Do you agree that when the apostles died, the Holy Spirit could not be passed on?
2012-07-28 08:04:27 UTC
Do you think it is only certain groups, say like Pentecostals who can
receive the Holy Spirit and that this is highly questionable?

What do you believe about the Holy Spirit regarding being
filled with the Holy Spirit?

Was it just for that time and now we don't need that?

21 answers:
♥ SJC ♥
2012-07-28 11:14:41 UTC
It was NOT just for that time.

The Apostles Peter and John did pray before laying hands on the Samaritans. Observe the fact that this is the only account of this pattern though. Paul is not said to have prayed before laying hands on the Ephesians (Acts 19:1-6), and Peter did not lay hands on or pray for Cornelius' household (Acts 10:44-48). There is no pattern found in the Book of Acts on how to receive the Holy Spirit, or help someone to receive the Holy Spirit. I do not see a pattern that demands prayer first, or even the laying on of hands. Either or both are perfectly acceptable, but not necessary. We do not transmit the Holy Spirit. We do not need to go through some certain ritual to receive God's Spirit into our hearts. He comes by faith. In fact, I find the diversity of ways that people received the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts to give us an indication that we should not think of it as some mechanistic event. It will happen in different ways at different times to different people.

As much as I believe in the Bible and doing things the "Apostolic" way, it must be remembered that the Bible was never intended to be a comprehensive how-to book for everything we do. We get our doctrine from the Scripture, but there are certain practices that the early church did only because it was their cultural style to do it that way, or because of circumstantial necessities. For example, Paul preached in the marketplaces. That was perfectly acceptable in the culture of those days. Many people did this. The townspeople expected such things, and would even go there to hear people speak on their ideas. Our situation today is much different. We may turn people away from the gospel by doing this.

Another example is church buildings. The Book of Acts records how the church met from house to house. They did not have church buildings. Should we then not have church buildings? No, I do not think this is the point. The early church was persecuted by the Jews. Why build a building where Christians meet in such a situation. Such a building might as well have a sign on it reading, "Christians meet here. Beet us up after 6:00 P.M. if you would like." Not only this, but most of the early Christians were very poor. They did not have the funds to build buildings.

There are observations that we can make concerning how the early church did things that can be beneficial to us today if also practiced. We only need to learn how to discern between cultural practices, practices which originated out of necessity, and practices that are for the church for all time. This can be difficult to discern sometimes and not everybody will always agree on which is which, but it is something that we must understand when reading the Scripture.

One such practice that we find in the Book of Acts (and also I Corinthians) that I believe we might be well to take into consideration is communion. The early church practiced communion weekly. Such references to breaking bread in the Book of Acts may very well be references to communion (Acts 2:42, 46; I Corinthians 10:16). Early church history confirms that the apostolic church took communion weekly. It was an apostolic practice. Today, many of our churches only partake of communion once or twice a year. The primary reason for this lack of frequency in taking communion is a carry-over reaction to the Catholic church that began around the time of the Reformation. Jesus only said, "As often as you drink this," (I Corinthians 11:25) so we are not commanded to take communion at prescribed times, but it would be good to take communion more frequently. The early church conceded with this.

We must get our doctrine from the apostles and the NT writings, but we need not attempt to mimic their culture. We live in a different day with a different world-view. We are ministering to different people. Much has changed. The doctrine never changes, but church practices and methods do change.. We will do good to observe what the early church did, but we are not treating the Book of Acts as a genuine historical account of the early church if we believe that we are to mimic every practice or custom that they had.

I think you can see what I am talking about here. I am not saying that we need to do it our own way, or that our practices need not be informed by the Book of Acts or other NT books. What I am saying is that the Bible was not intended to convey a particular culture to be implemented by believers for all time. We live in a different day and will have our own practices that result from our culture and circumstantial necessities. We should not attempt to reinvent the wheel, but neither should we try to dig up the same wheel used in the apostles' day.
2012-07-29 00:40:38 UTC
No, this is not true at all. Many had already received the gift of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and gifts of the spirit when the apostles were killed, and when the church had to go underground, that's what they did. The Holy Spirit never died out and never will.
2012-07-28 08:15:00 UTC
No, I don't agree. Why wouldn't the Holy Spirit be able to enter into us when the apostles died? It has nothing to do with them. It all has to do with Christ. 1Cor. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. It is the Church, the Body of Believers, who have the Spirit of God within them. Scriptures also say that it is the Spirit that draws men to God. When Jesus died and rose again, He made it possible for man to commune with God internally. Whoever came up with this teaching that the Holy Spirit could not be passed on is a liar and a thief. He will be judged harshly.

