Do atheists not realize that religious freedom is the reason why there are atheists today?
2015-11-13 13:19:32 UTC
Religious freedom is the reason why you can freely subscribe to any religion you want as well as unsubscribe to a religion without the state persecuting you. And yet I often hear atheists in America wanting to abolish religious freedom. Both officially theocratic and atheistic countries had restricted or no religious freedom at all. You cannot ban religious freedom or religion. That'll only lead to millions of death just like what happened in the theocratic and atheistic countries in the past..
47 answers:
2015-11-14 04:09:55 UTC
Time you realised it!

In the United States, atheism is protected under the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause. In August 2005, in a case where a prison inmate was blocked by prison officials from creating an inmate group to study and discuss atheism, the court ruled this violated the inmate's rights under the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause. The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed previous Supreme Court precedent by ruling atheism be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st amendment.

Clearly setting out that atheism is NOT a religion but IS afforded the same protection as a religion under the constitution!

The problem is not anything to do with atheists, God, Jesus, the bible, or even Christianity and all to do with the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others!

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self-destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!

BAD Christians not only drive people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!

Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!

Will you only realize who your attitudes serve when you are welcomed to eternity by the Devil?!

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. -Mat 6:1
Brigalow Bloke
2015-11-14 20:31:43 UTC
1. I do realise that.

2. Some of the religious would very much like to end religious freedom and impose their beliefs on everyone else.

3. There in no "atheist agenda" and least of all one to eliminate religion.

4. Many of the supposedly religious are liars. Calling them for what they are is not an end to religious freedom, it is merely stating a fact.

5, Religion is the source of many evils from minor family squabbles, persecution of Quakers by Puritans in the Massachusetts colony, firebombing a house in Little Axe, OK, through to the 9/11 attacks and the events in Paris.

6. You do not hear that atheists want to abolish religious freedom from atheists, you hear that from religious liars.
2015-11-13 13:33:49 UTC
Actually you have not understood the argument.

I have never heard of an atheist, or anyone but Christians, seeking to end religious freedoms in America.

Religious freedom in the US also includes the requirement that the government does not support one religious belief over another, including the lack of religious beliefs. In the Constitution it is called the establishment clause. In other words governments should not be promoting a religion like christianity by teaching it in school, allowing a religious display on public grounds, or allowing an individual's religious beliefs to trump their job requirements as a government official. A business may not break the law and discriminate against an individual based on their religious beliefs either.

None of that has anything to do with ending religious freedom. However Christians want to impose their beliefs on others, want to violate the religious freedom of atheists and muslims, and think that religion gives them the right to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.

The only group trying to destroy religious freedom in the US are christians.
2015-11-13 13:35:58 UTC
We do realize it....that's why we try to keep religion in its place.

Hint - religion's place is "not in government."

And yet I often hear atheists in America wanting to abolish religious freedom.

--- Then you are keeping some odd company. I've never heard of an atheist do anything but defend religious freedom in the strongest terms.

Both officially theocratic and atheistic countries had restricted or no religious freedom at all.

---- Yes. We know....which, again, is why atheists want religion out of government.
2015-11-13 13:44:59 UTC
Your premise is incorrect. There are atheists today because intelligent people do not believe in god. It's as simple as that. Whether or not there is religious freedom has no effect on that. In theocratic dictatorships like Iran and Saudi Arabia there are still atheists but they remain silent so they're not killed. Yes, even in those two countries there are some intelligent people.

You might want to know what you're talking about before you make a fool of yourself. Just a friendly suggestion.
2015-11-13 13:27:47 UTC
No, the reason we are atheists is because we don't believe in any gods. That's it.

Ask the many atheists out there how their religious "freedom" is treating them. How many of them are still shunned by a society that can't accept them.

Most atheists understand that religion is a way of life, we just don't subscribe to the philosophy. I'm also a humanist and understand that religious freedom is necessary.
The Arbiter of common sense
2015-11-13 13:40:18 UTC
I have never heard an atheist wanting to abolish religious freedom. Asking that you not be allowed to enforce YOUR religion on our schools is not removing religious freedom. No atheist of my knowledge has ever called for stopping you doing whatever you want in private, or even in public as long as you don't interfere with the lives of others.
2015-11-13 13:31:55 UTC
"And yet I often hear atheists in America wanting to abolish religious freedom."

