LIFE AFTER DEATH: In Islam faith on death begins when a baby bears. Adhan (The Call to Prayer) will be given on the right ear and Al-Iqama (The Call to Commence Prayer) on the left ear of the baby.
Every Islamic prayer has Adhan (the call prayer) and the Al-Iqama (the call to commence Prayer). And there will be a special Congregational Funeral Prayer for the dead. But the Adhan & Al-Iqama won't be given in the funeral prayers. Because, it has been given when he/she born.
THE LIFE IN THE GRAVE: BARZAKH: The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is reported to have said that when the corpse is put in the bier and the people carry the dead body to the graveyard, if the deceased is a pious person, he/she requests them to carry him/her as fast as they can and if the deceased is a wrong-doer, he/she curses the wretchedness in store for him/her and asks where he/she is being led to. The Holy Prophet is also reported to have said that except human beings everything else hears the cries of the dead body. If a person were to hear the cries of the dead body, they would faint. The interval between death and the Day of Resurrection is called Barzakh.
WHERE NEXT ? Although such descriptions as ultimate destruction of the material worlds are mentioned in the Holy Quraan, yet there is also a separate chapter on the Day of Resurrection, which is named by the same. These are short verses, full of eloquence, admirably unfolding the true picture of the Day of Judgement.
QIYAMAH: DOOMSDAY: On the Day of Qiyamah, the feet of the human being will not be able to move till he/she is questioned about five matters (and gives a reasonable account):
1. On what they spent their life, 2. In what pursuits they passed their youth, 3. From where did they earn wealth, 4. On what they spent it, 5. How much they acted upon the knowledge they required.
Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur’aan: I swear by the Day of Resurrection; and I swear by the self reproaching person (a believer.does man (a disbeliver) think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, we are able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers. Nay! man denies reserruction and Reckoning. So he desires to continue commiting sins. He asks: "When will be this Day of Resurrection? So, when the sight is dazed, and the moon will be eclipsed, and sun and moon are united(by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light etc). On that day man will cry: Where (is the refuge) to flee!" No! there is no refuge! Unto your Lord alone will be the place of rest that Day. On that day man will be informed of what he sent forward (of his eivil or good deeds), and what he left behind (of his good or evil traditions). Nay! Man will be a witness against himself [as his body parts (skin, hands, legs etc.) will speak about his deeds] Though he may put forth his excuses (to cover his evil deeds).(Surah Al-Qiyamah:1-15)
IN FAVOUR OF THE DAY OF QIYAMAH The Holy Qur'aan has put forward excellent topics in favour of the Day of Resurrection. It states that the creation of the universe and the world we live in becomes meaningless if there is no conception of the final responsibility and if there is no difference between the rewards of those who lead a chaste life and those who do otherwise in this world.
Almighty Allah states in the holy Qur'aan: " So do you think that We created you but, for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us (for account)?" (Surah Al-Mominoon:115)
A UNIQUE DIFFERENCE: The Holy Quraan states clearly relating belief that Allah is just and His justice demands that there must be difference between the rewards of those who do good deeds and that punishment must be emended to those who live an evil life. Since it is not always necessary that good deeds are attended by good results in this life, it is necessary that somehow and somewhere man should get full reward for his good deeds and should be punished for his evil deeds.
Almighty Allah says:
"Shall We treat those who believe and do good deeds of righteousness, the same as those who spread corruption (do mischief) on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil (pious), the same as those who turn aside from the right (wicked)? (Surah Saad:28)
Another simile stated in the Holy Quraan is that of the dried land which comes to life after a few showers. It stands to reason that Lord Almighty who has created the entire universe can certainly recreate it if He so desires.
Islamification NOT Islamfobia:
Above is from:
Also check: What happens after Death in Islam- Dr. Zakir Naik:
Dr Zakir Naik about Reincarnation:
Life and our physical bodies originated from clay:
To check just say "Ya Allah" always continuously, even on bed, except in toilet. Look your life after a month, how it is improved. (This has been tested).
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