@Kazoo. The Acts of the Apostles has not ended. It is continuing even now. It is not until the end that it will be finished and we all meet Jesus face to face.
2012-07-28 18:56:20 UTC
Well, since you asked for our opinions on it,

I believe that doctrine is heresy.

And I'd literally run from them.

There is nothing at all that supports that in the Bible.

NONE of the apostles called themselves Pentecostals.

Likewise, most Pentecostals teach that a person can not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit unless that person evidences it by speaking in tongues.

While the gift of tongues certainly is valid today as it was then, it's only one of many gifts of the Holy Spirit (evidence) and there's nothing that SAYS that's what convinced Peter that the Gentiles he was sent to preach the gospel did to prove they have received the HOly Spirit.

Peter very likely (by his time walking with Jesus on this earth) had acquired "the discerning of spirits" which is also (listed in the New Covenant) as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Much like studying real dollar bills is what counterfeit specialists do, not studying fakes. If you know the real Word of God come in the flesh who was full of the HOly Spirit and see the works (of miracles, healing, etc) done at Jesus hands, Peter could have discerned without people babbling their prayer languages in front of him or not.

The same is said where the NEw TEstament describes the "fruits of the Holy Spirit" instead of just giving us tongues as evidence alone. Then, James speaks of good works/deeds proving some ones faith.

We need tongues now, at least depending on how difficult your life in Christ is, think Sudanese believers here, it's for today. So are miracles (for those that need them) and healings, and even prophesy. But no one needs to believe in fake ones. We are charged to "test the spirits" and to "judge" these things ourselves, while not blaspheming the Holy spirit.

Between those last two things is the place to walk our walk with Christ (God' living Word). That can only be done by trusting (the meaning of "faith") God and His Word.
2012-07-28 15:39:57 UTC
I think you have worded this wrong.

All who are called of God and accept that call by consecrating their lives to the Lord are given the holy Spirit.

What the Apostles did by laying on of hands was the physical gifts of the spirit, such as tongues, healing and prophecy. That could not be passed on by any other.

We see that Simon or maybe it was Alexander wanted to buy the gift, and Paul was angry.

When we see the Eunuch was baptized, he received the holy Spirit, but not the gifts.
Yellow Canary
2012-07-28 08:24:57 UTC
Absolutely not true. Jesus Christ told his apostles that the good news of the kingdom would be preached throughout the earth and told his followers to: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, Look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system; of things." Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus also told his followers: "But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name,that one will teach YOU all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told YOU." John 14:26 It really boggles my mind what people think they know when they have never even opened their Bibles. I know, because when I was growing up, my dad's Bible stayed in his army trunk. The only time it came out was when there was a marriage or a child born. Or a dried rose and obituary were put in it for record. I am a preacher of the good news about God's kingdom and it is only by means of God's holy spirit that I am able to do what I am doing right now. Holy Spirit has helped me to preach and teach about God, Jesus Christ, holy spirit, God's purpose for this beautiful home of ours the earth, what happens to us when we die, what hope there is for our dead loved ones and so forth. Are you able to explain any of these things without lying about any one of them? Our grand creator wants all of us to understand his will and purpose for us and his footstool, the earth, which by the way will one day again be HOLY. You can learn all about these things and more at
2012-07-28 08:18:31 UTC
God advised his apostles alone he would give them the Holy Spirit.

His Apostles alone received the Holy Spirit in the upper room at Pentecost

His Apostles could confer the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands.

New Testament Prophets who received the Holy Spirit could not confer the Spirit to others.