I expect what you actually hear are Christians claiming that atheists want to abolish religious freedom. We know _very_well_ that religious freedom is important for the irreligious. You're being presumptuous and condescending, and not even asking a question. Not allowing the government endorsement of your religion is not the same thing as imposing atheism. You aren't being persecuted.
2015-11-14 18:16:54 UTC
I only once or twice saw atheists saying they'd like religious freedom to be abolished and religious people to be persecuted. And I don't think many people supported them. Saying all atheists want this is showing your level of ignorance on the matter.
O Man
2015-11-14 23:43:21 UTC
I think you've got that one very mixed up. Atheists have no issue with others choosing to follow a religion provided It doesn't affect others. What we take issue with is when religious people try to bring religion into the law of the land, or use their religion as an excuse to oppress/bully people they don't approve of or to deny others civil rights. We have separation of church and state and want this to continue. However some religious folk want to push their religion through the law or use it as an exception from the law, and that's plain wrong! Freedom of religion not only means you get to choose which religion to practicve, but you asre also free of the coinstrainst of any religion.
2015-11-14 17:12:18 UTC
I'm almost certain the vast majority of atheist do not want to take your religious freedom away, however being a government employee and refusing to serve gay people while the law says you have to is not religious freedom.
2015-11-13 13:29:35 UTC
I realize it. I realize that from the year 386 AD to the year 1826 that the Church could execute a person for being an atheist or a so-called 'heretic,' meaning someone who believed in Jesus, but incorrectly. Do religious people realize that the persistence of Judaism and Christianity each owe an incalculable debt to the fact that non-believers in those respective religions where massacred wholesale? How does it feel to know that your God benefited from totalitarian tactics?
2015-11-14 09:15:15 UTC
I don't want to get rid of religious an atheist I am in favour of everyone making up their own minds.

I hope you are not under the delusion that people of religion graciously allowed we atheists to not believe....because your question seems to be framed that way....

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparitive Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion.
2015-11-13 14:22:34 UTC
Yes, I do. It seems to be Christians that forget this. Why dont you remind them that religous freedom allows them to practice their beliefs as well. I know of no atheist that wants to ban religion while many religious people want to get rid of the constitution and turn us into a Theocracy. They're the problem.
2015-11-13 13:28:31 UTC
I've never heard an atheist say he wanted to abolish religious freedom.

To the contrary, it's Christians who want to teach creationism in school and put nativity scenes on public property. They are trying to force their religion on the rest of us. THAT is how you'd end religious freedom.
2015-11-13 23:01:20 UTC
yes we realize that. your point? settlers came here. some crazy stuff went down. even more crazy stuff went down. some REALLY! crazy stuff went down. then a few more crazy things happened then eventually we got to the constitution. which states that people have the right to believe what they want without persecution of the government and that the government can not take a religious stance on any issue

and no i never heard anyone saying they want to abolish religious freedom. i have heard them say the world would be a better place without religion and in some cases it probably is true.
2015-11-13 13:47:58 UTC
You never heard an atheist wanting to abolish religious freedom. You heard lying Christians claiming that atheists want to do so.
2015-11-14 09:10:56 UTC
Yes, but it does not give you the right to discriminate against atheist. Clearly Christians think that religious freedom should only apply to them.
2015-11-15 20:27:02 UTC
I dig your vibe, bro. Atheism is just another religious viewpoint. All groups like "Freedom from Religion" are really doing is pushing THEIR religious viewpoint on everyone else. Didn't we have enough of the in the dark ages?

Romans 10:13
2015-11-14 10:23:44 UTC
In free countries we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Having said that, your freedom doesn't give you the right to break the law of the land, as Kim Davis did. Do you think that some ones freedom of religion should give him the right to stone his wife to death for adultery?
Paul B
2015-11-13 13:24:38 UTC
I'm not in America, but neither have I heard of any atheists petitioning against religious freedom there or anywhere else. They may well petition against any particular religions having special privileges, representation, influence over state religion, tax breaks, or blasphemy protection - but not against the right to believe in whatever they want.
2015-11-13 13:30:10 UTC
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Evelyn Beatrice Hall

The 1st Amendment is a darned good attempt to mandate RESPECT for another person's beliefs. Respect however does not mean acquiescence. The fact that an atheist chooses to debate your position indicates a level of acknowledgement and respect to at least make a fair attempt at intellectual honesty. You will not receive like intellectually honest treatment from someone trying to convince you that their "god is the true god or you will burn".
2015-11-13 13:26:40 UTC
No, it isn't. It's one reason there are *open* atheists, but that's not quite the same thing.

"And yet I often hear atheists in America wanting to abolish religious freedom."

No, you don't.
2015-11-13 13:44:41 UTC
well, there is a point of debate, freedom of religion gives one the choice to choose. God gives us the right to choose between HIm and satan, or eternal life and the culture of death.

the difference is of course with an atheist, they want to have the right to be free "from" religion.

and i agree, there is as difference, however, one cannot then make the government force us to follow an atheistic agenda, even in communism. and we definitely have the right to choose to NOT receive a mark in our right hand as a necessary i.d to worship the beast or to get food, or even to grow our own food. which all things are prohibited in the united nations agenda 21. mandatory insurance and mandatory socialized health care also fall under that religious way of atheistic beliefs, we should have a right not to be able to worship the devil, an idol or any holographic image. and we definity need the right of freedom of speech. because thats what religious freedom is based on with the ability to preach and teach the words of God.
2015-11-14 03:13:32 UTC
Do atheist Not realize that Religious freedom is the reason why there are Atheist today ?

define FREEDOM the RIGHT to act speak or think as one wants without HINDRANCE or RESTRAINT

. Your 'Rights End where My Rights Begin .

