Indeed, it's now AD--->only goes one way, fwd unto the end,
is already written and notably the end of law, once and for all.
Christians having plural <--BC|AD--> ways are doublemindead;
And even the Narrow Way of Broad<--|-->Narrow ways isn't life,
but notably only "leadeth unto life", by "go on unto perfection",
and go on (forward: usward: Godward) requires "leaving" ways.
Such is to say put off laws to put on grace that's void of laws.
Such is to say put off old ways to put on a new and living way.
Usward is neither of them vs them, neither of them vs us, but one: us.
Man is neither of children vs children having side effects of sides wars.
The More Excellent Way is neither Broad nor Narrow mindead.
Above, of Under/Above (Gen 1:6-8), is neither of Left vs Right wars.
Charity never fails is put on "above" feuding & forgiving one another.
Free is neither of servants vs servants having their sides wars.
The Third Day (Last Day) is neither Time Past nor Last Days.
Time Past<--BC|AD-->Last Days--->The Third Day (Last Day).