R&S people, I Don't Want to Die and Want to Know for Sure I'll Go to Heaven?
2014-02-07 20:18:09 UTC
Hi :)

It's Adam again. I ask so many questions you should know who I am by now.
I was thinking about my life a lot today. The reason is because I have Stage 3 breast cancer, which I am going to get surgery on very soon. It used to be Stage 2, but I was just doing nothing about it because I was hesitant and anxious, so now it's worse. But I finally told my family and friends today. I held it in for a very long time because I didn't want to scare them, but now I decided it was time.
Almost everyone cried, except my younger brother Gabe who was angry at me. I told him I had cancer over the phone a while back and he thought I was joking because guys can't get breast cancer. I panicked and told him I was and we laughed about it. He can't believe I lied to him and he told me he cannot talk to me right now. But everyone else is extremely supportive. I'm actually at my girlfriend Kris' house, she wants me and my daughter Amber to stay the night.

So, obviously, with a disease like cancer, I'd be worried about dying. I am a Christian. I have been for almost 9 years now. I feel God's presence and know He is strong and all that. But I'm very, very scared. I don't want to die.
I can't die actually. I'm only 36 years old. I haven't even done the things I wanted to do by the time I'm 40. I have a daughter, who is only 17. On top of that, she's 2 months pregnant. She needs me to help her raise the baby. Her boyfriend, the father, needs me too. My parents need me, my brother needs me, my friends need me. So many people in my life who cannot just have me die. And if I do die, I want to know for sure that I'm going to Heaven. I need to know that. I need to know God is there for me when I do die if I die. I seriously believe, but I need that confirmation from someone that it'll be okay......
I don't know, I'm sorry, this isn't a good or straight-forward question. My mind is in a million places right now. I always want to look ahead for the future, but now I actually have to worry about...well, NOW. At this point in time, my health.

I'm scared. I'm extremely anxious and nervous too. I can't sleep. Can anyone help please?

Open to everyone.
Sixteen answers:
2014-02-07 20:29:04 UTC
Sorry to hear about the cancer. You won't like what I have to say, but for what it's worth... I have Stage III inoperable thyroid cancer, leukemia, and congestive heart failure. I'm crippled by arthritis and cannot walk. Can't say that I look forward to dying, but everyone does, and I've kicked around for nearly seventy years. Am I afraid of death? No, it's Nature's tried and true way of telling me to slow down. I'm not that concerned with it because I don't believe that some invisible monster is going to judge me and send me off to be tortured or turned out to pasture in some lovely lala land. That is simply irrational nonsense. It typically scares people who suffer from religion spitless. You're younger than me, but you've got some opportunity to do things that you have wished to accomplish. I'd suggest that that would be more suitable than agonizing over things that exist only in your mind. Good luck.
2014-02-08 04:46:25 UTC
Yes, Adam I rememeber you :D

It's not our place to judge or condemn you. If you know in your heart that you have repented for your sins and are trying your best to live a holy life before God - You are saved. No one, not the devil in hell can take that from you. Only if you fall back into sin and do not repent will you go to hell.

God is merciful and loves you - we go through some things and God allows it (look at Job). It's not to make you fear dying but to bring you closer to God - pray more, fast more, read your Bible more.

I know God to be a healer and it's not over till he says its over. You can't have a testamony without a test. I will be praying for you. Feel free to email me.

Lying to your brother was not good - yes he has a right to be angry. Lying is against God and that is one thing you need to repent for and ask Gabe to forgive you. This is a narrow road we are traveling -
2014-02-08 04:27:00 UTC
well..first off, you need to be active in need to finding out what things in your life need repair....and then you need to repent of any sins daily.

If you are just going along in your life as if church doesnt exist.....its like taking a you expect an A even if you really deserve a C?

heaven is the same get what you deserve, so make sure your life is moving forward spirtually....and should you leave this world before you will go rightously

we are all on an appointed time for life and death.....just think about he things you would like to say or do with each member.....and get it done just in case...write a journal and express your thoughts about everything.....and make sure everyone you love knows it..........

remember ther story of Julia Roberts in..stepmom?

sit down and think about the things that need to be done and said.....and leave no stone unturned

if you should conquer this cancer and remain......all the better, you will have drawn in your loved ones enjoy for the remaing years
Mary H
2014-02-08 05:35:29 UTC
I believe there is life after death. My cousin passed at the age of 45. She was like a sister to me. Growing up we were like 2 peas in a pod. Everyone that didn't know us thought we were sisters. As we grew older we kinda grew apart, years later we got together working together and all, was getting close again like our younger years. So when she passed it was a big loss for me. The night before her funeral I remember I was really have a hard time excepting her being gone. She came to me in a dream, she didn't say anything she was just standing there with her hands cupped in front of her smiling. She looked the same as she did when she was 15, and she looked happy. I felt so much better the day of the funeral I was so at peace with the idea that she was happy and there was nothing to fear.
2014-02-08 04:53:19 UTC

Well now, The only way that the Bible says to avoid going to Hell (aka your grave in the Bible) is to be a good and faithful obedient servant of Lord Jesus AND be alive when He returns at His Second Coming to take all His people back to heaven with Him.

I was diagnosed with colon/rectal cancer in 1995 and am now free from it although recent tests show a rise in "psa" levels which could indicate prostrate problems - BTW I am 77 years young.

. . .
2014-02-08 04:23:32 UTC
Adam's sin brought death into the world. Every person is born bearing the guilt and Adam's sin. God took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ to suffer death to satisfy the wrath of God for guilty sinners. He rose from the dead proving that God the Father accepted the sacrifice.

All who trust in Christ as their sole means of justification with God will have eternal life.

