every Christians sects disagree with each others and there are many bibles !
but in Arabic its only 1 quran! yes there are many translations of the 1 Arabic quran but they are just translations not versions! and every muslim follows the main 1 Arabic quran! well muslims have also created some sects but Quran says sects are forbidden in islam.but all sects of muslims have to follow the same 1 Arabic quran and its just 1.Errors of Christianity and Judaism (See
Genesis 1: 1 - 31) Scientists say that the Earth’s surface took millions of years to cool
down and became suitable for living. Genesis says that the water
Appeared on earth on its first day, then the appearance of the plants
On its third, and the animals on the fourth and the fifth days.
The biblical order of the appearance of the creations contradicts the
findings of geologic history.The presence of water on the face of the
earth on the first day contradicts the scientific theory that the earth
and the universe were gas at the beginning of creation. In addition,
the plants cannot appear before the existence of the sun, and the
marine animals and birds were not before wild animals.
Scientifically, saying that the creation of the earth was before the
creation of the sun and the stars (on the fourth day) is wrong.
Moreover, the appearance of the night and the day for three days,
without the sun is surprising!
In addition, saying that the appearance of plants was three days
before man is wrong. Scientific discoveries tell us that the presence
of vegetations were millions of years before the presence of man.
Torah claims that the earth has pillars, has corners, and it is
flat, approving the scientific mainstream during the time of the writing.
It says, "The sun also arises, and the sun goes down, and
haste to its place where it arises." (Ecclesiastes 1: 5) The writer
did not know neither that the earth is spherical, nor that it spins on its
axis to create the sunrise and sunset.
The author of that verse was not Allah (S.W.) the Omniscient, who
says, “He created the heavens and the earth in true
(proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day
overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to
His law)” (Holy Quran, Surah 39, Az-Zumar – 5)
Describing Allah (S.W.), the Torah says that He is "That shaketh
the earth out of its place, And the pillars thereof tremble".
(Job 9: 6) The holy books’ writers confirmed this misconception. They
claimed that Allah (S.W.) said to Job, "Where were you when I
put the earth on its base? Say, if you have knowledge. By
whom were its measures fixed? Say, if you have wisdom;
or by whom was the line stretched out over it? On what
were its pillars based, or who laid its corner-stone" (Job 38:
4-6), and the Book of Samuel says. "For the pillars of the earth
are Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them." (1Samuel
2: 8).
The New Testament confirms this naive and wrong perception of the
earth; it is flat, with pillars, and with four corners, in some verses,
which I will mention them in their place of this series.
Ecclesiastes speaks about the water cycle on earth and why the sea
would not be full, although much water is poured into it from rivers. It
mentions that the seawater goes back again to the springs of the
rivers, so the sea would not be full. It says, "All the rivers run
into the sea, yet the sea doth not overflow: unto the place
from whence the rivers come, they return, to flow again ".
(Ecclesiastes 1: 7)
Finally, the Torah ratifies that humans have the ability of bringing the
souls of the dead, and tells that this actually happened. The sorcerer
was able to bring Prophet Samuel’s spirit to King Saul, and explained
the talk between them. (See1Samuel 28: 3-20) This is close to
witchcraft and myth more than anything else.
These errors and others testify that this book is not the word of Allah
The wordof Allah (S.W.) does not err, nor teach people lies or error
And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time
to Our Servant, then produce a Soorah Like thereunto; And call your
witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If your (doubts) are
true. But if ye cannot –And of a surety you cannot. hen fear the Fire
Whose fuel is Men and Stones – Which is prepared for those Who reject
Faith.” [Al-Qur’aan 2:23-24] Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth
Were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before we clove them
asunder?” [Al-Qur’aan 21:30]
The striking congruence between the Qur’aanic verse and the ‘Big Bang’ is
inescapable! Allah mentions big bang in Quran! Scientists say that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial
matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter "Moreover He Comprehended In His design the sky, And it had been smoke: He said to it And to the earth: ‘Come ye together, Willingly
or unwillingly They said:We do -Quran41:11
The quran isn’t a book of science but it’s a book of signs from god!
Quran is not copy of anything and its 100% word of god in Islam. According to science torah &bibles statements have errors &Qurans statements are accurate &word of god is accurate.
www.guideus.tv www.irf.net www.peacetv.tv www.whyislam.org
God does not born or die he is forever. Jesus, Moses, Mohammad & all other people of Bible, Quran &Torah were great messengers prophets of god not sons of god they were created by 1 true god, creator, Allah. So any creation can’t be the 1 creator Allah. So they were messengers, prophets of god. How can creator be part of what he has created Himself!!!So he is not part of any creation again he is not a creation & has no partners no father ,mother, daughter ,son, brother, sister ,wife & no gender simply unique beyond comparable & 1 & 1 only. From Adam to Jesus god sent his messages for every generation or period of time but it was always destroyed by mankind & the devils conspiracy to take mankind towards hell. Because all previous books were massed up by humans Allah sent his last messenger not son or god, but messenger Mohammad & sent him Quran & it’s messages to guide humans towards Allah & heaven. Allah has promised to Keep Quran same until the Day of Judgment & challenged humans to create another accurate book like Quran & said if you can’t then surrender to your lord (the only way of peace&heaven).Majority of things science has discovered until now 80% of Quran had all those undiscovered answers from the last 1400years when science didn’t have any answers. The other 20% answer was & is in Quran. Maybe it will take science another 1400years to find it. All 100% answers are in Quran. Science can’t prove a single verse of Quran wrong. If you do a research on Quran, bible and science you will find facts. Facts are stranger than fiction. In the bible it says Jesus bowed his head on floor just like Muslims bow their head on floor while praying .You should do research on bible, Quran &science if you believe in god so you can find facts on Islam. If I teach a parrot a message & send it to someone & parrot tells the message to that person and leaves & that person starts saying that parrot is my son that would make no sense, because that was my messenger not son. Jesus was taken up alive &after that people started calling him son of god. He came to establish Islam & was a messenger of 1 god. Christianity started after Jesus was gone, Jesus will comeback & die as a human& Muslim. Quran is the only accurate 100% words of god &word of god can’t have errors then it would not be word of god & according to science bibles & Torahs has many errors but they can’t prove a verse in Quran wrong. Muslims believe there is no god but Allah & Prophet Mohammad is the last & final prophet & messenger of Allah. Adam, Abraham ,Noah, Moses ,Jesus , Muhammad were all messengers & prophets of 1 God Allah so Islam is the 1st religion & it’s the last religion because God is Allah & God is forever so is God’s religion which is only Islam & it is also forever. Finally Islam always existed even before Adam, Abraham ,Noah, Moses ,Jesus & Muhammad because it’s the only true religion from God Allah. Torah and Bible are full of errors and god never errors only Satan and humans errors. Arabic Quran has no errors but translations and printings can have errors. Muhammad received the Quran through angel Gabriel from god. Quran is the last final revelation from god to Prophet Muhammad the last final seal of prophets. He received the Quran which completed the religion of god and with Quran all other previous holy books were cancelled by god and Quran is the only book to be followed and Islam is the complete religion from god for the whole of humanity. So there is no other god except 1 Allah alone and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are only prophets and messengers of god.
English Standard Version
God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19
The best book I have ever read (“The Bible, the Qu'ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge: 4 books in 1”) Authored by Mr. Faisal Fahim, Dr. Maurice Bucaille, Dr. Zakir Naik.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuZh8Tt8v-A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9C3D174gdA