When the Apostles died, there was nobody left to confer the Spirit with the laying on of hands.
Kazoo M
2012-07-28 08:17:02 UTC
Truthfully, one must fully understand the defined aspect surrounding the Apostles.

The Biblical book concerning the above is in reference to "The Acts of the Apostles"

Only the Apostles, individuals that Jesus selected are noted as the primary source of the latter book.

The Apostles were selected by Jesus to carry-on His ministry after the crucifixion, these individuals required specific graces/instructions to perform the latter since our Lord's ministry was new.

Remember, once the bible and/or written scrolls/epistles were available to the public the mission of the Apostles was no-longer of great significance.

Although, a great honor and respect must always be noted to the Apostles since the latter mission would come at a great cost; most if not all of the Apostles died a martyrs death.

Today, we have it easy - all the hard work has been completed - we simply have to make the attempt and follow in our Lord's belief/teaching.

Finally, "yes" you are correct it was just necessary for that segment of time!

Try to always remember that the book is titled "The Acts of the Apostles" the latter does not include everyone else; just the Apostles selected by Jesus during His Earthly ministry.

All of the above does not discredit the great value of "Holy Orders" the priest and/or spiritual advisors of the church have always been and will always be an integral part of our Lord's mission until the end of time.

God bless'
2012-07-28 08:16:58 UTC
i believe in what the bible says. Jesus said that he was not going to leave us comfortless and that he was sending the Holy Spirit to be our comforter, to be our teacher and our guide, to convict of us sin and to lead us into the truth. Jesus told us that it is impossible for anyone to get into the kingdom of heaven unless God draws that person through his Holy Spirit, so without the Holy Spirit, no one could get saved.

as for the experiences of receiving gifts from the Holy Spirit, the apostles were not the only ones who experienced that. on the day of pentacost, there were 120 people in the upper room who all received the person of the Holy Spirit. also, throughout the book of acts, there are several places where the apostles passed on the experience to others who believed and those people passed it on to others and so on and so forth. people are still experiencing it today and since the new testament is our road map to follow, we know that the scriptures concerning receiving the Holy Spirit and the gifts he gives are for all of us, just as all the rest of the new testament is. the Holy Spirit is the presence of God on the earth and he will remain until Jesus comes again. the gifts he gives are for anyone who is born again and is open to receiving them.
2012-07-28 08:18:22 UTC
Paul stated that without the spirit of God we're not his. So obviously the Holy Spirit is still filling his children today.
2012-07-28 08:27:51 UTC
Blessings to all. no I don't agree because before Christ Ascended into the heaven, He gave gifts to all of those that were there, and He gave them power to preach, and to touch, and to heal others, since this Spirit that was in Christ , it is in all whom believe, therefore Jesus spoke and thing happens , He commanded and every thing came about, so in Christ name believers speaks and with faith in Him miracles and healing happens. God spirit lives in all believers, by this spirit christians do the work and the will of God. This spirit sustains us, it guide teach us, protect and tell us do this, or don't do that, change your mind stay home today, help this person, pray for this person, visit the poor and the destitute, forgive some one today, love each other, make peace with one another, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, these are the things we hear and we do daily Why?? because God spirit lives and dwells in within all people that loves Him and believe Him. Thanks for this post. Peace out.
2012-07-28 19:22:09 UTC
So , are you saying that the Holy Spirit ceased to function and be available when the Disciples all died off? wouldn't that mean that God only provided that his Holy Spirit only benefit those of that time and era....Does that sound like something God would do? Certainly does not sound like my God would do...If the Holy Spirit ceased to exist when the last disciples died, they who intercedes between God and mankind

