Time you realised it!
In the United States, atheism is protected under the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause. In August 2005, in a case where a prison inmate was blocked by prison officials from creating an inmate group to study and discuss atheism, the court ruled this violated the inmate's rights under the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause. The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed previous Supreme Court precedent by ruling atheism be afforded equal protection with religions under the 1st amendment.
Clearly setting out that atheism is NOT a religion but IS afforded the same protection as a religion under the constitution!
The problem is not anything to do with atheists, God, Jesus, the bible, or even Christianity and all to do with the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others!
ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!
The self-destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
BAD Christians not only drive people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!
Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!
Will you only realize who your attitudes serve when you are welcomed to eternity by the Devil?!
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. -Mat 6:1