oh I have a lot. I will give you a few lines from some of my favorites my daddy use to sing around the house and in his church.
1.I love to tell the story, of Jesus and his glory.....
2.I shall not be, I shall not be moved, repeat chorus, Just like a tree, planted by the water....repeat
3.Heavens a place for holy, Heavens a place for the free, Heavens a place for redeem ones, don't you wanna go to heaven with me?. Listen to call of Nations, and the people over the sea, from the black to the white and the yellow and the brown, there's a home in heaven for me. Well I won't know how to behave myself when I'm finally free at last, I'll never have another burden to bare, I'm never gonna be downcast. I'll walk up and down the streets of gold, take Jesus by the hand.....can't remember the rest but it has a great tune. My little Turkish newphew use to sing this song when he was only 3 with his grandpa.
4.When I'm growing old and feeble, stand by me, repeat, when the world is tossing me, like a ship out on the sea, thou who knowest all about me, stand by me.
When I'm crossing chili Jordan, stand by me, repeat, when I do the best I can, still my friends misunderstand, when I'm crossing chili Jordan, stand by me...
In the midst of tribulation, stand by me, repeat chorus....
5.Oh they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise, Oh they tell me of home far away, Oh they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, oh they tell me of an uncloudy day.... tis a land of a cloudless sky, can't remember the words all the way, but we sang it at my dads burial.
6.Are you washed in the blood , in the soul cleasing blood of the Lamb?, our your garments spotless are they white as snow, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Have you been to the River, have you been bamptized, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
7.Beaula land, I'm longing for you..... I'm kind of home sick for a country, to which I never been before...No sad farewells will enter that city, and time won't matter anymore...... Repeat Chorus. I'm sure I got some words wrong, but this song is so beautiful.
8.Some glad morning when this life over, I'll fly away, to a land on God's Celestial shore, I'll fly away. I'll fly away ol glory I'll fly away in the mornin, when I die haleiluyah bye and bye, I'll fly away. (maybe those old people made up some of these words in church,lol?)
9.Glory haleluyah I'll have a new body, changed in the twinling of an eye, When I wake up, to sleep no more. Blessed redeemed of all the ages praises the one whom I adore, When I wake up to sleep no more.
10.When I wake up, some glad morning, happy I'll be over in glory, on the shore, telling the story, when the redeem of all the nations, praising the one whom I adore, when I wake up, repeat, to sleep no more.( This song gives you goosebumps because there is like a quartet of old men when the deepest voices repeating each other, no need for music.)
11.Fifty miles of elbow room, from either side to spare..... Oh the gates swing wide on the other side, where the flowers always in bloom. There will be room to spare as we enter there, room for you and room for me.....
12. The darkest hour is just before dawn.
13. Heaven could never welcome a sweeter mamma, earth could never loose a greater soul. Her favorite spot was sitting by window, rocking in her old rocking chair.....
14. Look for me, for I will be there too.
15. King of Kings
16. From Cradle to Cross to Crown( Bluegrass Cardinals)
17. Rough side of the Mountain (The Winans)
18. The Palm of His Hand ( ALison Kraus)
19. Who am I (Elvis Presley)
20. Coat of many colors (Dolly Parton)