Please help me people i am very scared.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Please help me people i am very scared.?
156 answers:
2008-09-06 19:42:48 UTC
Sounds spooky, Arden. But you are not alone. There ARE really spirits out there and plenty of them are evil.

Let me asked you something: Are you saved? Have you ever prayed to receive Jesus into your heart? I suggest you DO, because if Jesus is in you, you are His and He has plenty more power than all those things put together, and they can't even touch you. ("because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" 1 John 4:4 ) But if not, they can give you LOTS of trouble. Let me know how it works out. His protection is powerful, real, and complete!

Edit: You can pour all the ooil you want, but that ALONE won't do a thing. You gotta REBUKE these spirits in the name of JESUS and tell them very speciffically where to go and what to do and they MUST! (If you believe!)

Also, IF you believe and have Jesus inside, nobody's curse is gonna do Jack! No way! They only have power on the UN-protected! But, however, memorizing and quoting Bible verses specific to these things will have results. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you! (James 4:7)
Swan Song
2008-09-06 19:29:31 UTC
If this is a lie, then you need to get some hobbies and spend your young existence being happy and free and having loads of fun.

If this is the truth, why is it happening to you? Did you involve yourself in occult practises? Did anyone in your family practise the occult? Do you involve yourself in: seances, tarot readings, star signs, other? If this is the truth and you're genuinely frightened, I'd go see a preacher tell him/her all of this ask for spiritual guidance. People forget that Jesus protects us against unwholesome spirits. Try it.

- Pepper.
2008-09-06 19:24:46 UTC
Not really trying to be funny. But maybe you would like some professional help trying to figure out whats really happening. a therapist could be really good with those things.
2008-09-06 19:42:48 UTC
You may have some forces that we don't understand bothering you. This isn't from God. Try praying every time something like this happens to you. Have you talked to an adult about any of this? Perhaps a minister or counselor.

Don't be scared. God promised to never leave you or forsake you.
2008-09-06 19:47:09 UTC
if you are being honest I would say that there is something there (for we fight not against flesh.....we fight with spiritual beings--demons) demonic influence comes from what we do--say watch porno, (not you do see it) or who we bring into our house. Sometimes "friends" might bring or give us a gift but these have been prayed upon (not in a good way but has been cursed) to allow demonic influences to infiltrate our homes. If you have something that has been given to you or you family--painting, clowns, dolls do try to get rid of these. You say that this occured in at Anthony's home which might mean that he might have some curse place on him for whatever reason. Here, I friend was given a clown, she placed in on a shelf in her room, a friend saw it and said "that's an ugly little clown" as she finished the sentence the lights went out; she screamed; my friend turned on the lights; the clown was on the floor; it had sretched her face. So yea I believe that there is something there; Not sure of your belief but ask for prayer, anoint your room, house with olive oil (it has to be prayed for by your pastor); pour some on your hands and anoint the door ways, the entrance to your house any place. I am a firm believer that olive oil (when used under prayer is a powerful tool) but do understand that not many belief systems share this same idea or practice.

The enemy works not only on our bodies (sickness) but he works in our mind to create fear which is a tool he well uses to create hopelessness, anxiety, and other emotoins. Be safe and ask for prayer from your church group.
A Bean
2008-09-06 19:27:51 UTC
That sh*t scares me to death.

My son saw something when he was young. It was halloween night and we went to my dad's house, where I live now. We were backing out of the driveway in my car and he started yelling at me. He kept saying "mom can't you see them? They are right there! Your going to run them over!" He was yelling and yelling and NO one was there. Freakiest thing ever.
2008-09-06 19:52:06 UTC
once your a child of God, you can invoke the Name of Jesus. ay to the Father for deliverance. He loves you. call upon the Name of the Lord and He will answer you.may God bless you.
2008-09-06 19:30:33 UTC
Email me directly with more details. If you are looking for help at a spiritual level. I am willing to help you from this perspective and at no point will I mock or discourage you.

You are not the only person I have heard of that has experienced spiritual attacks of this nature. I have seen how it is dealt with and can offer you support and assistance should u desire it
2008-09-06 19:29:12 UTC
pray every time that happens. Tell Satan in the firmest voice you can "Go away Satain. I follow Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior Only!"
Cee T
2008-09-06 19:31:35 UTC
Read the Bible, New Testament first. Ask God to forgive your sins and save you. Everyone sins. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. He died for your sins and rose again the third day that you might have eternal life. Determine to follow Him as best you can. Find a good Bible-believing church to attend. Pray and read a portion of the Bible every day. Talk to God about everything that concerns you. The next time something demonic happens, ask Almighty God to rebuke satan, bind him and dispel the powers of darkness from that place in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I'll pray for you. Here are some Bible verses to look up: Romans 10:13, Romans 5:8, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Philippians 4:6,7; Proverbs 3:5,6; John 3:16.

Edit: I've been trying to post this and the devil is not happy about it. First wrote "ha" under source; then stopped it from going in.
2008-09-06 21:12:45 UTC
Sounds like you have a demonic door opened, either through your own activity (ouija boards, spells, etc.) or through some occult involvement on the part of an ancestor - mother, father, grandmother, etc.

Only through repentance, renunciation of any ties to the occult, and calling upon the name of Jesus Christ can you be delivered.

Call upon Jesus Christ to save you and forgive your sins. Forgive all who have offended you (or else you will not be forgiven) - Then begin to read the Bible, especially the New Testament.

Submit yourself therefore to God, resist the devil (in the name of Jesus), and he WILL flee from you."

James 4:7
2008-09-06 21:10:03 UTC
Here on Yahoo, it is hard to know when people are serious or not.

Taking your problem seriously, you need to do the following:

get rid of religious icons and images (yes, crucifixes, the whole lot, all imagery. If it has monetary value, sell it)

If you have received an object from a dear beloved passed on, pray to God through Christ for knowledge as to whether this object is possessed or not. This approach also may be used if you have gotten rid of books that may be about the paranormal, demonism, etc.

Reading the Bible may help you to cheer up, but sleeping with it under the pillow wont! Sorry.

If you have a Ouija board or some such demonic instruments, they must be gotten rid of.

An incident in which some poor missionaries rented a haunted house because of the price may also be instructive. At first the haunting was obvious, as had been told.

Then they put scriptures all over the walls and made sure the house had been cleaned from all that could be connected to the demonic. Next, they read the Bible aloud and prayed.

Over about two months the haunting grew less and finally ceased, and they still had cheap rent.

One important detail: If you are indulging in immorality and unrighteousness, God will not listen to your prayers. So if this is the case, turn around repent and pray for forgiveness and then do the above.

Best of wishes to you.
2014-10-16 15:04:09 UTC
sually) spirits that feed off the energy and fear of a person.

I suggest you get a herb like sage and burn some. Then sit and relax. Focus on this thing that is bothering you and (if you can get a stick from an oak tree it helps) tell it to leave. The sage and oak are focal points for your will power. This is a very simple high magick ritual to dismiss harmful energies. If you dont feel comfortable with using a ritual, just do your best to tell "it" to leave you alone. Be forceful, and as arrogant as you can. These things feed on your fear. Be confident and laugh at it and it will leave to find better prey.

If you are just a potent psychic you will just have to deal with it. As stupid as the sixth sense was, it isnt far off from the reality of a powerful psychics life.

Also dont listen to people that tell you, you are crazy especially if other people were there and experienced these things with you. People that have never explored or experienced things like that just have no way of knowing what you are going through. The religious will try to wrap your experiences into their belief
2008-09-06 22:10:33 UTC
Did you go to bed with a full belly? Kinds have those dreams very often but they don't rmember. In your case, you are awake enough to recall. sometimes you are half awake-half sleep. I have had those dreams. They freak me out. Make sure you exercise enough to be very tired by the end of the day. And don't eat anything after 7:00pm Then you will have comfortable bedtime. I did not do my exercise today that is why I am answering questions.

