Many want 2 blur the line btwn normal&preverse or say if u cant marry a goat ur not equal. Sign still says: 4get man/his dog bware of OWNER=God-made rules 4 His house(never changes)-defy Him eventually u r thrown out(Heaven&Hell r real places)=God's love ISNT unconditional-no1 is automatically God's child b/c of sin(ie even do-gooders rnt=Mt 7:21-23). We CANT KNOW whats right w/o right personal relationship with Jesus(only Jesus can rewire ur brains 2 accept whats right). U cant b gay&Christian(can fool urself but not God)but ppl CONFUSE TRUTH[offends many]/HATE.
Sleeping with/marrying ur own gender is in effect SLEEPING WITH/MARRYING URSELF=abominations[the real VALID REASON=right vs wrong love]>distorts/merges/blurs God's male/female creation characteristics/attributes/purpose-Lev 18:22/Rm 1:26-32/1 Pt 4:3-4/Gal 5:19-21. Even 1 man/woman marriages cant b rightly put 2gether w/o knowing God's/Jesus' purpose 4 it.
ALL men r capable of same sins(no1 can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law=sin-punishment=death). No its not easy 4 believers given world's approval of sin(hardwired/by choice)but we cant remain in sin & b Christian(we must make effort 2 try not 2 repeat sins-only possible thru Jesus/Bible).
God created Adam&Eve(1rst chosen ppl not 1rst ppl)not Adam&Steve. God does nothing w/o a purpose/created: woman 2 help/serve man/2 procreate not 2 teach-except 4 children/man 2 lead/teach God's way 2 family/others. God/His purpose never changes-He cant make a mistake(only 1 God can occupy infinity-God of Israel-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son/wasnt speaking out 2 nor 1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion).
But God can 4give sinners=why Jesus died 4 our sins. B/c God did this most loving thing & Jesus fully obeyed God all must go 2 Jesus 2 b saved-Jn 14:6/Acts 4:12. Only Jesus(perfect Physician)can change us 2 what God accepts-CANT CHANGE OURSELVES b/c we cant know God's purpose 4 us w/o Jesus-Jn 3:3,5/5:39. Accept/promote/do sins like being gay r against God. Ur innocent child sees 2 men holding hands(CHILD THINKS ITS OK/normal 2 do it=copy adults like 4 pot use-1 sign 4 end-times=disasters will increase).
God cant look upon sin(2 remain perfect)-separates us from God-only way 2 get past this eternal barrier required 1 2 b perfect sacrifice(Lamb of God w/o spot/blemish)2 fulfill God's eternal Law-4 this God gave Jesus full authority over all things in Heaven/on earth-Mt 28:18. 2 b healed of our sins we must b Born Anew(Jn 3:3,5-Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus told him he missed most important step-1 must b Born Anew=being very religious/good in man's eyes cant get u in2 Heaven).
Reading the Bible(religious/not)u cant find Jesus w/o His Biblical directions-Jn 5:39/10:1,7. Only a Bible cant b properly known w/o Jesus(Jn 14:6/II Cor 3:14/Is 29:11-12~If Jewish ppl cant unveil OT w/o Jesus all gentiles cant=why many interps exist/called fiction).
Religion doesnt=the truth/most religions r built on gods man likes/cant teach much on God/impose human limits/labels 4 knowing things 2 God's abilities-CANT ALL B RIGHT(only 1 Bible-why so many interps? II Pet 1:19-21)-cant teach what u don't know. Who knows more about a house the Builder/ppl moving in later?
In history only Jesus said He's the way/truth/life/cant know God w/o Him-Jn 14:6/5:39=whole truth is complete in Him or its a lie=no God(knows all or not God). All new/other claims-beliefs/from self-proclaimed prophets/teachers r false/godless or He's 1 more false prophet 2 ignore.
Jesus couldnt hv done whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT(impossible w/o God/NT didnt exist yet/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did-Lk 24:25-27,45).
God knew ppl would [un]intentionally twist His Word so He used an unchangeable system(like God/Jesus-more visible in word 4 word[with right amnt of literal method]Bible versions[best is ESV]-Prv 30:4-6).
Many/churches r on wrong paths=dont believe everything told 2 u. Many ways seem right but its end=death(Pr 3:19)-1rst pray 2 Jesus, then carefully search the Bible 4 the truth. Churches knowing Born Anew process/making every effort 2 follow the Bible might help but cant save u. Salvation is thru Jesus/His word. Carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write-might save u from getting in2 godless religions-poisoned tree/its fruit. U must know Jesus/Bible 2 know if a church is on/remains on right path.
Religion&spirit of is about generic gods not what Jesus taught about God. God hates us b/c of sin-judged good by men/religion cant save u but God also loves us(why He sent His Son 2 die 4 ur sins-so thru Jesus our sins can b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him=Eternal hope is only in Jesus/His Bible). Seek Jesus with all ur heart&soul u'll find our real God/His Kingdom=u'll know the truth-sets u free. Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him His way(free will=Jn 1:12-13)?