Meaning If one wishes to accept a religion ones actions thoughts or speech regarding religion should not be imposed upon me nor am i obligated to participate in ones religion accept ones religion or anything associated with it to be the authoritative standard .

What the Constitution the foundation of U.S. law and democracy principles states is that "We " the people write laws to govern the society and that WALL is established that the People make no law endorsing Religion nor favoring religion to be the basis of "CIVIL" law

If ones religion is Benign and does not infringe upon my acts , thought or speech . Ones religion remains within ones rights to have a religion and practice it i it applies and limits it to the Followers Acts thoughts an speech I present it again

Your Rights end where my rights Begin...If a state writes a law based on religious beliefs it is INVALID not Constitutional it imposes religious belief upon people that they MUST ACCEPT that Religions Beliefs and live by them and act within those constraints ERROR ..ALERT

Keep your rituals prayer thoughts about me . what i do with my body my medical treatment out of CIVIL law .......

.Kim Davis has a right to not accept gays or have the opinion about marriage .and practice her religion .she does Not have a Right to impose her actions , speech or thoughts religiously based as the authority ... Nor do groups have a right to impose Prayer a religious ritual to take place in Public schools . Nor to tell me what medical procedures to have based on religion ..... Have a nice day Your rights END where my Rights BEGIN
2015-11-13 13:43:17 UTC
Not getting your way 100% of the time does not constitute you being denied your religious freedom.

Your religion is yours to practice. Your religious freedom ENDS at the first person who DOESN'T want to practice your religion, just as people of OTHER religions are NOT free to force you to practice their religion.
2015-11-13 13:35:08 UTC
Of course most atheists do and we are glad about it. I don't want to abolish religion. I want people like you to realize your right to practice your religion ends when it interferes with other peoples' rights, like equal treatment. Having to hear your drivel as part of the right to free speech is a downside I am willing to accept.
2015-11-13 15:51:13 UTC
Actually it's the opposite. Atheist were around long before religion. Hay but nice try~!
2015-11-13 17:25:37 UTC
Sorry but I dont see any relevence between atheism and religious freedom

And the comment itself is really stupid cos "believers" have been trying to stamp out atheism and any religion competing with their own religion for centuries

"theists" believing in religious freedom- dont make me laugh
2015-11-14 14:48:04 UTC
Religious freedom protect everyone, not just Christians.
2015-11-13 13:31:42 UTC
In the US the only people advocating for abolishing religious freedom are the evangelical god warriors ranting about the sexual habits of their neighbors, women making personal decisions about their vagina and uterus, science in public schools and red Christmas cups from Starbucks. Rolls eyes
the Doctor
2015-11-13 13:41:35 UTC
You must really think we're stupid or something. I don't how many times I've said banning religion is not the answer education is. The more we learn about the universe the less need there is for "God did it" to be the answer.
2015-11-14 19:03:28 UTC
what atheist wants to ban religious freedom?
brother trucker
2015-11-13 18:15:23 UTC
Very true but the label atheist was first applied to Christians in Rome for not worshipping Ceaser.
2015-11-14 16:48:03 UTC
Yeah, their has been no "atheist" countries murdering people, only religious governments. Still doesn't prove the existence of your God.
2015-11-14 19:53:19 UTC
Yes I realize that and I dearly want to keep "freedom of and from religion"..
2015-11-14 22:06:10 UTC
You are either stupid, a liar or a bigot. You also want to have authority to decided that only your religion should be recognized and everyone should believe as you do. You will never have that power in the US.
2015-11-14 15:23:46 UTC
So we finally got you to say it.

Now stop trampling on the 1st and 4th Amendments by ramming your beliefs down everyone's throats.
2015-11-14 10:56:15 UTC
I have never heard anyone wanting to abolish freedom of any sort.
2015-11-13 13:26:42 UTC
Everyone is an Atheist at birth. You can't eliminate atheism unless you eliminate us.
2015-11-14 16:22:04 UTC
Yes.....of course we do.....but it's due to the text of the constitution not because theists decided to "allow" us that your questions implies.
The God Helmet
2015-11-14 18:14:58 UTC
wrong.....atheists don't need religious atheism is the lack of religion.....
2015-11-14 13:38:32 UTC
Of course the downside is, apparently, that primitive adherents of both sides of this polarised dichotomy can trade childish insults on this blog.
2015-11-13 13:29:31 UTC
Yes, not realized. They believe they hold all powers within themselves. They view the 1st Amendment as so much more of other people's rights that they can devour and fatten themselves on.
The Anti-Theist
2015-11-13 13:21:11 UTC
I have not heard of anyone trying to abolish religion. I have seen it stated as sort of a joke, but never anyone truly fighting to abolish it.

Just keep your religion out of my laws, and start paying your taxes.
The One And Only :-)
2015-11-14 20:28:32 UTC
There has always been atheists.
2015-11-14 18:51:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.