However, The best thing to do is to speak to an expert in the field. A school counselor is a good source. Talk to somebody who is going to try to help you and who has the faculty to do so.
2014-09-24 07:38:57 UTC
I have had several significant experiences myself. Fortunately they weren't bad ones. I believe there are good and evil spirits and that some of us have a sixth sense. I don't know your background and your life's experiences, since there are so many variables that makes a person who they are, so I my advice to you is to search deeply in your soul and conscious and do a self evaluation. Try to write a journal about yourself documenting everything that comes to your mind and as far as you can remember. Try also to keep a daily diary. From time to time read through all that you have written. I think this might help you do a self analyzes and sort some things out. If you have habits that could affect your sleep or your performance, try changing. Look for ways of relaxation and focus on things that are important and meaningful to you. If your environment is surrounded by aggressiveness or negativity try ways to avoid being in their presence
2008-09-06 23:50:23 UTC
I'm a believer in the paranormal because I have had several significant experiences myself. Fortunately they weren't bad ones. I believe there are good and evil spirits and that some of us have a sixth sense. I don't know your background and your life's experiences, since there are so many variables that makes a person who they are, so I my advice to you is to search deeply in your soul and conscious and do a self evaluation. Try to write a journal about yourself documenting everything that comes to your mind and as far as you can remember. Try also to keep a daily diary. From time to time read through all that you have written. I think this might help you do a self analyzes and sort some things out. If you have habits that could affect your sleep or your performance, try changing. Look for ways of relaxation and focus on things that are important and meaningful to you. If your environment is surrounded by aggressiveness or negativity try ways to avoid being in their presence or look into options that will give you comfort. If you have any religious beliefs or faith, practice some kind of meditation or prayer. Living in fear and being constantly scared is painful and does a lot of damage both physically and emotionally. I believe that you can overcome it either by seeking professional help or by doing it yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but if you are determined to get rid of this fear, just keep telling yourself that you will not be scared anymore and that these paranormal occurrences cannot hurt you and will not hurt you!! I once had a fear and a good friend gave me a book to read. This book is called "Confront Your Fear and It Will Disappear" by Norman Vincent Peele. I read it and followed the advise. It helped me! I was able to rid of that fear that was haunting me. There is something out there that will help you, just do some research and get as much knowledge you possibly can. I hope I was able to give you some insight or help in some way. Be strong and you'll succeed!! Wish you much peace and wisdom!
2008-09-06 22:19:50 UTC
It's hard to believe you are serious about this, except that I have one old memory myself of that nature. Not long after my grandmother died, I moved into what had been her bedroom to get away from sharing with my sister. One night I woke up to see that her rocking chair was rocking (no, we did not live in an earthquake zone, and nothing else was rocking) and there were two little red lights where her eyes would have been if she was sitting in the rocking chair.

However, I have recently learned that it is possible to dream that you are waking up, or that you are awake, and become so confused between a nightmare and a real waking state that you spook yourself.

So let's give it one test: What does Lacey remember of the incident? Can you get in touch with her?
2015-08-06 01:31:14 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Please help me people i am very scared.?

When i was young...i had a dream about something pulling me under the bed then there was a bright light and i was okay....but see i know for a fact it wasnt a dream becasue i recall being wide awake.Since then i have had a lot of encounters with the paranormal. For example. Once I was home...
2015-03-26 19:37:56 UTC
I suggest you get a herb like sage and burn some. Then sit and relax. Focus on this thing that is bothering you and (if you can get a stick from an oak tree it helps) tell it to leave. The sage and oak are focal points for your will power. This is a very simple high magick ritual to dismiss harmful energies. If you dont feel comfortable with using a ritual, just do your best to tell "it" to leave you alone. Be forceful, and as arrogant as you can. These things feed on your fear. Be confident and laugh at it and it will leave to find better prey.
2014-07-04 09:39:31 UTC
So yea I believe that there is something there; Not sure of your belief but ask for prayer, anoint your room, house with olive oil (it has to be prayed for by your pastor); pour some on your hands and anoint the door ways, the entrance to your house any place. I am a firm believer that olive oil (when used under prayer is a powerful tool) but do understand that not many belief systems share this same idea or practice.
2008-09-06 22:49:16 UTC
Some people draw the attention of the dead more than others. Some spirits like to scare people because they are bitter and/or jealous. I am only mildly psychic, but I contact the dead for rituals and often have very crazy dreams afterword. The best thing to do is face them and laugh back. You might also have picked up a "personal daemon" or "psychic vampire". These are very old(usually) spirits that feed off the energy and fear of a person.

I suggest you get a herb like sage and burn some. Then sit and relax. Focus on this thing that is bothering you and (if you can get a stick from an oak tree it helps) tell it to leave. The sage and oak are focal points for your will power. This is a very simple high magick ritual to dismiss harmful energies. If you dont feel comfortable with using a ritual, just do your best to tell "it" to leave you alone. Be forceful, and as arrogant as you can. These things feed on your fear. Be confident and laugh at it and it will leave to find better prey.

If you are just a potent psychic you will just have to deal with it. As stupid as the sixth sense was, it isnt far off from the reality of a powerful psychics life.

Also dont listen to people that tell you, you are crazy especially if other people were there and experienced these things with you. People that have never explored or experienced things like that just have no way of knowing what you are going through. The religious will try to wrap your experiences into their beliefs which rarely help, and the purely scientific will call you crazy and belittle you. Look into the things ive talked about and do your best to face up to whatever it is.

Good luck and you can contact me through my profile if you have any questions.
2008-09-06 23:00:48 UTC
Well, I've seen glowing eyes in a window... I've seen a glass of water glide across my table by itself, and dealt with someone who was apparently possessed by spirits for some time... and heard distinctly the sounds of footfalls running across my room, as I was waking up at night.

The thing is, you believe what you want to believe. The mind plays tricks on you. Even though these supposed things happened right in front of my eyes, I recognize the possibility that they were all just some delusion. You have to recognize the fact that it may not be happening, or you just might drive yourself buggy.

Our perceptions are just a part of what is going on... and just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean it's unexplainable.
2008-09-06 22:50:45 UTC
I think that you need the kind of help that you will not get here.

If you have ever done anything connected with the occult (in any way whatsoever - fortune teller, tarot cards, ouija board etc.) it would be best to seek the help of a Christian minister who deals with exorcism. The Methodist church would be a good place to start and if the minister you approached could not help he would be able to refer you to someone who can.

Get help now, don't let this continue.

If you have never been involved in the occult at all then I suggest that you see your doctor as the first step and he should refer you to the help that you need.
2008-09-06 22:40:54 UTC
You would have helped yourself if you had given your present age. But young children have such dreams all the time. It is because their mind is so active trying to understand what they have seen or heard during the day and at night their mind churns away and up pops the devil or a demon or maybe santa claus. When you were lying in bed? with your step-sister? Now that is something to think about, too. But I can tell you that hot breathing , as you said, you felt on you, had to be Lacey's breath. If you are at least 10-years-old, please ask your Mom to take you to a shrink, because you do need mental help.
Pin-Up Doll
2008-09-07 00:36:10 UTC
It just sounds like you're more 'tuned in' to the other side. Or your house may be haunted. It's not satan or demons or any other nonsensical man made fairy tale. You're just picking up on things that a lot of people can't. Find someone who is very tuned in to the paranormal and have them mentor you. When I was 17, I couldn't understand all the ghostly things I was seeing. My boyfriend at the time (and his mother) came from a long line of witches. He taught me how to get a handle on it and not let the bad things get in. How to psychically "wall off" a room so the mean ghosts can't sneak in. You have a great gift, whether you realize it or not. Find someone to help you hone your 6th sense. You'll be fine.
2014-10-30 17:50:30 UTC
Update : When i was young...i had a dream about something pulling me under the bed then there was a bright light and i was okay....but see i know for a fact it wasnt a dream becasue i recall being wide awake.Since then i have had a lot of encounters with the paranormal. For example. Once I was home alone...and I heard glass breaking i ran into the bathroom(where i heard the glass break) & nothing was broken. But another great example is when my friend and I were awake talkin on my bed....and my computer chair turned around by itself and something sittin in the chair laughed in the most demonic voice i have ever heard. Lastly...When My mother was married to this man named Anthony.. I recall staying at his apartment one night with his daughter lacey. We were laying in her bed talkin when the blinds starting shaking,the bed shaking,thelights flashing off and on...& i felt somethin breathing
2008-09-07 00:55:07 UTC
I have seen similar things. There are simply spectrums to life we cannot hope to see without great effort. The thing to realize is that the fear you feel is the point of the 'attacks'. It is a type of psychic vamprism that seeks to diminish the light in you. This energy coming at you is maybe your own uncontrolled unobserved ego, or an entity outside of that- none of that matters. Become your own priest or shaman or magician, master your own response, refuse to cower. We generate our own light and darkness, so give yourself some kind of higher power to aid you.

