picture. Jesus' inception was divine, not biological.
2018-03-26 05:14:19 UTC
2018-03-24 06:17:13 UTC
Since God doesn't exist, I would have to say "False" on that.
2018-03-24 06:03:45 UTC
False. Jesus is also not God to begin with. And, Jesus is not the idol, but ideal.
2018-03-23 14:21:14 UTC
There is no mention in the bible that Mary was called the mother of God. Mary was the mother of Jesus. She was Jesus’ mother according to the flesh; but since his spirit-begetting at the time of his baptism, he was primarily God’s spiritual Son, his “mother” being “the Jerusalem above.” (Galatians 4:26)
2018-03-23 11:07:45 UTC
God's not real
2018-03-22 23:16:05 UTC
False. Mary was indeed used by God to carry His unborn son, Jesus. But Jesus is not/was not God...he was God's son. Jesus identified himself as such in John 3:16, 17 where he refers to himself as the Son of God. The teaching that God, Jesus are the same is NOT based on the Scriptures and is not supported in the Bible. Mary was clearly a woman with a wonderful heart and spirit, one who appreciated spiritual things and had a good relationship with God because He certainly would not have entrusted his son to just anyone. Jesus had a pre-human existence and God transferred the life force of Jesus into Mary's womb and guided its development. That's why Jesus was able to be born as a perfect human, because Jehovah God was his Father in every sense of the word.
2018-03-22 19:59:10 UTC
2018-03-22 17:15:45 UTC
What would you consider a woman who had Jesus come from her womb? Either way I am sure Jesus has a special place in His heart for her. Sounds worth respecting considering He is a friend. It has never been an issue between us. I don't plan to ever make it one.
2018-03-22 14:54:33 UTC
Yes - She certainly was!
2018-03-22 09:51:33 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

The Seed Of God, Is Not From Mary, As God Is A Super Power Not Of Are World, A Living Extra- Terrestrial, Of Seed Unknown.
2018-03-22 09:21:52 UTC
Whatever....Humanity are DOOMED!!!
2018-03-22 02:04:48 UTC
Jesus is not God, but the son of God sent to earth. Here he was born as a human. Thus Mary is the mother of a human child that was transferred from heaven where this one was the son of God.
2018-03-22 00:32:57 UTC
Mary is the blessed Mother of Salvation call her by her name.
2018-03-21 22:36:29 UTC
Jesus is part of a triune Godhead. Mary became the human mother of the baby that God allowed to be born on the earth but Jesus was with God in Heaven before Mary was even conceived as a human being. Mary is NOT the mother of God but IS the mother of Jesus because God chose Mary to be the human vessel that would carry and give birth to Jesus but Jesus existed with God long before His earthly birth.
2018-03-21 20:39:16 UTC
Let me stop this argument right here Jesus Christ is not God the Bible says that he is the firstborn of creation that means that Jesus Christ is a created being the Bible also tells you that it was God that created him so no Mary is not the mother of God Mary is the mother of the son of God because she accepted the job
2018-03-21 20:17:30 UTC
The fact of the matter: NO, Mary is the mother of the LORD Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior who is God, but she not the mother of God, God has no beginning or no end. Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior who is eternal God.
2018-03-21 20:04:51 UTC
She was the mother of Yehoshua.
2018-03-21 19:46:24 UTC
The whole thing is a myth. There are no gods
2018-03-21 19:43:44 UTC
She was not his biological mother. He doesn't have half of her DNA. He was brought forth in her belly by the power of the Holy Spirit. That however doesn't make her any less his mother. She gave birth to him. It says in John 1 that God lowered himself to be that of a man. It doesn't say that Jesus is half man, half divine, or fully man, and fully divine; it just says that he lowered himself to be a man; lower than the angels.

That being said, Jesus' ministry began the day he was baptized and the Holy Spirit lingered on him. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, instructing us who follow God on the deepness of his character. We are guided, directed, and empowered through the Holy Spirit to do many miracles and things in the name of God. Christ was no different. He was a man who the spirit lingered on and from there he went out and did exactly as the Father told him. Being God in the form of man, he lived a sinless life, died, and was eventually raised; all as prophesied.
2018-03-21 19:28:54 UTC
But Catholics DO say that so the problem is with YOU Jesus is True God and True Man, and she is His mother.
2018-03-27 00:41:48 UTC
2018-03-23 19:18:24 UTC
2018-03-23 12:30:03 UTC
This is clearly FALSE, God is not a man that He have a son, mother ,father, grandma and siblings, it is so clear that jesus christ is not God.

