I was born and raised as a methodist. The faith was fine, but as I grew older (around 10), my family stopped going to church (for a variety of reasons).
When I reached college (and the death of multiple family members and friends), I began to search again. The same denomination wasn't working any more. ON a whim, I followed a friend to a Catholic mass and walked out with a "Wow" feeling.
A year later, I began RCIA (process of joining).
I believe in the Catholic's teachings because it seems to make the most intellectual sense. Other views seem to have too many problems and conflicts. (I know others would disagree, but this is why **I** believe).
I have the ability/choice to change my religion, but I wouldn't unless I found proof of a better choice. And with countless classes, conferences, books (a six foot long, three foot high pile in my basement right now) and tapes - the Catholic church still seems to be the correct one.
I have little "emotional" feelings. I wish I did, but I don't. It is an intellectual faith, brought about by learning and research.
It has changed my life by giving me more focus on
1) my role as a person, husband, father and son
2) values of treating others
3) prayer and associated areas
I think this question is an excellent one. I hope others answer well (although I know at least a few will probably not based on past history). Continued search for the truth is never a bad thing. The problem is that many find a place THEY think is correct and instead of searching and discussing, they attack and insult what they do not believe. This is not worthy of any religion or any intelligent person.