The obsidian stone can ground this energy, Focus these memories and experiences into it and wash it clean now and then. You can do it, you can save your self. The toughest part is believing that, so know that at least someone believes in you.
2008-09-06 23:31:55 UTC
O.K. Not that I'm making light of religion, but not every paranormal experience can be summed up to being possessed. It might feel scary, but that's because you're locking your mind into the negative aspects. I used to have a lot of problems similar to yours, and doctors said it was my nerves from a crummy childhood, while churches demonized it. It wasn't until I did some research into spiritual happenings that I came to realize that it could possibly be that someone from my past was trying to contact me, and just didn't know how to get through.

The worst was about 5 years after my best friend was murdered. I would be laying in bed and suddenly it felt like someone would sit on the bed and start shaking me to get my attention. I'd hear what sounded like radio static (white noise) in my head so loud I thought my brain would explode. A friend told me to sit up and loudly say "I know you're trying to tell me something, but you need to speak clearly or go away and let me sleep!" I tried that, and could hear my friend's voice (though it took a few times) saying her case would be reopened soon. She was scared that they would never find her killer. Her "cold case" was reopened last year, and they have yet to find her killer.

What I'm saying is that, your best bet is to do some Internet sleuthing...find web sites/message boards for people who are in your situation.

Hope this helps!
Stan Dalone
2008-09-06 22:12:32 UTC
Your experiences and writing style make me suspect you might be somewhere around 18. You may be experiencing the onset of psychosis. It hits around age 18. If that's what's happening, no exorcism or religious ritual will help you; you have a chemical imbalance in the brain, and there are drugs that can set you right again. See your doctor about this and tell them everything. If psychosis is descending on you and you don't get treated, you could seriously hurt someone you love.
2008-09-06 21:56:04 UTC
If you were the only one who experienced these things (if Lacey didn't the time you were with her), then you may be suffering from some kind of mental illness. A mental health professional could help you with that, but quite a number are pill pushers. I find a better medicine is with praying to God and reading the Bible (especially the Psalms and some of my other favourite Scriptures in other books of the Bible). God is the best Physician after all.

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
2008-09-07 00:47:51 UTC
Awww its just the Holy Ghost he is useless got a sheet over his head now days.

BooooooOOOoooOOO Holy Ghost Holy Ghost WOoOOooOoooo

All you have to tell him is this loud and clear "HOLY GHOST THIS IS NOT AN EPISODE OF SCOOBY DOO".

And he will go away trust me.

But all kidding aside yeah you know what i would be scared **** less if i where you but remember we encounter strange things and things happen all the time like me when my uncle died i saw a Man around 7 feet tall with a all black Trench coat standing where my uncle died and ever since then i will see him Walking Around my House and one time when i was a kid i remember seeing people crawling on the floor and i ran to my moms room where i saw a man bleeding to death in the mirror.

But still do not be Afraid Confront it
2008-09-06 22:19:18 UTC
dude seriously if you are that worried about it then ask for God's help. I know that a lot of people are going to say mean things about what you posted but there are a lot of people who believe in that stuff.

Look, God is the only answer there is for things like this, there is no voodoo guy that can do some ritual on your house and make the monsters go away. Only God can force Satan and his demons away. If you already have a relationship with God then simply pray and ask for his guidance because he loves you more than anything and he doesn't want you to fear, so call on Jesus.
2008-09-06 21:50:42 UTC
I have had some experience in exorcisms and dealing with the demonic world. You do not mention if you have ever asked Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord, Master, and Savior. This is what satan is trying to stop you from doing.

Once the Lord Jesus is in your life, power over 'all the power of the enemy', Jesus said, would be at your command through His Name.

You may email me personally at
Nico Blue
2008-09-06 21:37:23 UTC
How old are you?

If your just bored & lonely on a saturday night, looking for a rise out of people, I should tell you, you probably achieved that.

But... you should know, either way, whatever the reason,

what you are talking about is very real indeed. And if you aren't really having these issues then count yourself blessed, because Satan uses our weak, penitrable minds to get to us, its his only way in, your mind. Once he has your mind, he has you, because he got your mind off the truth. The fact that Jesus Christ died for the sins of man, And the only one you should fear is God. The bible says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge. And you probably have let your imagination run away with you somewhat, from personal expierence, when I was younger I used to think up stuff to try and scare myself, and it worked alright.. I ended up giving myself insomnia for 3 years. So try to think on other things. Don't watch scary things on TV. It isnt good for you anyway, besides the fact, The bible also says to abstain from all appearances of evil. Instead, Pray, pray every morning when you wake up, Pray when you get scared, Pray when you are alone, pray before you go to sleep, you get the jist. But you should really know, when Jesus Saves You, you arent under the influence of demonic possession and/or activity any longer. you are free from that torment. Satan cannot do a thing to a child of God, unless, he have permission from God himself. And know that then, it is for a greater good, a reason unknown to you today, but he will show you later on.

I really think that if you are having these issues for sure, that you really, really need to call on Christ to save you. because this is very demonic stuff. Jesus is the only way, the truth, the life. I hope you find peace through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
2008-09-06 20:25:30 UTC
You have every reason to be afraid. These entities are demonic and can hurt you if you try to get rid of them by yourself. The only thing that overcomes a demonic being is Jesus Christ, and the power of both his name and his blood.

Don't know if you believe in a God, but the fact remains He is the only person in the universe who can make these beings leave. Have you done anything that might have invited them into your home? Seance? Quija boards? Tarot cards? Anything playing with the supernatural?

If you have any desire to get help check out the links below
2008-09-06 22:04:01 UTC
I have had similar experiences, especially when I was growing up. These things happening do not mean you're crazy, as some of these other responders would have you believe. Consider talking to an owner of a metaphysical store in your area. They usually have knowledge about how to deal with these types of occult situations. Also, learn how to perform a psychic shield on yourself immediately. If you do it right, most of these occurrences should stop.

Christopher Penczak wrote an awesome book about this called, "The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick & Psychic Self Defense." Regardless of your religion, this book may be a big help to you. Good luck!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
2008-09-06 21:46:31 UTC

I scrolled through the answers provided and I could not have worded it better that the poster Cee T.

To add a little to what she said, understand that there are evil spirits in the world. Also understand that God is greater than them. Just by speaking the name of Jesus alone, demons will flee.

If nothing else call upon God for help. If you call, He will help you.

My advice...... get to know Christ for yourself and in Him and through Him you'll be able to stand up without fear and find freedom from the torments of evil spirits.

I prayed for you.
2014-08-19 23:38:10 UTC

The park is a cleanup site that once housed the government's gaseous diffusion plant used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons, the Energy Department said.