Truth is always truth , false is always FALSE.
2018-03-23 10:25:13 UTC
who knows - This is just subjective questioning and there could be a multitude of answers for an outcome
2018-03-22 22:38:38 UTC
Luke 1:43 says that Mary is the mother of God.
2018-03-22 21:14:14 UTC
All people have a physical body and a soul. Jesus was full man and fully God. He had both body and soul.

Mary was the mother of the physical body, but his spirit (soul) came directly from God.
2018-03-22 17:56:32 UTC
Mary was another one of God's victims. God never asked for her consent. He just informed her that the Spirit would make her pregnant
2018-03-22 15:09:54 UTC
False...Mary is Jesus' mother, not Jehovahs'...

And the word ' god' is a title, not a personal name.

(2 Corinthians 4:4) among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
Lord Bacon
2018-03-22 10:45:04 UTC
First we need to prove that Jesus ever actually existed. The new testament, written long after the alleged events by people who did not witness them and after the Jesus cult was invented, is not proof. The new testament was written to support the cult, a cult that gained traction because of the prophesies in the old testament and the backing of those with power. If we can't prove Jesus existed beyond being a composite character based on the wandering magicians, mystics and charlatans who claimed to be divine, then arguing about his parenthood is beyond pointless.

How about proving God actually exists? OK, I know it is a nice idea to have to creator to solve all those awkward questions and as a comfort when we are in need but can we show it is real? I suggest not.

To get hung up on who did what to whom and who should be worshipped completely misses the point. Worse that that, it encourages behaviour by those of conflicting dogma that runs contrary to the point. Isn't the point about how we live our lives? Isn't it about loving one another and treating each other with respect? If we start fighting over dogma, such as the hierarchy of characters in the story, then we have missed the point. It is about the message, not selected words.

The many answers posted so far reduce my faith in humanity. How did we get to be this misguided, so corrupt in the name of religion? Please people, find some love in your hearts for your fellow humans and conduct your lives accordingly. What more could any worthy deity ask of us.

As an atheist, I see the rationality behind morality and do not need the promise of heaven or the threat of hell to make me want to live a good and moral life. If you need gods and threats, that is a shame but if that's what works for you, that's OK.

Go in peace.
2018-03-22 10:40:50 UTC
FALSE!! Miriam was the mother of Yeshua the son of man and the Son of God.
2018-03-22 08:59:03 UTC
Is Scooby Doo the uncle of Scrappy Doo? Theologically speaking? What about Donald Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie? Why don't anthropomorphic cartoon animals ever seem to father children?

Cartoon characters are a matrilineal society, in which paternity is considered uncertain and therefore less important than the relationship between a man (or male dog, duck etc.) and his sister's offspring.

In the absence of enforced monogamy, the male cartoon character can be certain that he shares at least some of his cartoon DNA with his sister's offspring, but his own partner's offspring may not actually share any DNA with him.

As the judge said at Mickey and Minnie's divorce:

"So Mr Mouse, if I understand correctly, you wish to divorce your wife because she has buck teeth?"

"No" replied Mickey. "You don't understand. I said she's f**king Goofy"

Matrilineal societies are still found today among many of the Australian Aborigine tribes, and it seems as though many societies in Europe and the Middle East were Matrilineal in the past. Many of the old Celtic legends emphasise the relationship between men and the sons of their sisters more than relationships between fathers and sons (the Mabinogion shows this clearly with the stories set in North Wales emphasising matrilineal relationships and those in South Wales emphasising Patrilinearity - fathers and sons). They also often feature fatherless characters. Cuchulain, for instance is conceived when his Mother swallows a mayfly.

Where religiously enforced monogamy became the rule (and it seems to have happened in the middle east first and subsequently spread to Europe), the role of the father became prominent. The fatherless heroes (Perseus, Theseus, Heracles etc.) in old stories became the bastard children of Gods, such as Zeus (aka Jove) the rapist.