I prefer to think that God still uses his Spirit to intercede between and us....
2012-07-28 08:10:59 UTC
Well, if people could receive the Holy Spirit, then I imagine that their souls would be purified as well. I don`t know much about the pentecostals, but they sounds a little like bastards. If someone was touched by the Holy Spirit, then surely I think we could feel it from them or see it in their deeds. I think that the spirit is free to choose who it shall pass onto, but yes, the apostles seemed to know things that mankind has long forgotten, like God`s true name.
Dave & Donna
2012-07-28 08:13:03 UTC
The Holy Spirit lives within each of us. However, we don't all call upon him or accept him. Jesus speaks to this in John 14:15-17 " If you love me you will obey my commands, and I will ask the Father and he will give you another councilor to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth, {The Holy Spirit} The world cannot accept him for they neither see him nor know him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you."
2016-10-14 09:22:31 UTC
Latter-day Saint: faith therapeutic: I even have considered miracles. Casting out demons: very almost by no ability mandatory. there has been in basic terms one time (probably 2) as quickly as I knew i grow to be interior the presence of a effective non-God being. i do no longer think of i grow to be righteous sufficient to have accomplished something approximately it on the time, so i'm happy i did no longer attempt. (confident, i grow to be an fool and that i probably nonetheless am -- it somewhat is a solid ingredient God looks out for individuals like me.) speaking in tongues: If that's gibberish, that's gibberish. presents are given to edify, and the presents of speaking in tongues and examining tongues are given to assist God's servants in spreading the gospel or to maintain a existence, etc.
Robert S
2012-07-28 08:40:15 UTC
The Holy Spirit was given to the Church at Pentecost.

It has been passed down through Baptism & Confirmation.

It is given at ordination of Deacons, Priests, & Bishops.

This is through the laying on of hands, apostolic succession.
2012-07-28 08:26:08 UTC
Have ye received the Holy Ghost

since ye BELIEVED?


Paul asked the disciples of John the Baptist this in Acts 19:2

He was told that they had not heard anything about the Holy Ghost. So Paul explained some things and then baptized them for a second time (only this time, in the name of Jesus). Afterward, when he laid his hands on them, they received the Holy Ghost!

Many professing Christians have never heard this because most ministers do not believe this Bible experience is for people today. However, regardless of the theology or doctrines that most ministers have been instructed to teach, the question above should be asked of every professing Christian today. Those who are truly independent thinking Bible students will search it out for themselves in the scriptures, and will find out what the Bible has to say about this matter.

Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:5, "... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Romans 8:9 tells us, "...Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."


How does one know when they receive the Holy Ghost?

Some ministers teach that the Holy Spirit is received "automatically" ... with no apparent outward manifestation ... when a person "believes" and accepts Christ as their personal Savior. However, in Acts 8:12-17, we read about people who believed, yet they had NOT received the Holy Spirit.


Acts Chapter 8

12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

13 Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done.

14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:

16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)

17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.


And again, some teach that the Holy Spirit is received "automatically" ... with no apparent outward manifestation ... at the same time a person is baptized in water. However, in Acts 8:12-17 (as shown above), & Acts 19:1-6 we read about those who received the Holy Spirit AFTER being baptized... but in Acts 10:44-48 we read about others who received the Holy Spirit BEFORE being baptized.


Acts Chapter 19

1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples,

2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.


Acts Chapter 10

44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.

45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.

46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,

47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.


The Holy Spirit is not "automatically" imparted at believing ... or baptism.

A person shouldn't claim receiving the Holy Spirit entirely on the grounds of someone telling them they have received it ... without them knowing for sure. Nor should they believe things "implied" from very carefully selected portions of scripture by some ministers, as opposed to that which is plainly stated in scripture. There is a way to know for sure when one receives the Holy Spirit ... and the Bible states it plainly.

2012-07-28 08:16:20 UTC
Born again Christians are baptized with the Holy Ghost - that's the mechanism of salvation.

Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

13 ¶ And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Obviously Pentecostals hold to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which puts them above most of the laity and makes them "special". There's nothing special about what they're doing - the Baalite priesthood was the same way.

How quickly people are taken away from the gospel of grace to exalt themselves above others.

Jesus Christ baptizes with the HG - that's the baptism that you need. Thank God that God is more wise than to make men slaves by allowing certain men to hold sway over others salvation!!!
2012-07-28 10:30:48 UTC
The Outlaw Josey Wales
2012-07-28 08:07:41 UTC
I believe in the Catholic view. We were the first Christians, and then everybody started saying this or that and breaking off trying to say they were better than us.
red rocket
2012-07-28 08:12:09 UTC
God wants to fill you with his spirit and he calls it holy.

I call it PLAIN NASTY!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.