Officials said the suspect managed to sneak information and material including tubes used in the uranium enrichment process out of the lab and into his trailer home.
Declan P
2008-09-07 00:29:02 UTC
Ugh. Not too sound condescending, but you seem like you need a little bit of help. This is just my opinion. I'm an atheist, so any 'paranormal' encounters seem really silly to me. You may just have an over active imagination, or you might just be a little bit psychotic.
2008-09-06 21:17:15 UTC
well if you are involved with spiritistical things, evil spirits come out of them and dwell in your environment. i would discard anything that is having some form of contact with spirits. some examples would include movies, music, and games. pray to god through jesus's name and read the bible before you go to sleep. look at Galations 5:19-21, talks about the works of the flesh, and spiritism. the bible shows that fortune-tellers and wicked spirits work together. Acts 16-18 mentions "a demon of divination" that enabled a girl to practice "the art of prediction." but she lost this ability when the demon was cast out of her by Paul.
2008-09-07 01:03:22 UTC
listen to Quran from heart and let it on for hrs even thou you are no understan

Sura / chapter 19 Maryam (Mary) or any sura

recite by sheik Ahmed- aljimi

you will be recovered in Allah willing

read these Quran verses showing that the Quran is a healing and mercy to believers .

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1)

And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, and it adds only to the perdition of the unjust. (82

other verse

O men! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy for the believers. (57)

2014-07-17 03:46:27 UTC
If this is the truth, why is it happening to you? Did you involve yourself in occult practises? Did anyone in your family practise the occult? Do you involve yourself in: seances, tarot readings, star signs, other? If this is the truth and you're genuinely frightened, I'd go see a preacher tell him/her all of this ask for spiritual guidance. People forget that Jesus protects us against unwholesome spirits. Try it.
2008-09-07 00:03:26 UTC
so what is your question ?do you want it to stop ?do you want to know why this is happening?do you want more what? If you want it to go away First receive the lord Jesus then call out his name works every time for me.I used to be a spiritual magnet to the point where friends called me to their parties because they knew stuff always happened with me in the room I got tired of it.and after a few dozen rebukes I pretty much am left in peace except when someone dies.
2014-06-20 19:46:55 UTC
Find a good Bible-believing church to attend. Pray and read a portion of the Bible every day. Talk to God about everything that concerns you. The next time something demonic happens, ask Almighty God to rebuke satan, bind him and dispel the powers of darkness from that place in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2008-09-06 22:05:53 UTC
These sound like anxiety emotional responses. Some sleepy drama the mind conjures up. I would really put my mind to finding a cause for this.

Please find a council, A Dr. who has experience with anxiety, sleep disorders, maybe even have a sleep study.

Sleep tight. Do not be afraid. Mind OVER body. Shalom.
2008-09-06 20:56:57 UTC
No secular therapist can help you at all but a pastor could if you get the right one. Be sure he/she is filled with the holy spirit and has gifts of the spirit....otherwise they might be afraid to tackle this or just plain be ineffective.

This IS a spiritual matter. These are demons you are dealing with so get help fast. It's possible that your friend is into the occult without you knowing? Or did you know it? Who else in your family is into this stuff? You need help.
2008-09-06 20:24:56 UTC
some times a dream can look so real and feel so real that we can mistake it for realty. Sort of like when when you cant recall if you said something or thought it. But if you truly believe that some form of demonic power is out to get you there are ways to protect your self. Salt for example has great protective power. Or get bells or wind chimes some people believe that demons cant stand the sound of them. But if all else fails preform a banishing ritual once or twice a year to remove them from your home unless they appear in there physical form then you'll have bigger problems then hearing demonic laughter
2014-10-08 14:55:17 UTC
e fear you feel is the point of the 'attacks'. It is a type of psychic vamprism that seeks to diminish the light in you. This energy coming at you is maybe your own uncontrolled unobserved ego, or an entity outside of that- none of that matters. Become your own priest or shaman or magician, master your own response, refuse to cower. We generate our own light and darkness, so give yourself some kind of higher power to aid you.
2008-09-06 21:23:05 UTC
Pray and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He died on the cross for your sins, repent and believe he died for you, and receive Him. Pray, for instance: "Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. Thank you that you died for me on the cross. I repent of all my sins, and ask you to wash them by the blood shed on the cross for me. I believe you had risen from the dead, and that you are alive. Come to my life, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Help me to live the way you want me to. Thanks, Lord".

If you can do that prayer, that would be a beginning (and you will get life eternal, too!). You still need to deal with the demons. If you want, I can recommend you some good books on the subject.

By the way, probably you will find opposition to pray that way, or even to get or read the books (or the Bible), being it external, or internal (thoughts like "don't do that!" or "there is no way this can work", as it you were thinking that for yourselves). Just don't listen to that. If possible, get the help of a good spirit-filled pastor.

Many people have been in worst situation than you, and God has helped them (I know of some persons like that).

God bless you.
2008-09-06 23:43:00 UTC
Well, you've got demons visiting you. You need to repent of your sins. Believe the gospel. Pray, call on God to help you. Rebuke the demons in Jesus's name. You have the authority to command them to leave and never return... but only if you repent, otherwise they'll keep annoying you. You had better start reading the Bible. Get into God's word. He will reveal the truth to you. You can control them from manifesting in your dreams, but you have to start learning what is in the Bible and what God's promises are to you. You also need to ask God where these demon spirits are coming from. It could be from something your parents or grandparents have done or not done to cause them to manifest in your life. Demons can be inherited from past sins of parents or grandparents if they haven't repented. They've unknownly opened the door to them. They are called inherent or generational demons. Just call on God for help.
2008-09-06 21:43:13 UTC
First of all how old are you ? not that i am thinking of that to be the problem... Let me tell you I have some experiences that I need to talk with you about we might share some intresting things that we might could help eachother with you can become my instant messanger friend if you wont to By the way I am a 42 year old woman and I have had lots of bad experiences and unknown happenings all through my life..Recent experiences not too long ago.. would like to talk with you please e-mail me or contact. take care and I just suggest to you to pray to god to help guide and protect you it seems to help me...
『  』
2008-09-06 23:32:03 UTC
You should pray to Saint Michael the Archangel for protection. St. Michael was in charge of the fight at the beginning and will be in charge at the final end and under the command of Mary, his Queen. He is also the defender of the sacrament of Extreme Unction. We should call him and his faithful followers to help the dying. St. Michael was the angel of protection to the Israelites and is now the patron Saint of the Holy Roman Catholic church. Pope Leo XIII saw in his vision the wrath of Satan against the Church in the future and how St. Michael and his followers will defend the Holy Church in the future. Because of this the Pope composed a powerful prayer to St. Michael.


Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do though, Oh Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

You should also go to a Catholic Church and get some holy water, and consult a priest about the situation, Praying to the other six known Archangels will also help. Praying to the Archangels for protection will be very effective though.

Saint Michael, Archangel

Saint Gabriel, Archangel

Saint Raphael, Archangel

Saint Uriel, Archangel

Saint Jehudiel, Archangel

Saint Sealtiel, Archangel

St. Barachiel, Archangel
2008-09-06 21:41:33 UTC
I'm sorry to hear 4 what your going Thru the only thing i could tell u is speak to a preacher reverend or pastor or priest anyone who is involved in the bible whatever you do don't try oil i don't think it will help much talk to anyone in a church tell them whats going on then see if they can come to your house or place where you reside to pray for your house but don't just count or rely on them you should pray read a couple of verses put all your faith on god he will help you .
2008-09-06 20:52:17 UTC
Wow. First, whenever something like that happens it is not something that is heavenly divine, but rather something that the devil is doing or sending his angels to do.

Now. This is what you must do. Always believe in Jesus as your Savior - and claim all the promises that are made in the Bible. If you don't go to church, start studying the Bible on your own. Get a study Bible which is written in every-day English to start with.

It is written that we have the power to banish the devil, so what you must do is whenever you are afraid, call upon Jesus for help. Then once you are familiar with the Bible and the beliefs in it, claim Jesus' promise that you have this power, and verbally banish the demons just as it is written demanding that they leave immediately and not return.

