Mike, I had my doubts because only ones who are annoyed come on here and moan, but there is some things you are saying that get me wondering, so I took a look at your profile and indeed, I believe you are for real.
It is so difficult to pass judgement when one only has a part of what is perceived as truth, for example, why did your wife stop being intimate with you?
You do come across as truly repentant and if I can sense that, then how much more so for Jehovah to sense it?!
It is so sad but there are those who are in command - our elders, who prove to have the spirit of satan and if what you are saying is accurate, they certainly do seem this way. Yes, brother are appointed by holy spirit, but the question is here: which spirit are they under? Satan is very clever, and we are warned that these things will happen.
I do tend to believe you because of what I have been told by brothers and sisters "real time" ie face to face.
Do write to our society, but it would help enormously if you could get some brothers and sisters to back you up, because our society are only human as well, and can't just go on one man's view. Remember, they are not perfect and all seeing as Jehovah is. They can only hope that we do the right thing.
It pleases me that you have been a witness for many years, and it is only these 3 elders who are causing you trouble. Shows that for the most part, our elders do a fine job.
I would suggest you email me, but without being arrogant, it is unwise since I am a sister.
I know one brother who waited years for something to happen and when it did, wow what a difference it made.
Keep praying to Jehovah. Keep up with your spiritual armour. Jehovah does not desert those who are with Him and therefore, He will help you.
If you could give us a bit more information on why your wife turned her back on you, that would be very helpful.
My dear brother, you are not alone. I shall star you, because I honestly feel that your heart is for Jehovah despite all this.
I have been through a lot of injustices - thankfully not in the truth, so I know what it feels like to spat on basically.
It does sound more like the mafia and that is why they need to be sorted out!! I tell you, Jehovah is not pleased because if every thing is true what you say, then they are bringing reproach on Jehovah and He will not tolerate that!