Roman Catholics: Why don't we find the "one true church" praying to Mary in the New Testament?
2010-04-09 20:03:45 UTC
The RCC has exalted Mary to the position of "Queen of Heaven" and mediator... Why is there no mention of this in the New Testament? The RCC claims that they are the "one true church" that was there in the beginning.. Why weren't the early Christians praying to Mary?
Thirteen answers:
2010-04-10 14:27:36 UTC
You are correct in all you say about the Roman church.

The Roman church isn't doing anything any different than she did in her ancient days. Mary has replaced her fertility/Mother goddess or Queen of the Heaven goddess.

And you're right about none of the early followers subjecting themselves to paganism.

I have asked the question, 'why the Roman church isn't mentioned with the 7 churches of Revelation (1:4, 11, 20) since she claims she is the ONLY church that the living God has given His authority to? - Why isn't that in the holy Word of God, if it's true???

Why didn't the early church leaders, Yeshua/Jesus or even the living God Himself teach that the Roman church is the church to belong to Him?

The "Queen of Heaven" as the Roman church is so fond of referring to Mary as is none other than the same pagan goddess that the LORD despised the worship of by His people Israel.

How can the Roman church claim that she is the ONLY true church with God's authority with a straight face?

Be Blessed:-)
Kevin S
2010-04-09 22:10:12 UTC
My question to you is, why are you looking in the Bible for this?

Catholics don't believe in Sola Scriptura, they see it as heresy. And I am inclined to agree with them - so many things you people get hung up about not being in the Bible, I mean, WHO CARES if they're not in the Bible? The rosary - a simple aid to prayer, why does it need to be there? Asking Mary to pray for us - similar to asking a family member or friend to do the same - so what if it's not in the Bible?

Is the computer you type on in the Bible? No? Then does that mean God thinks you shouldn't use it?

But if this is a game you DO want to pray, tell me where the Sinner's Prayer is in the Bible. Or the Chick Tract prayer. Or altar calls. Or church bake sales.

If the Bible said flat out, "Don't pray to Mary" you might have a point. But it says nothing of the kind. And you can't use the Bible for this purpose when it is silent on a matter.
2016-09-28 03:58:26 UTC
RCC do not pray to all people yet God. praying to all people yet God is a sin. interior the RCC prayers they say _____ pray "FOR" us. As for the pope, what denomination isn't ruled by utilising a head that facilitates interpret the bible. For Pres, baptist and different church homes that don't have a hierarchy, the minister or reverend facilitates to define what's seen a sin and what isn't. purely like the pope. RCC or any christian do not post to all people's authority yet to God's. i'm bored with doing this. you comprehend what why do not you bypass criticize rapists, murders, thieves, and people obtainable doing incorrect. or maybe bypass do some volunteer artwork particularly of wailing on different religions. sure there are changes in each and every church. Who cares? as long as you experience nearer to God and are not committing a sin, then it is going to not rely the kind you worship God. If going and helping the homeless facilitates you experience nearer to God do it. If going evangelizing facilitates you experience nearer do it. Missionary artwork do it. the factor is there'll continually be diverse church homes, diverse ideals and diverse perspectives approximately all concerns. God made us all equivalent, yet diverse.
2010-04-09 20:10:53 UTC
I left the Church in 1978. I believe in God but I do not adhere to any 1 religion.

Marianism, or the practice of seeking intercession of Mary, mother of Jesus is simple. Its made-up fantasy like 99 percent of most of the Church's extra-biblical stuff.

Its no different than seeking the intercession of the Saints, etc.

Its all liturgical, canonical, catachumenical claptrap.

The Catholic Church is not a religion about God, its a religion about the Church. Therefore the Church creates extra-biblical things and ideas to justify its existence and make its adherents feel better, while at the same time guilting them and shaming them into coming to Church all the time.

The Church's position is that its a sin not to go to Church. The Church's position is that if you do not pray to Jesus you won't ever get into heaven. The Church's position is that you have to confess to priests as if they're the eyes and ears of Jesus and God.

Come to think of it, there's no Trinity in the New Testament either.
2010-04-10 05:14:40 UTC
As a supposed learner of the scriptures, you as a Protestant are supposed to know that not all is written in the scriptures, which St. John clearly states to you.

The Apostles did not even know that Christ was God until the transformation. The concept of how holy Mary remained sinless became clear when one realizes that the Incarnation REQUIRED a holy vessel, [holy: it means clear, unspotted] spoken of many times in the Old Testament, which would contain the PERFECT VICTIM Who would become the PERFECT SACRIFICE offered to the Father for the sins of the world. What is that Vessel other than Mary who brought Him to the world? He would not certainly be untainted had He been born of mere sinful descendants of Adam and Eve. No, the intercession of the Holy Spirit in the case of Mary was for that purpose only, to remove from her the taint of Original Sin --AFTER she made vocal and visible acceptance to become the mother of Christ, i.e., "Be it done unto me according to thy word." She retained her free will. Thereby, it was her own choice to remain holy throughout her life, including the holy Birth of Christ [Christ was born as Adam, He appeared at the side of Mary, and it is senta certa but not de fide that He was not vaginally ‘born” as all of Eve’s generations were] but Christ's human soul was Incarnated as Man in this recreation of Man to begin anew the salvation of Mankind. Hence, Mary is called the Second Eve, and Christ is the Second Adam. Mary's holiness is beyond speculation as Mother of God.