However, in all fairness, I must also state that this is not something to play around with. Be careful here, go to your minister and tell him/her what is going on. Get a 'prayer partner' for your own peace of mind, so you can call them when you feel afraid. Study, and know that God will protect you, then claim His protection for yourself, your family, and whoever needs it whenever you feel it is necessary speak and banish the demons!

To live without fear is to know God is in Control and He has provided promises for us to claim and act upon.
2008-09-06 23:19:37 UTC
So a dream, then under the influence of pot. That was before you got into the LSD...

Ghosts, goblins, demons, Santa, and spirits don't exist. Not only is your mind weak enough to let your subconscious run all over it, but it's weak enough to not see reality when it's right in front of you...

Kind of sad.

Atheistically yours,

JM Gendron.
2008-09-06 21:30:55 UTC
Jesus came to undo the works of the devil, What you going through is real, you are not crazy, and Jesus is the answer to your problem, you can start ba asking God to forgive you for your sins , renounce to the occult or any type of bound you had made with satan, Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus, Demons fear the power of the blood of Jesus so next time you have an encounter similar, say loud I cover my self with the blood of Jesus and I rebuke you satan in Jesus's name. Find a church the priches the full gospel, plug in and beguin to grow in the lord.

You have a grate calling in your life, the devil knows it, even when you don't , go to church read your bible and find out the plan of God for your life.

God bless you, and I will be praying for you God knows who you are and he is calling you by name,
2016-02-27 10:02:04 UTC
Then they put scriptures all over the walls and made sure the house had been cleaned from all that could be connected to the demonic. Next, they read the Bible aloud and prayed.
모든 자연
2008-09-06 22:02:48 UTC
i could suggest that it could be sleep paralysis...but maybe you should try talking to a priest or something. even reading the bible can help you to not be afraid. i am often afraid of maybe seeing something or hearing something, but i think that it all has to do with the conscience. there are times that i think that i heear something, but there's nothing there. i think going to talk to a priest would really help you. i believe that if you keep constantly thinking about seeing or hearing things, you make yourself to believe that things are going to happen. i suggest that you get involved in church and actually particpate so that you may become closer to God. just keep that in mind, God will never abandon you.

if you have any concerns or ?'s for me, don't hesitate to email me

2008-09-06 21:55:23 UTC
Have you ever messed with an Ouija board?

If so, get help from a spiritualist. You have a poltergeist situation. It's a bad spirit that follows you and some of them are absolutely demonic.
2008-09-06 22:44:33 UTC
I have to admit I'm a bit confused. As you're telling your story about these things happening to you (which are very possible) you talk about your self, but don't mention the other people who were with you at the time. Did they see/hear anything like you're talking about?

I'll have to give this some thought.
2008-09-07 00:26:58 UTC
embrace this. I've wanted to see some freaky **** for years. Plus praying does nothing I've prayed for things in my life and havn't gotten anything, it just makes people feel safe but it's just a bunch of horse ****. I've prayed for a lot of money and a nice car and havn't got them.
Brandi S
2008-09-06 20:47:34 UTC
I'm a Paranormal Investigator have been for the last 5 years. It definitely sounds like you have something, and it seems to be following you.

It doesn't sound like a Spirit or a Ghost it sounds like an Entity,

believe it or not their is a difference between the three.

Let me ask you some questions? I know you hear voices, and see things moving, but do you ever feel cold spots? Does the temp in the room ever drastically drop for no apparent reason? Do you ever get a foul smelling odor, like rotten eggs or rotting flesh? Do you ever hear what sounds like scratching coming from inside the walls?

Entities materialization consists of black forms or shadows either looking like a man or a Dog, normally accompanied by a foul odor.

You don't want to talk to these Entities, and you don't want to try to handle it yourself. They can become very aggressive if provoked and

they will let you know between the hours of 12am and 4am. Also

even if you are a firm believer in God, do NOT pray out loud that

will only anger it more.

If you need to contact me, please do so, I will help you try to get rid of it. I stress try because if it is an Entity, they are the hardest to get rid of, and I will explain to you why.
2008-09-06 20:21:58 UTC
There is a lot of paranormal activity in the earth. I can't judge if it is getting more common or not. Most people just dismiss it because they do not understand it nor can they explain it, so they just call it mental problems.

I would suggest you listen to the best program I know of dealing with this subject, and they will have other people you can talk to. The website is:

The program is on radio every night on many AM stations.It starts at 10pm and goes until 2AM. If you are in school I wouldn't advise you to listen cause you sure wouldn't get up the next morning. You can listen on Friday eves. tho and the week-end.
Arctic Pheonix
2008-09-07 00:11:08 UTC
I have ghost but I am not afraid of them, they are not hurting me or anyone else.

There are always there.

I don't know about the demonic laughing, but I generally see no reason why you should be afraid of them.

They are just dead human beings with personalities like Mum, Dad, you, your brother, your teacher, you friends, the police, the prime minister and so on.

Snow Man
2008-09-06 22:21:31 UTC
You don't have to be scared. God said to fear him not Satan and God will not hurt us.

The spiritual world is very real and the angels who watch over us or comfort us or give us messages would not act in such a way but demons will.

But sometimes we can stir bad energy or demons by our behavior or our way of life. If you are truly scared, pray to God and ask him to keep you safe and rid all demons from you in Jesus' name. Beg him and believe. He will answer.
2008-09-06 20:14:38 UTC
I am not saying you are not doing this, but it is really your imagination that you have a problem with. You are having a paranormal awakening, and it is not really there, but you can see it, and it is probably happening somewhere in the world at this time.

I had 2 out of body experiences and they were similar to each other. I was looking down from the ceiling where I was lying, not affected by gravity, when I saw this little girl in her bed very sick down below me. I did not know her, but her family was very unhappy -- they were crying -- but it was MY family. Who was the little girl so sick in the bed. Well, finally I was forced to go back to the bed and I entered her body -- it was me. This was so real and I heard every word they were saying. They thought I had gone into a coma and thought I had died.

I did not want to go back, but THEY made me go back. I wanted to go on home and I thought I knew where home was.

So much for my experience, but I know these things do happen. Many times I see things as they happen, like the death of my cousin's grandfather. I saw him die but I was 8 miles away. I told the family he was gone before we got the phone call and it was as I described.

Don't let anyone think you are sick, but don't worry about it. You will become more accustomed to it as time goes on. I have lived with it all my life and I am now 72.

May all blessings be yours.
2008-09-06 20:12:36 UTC
I think that you are doing something that is allowing demons to come into your life. If you are having anything to do with witchcraft, get it out of your life. That includes harry potter. My daughter was reading harry potter(before I knew it was wrong) she had dreams of the devil pulling here off of her bed. She also said she didn't think they were dreams because they seemed so real.

The Bible strongly condemns the practice of spiritism, mediums, occult, psychics, etc. (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Ouija, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, séances, etc., fall into this category as well. These “spirits” are demons (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

If you are having anything to do with these get away from them. Pray to God, repent of your sins and become saved. If you don't know how to do that email me.
2008-09-06 20:11:16 UTC
I have this problem too. I believe that demons attached themselves to me when I was playing around with a ouji board and being extremely curious about the paranormal, mainly demonic possession. I have since become a Born Again Christian and put myself in Christ's hands. Alot of what is going on, I believe is "bother" . Get help from a born again priest, pastor, minister, whatever, but you must become bold and take control of what happens in your life. Demons thrive on fear. Not good luck, make good choices (spiritually).
2008-09-06 21:26:38 UTC
I grew up in a house with ghosts.

Fortunately the ghosts in my home were mild and good natured.

I believe you and i think you need assistance quick.

I have been told that the clergy still does exorcisms. Keep asking until you find one. Or maybe they have professionals that do that sort of thing. Keep trying until you find someone.

I DO believe your life is at stake~

God Bless You!
2008-09-06 20:00:02 UTC
Well, it could possibly be two things. One, you could be possibly imagining it. When there are other people with you, do they also collaborate the story? You could try to get a reputable if others collaborate your story. It could quite simply be a poltergeist. Unlike what the movie makes people believe, poltergeists are not ghosts. It is like a force being project by someone who is under a lot of stress. A person subconsciously controls them, and thus may be hurt or frightened by their poltergeist.

