I was disfellowshipped over something trivial... and I need some help... Jehovah's Witness who needs help...?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I was disfellowshipped over something trivial... and I need some help... Jehovah's Witness who needs help...?
Nine answers:
2011-12-02 06:49:05 UTC
" I agree with the disfellowshipping arrangement if someone isn't sorry for breaking the biblical rules. That being said, I was deeply sorry over what had happened right then and there... I stopped doing the wrong that I was doing."..

If you agreed with it- then its time to wait it out.

Moses waited 40 years before God used him.
2011-12-03 15:06:01 UTC

Your first problem is you believe you were {quote} disfellowshipped over a trivial matter {unquote} as long as your heart believes you were unjustly disfellowshipped (people are not disfellowshipped over "trivial matters") you will be unable to display the suitable humilty and constraint to return.

Another problem is your attitude towards the elders. As long as you feel you cannot humbly sumit to them - conscieous that they are Jehovah's instruments for ministering to the congregation - you have no place back with us. Stay away.

Another problem is your lack of understanding about how the truth works - the congregation belongs to JESUS not ot any body or elders ... if an injustice has been performed, you job is to recognise that Jesus will see to it in his own good time and that he (Jesus) is looking for you to demonstrate by your humbly attending meetings, submitting your requests for reinstatement and allowing the molding of your personality the rejections perform to do their work.

You want things to be "straightened out" you want to go "over their heads" you want to fight for your rights do you? With that attitude, with that total inability to see that what Jehovah allows he does for a REASONS... you have no place back amongst us. Go read last week's study article on KORAH and get back to me about how you want to save the flock from the abuse of older men. You know where he ended up right?

There are plenty of apostates that will feed your ego - but if you want Jehovah's mercy, look inside and prayfully, tearfully, humbly, petition your God (not Patterson) to allow you the privilege of his mercy and let Amageddon find you humbly sitting quitely at the back of the Kingdom Hall, head bowed, like the woman with the flow of blood, stooping down, touching the fringe of this organisation because you know, no matter what, THERE IS WIERE THE SPIRIT IS. With THAT attitude, Jehovah may move things and let you back.

Write to Patterson if you like, I have a pretty good idea where that letter will be filed.

My name is SUNSHINE


I know Jehovah. I know my organization. I know human nature. And I have over 30 years experience in the Truth. I have seen the good the bad and the ugly. And I know pride when I hear it.

Petition your God - unless that is, your God is too weak to do anything himself without your help. Or Korah's; Oh yeah.. he's dead. My bad.
Lone Dissenter 4 questions 2 think about
2011-12-03 11:36:44 UTC
Mike you know there are two sides to every story & I don't want to comment or judge .

You sound genuine to me otherwise I would not answer .

All I can say to you ,is do what ever it takes to return if you where wronged as you know the time is short.

I look forward to getting to know you when you return as I am sure you will if you love Jehovah.
2011-12-03 19:42:22 UTC
My personal opinion is that the biggest injustice was when Jesus was put to death and was innocent of all charges, that being said what you are asking for is for man to solve your problems and not paying attention to the scriptures.

Read Ezekiel 34:16; ) 16 “The lost one I shall search for, and the dispersed one I shall bring back, and the broken one I shall bandage and the ailing one I shall strengthen, but the fat one and the strong one I shall annihilate. I shall feed that one with judgment.”

This scripture has direct barring on your case because who does it say will handle the fat sheep (overseers) of God's people(read the 34th chapter).

Matthew 13:41 also pertains to your question) 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness,

Based on these two scriptures what would you conclude as to why you are asking imperfect man (elders) for help here on Yahoo Answers, you are in danger of apostate association and by your own remarks you are conversing with them. Satan sets many traps and those that are apostate have fallen into these traps and you are flirting with one of Satan's traps.

We "MUST" wait on Jehovah to set "ALL" matters straight that is unless you know of someone that has been appointed to handle the weeds that Satan has sown among the wheat!

You may have been treated unfair or your attitude may be something you should examine because to air what you consider dirty laundry on a public forum is not the best of decisions.

PS I just read an answer that said our Elders are appointed by Holy Spirit when in "FACT" our Elders are appointed by means of Holy Spirit, there are brothers that have been appointed as Elders in congregations where there is no one from the bride class so on the recommendation of the Elders that are part of the great crowd a brother can be appointed as an Elder, Please read Matt 13:24-30.

There has been many injustices done because we are dealing with imperfection and we need to keep in mind what is the important issue and that is the good news about God's Kingdom, Satan wants us to defend ourselves when we should be defending Jehovah, which is the most important thing to you?
2011-12-02 08:16:35 UTC
I believe the Bible is 100% true. No man knows the day or hour of the end but you are right. It could be any day. I am also going thought a TOUGH family battle so I totally feel your pain and can relate to your situation on many levels. I use to ask WHY God allowed it but now I know. Its what brought me to the Lord. I was all about self when all was well. But having things go wrong is not a sign of a person being "bad". Have you read Job? His trials encourage me. You man not want to hear this but I personally believe God allowed this to happen to you for a reason. Romans 8:28 says all things WORK for good. It doesn't say all things ARE good. Our pain is not pleasant but it works for the better. I had my crazy religious beliefs but God used my situation to KNOCK me of my high horse. Sometimes being on our back is the best thing that can happen to us. It forces us to look up at Him.