This is just one of the problems you indicate with your misunderstanding of theology. But there remains a kernel of truth, enough to begin your quest. Christ came to teach the truth and He left His Church to fulfill that Mission. That Truth, is Christ IN HIS WORD, His DOCTRINE. She, the Church, has fulfilled teaching that truth. Now you have to accept those teachings --in order to save your soul.
2013-12-20 14:19:08 UTC
To you venerating and praying through a person makes

no difference. It all seems the same to you.

Dont visit

your misconceptions on Catholics
2010-04-09 20:09:39 UTC
"Why is there no mention of this in the New Testament?"

Because Mary was chosen by God to bear Christ. She was a good Jew, and God loved her. She is obviously to be respected and revered in Christianity. Nothing more.

"Why weren't the early Christians praying to Mary?"

It's because they didn't believe in it. She didn't represent anything to them spiritually. Praying to saints and to Mary is what the gentiles did. It's my opinion (educated one) that this was worked into the faith to either attract pagan gentiles (who had the exact same beliefs - praying to goddesses and to the dead), or the gentiles continued the practice. It's easier to convert people who believe in godesses by saying "Hey! We got one of them!".

The overwhelming majority of Christians in Rome during the early years were pagan converts, that is why you see a connection between Christmas and Easter traditions and paganism. (like decorating the tree, easter eggs, etc).

I am however certain that Catholics are saved Christians, but I do believe that they have been misguided for almost 1,500 years.
Just Wondering
2010-04-09 21:58:49 UTC
I do not understand why people say that Catholics worship Mary when we say we do not. One would assume that the person that is the believer would truly be the one to know whom they are or are not praying to.
2010-04-09 20:16:41 UTC
Acts 1:14 These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with {the} women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

We ask Mary to Pray for us!


The Evidence In Scripture

The glorious mystery of Mary is not easy to discern. But when you read the Scripture the way the early Christians did -- understanding the references to the fulfillment of the old law in the new -- it is clear the sacred authors are instructing us in Mary's role as Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, the ark of the new covenant, Jesus Christ.

Point One

Jesus has a queen who stands at his right hand. Witness Psalm 45: 6-18, a prophecy about the Messiah:

"Your arrows are sharp; peoples are subject to you; the king's enemies lose heart. Your throne, O God, stands forever and ever; a tempered rod is your royal scepter. You love justice and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings. With myrrh and aloes and cassia your robes are fragrant; from ivory palaces string music brings you joy. The daughters of kings come to meet you; the queen takes her place at your right hand in gold of Ophir. Hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear, forget your people and your father's house. So shall the king desire your beauty; for he is your lord, and you must worship him... I will make your name memorable through all generations; therefore shall nations praise you forever and ever."

Point Two

The queen who stands at Jesus' right hand, whose name the Lord promises will be made "memorable through all generations," must be Mary, the mother of Jesus. For, as we see in Luke 1: 48, Mary herself proclaims the prophecy of the psalm fulfilled when, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she echoes it by saying: "...behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed." By including this passage in her Magnificat, the inspired Gospel writer is clearly signaling the faithful that she will be the queen who is at the right hand of the Messiah.

Now if we follow this New Testament prophecy to call her blessed, how can it be said we are detracting from the glory of the Lord? And if we disregard this New Testament prophecy, how can we say we are doing his will?

Point Three

In Revelation 12, we see a tableaux with a female figure bearing a child. We know the child is the Messiah by the reference, "destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod" -- which recalls the Messianic prophecy in Psalm 2:7 -

"The Lord said to me, 'You are my son; this day I have begotten you. Ask of me and I will give you the nations for an inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession. You shall rule them with an iron rod; you shall shatter them like an earthen dish.'"

(just too much to post)

2010-04-09 20:07:11 UTC

Where is your proof that Roman Catholics pray to Mary? huh? Were you a Roman Catholic? Unlikely.

And also, the Roman Catholic church was actually the only Church before Protestants broke off. In other words, ROMAN CATHOLICS ARE CHRISTIANS.

Is this all because of the Pope rape abuse scandal that you think Roman Catholics are queers and suck and are 1000000% wrong?
2010-04-09 20:05:37 UTC
I don't see anyone in New Testament praying to Jesus either.

The reason is the same... you don't pray to people while they are still alive.
2010-04-09 20:06:33 UTC
ex catholic... why pray at all... it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things
2010-04-09 20:06:49 UTC
why is there no mention of the bible?

why is there no mention of praying to Jesus?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.