I do not mean to be cruel, but psychiatric help may also be necessary. If it were to be an actual poltergeist, a psychiatrist may help you by talking through any problems. A psychiatrist may even be able to identify any mental illness, were it to be something that only you can see. But you must understand, this could be very hard for you both ways. You must keep an open mind and try to find the true cause whether it be mental or supernatural. You must be very careful, if you hastily choose a solution, and completely ignore the other it can be very costly for you.
2008-09-06 20:51:12 UTC
i think this is something in your head. when this first happened it might have affected you so much at a young age that now your brain is making hear or believe things that are not real. there is a cure for this but u have to go to a doctor and if you stay like this its gonna get worse so go check up on urself as soon as possible
2008-09-06 22:13:39 UTC
Sounds More like Bad Case of Nerves...!!
2008-09-06 23:46:19 UTC
The power of God is more powerful than any demon or satan.. all you have to do is say out loud.. "Satan get thee behind me" and he has to flee and his demons as well.. God is your help and all you have to do in these times is call upon the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus and He will be right there and they have to go away do not fear those evil spirits .. know that the Holy Spirit which is in all of us is much greater than any evil, demonic forces or even satan.. may God bless you.. read the Holy Bible read Ephesians.. there you will find out how to protect yourself in the name of Jesus..
2008-09-06 23:20:59 UTC
Um..this is gonna sound stupid, but when you were a kid, you might have been abducted.

Many people who claim to have been have the same story, they had just fallen asleep, or just woke up, and there was a bright light, and they remember something, but cant remember exactly what. I dunno, i suggest hypnotism, those people are really good.

And remember they dont all have to be connected
2008-09-06 20:40:04 UTC
Are you a Christian? If so, you can call on the name of Christ to rebuke what evil beings may be harrassing you. God gave us authority over these spirits so you should find someone close to you that can help you learn to use that authority.
Christian Sinner
2008-09-06 23:15:52 UTC
I should invite you to read my blog. In fact, I will. The only power that rescues people is the power of God, if you have peace with Him.

He is faithful and just to forgive. He loves those who trust Him. You can depend upon God. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to deliver us. If you want to, you can believe in His Son, Jesus Christ and He will deliver you.
2008-09-06 22:17:10 UTC
I would recommend you seek spiritual guidance and pray, also get checked out medically to see if you are hallucinating. Your problem could be paranormal experiences, hallucinations or both. though it sounds more like it is paranormal experiences.
2008-09-06 19:53:13 UTC
I think you need to pray ! There are no ghosts who are lost, and on their way anywhere or afraid to go somewhere. There are demons that can bother people. You don't talk to them, discuss things. You tell them ' In Jesus' name leave '

This is not from God! You need to evaluate the things in your life!

1) tell the demon that you know that it is there, 2) tell the demon that it has no right to be there, 3) tell the demon to leave, 4) forbid it from coming back, and 5) back your command (it is not bargaining, a request, or demand but a COMMAND, as demons are to have no choice or say in the matter) with the Name, Blood, Power, and Authority of Jesus Christ.
2008-09-06 20:32:05 UTC
You are having encounters with the demonic. This book may help.
Dennis James
2008-09-06 20:02:20 UTC
There is a demonic battle for your everyone's soul. It sounds like you have one going on for your sanity and are sensitive to the forces around you.

These things that are happening to you need to be fought against. To battle Satan and his forces on your own is not a good idea. God wants you to call on Him and He will answer you in your time of need. May i suggest first if you haven't already to accept Jesus Christ as not just your Lord and Savior but your protector. He has defeated Satan and can cast the demons out from your midst. When these things happen around the same time at night make that your time to play some soft Praise music and read His word. I had creepy experiences also and I tell you the truth, God will not abandon you when you call on His name in faith and when His child is in need.
2008-09-06 21:59:33 UTC
I'm not making fun of you but it sounds like a ghost. Look into it

with an open mind.
2008-09-06 20:32:44 UTC
this happenes to me too iht all started when i was smaller my gandpa died and i got sick and no one told meh he died and i would point to places and nuttin would beh there so they toook meh to doctors and they sid i was ok and my grandma is all superstision and she took me to a this witch and she said i had a lik a 6th sense and could see stuff other ppl cant soo i would always see shadows and hear voices and felt lik someone is around me . one time i herd a women cry outside my bedroom door so i went to check iht out and when i came out i saw a humen shadow pass by my dad also sees all those stuff . if yew want anymore info email me at
2008-09-06 20:12:09 UTC
Well, I think some people are more ah, "attuned" to the spiritual realm than others. I can't say you haven't experienced these things, but I do think that you need to seek professional help. (Some would say psychiatric, but it can't hurt you to talk to a "medium", I suppose.) The kind of response you're going to get here isn't going to help you.

I've had relatives tell me they have experienced things like this, some of them claim to have seen other relatives who had passed on from this life. Again, I can't say they have or haven't, as I haven't had the experience. But I do believe it happens. I just don't believe in purposefully doing things which could call forth spirits, such as using ouija boards and so forth. But maybe talking to someone else who had this kind of experience would be helpful to you.

Good luck, I hope you find the answers you seek.
2008-09-06 22:47:45 UTC
You should be on "Paranormal State" with that In Sync dude.
2008-09-06 21:04:30 UTC

Some people are like magnets for ghosts. I used to be one. I have quite a few experiences, nothing quite as creepy. I asked them to stop showing themselves for me once when I was fed up. I haven't seen one since, but I can still feel them, I still know they are there.

You seem to be attracting ghosts with negative energy, it doesn't have to be like that. Sometime's it really is just as easy as asking them to stop, for you, I don't know if it will be that easy. Ghosts can and will follow you, and I think that's what you've been going through.

A common wiccan/pagan concept (though I am neither) is to encircle yourself around you with a white light, i do not mean this literally. When you think there are ghosts are bad energy around you, imagine a bubble of white light around you, around your room, under your bed, around those you care about. The spirits cannot pass through the white light, it's a protective lights. When I first started doing it, I felt like a complete idiot, talking to ghosts, asking them to leave, imagining light around me, it sounds pretty fricken nuts, but it works, it really does.

Try to contact a parapsychologist, or going to your local mystical shop and speaking to someone there. Even if you don't believe in that stuff and you think it's hokey, these psychics and wiccans and pagans spend a good part of their time working with energy, focusing on energy, living in conjunction with it. They can probably tell you better than anyone else about these ghosts, these dreams, and how to deal with them or how to stop them. Honestly, even if you don't believe it, I assure you these people can help. If you're really against doing that, go to your local library, read up, there are plenty of paranormal books that should be able to help you.

good luck, this is not beyond your control.

BTW- search for some sage. No, not the kind from your grocery store, the kind from a mystical store or a garden. Burning sage and carrying it throughout and around your home is said to cleanse the home of negative energy and bad spirits. Again, I'm not Wiccan or Pagan, but I do have my own beliefs, and sage certainly helped my home feel much better and helped the spirits calm down when we were having negative energy problems.
2008-09-06 20:51:54 UTC
i know alot of people have told you to mail them... but seriously please mail me. you can only over come this if you are saved. then you will be in no danger. my dad has seen demons on mission trips across the world and one encountered him in our own house... me and him can help u. email me at also i'd love to hear everything thats happened in more detail. i really can help you by showing you the word.
2008-09-06 22:26:31 UTC
God gives His children power to overcome evil.

You must be saved in order to use this power.

Repent of your sins to God,ask Jesus to come in to your heart and say to Him that you believe that He died and rose from the grave for your sins. If you believe this you are saved. (John 3:16) in the Bible.

Now,as soon as you do this the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within you. God's spirit is living in with your spirit.

(He becomes your good conscious.)

