By Fr. Amaro Saumell
It's not about being conservative or liberal in the political sense. What we've forgotten is ethics and mercy. Ethics tells us to “do no harm.” Mercy tells us to be compassionate with those who are harmed or through ignorance cause harm through human error. But we also seem to forget stupidity and ignorance. That resides in those who care little or not about either of the above.
What are the political fights about? Don't fool yourself. Neither of our political parties are fighting about or for us. Neither are fighting for what is ethical. Neither are sincerely being merciful. Neither are looking to be compassionate. But they both are preying on stupidity.
In the meantime, politicians are preying on emotional responses to to human behavior. They know that people confuse liberty and freedom with behaviors of anarchy that include niter ethics or compassion. In fact, they've done away with anything that resembles personal responsibility. They both have relied on the perception that people must depend on government. They both rely in the thrills of being human, especially when those thrills are placed before responsibility and ferment to personal responses of “I deserve to be able to do this through freedom.”
There is no order to this for a reason. Without order, the government can step in to manipulate. For example, when many of us grew up, we were taught that there were consequences to actions and that actions can bring about good or do harm. That was ethics. Because ethics are no longer part of the equation, we now have children being born without the benefit of two parents. In fact, they are often seen as inconvenient because sexual irresponsibility is “more fun.” We have more than 100 deadly social diseases going around. Women are used as guinea pigs by pharmaceutical companies who make a profit from manipulating their fertility, without regard to the dangers of doing so. HIV and AIDS are killing people. But rather than examining the behaviors that bring about such things and stopping these diseases and pregnancies, the attention is focused on curing the diseases so the exploitative behaviors can continue.
Has anyone thought to examine why cancer rates as well as that of autism, fibro myalgia and other conditions have more than skyrocketed? Has anyone been curious as to why “bipolar” is an everyday word in our vocabulary?
Now it's gotten to the point that religion is attacked in our country. Who would have ever thought that our government would actually require people practicing their faith to actually be forced into paying into a system to kill unborn children? Most religions teach not to do harm. And they are being forced into not only harm, but to participate with the intentional taking of life.
Because corporations are given so much power over our politicians though finacncial coercion of their campaigns, we are forced to eat treated foods. We were forced to “go digital” so all of our electronic communications could be tracked and saved. We are forced to pay taxes so those moneys could be sent overseas to people who do nothing but escalate violence. All of this is for financial profit for the corporations so that they can continue to exploit in their own ways.
Now that exploitation has hit home in a new way. Now people are forced into paying into organized insurance companies. Yes, they are corporations who have highly paid executives. These executives funnel money into a medical system who have more highly paid executives. They pay money into pharmaceutical companies who have highly paid executives. And, while wealth itself is not immoral, they method in which wealth is obtained can be unethical, exploitative, and ultimately obscene. Is government doing anything about that?
No, government takes advantage of causing scuttles among those who want to continue behaviors of financial dependence and maverick sexuality and hedonism. Government wants to be seen as “interment” so this dependency will continue as the perceived supplier of happiness. While attempting to appear as a force to bring about order, it actually looks to confuse by ignoring ethics or anything that reminds the people of ethical and responsible behavior.
Our two new royal families are on two different paths to the same purpose. It is all financially viable for them, but not those whom they supposedly serve. On one hand, we have Democrats who serve under the guise of the title liberal. “Liberal” often means “anything goes” and we'll appear to clean up the mess later.” It's a “what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine” scenario. “I can behave the way that I want, and it's other people's responsibility to clean up the mess.” The Republicans act under the guise of “personal responsibility.” But if people act corporately, they can exploit in that manner for the financial profits of a choice few. Neither has an ethical foundation of “do no harm.” They both profess to seek order, while actually causing disorder.
In the meantime, the common folk perceive freedom as doing what “I want to do” without examining consequences of behavior. We've got a society who wants to act on feelings rather than intellect. We've got homosexuals who want a marriage status and heterosexuals who breed like flies without the stable environment of marriage and reliable parents for the lives they create. And the lives they create have given the attitude that life can be disposable when inconvenient. We've got people who have to pay marriage taxes while others cohabit to avoid it or any other responsibilities. All of this done under the mistaken perception that these behaviors define freedom. And the politicians love it! It gives people an emotional charge that distracts what it is doing with its corporate sponsors.
We not only allow all this to go on, but we enable and empower as we go on with our daily lives. In the meantime, now our government can tell us not only how to live, but if we can live. It controls and tracks our communication. And it continues to get worse. So, as I write, don't think I'm am intentionally participating with a “political party.” I am not. I am looking to evoke thoughts and actions concerning ethics... that which protect and nurture our very existence and the freedom to act ethically without a government telling me how to do it according to its own agenda.
Yes, I have a religion. My religion does not profess any killing of life. It does not teach to harm. Yet, it has become the enemy of the state because it won't. I'm supposed to have the freedom to practice that religion. My particular religion teaches that each life is sacred and not to harm it. And yet, the government in this country is forcing me to participate in destroying life in the midst of trying to save it. It is confusing charity, which comes from the heart, with socialism and communism, which does not serve as an ethical logic, but rather a manipulation of agenda... political agendas of exploitation and destruction.
We will have issues in life. But when we reduce life itself to an issue, we only become numbers to manipulate by a government that we have given so much power to deems us as such. We become a zero when it says so. You and I and our existence are now reduced to issues and numbers. We've given the government that much power because of our lack of ethics and morality.