Alexander Moses
2009-08-02 08:21:58 UTC
"I don't believe in God(s) or some other kind of divine being"
"I simply don't know, I just believe what I see"
What would be correct?Like, can a state of belief be defined by what one does not believe , or what they do believe?
I consider the 2nd statement to be valid thus this should challenge any religionists.So as I see it, religionists are the ones starting the fight.
I myself am a religious person, I'm Jewish but there's one thing that clearly separates us from most other religions.We do not state that our religion is perfect or the one true religion, we just say, our religion is perfect for US.
I do not hold hate for any Christian or Muslim or any other religion that encourages missionary activity, up to the point when it poses me a threat.In Israel we have an anti-missionary law and this helps keep some level of peace between the people of different faiths.
But enough about myself for I have stranded from the subject.
Do you atheists really want religionists to believe as do you?Or you simply do not want to be imposed upon or having a person insisting that his nonsense gibberish is correct and that you should believe as him/her?