The beauty of Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism was... it always talked in absolute terms. Not a single precept in whole of Bhagavad Gita could be termed wrong or without basis. As per sacred Bhagavad Gita... god realization, self realization only had one meaning... knowing our true inner self, reaching our spirit... the consciousness within!
Reaching God in present lifetime is gaining self realization, god realization as per Bhagavad Gita! As per Bhagavad Gita, God Almighty was one and only one (termed Brahman in Hinduism). Some called it Bhagwan, others khuda... some supreme primordial cosmic energy. In Hinduism itself God Almighty was also termed Parmatman, Ishwar, Sanatana Purusha, Karta etc.
For reaching God almighty... the path was only Bhagavad Gita! Through no other religion or scripture could a human being to reach god... gain self realization, god realization in present life! In the present scientific age to reach god... even wisdom contained in various Vedas (Hinduism revelations) was not necessitated. But whatever was contained in Upanishads (independent treatises) were of great help.
Praying to God... worshipping god carried no meaning on path of god realization, self realization! Unless we contemplated on God Almighty, unless we travelled path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom)... we could never reach god in present life! A god realized person could talk to God Almighty every second of life. Having intermittent glimpses of God Almighty or various deities carried no meaning in spiritual world. God Almighty can never be reached that way.
How difficult self realization, god realization was can be gauged from the fact that in last about 150 years amongst 7000 million people existing world over... only Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana finally succeeded in reaching god in their lifetime. God realization was a permanent happening. After realizing god, the liberated soul atman finally left for kingdom of god (termed Vaikuntha in Hinduism)... after the realized one left mortal frame! More here-