they would be crazy for lack of human contact, BUT;Do nice people go to hell?
I don't think so. I have formed the theory that what God wants us to do in this world is love each other, support each other, and not to exploit others. When we do this we are doing God's will and thus, one that does these things shows they believe in God in spite of themselves. Thus they will go to heaven.
I believe in a God that holds love among God's creation as more important that believing in the God that gives us life.
I do not believe my God is going to say to you, "I am glad you did everything I wanted you to do, but sorry you can’t come to heaven because you didn't believe in me."
In my opinion God will say, "You showed you believe in me by treating your brother's and sisters with love as I love you." And you might say, “But God, I didn’t believe in you until now of course.” And God will say, “You lived as I want my children to live so you did believe in me whether you think you did or not.”
Others will argue that you have to believe Jesus is God incarnate and accept Jesus is your savior. However, I contend that a merciful and just God, (my friend God) is not going to allow some to be part of heaven because they say I don’t believe in God or Jesus. That belief is a way for billions of people to relate to God and salvation but it not the route for everyone.
I know a lot of Christians that say I accept Jesus as my savior, and yet they do not love their neighbor and they exploit others for their own advantage. So saying the words means nothing in that case and there will be a lot of very surprised Christians come judgment day.
Five years of seminary and 15 in ministry in the United Methodist Church. I am now a Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Biblical Historian/scholar