Anyway . . . I don't see how your dis-fellowship fits the model of Matthew 18:15-17. Also, I have yet to find a single verse in the Bible that says it is OK for a divorce if ________ happens. Not even the verses for the "immorality clause" actually says divorce is permitted if immorality is involved. It simply says the faithful spouse is not to be blamed for the adultery. Marriage is bullet proof. Even the OT laws of Israel never says God approves or condones divorce of any kind. Malachi 2:16 expresses reveal God's hate for divorce. So I don't know why the elders would give her their blessings to leave you. This situation violates: 1 Corinthians 7:39, Proverbs 31:12, 1 Timothy 3:11, Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18-19 and many other verses.

You seem to be remorseful about the situation so that is punishment in itself. But in it there is good. You get to ask WHY your elders would set an example for the flock by going against those verses. I feel your pain but I believe this situation has opened up the door for God to reveal Himself to you in a way that you will never doubt Him again. I didn't enjoy being put on my back but it was by far the best thing that ever happened to me.

I wish you the best. Feel free to send me a message sometime :-)
Suzanne lily of the valley
2011-12-03 11:24:23 UTC
Mike, I had my doubts because only ones who are annoyed come on here and moan, but there is some things you are saying that get me wondering, so I took a look at your profile and indeed, I believe you are for real.

It is so difficult to pass judgement when one only has a part of what is perceived as truth, for example, why did your wife stop being intimate with you?

You do come across as truly repentant and if I can sense that, then how much more so for Jehovah to sense it?!

It is so sad but there are those who are in command - our elders, who prove to have the spirit of satan and if what you are saying is accurate, they certainly do seem this way. Yes, brother are appointed by holy spirit, but the question is here: which spirit are they under? Satan is very clever, and we are warned that these things will happen.

I do tend to believe you because of what I have been told by brothers and sisters "real time" ie face to face.

Do write to our society, but it would help enormously if you could get some brothers and sisters to back you up, because our society are only human as well, and can't just go on one man's view. Remember, they are not perfect and all seeing as Jehovah is. They can only hope that we do the right thing.

It pleases me that you have been a witness for many years, and it is only these 3 elders who are causing you trouble. Shows that for the most part, our elders do a fine job.

I would suggest you email me, but without being arrogant, it is unwise since I am a sister.

I know one brother who waited years for something to happen and when it did, wow what a difference it made.

Keep praying to Jehovah. Keep up with your spiritual armour. Jehovah does not desert those who are with Him and therefore, He will help you.

If you could give us a bit more information on why your wife turned her back on you, that would be very helpful.

My dear brother, you are not alone. I shall star you, because I honestly feel that your heart is for Jehovah despite all this.

I have been through a lot of injustices - thankfully not in the truth, so I know what it feels like to spat on basically.

It does sound more like the mafia and that is why they need to be sorted out!! I tell you, Jehovah is not pleased because if every thing is true what you say, then they are bringing reproach on Jehovah and He will not tolerate that!
2011-12-02 17:40:31 UTC
There is probably something you are leaving out of the story. Nobody gets disfellowshipped for "liking" someone.

With that said, i've heard stories likes your hundreds of times. Sometimes it takes going through a rough patch to realized how unloving and unmerciful the organization and brothers really are.

Disfellowshipping is sometimes necessary, but the extreme shunning and indeference that have been tagged along this practice by the organization is simply unchristian and has no place in people who say that follow Jesus.

Repenting of sins is a personal and intimate process between you and God and no human should assume they can decide whether you should receive an "official" ok about being acceptable again. This right is left to God.

This, along with other organizational procedures are the regretful product of having a highly structured and hierarchical religious organization, and it's a good indicator of how detrimental over-the-top-organization is to true christianity.
2011-12-03 03:19:36 UTC
My father is an elder and he raped me when I was a child. there were no witnesses therefore there was no crime.

My father molested another child about 20 years later...there were no Witnesses and therefore there was no crime.

I was disfellowshipped once it didn't matter that I was sorry and did everything that the Brothers told me to do I was the Daughter of an Elder and had to be made an example of. I wrote letters and finally got reinstated, after almost 2 years.

A few years later I wrote a letter to have myself disassociated and they disfellowshipped me for it.

What I have to say you will not hear...they are a cult...the more you step out of line the more trouble they will make for you and guess what...NOBODY WILL LISTEN TO YOU IF YOU ARE ABUSED OR MISTREATED OR WRONGFULLY ACCUSED.....that is how cults work.

Does your EX have Witnesses to her claims against you because if there were MOLESTATION accusation they SURELY would Require an EYE WITNESS

you are dealing with hypocrites and Pharisees welcome to the club now I am dying to see the Witnesses respond and try to silence you

I left the Witnesses to find a Christian organization and have been freed from the Pharisaic rule of men.

Before you label people "Apostate" Might want to try and seek first Gods Kingdom which I can assure you that you have not done.
2011-12-02 20:05:42 UTC

Sorry, but there is got to be many things that you are leaving out!!

You cannot be DFed just because of a "liking" someone. And you cannot be DFed because of slander by your ex-wife or anyone else. Nor would this keep you from being reinstated.

Getting reinstated is relatively easy. All you have to do is refrain from sinning for a period relative to your sin. This can be just a few months for a short period of immorality or in the case of a practice of sin which went on for a long time and was purposely hidden it could be years. But, it is ALWAYS made clear by the elders exactly why you do not meet the requirements.

As a rule, elders are very loving and *wanting* to reinstate someone. This is something that is almost universally testified to by those who have been reinstated.

The ones who complain about being DFed or not being reinstated when *they* think they should have are either lying or just unwilling to stop their practice of sin.




After looking at many of your own questions and posts I can see strong indications of why you were DFed. You are abnormally fixated on sisters and highly demeaning of those women in your own congregation! I'd have to say that that is VERY telling and indicates that the problem is not with them but with YOU!

And looking to get sisters to write you and not telling them you're DFed tells us you're deceitful.

etc. etc.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.