Christianity is a fusion of Judaism and Greek paganism, so we have a legend of Jehovah/Jove (who had been ignoring his own wife for a few centuries by this time ) seducing a teenage girl and leaving her holding the baby. As the story spread further west, into places where marriage customs were less strict, and thus the roles of Mothers and maternal uncles more important, people were more inclined to worship the Mother than the deadbeat absent Father.

For whatever reason Walt Disney hated Mothers and killed them off whenever possible . Consequently only cartoon maternal uncles were able to pop up from the cartoon collective unconscious.

Go, on give me best answer. Please. No one has ever attempted a synthesis of The Golden Bough and 20th century cartoons before. Most of the other answers are just boring old bible bashing.
Robert cc
2018-03-22 07:57:33 UTC
true Jesus is the Lord
2018-03-22 07:52:10 UTC
Yes and no and seems you answered your own question and wish you would answer mine since you know much and it is:

How does God feel about eating meat?
Kazoo M
2018-03-22 02:09:26 UTC
Yes, that is both authentic and scripturally based.

The above is why Jesus never called Mary "mother", the Lord called her "woman".

In the event Christ called her "mother" He would be telling a lie of which the Lord would never do (He is perfect).

Remember, how can Jesus call Mary "mother" when He is also the Father?

Review, one simple Bible verse: John 14:9
2018-03-21 22:12:49 UTC
False, none of them ever existed.
2018-03-21 21:35:02 UTC
No she isn't, the Bible says she gave birth to God's son, Jesus.
2018-03-21 21:07:55 UTC
While Jesus is God, as such, he existed before Mary did. Mary is the mother of Jesus, the man, but not Jesus God.
2018-03-21 19:33:06 UTC
No. Mary CARRIED Jesus. Not biological, but Surrogate.

God has no mother.

You're not knowing your scriptures. Jesus coulf

d not be FULLY God here... Until He resurrected.

Jesus LAID DOWN His divinity.

Jesus was not FULLY man bcuz He had the FORM of man.

Please notice that Jesus never once referred to Mary as mother. Not once.

Yet, at the cross? Remember? Mary and John were at the cross, and Jesus said

'BEHOLD your Mother'... to JOHN, and to Mary He said 'BEHOLD your son'.

Jesus COMPLETELY severed all connection to Mary before He died.

This is false doctrine.

Remember in Jerusalem when Mary and Joseph can't find Jesus?

He was 12, of age, disconnected then.

If I say Mary isn't the mother, then Jesus IS GOD, 100%, having come in human form.

Please study the Bible, not catholic false doctrine.

Mary was a VESSEL... to honor, and she knew it.
Jim V
2018-03-21 19:28:32 UTC
Saying "Mary is the mother of God" can be taken (at least) two different ways.

Mary is the vessel through which God took on human form.

But let no one try to say that Mary caused God to exist.
Stevan The Heathen
2018-03-21 19:25:35 UTC
i thought god impreginated her, kinda sick is it not
2018-03-25 11:27:49 UTC
You ignore the fact that human beings are created with a body, a soul, and a spirit. Jesus was born a man just as we are except His Father who fertilized Mary's egg in her body produced a human being that we know as Jesus. His SPIRIT is and was divine but He left his divinity to live and be subject to all that we have to experience as humans. Jesus clearly stated that He could do NOTHING absent the Holy Spirit. The miracles He performed, He credited to the Holy Spirit. At His resurrection, He ascended into Heaven and took up His divinity again and His place at the right hand of His Father. Jesus was NOT divine while in His human body. The human body cannot be divine as it is subject to corruption (decay). He was fully human while He walked among us. You can say that "technically" Mary is the mother of God but in reality, she was just a human being like the rest of us.
2018-03-24 11:50:50 UTC
religious question.
2018-03-23 22:04:31 UTC
Not for me Mary is the human mother of Jesus God came to earth as a babe through Jesus . God Is 1/3 of the trinity Jesus is 1/3 and the Holy Spirit is !/3 Mary is the mother of 1/3 only.
2018-03-23 22:02:06 UTC
false, she cannot be the mother of Gid the father but she is the mither of Jesus the Son, the first born
2018-03-23 18:12:53 UTC
Mary is not the mother of God, because Jesus is not God. He is the Son of God. They are two separate entities.
2018-03-23 14:18:55 UTC
The bible mentions so many times that Jesus isn't god. lol He always said "My father in the heavens" and he also prayed to the true god. If Jesus is god who was he praying too and who was a talking to he said "My father in the heavens" You should do deep research in the bible before you start telling other people false information. Also, Mary was his mother on earth. She still isn't his mother today. God sent Jesus to earth to die for all our sins. Once Jesus was done with that mission he went to heaven.
2018-03-23 08:32:57 UTC
2018-03-23 04:45:51 UTC
Stop poiinting fingers at Catholics guys
brother trucker
2018-03-23 00:54:13 UTC
Your logic is faulty. Yes Mary was certainly Jesus mom. The rest of your statements can certainly be debated. Is Mary the mother of the ressurected Jesus? Is She the Mother of the Word that existed before creaion, before she was born, the Word that returns as our King in Revelation 19? I dont know, I would like to think so but would certainly never stand up & claim I could prove that.