For God so loved the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2014-02-08 04:44:18 UTC
I am sorry to hear... I believe you will be fine. Before you go to your operation Pray to Jesus: Confide everything to Him. Tell Jesus to do what you have not done. Ask Him to love those who you have yet to love and care. Ask Him to bless your sins into graces; graces for Him and all. Tell Jesus you trust in HIM and you want to live. Amen. After your praying remember you have confided in Jesus.

This was my experience.

Keeping you in my thought.
Punkin eater
2014-02-08 04:22:03 UTC
sorry adam, but you are mistaken if you think anyone remembers anyone else on here.

but hey, I'll remember the guy with tit cancer now.

edit: Who's Gabe, your boyfriend.? Don't know any gabe.
2014-02-08 04:24:26 UTC
Fear of death and the unknown is the #1 way religions suck you into their delusions.

Stay away from that nonsense.

Remember what it was like when you were born? That's EXACTLY what death will be like.
2014-02-08 04:22:51 UTC
We are born to die, each and every one of us. You only know that your time definitely is limited. I do not have such knowledge....yet I could die sooner than you. Do not let this thing consume your mind.
Burping In My Tea
2014-02-08 04:22:14 UTC
Nobody knows anything for sure. Just be a good person and hope for the best :-)
2014-02-08 04:21:08 UTC
It's quite natural not to want to die.
2014-02-08 04:42:43 UTC
There is a way to know that you know that you're born again. email me if you are interested
2014-02-14 12:03:58 UTC
LIFE AFTER DEATH: In Islam faith on death begins when a baby bears. Adhan (The Call to Prayer) will be given on the right ear and Al-Iqama (The Call to Commence Prayer) on the left ear of the baby.

Every Islamic prayer has Adhan (the call prayer) and the Al-Iqama (the call to commence Prayer). And there will be a special Congregational Funeral Prayer for the dead. But the Adhan & Al-Iqama won't be given in the funeral prayers. Because, it has been given when he/she born.

THE LIFE IN THE GRAVE: BARZAKH: The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is reported to have said that when the corpse is put in the bier and the people carry the dead body to the graveyard, if the deceased is a pious person, he/she requests them to carry him/her as fast as they can and if the deceased is a wrong-doer, he/she curses the wretchedness in store for him/her and asks where he/she is being led to. The Holy Prophet is also reported to have said that except human beings everything else hears the cries of the dead body. If a person were to hear the cries of the dead body, they would faint. The interval between death and the Day of Resurrection is called Barzakh.

WHERE NEXT ? Although such descriptions as ultimate destruction of the material worlds are mentioned in the Holy Quraan, yet there is also a separate chapter on the Day of Resurrection, which is named by the same. These are short verses, full of eloquence, admirably unfolding the true picture of the Day of Judgement.

QIYAMAH: DOOMSDAY: On the Day of Qiyamah, the feet of the human being will not be able to move till he/she is questioned about five matters (and gives a reasonable account):

1. On what they spent their life, 2. In what pursuits they passed their youth, 3. From where did they earn wealth, 4. On what they spent it, 5. How much they acted upon the knowledge they required.

Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur’aan: I swear by the Day of Resurrection; and I swear by the self reproaching person (a believer.does man (a disbeliver) think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, we are able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers. Nay! man denies reserruction and Reckoning. So he desires to continue commiting sins. He asks: "When will be this Day of Resurrection? So, when the sight is dazed, and the moon will be eclipsed, and sun and moon are united(by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light etc). On that day man will cry: Where (is the refuge) to flee!" No! there is no refuge! Unto your Lord alone will be the place of rest that Day. On that day man will be informed of what he sent forward (of his eivil or good deeds), and what he left behind (of his good or evil traditions). Nay! Man will be a witness against himself [as his body parts (skin, hands, legs etc.) will speak about his deeds] Though he may put forth his excuses (to cover his evil deeds).(Surah Al-Qiyamah:1-15)

IN FAVOUR OF THE DAY OF QIYAMAH The Holy Qur'aan has put forward excellent topics in favour of the Day of Resurrection. It states that the creation of the universe and the world we live in becomes meaningless if there is no conception of the final responsibility and if there is no difference between the rewards of those who lead a chaste life and those who do otherwise in this world.

Almighty Allah states in the holy Qur'aan: " So do you think that We created you but, for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us (for account)?" (Surah Al-Mominoon:115)

A UNIQUE DIFFERENCE: The Holy Quraan states clearly relating belief that Allah is just and His justice demands that there must be difference between the rewards of those who do good deeds and that punishment must be emended to those who live an evil life. Since it is not always necessary that good deeds are attended by good results in this life, it is necessary that somehow and somewhere man should get full reward for his good deeds and should be punished for his evil deeds.

Almighty Allah says:

"Shall We treat those who believe and do good deeds of righteousness, the same as those who spread corruption (do mischief) on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil (pious), the same as those who turn aside from the right (wicked)? (Surah Saad:28)

Another simile stated in the Holy Quraan is that of the dried land which comes to life after a few showers. It stands to reason that Lord Almighty who has created the entire universe can certainly recreate it if He so desires.

Islamification NOT Islamfobia:


Above is from:

Also check: What happens after Death in Islam- Dr. Zakir Naik:

Dr Zakir Naik about Reincarnation:

Life and our physical bodies originated from clay:

To check just say "Ya Allah" always continuously, even on bed, except in toilet. Look your life after a month, how it is improved. (This has been tested).

-Get Free Quran, Quran & Science, Islamic Books: usislam, Islamicmessage & QuranandScience sites.
2014-02-08 04:23:16 UTC
Ask jesus to come into your heart
2014-02-08 04:22:24 UTC
if you have Christ, you will pass from death to life.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.