Thanks for the honest question. I think everyone's been over everything, but I'll give you my take on it all. I identify as an Eclectic Norse Pagan.
"But they all seem to rely on the belief of gods/goddesses and nature as a living entitity."
Not all rely on the belief of Gods or Goddesses. Some Pagans use the Deities as archetypes to base and live their life by. Similarly, not every Pagan sees nature as a living entity.
"So my question to pagans is do you really believe in those things?"
"things"... be more specific? If you're refering to the Gods and Goddesses, and earth as a living entity, I'd have to say yes. However, my view of the earth is a bit different than most. My Gods create the "spark" within things, in my opinion.
"Most of paganism has been deemed mythology (like zeus and Athena) so why believe in it?"
The word "Myth" comes from a greek word meaning truth, as well as story. Just about every religious doccument is mythology, even the Bible.
Why do I believe in it?
I believe in what I see, what resonates with me, and what makes the most sense to me. Not everyone is called by the Divine. Personally, when the Gods called me I couldn't help but listen.
"Do you have any proof?"
Proof enough for myself. I don't force my beliefs on anyone else. I mean, sure, I could blame my seeing a few Deities on some strange psycological mishap caused by whatever, but to me, I saw what I saw.
"Also, Norse paganism used to practice slavery and human sacrifices like other pagan religions. Doesn't that bother you?"
No, it doesn't bother me.
I can't name too many older religions who's followers have not been associated with both in some way with either. Even in America we've had Slavery and secular human sacrifices. You have to keep in mind, that in just about every civilization, human sacrifices were of criminals and prisioners of war for the most part. I don't practice either of these things religiously or secularly, and neither do other's of my religion. It is something of our past, just as it is of yours. We move on and better ourselves.
"Btw, I'm Agnostic and I'm trying to see the worldview of people from different religions."
Woot. Thanks. I admire that.
"So this is like a hippie religion. Sort of a 'new age' belief."
I may be a little hippie like, but new age just aint my thing. My religion is part of neither.
"I guess for me it's impossible to believe in a religion or "spiritualism" without any empirical evidence. Don't take this as on attack on pagans..."
No offense taken. I too agree that blind faith is stupid. Sure, I can't prove the existance of my Deities, but to me they are as real as I myself am real.
LOL Prariecrow. =) I should give her a stern talking to then, for assuming I was hippie like =P. But yes, as over active as my imagination is, I'd be hard pressed to see people from my Heathen group as hippie like in any way. I don't think I need to go much further than to state nearly every single Norse God is either a God of war or been associated with War. Most hippies seem to distance themselves from anything remotely related to war.