The thing to remember here is that God is love & as far as His mom is concerned Jesus will always do the loving thing as Mary did when she brought Him into this world.
2018-03-22 22:59:58 UTC
False, Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all chapters.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2018-03-22 13:53:23 UTC
Buybull babble.
2018-03-22 13:02:52 UTC
According to the Bible, there are many gods, and Jesus is God too.

Deut. 10: 17, Isaiah 9: 6, 7; John 20: 28

Why ?

Does anyone doubt what the Bible says?
2018-03-22 13:02:20 UTC
no i am in rs right now and i say you just should not bother
2018-03-22 10:28:50 UTC
Why so WRONG?

Why do you not READ YOUR BIBLE?!

Jesus is the SON of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Black Sabbath
2018-03-22 06:32:49 UTC
how can she be the mother of god if she is only reported to have borne jesus ?
2018-03-22 00:32:26 UTC
Who cares
Gary B
2018-03-21 19:35:41 UTC

Mary is the mother of JESUS, but GODwas his father. .

In the days of Jesus, the law was such that if a man sent his SON to do business, then you treated the son as if he were the man himself.

JESUS was a human body, but it contained the SOUL of GOD. While Jesus' body was human, everything that body thought, said, and did was the same thing God would say, think, or do.

JESUS is God. JESUS is human. BOTH at the same time

But God existed before Mary orjesus. MARY is not the mother of God
2018-03-21 19:31:19 UTC
Mary is the Mother of Jesus. But she's not God.
2018-03-21 19:29:05 UTC
2018-03-21 19:23:53 UTC
False - there's no god and Mary is a character from a book of fables.
2018-03-23 23:52:24 UTC

Mary is the mother of Jesus the Christ; that GOD sent here from Heaven! Jesus got to be the Christ because he is the only Angel that Never Sinned in Heaven! Jesus sits beside GOD in Heaven since he left earth; not in the same seat!

GOD has always been Invisible, never seen! Jesus, sent here by GOD, was seen by tens of thousands then! And some he has contacted since then; As GOD wanted!

Jesus even states over and over in the Bible that he is NOT GOD!
2018-03-23 20:25:48 UTC
no shes my wife
Jimmy C
2018-03-22 19:22:58 UTC
False. Mary is the mother of Jesus, who is the SON of God.
2018-03-22 01:29:59 UTC
Yes, just the plain Mother of Jesus who is God.
2018-03-21 21:57:15 UTC
TRUE. but..... this is actually one of the earliest pieces of evidence of alien abduction and genetic interference by aliens. There is no such thing as immaculate conception, We all know gods are aliens who have a history of conducting reproduction experiments on unsuspecting humans. There are countless stories of women who under hypnotic regression recall being abducted and artificially inseminated. some also report re-abduction and the fetus being removed.
2018-03-21 21:43:27 UTC
How can Mary be the mother of God when God existed before Mary. Catholics believe the Pope is Jesus on earth and the eucharist is the actual body and blood of Jesus. How dumb can one be to believe all the bs the Catholic Church spews out.
2018-03-21 20:11:11 UTC
False, the gods are created not born.
2018-03-21 19:26:30 UTC

Mary was the mother of the son, Jesus, who is not God.

Just a scripture to ponder on: John 1:18

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.