So, you have a Greater power living in you,more than any evil spirit.

God gave us the use of the name of Jesus, which is all powerful against evil spirits.

God answers prayer in the name of Jesus also.

You say, I plead the Blood of Jesus over myself,my family,my house. You pray this everyday for daily proctection.

This is a powerful protective covering for you and those you love.

The evil spirits shriek at the Name and Blood of Jesus.

The word of God is powerful weapon. Scriptures written in the Bible.

So in summary,here's what you say.

Satan and you demons,I bind and cast you out and I command you to leave in the Name of Jesus,you must flee, because Greater is He that lives in me than the one in the world. I plead the Blood of Jesus over myself,my family,my house and all that belongs to me. Leave and never return. ( If this does happen again,and most likely it will,then recite what I gave you again) They do this to test you. Evil thrives off of fear. Don't be afraid. You have the Authority as a child of God to command evil to flee. Use it and mean it. Jesus will proctect you.

Afterwards,thank God and say I Praise you God for your love and proctection. Glory be to the Father,Glory be to the Son,and Glory be to the Holy Spirit.

All Glory,Honor,Praise,Blessing,Power,Strength,Graditude,and my love are yours forever Amen.

This is what I say. You can use your own words.

I just thought I would help you incase you didn't know what to say.
Michael da Man
2008-09-06 21:21:37 UTC
It's very unlikely these events actually happened but to you they are real. That means your perceptions are haywire and you need to see a psychiatrist right away. You can get help. Don't be afraid of he happenings but be concerned and don't go it alone... professionals can help.
2008-09-06 20:38:03 UTC
You need to be saved by Jesus Christ. Once you are no demon stands a chance, "In the name of Jesus i command you to leave this house, place, person ect.
2008-09-06 23:39:18 UTC
wow, i never knew this really existed, wat u have is rare don't worry just pray and if u are muslim/christian any religionjust pray and ask help from God for He will always help you nor will He allow anything to harm you if you firmly are a good person of your reliogion and a beleiver for He shall protect you, and while you are protected nothing is able to harm you.
2008-09-06 22:14:59 UTC
Pray and ask God for help. Read Bible verses and believe them. You can also ask a priest to come over.
2008-09-06 21:53:24 UTC
pray call a priest to get at peace. What happened to your other dad?
2008-09-06 21:14:07 UTC
If you are series I strongly encourage you to see a doctor as soon as possible. Don't hold anything back if you truly want help. Tell him or her everything. If you don't have a doctor go to the emergency room ~ especially if this happens again.
2008-09-06 20:45:43 UTC
Investigate under the paranormal section or ask your question over there.

Lots of people will tell you here that you are crazy or stg..won't help you at all.

Please do not be scared.

You could be psychic or something.

Good luck.
2008-09-06 23:38:21 UTC
It might mean that there is an evil spirit following you only you are aware of it so be careful.
2008-09-06 20:16:19 UTC
If I were you I would start praying very soon.... I myself used to be a christian but a few years ago I started searching for a different path. Right now I worship Krishna as the Supreme Lord, and I have gained a lot of inner peace by following him...though I respect other religious traditions as well. I would say for you to do some serious soul-searching & go online to and read about Him, also read the Holy Bhagavad-Gita. If you call on him with devotion, He will save you. Good luck, and may the Lord save you from those evils, and give you everlasting peace! Hare Krishna.
Thy Will is/be done
2008-09-06 19:58:56 UTC
Deut 6:5

utterance of the 'holy spirit'.

Deut 6:5
2008-09-06 21:05:11 UTC
i agree. it's probably sleep paralysis. some of these seem to have happened when you were in bed. go to the doctor.
2008-09-06 20:48:07 UTC
Try to find a native elder or medicine person to smudge your place out. This will get rid of any bad spirits, and only leave room for good spirits. Don't let the bad spirits rule you. Sometimes all they are is unhappy, and smudging will pacify them.
2008-09-06 20:10:03 UTC
Pray your guts out! If there is demonic activity in your house, there's nothing that annoys the devil more than prayer and words of Christ. Keep praying until you see everything go back to normal.

If not, maybe you need to hire an exorcist (make sure your Diocese approves before starting one.) You have demonic activity going on in your house and need an exorcism to pray the devil out of your house and fall into their portal to Hell.
2008-09-06 20:48:26 UTC
I guess it could be a lot of different things, so I really would not ask on YA. If you have a TRUSTED pastor I would ask them. No one on here knows anything about you. Please be careful about taking weird advice.
2008-09-06 22:40:12 UTC
Do you believe in a spirit world? Are you religious at all? Of course there are explanations if you believe in all that. email me.
2008-09-06 22:46:00 UTC
Do the other people with you see this.. or just you?
2008-09-06 22:55:36 UTC
God is with you.

I have read about this.

You have a gift.

When you encounter these..demons?

Pray, pray like no other.
2008-09-06 19:56:36 UTC
God is way stronger. I don't know how old you are but God can make this all stop ASAP.

Pray to God in Jesus name every single night before you go to bed. Ask him to forgive you of your sins. Ask him to guide you. Ask him to bless your house and keep all evil away each and every night. Read the new testament. Tell God you want to follow him. Ask him to save your soul.

He has protected me. I've also had bad encounters. Not fun.

Dr pushpinder k
2008-09-07 00:43:14 UTC
you have not mentioned whether you got yourself treated or not.

I think, first of all you should consult a therapist.
2008-09-06 22:17:25 UTC
Call out the name of Jesus.cast satan off . continue to call on him believing on him . do not let him make you fear.He fears the name of jesus . Call on him often.
2008-09-06 21:00:34 UTC
I would say you lack attention and although I feel for you, I advise not making up stories to attrack it,,just be you.
2008-09-06 20:53:01 UTC
those are very real spirits of the devil. the solution is easy. you need someone with the priesthood to rebuke them. you can find someone to solve that once and for all. just go to and find a church to visit and they can help you. :) i am very serious. the power of the devil is real. but the power of God can overcome it. I believe that with all my heart. good luck, and I pray for you.
2008-09-06 20:52:52 UTC
Take twp aspirin and call an exorcist in the morning. Sounds like you could use one.
so what?
2008-09-07 00:33:36 UTC
You're being targeted by a demon. call a priest. been there done that
2008-09-06 20:19:45 UTC
talk to a Priest or someone with knowledge of paranormal actives like yours ...... very scary and can be mentally stressful ......... God Bless and good-luck
2008-09-06 20:52:54 UTC
I am not an expert but it sounds like some demon is trying to take your body over. Consult a Catholic Priest right away.
2008-09-06 19:50:23 UTC
In the bible it shows that demons can do many things to frighten us.

They are spirit persons, in fact they were angels that turned wicked.

Mark 1:24 is telling about these demons entering a man and Jesus made them leave the man. Where did they go?

They are still on the earth harassing people. So what you are seeing is very real but it is not dead persons but angels. Read in Genesis 6:6

And Jude 6 it tells how they came down from heaven and sinned by marrying women. Because they were not human.

Try to find something in the house that attracts them, you do not want to encourage them. They are not here to help you, REvelation 12:7 shows they were cast out of heaven and down to the earth and it says woe for the earth.
2008-09-06 20:24:58 UTC
Arden S, I do not know what to tell you except to cry out to God. do not allow this to go on forever or it will get worse. I would talk to someone professionally. and you need to do it now. and cry out to someone who cares and that is God and Jesus!!
WithLove Joe James
2008-09-06 20:13:28 UTC
Pay attention to the help sent you by Simone. Thank the almighty God in sending you help in the form of His Gift Of this case shine a light on a seeming dark world that you face. Give thanks to God for the help
2008-09-06 21:23:20 UTC
Well if God existed, I doubt he would do that to you. He would've spoken to you by now. Seek some profeessional help, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.
2008-09-06 20:47:08 UTC
Tell it, In the name of Jesus Christ, leave and never return.
2008-09-07 00:57:12 UTC
pray every time such a thing happens.... God will help u
2008-09-06 21:38:30 UTC
maybe you have a gift and maybe these people are trying to contact you the only way to know is to speak with someone is specializes in your questions that can better understand you
2008-09-06 20:09:52 UTC
2008-09-06 22:07:21 UTC
rebuke them in the name of jesus
spirit dummy
2008-09-06 20:42:16 UTC
Schizophrenia is a common affliction. Get examined for it. If you have it, Clozeril or Risperdal work better than most.
2008-09-07 00:44:53 UTC
no harm has come to you yet....and likely won't
2008-09-06 22:29:04 UTC
gosh! man!! see a phychic.
2008-09-06 21:50:26 UTC
Wow, you're whacked.
2008-09-06 21:44:13 UTC
your house is haunted good luck
2008-09-06 20:05:04 UTC
Are these real experiences or just dreams?

If it's real, then you are just paranoid. You need to calm yourself down and go see a professional so they can help you to calm down and get rid of these illusions.
Lynette S
2008-09-06 21:17:15 UTC
some people are sensitive to spirits and that
Edward J
2008-09-06 19:49:42 UTC
I had a scary dream once when I was a kid. I was in the basement and the big scary furnace with the black helmet like head was pulling me towards it. I was yelling for help when a door swung open and my dad and brother reached from the bottom of the stairs and pulled me up. I guess it didn't help hearing the stories about the furnace man when I was little.
2008-09-06 19:40:05 UTC
You need to talk to someone who professionally deals with the paranormal. Lots of people don't believe it, but there are those who know much more about this than what you'll find here.

I'll take a quick look around the net and see if I can find you a link that looks like it can help and re-post later. Make sure you check back.
2008-09-06 19:57:30 UTC
seek help from a paranormal expert.
2008-09-06 21:31:12 UTC
I think you are imagining things and need some please talk to a professional.
Alex S
2008-09-06 20:33:20 UTC
Dayum Girl, You Just Got Raped.
2008-09-06 20:52:40 UTC
get yourself on that show called Haunted....maybe they can help.

2008-09-06 20:30:22 UTC
I think you should just relax
the truth
2008-09-06 21:06:10 UTC
definately an addict!!!
2008-09-06 19:46:12 UTC
I would suggest trying to get professional help in this matter. I've seen some strange stuff but I contribute it to me being tired, wind, or some other outside forces, nothing paranormal. At best it could be your mind just playing tricks on you, at worst it could be you have something seriously wrong inside your skull. But go to a therapist and figure out what's wrong.

-Add on- Why would anyone thumb down someone who is doing the exact same thing as you are? Giving advice to someone who needs it. Seriously just because I didn't say "Pray" means that it's not good? Wow you people never cease to amaze me.
2008-09-06 22:34:31 UTC
your sick, handle it
mary J
2008-09-06 22:17:07 UTC
2008-09-06 19:59:58 UTC
Mike McGrath
2008-09-06 20:06:07 UTC
Your going to be possessed HAHAHA dont let the door hit you where the good lord spilt you
Theletter F
2008-09-06 19:36:03 UTC
Professional help or , if that doesn't work, see a gypsy medium and maybe they can help you out.
2008-09-06 19:34:33 UTC
My little sister can see ghosts too.

once a baboon ghost (not even kidding) bit her on the arm and then ran off to hide underneath her bed. she also regularly sees an angel called rainbow. she will point to it and i ain't effing joking when you can literally see an outline in mid air of a figure.

okay, onto what you need to do.

first of all this sight you have is something good, and you don't need to be afraid of it. remember, this is just a lost soul on the way to the afterlife that has stayed behind because is didn't want to go. now, what you need to do is visualize that white light asking the ghost to take it away to heaven or whatever you believe ion (NEVER HELL because thats probably why they arent leaving.). also it sounds like you have made yourself a target. my sister has ghosts attracted to her because they just want to talk to somebody. sounds like they have found the perfect person to scare.

get confident, don't let them scare you. my sister once had a little boy breath fire at her. it went away when it saw that she didn't even flinch.

~ contact me if this don't work, and ill talk to the ghost myself.
Courtney Jane
2008-09-06 19:33:59 UTC
hmmm.. sounds like you had a near death experience, and that's cool that you can talk or even be around that stuff, but that would creep me out, just tell it to go away if it bothers you, it works for me! and also, i know you had a near death experience if you saw a light. do you know what happened? it's interesting...
2008-09-06 19:48:56 UTC
(earth-quakes blink the lights) You probably shouldn't read that kind of stuff untill you are older.(if you are older: shouldn't read it period)
2008-09-06 19:36:35 UTC
If a person is being harassed by the demons, what can he do to get relief?

God’s Word shows that those who are suffering from demon attacks can get free from such harassment. Prayer plays a vital role in such liberation. (Mark 9:25-29) But someone troubled by demons may need to take additional steps. Events involving first-century Christians illustrate what else may be required.

Before they became followers of Christ, some individuals in ancient Ephesus were involved with demonism. However, after they made up their mind to serve God, “those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody.” (Acts 19:19) By destroying their books on divination, those new believers in Ephesus set an example for any who wish to free themselves from demon attacks today. It is imperative for such ones to get rid of all objects related to spiritism. This includes books, magazines, movies, material from electronic sources, music recordings that have spiritistic overtones, as well as amulets or other items worn for “protection” or linked to spiritistic practices.—Deuteronomy 7:25, 26; 1 Corinthians 10:21.

Some years after those Christians in Ephesus had destroyed their books on magic, the apostle Paul wrote: “We have a wrestling . . . against the wicked spirit forces.” (Ephesians 6:12) Paul urged Christians: “Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations [crafty acts, footnote] of the Devil.” (Ephesians 6:11) That advice is still valid. Christians must fortify their spiritual defenses in order to stay out of the reach of wicked spirits. “Above all things,” stressed Paul, “take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles.” (Ephesians 6:16) A person strengthens his faith through Bible study. (Romans 10:17; Colossians 2:6, 7) Hence, regular Bible study helps us to develop faith that serves as a bulwark against the influence of wicked spirits.—Psalm 91:4; 1 John 5:5.

Those Christians in Ephesus needed to take yet another important step. Paul told them: “With every form of prayer and supplication . . . carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit.” (Ephesians 6:18) Yes, praying intensely for Jehovah’s protection is, indeed, essential for those who want to be set free from demon attacks today. (Proverbs 18:10; Matthew 6:13; 1 John 5:18, 19) The Bible fittingly says: “Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.”—James 4:7.

While the one under demon attack should pray fervently for relief, other true Christians may also pray in behalf of the individual who deeply desires to serve Jehovah and who is earnestly trying to resist wicked forces. They can ask God that the one afflicted by demons might gain the spiritual strength to resist demonic assaults. Since God’s Word states that “a righteous man’s supplication, when it is at work, has much force,” prayers said by God’s servants will certainly benefit afflicted ones who are doing their utmost to “oppose the Devil.”—James 5:16.
2008-09-06 19:30:25 UTC
Grow up.
2008-09-06 19:27:46 UTC
i have an ex who used to tell me this same kind of stuff

she's now in prison for life for two murders
2008-09-06 19:27:25 UTC
A lot of people have dreams where they are of the view that they are awake.

These are nothing more than dreams. The paranormal doesn't exist.
2008-09-06 19:25:54 UTC
2008-09-06 19:45:40 UTC
Theres a space tyme doorway under you bed. Use it. Its cool
2008-09-06 19:37:45 UTC
So you get a thrill out of being afraid?

I would think that there are more interesting things to do.

Work on getting a decent education and this nonsense will fade away.
2008-09-06 19:32:42 UTC
See a psychiatrist - for some strange reason demons are allergic to anti-psychotic meds.
2008-09-06 19:31:44 UTC
Sleep paralysis?
Ms. Need to Know
2008-09-06 19:28:26 UTC
just pray.. and ask for a paranormal expert

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.