I would like to know about your religion?(People of Faiths only)?
Tiffany Griffin
2013-03-12 22:17:48 UTC
I'm trying to learn about different religion and I am interested in yours.

1.What are the essential teachings of your faith?

2.What is your Sacred Scripture?

3.Who is considered your founder?

4.What takes place in worship ?

5.Are visitors welcome?

6.How should visitors behave?

7.What are the significant rites of passage and other rituals/practices in your faith?

8.What are the roles of men, women, and children in your religion?

9.What attitude does your religion have towards other religions?

10.How many believers are there in the world, the United States?

11.What is the most important thing you want outsiders to understand about your faith?

12.Other relevant questions you come up with on your own?

Please only people that believe in God or Gods answer.
I do not want a argument because a atheist bashed someone for being "idoits" you're answers is irrelevant and will be ignored
Seven answers:
2013-03-12 22:39:54 UTC
I believe in one God, as well as many Gods. And yes, that is possible. I believe in Allah and I also believe in All Who Are One. I also believe in the idea/concept of God, as well as many Gods. I also believe in Brahma, as well as the Hindu Gods.

1.What are the essential teachings of your faith?

I don't have a specific faith. There is several. Learning is the basis of all knowledge.

2.What is your Sacred Scripture?

The Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Qur'an, and The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

3.Who is considered your founder?

The Gods.

4.What takes place in worship ?

Thoughts, prayers, and music.

5.Are visitors welcome?

No, I am a solitary practitioner.

6.How should visitors behave?

I practice m religion/faith alone.

7.What are the significant rites of passage and other rituals/practices in your faith?

No rites of passage. Rituals include; meditation, prayer, and vision quests.

8.What are the roles of men, women, and children in your religion?

It just depends really, and that varies.

9.What attitude does your religion have towards other religions?

That also varies. Pagans seem open minded. Hindus are always nice. And Muslims some times don't get along well with people of other faiths. Kemetic is a rare religion indeed.

10.How many believers are there in the world, the United States?

I have no idea honestly.

11.What is the most important thing you want outsiders to understand about your faith?

That there is nothing to understand. I simply exist and follow an eclectic set of faiths.

12.Other relevant questions you come up with on your own?

No thank you.
2013-03-12 22:37:14 UTC
Well I'm a Buddhist. 1. The essential teachings are that there is suffering and dissatisfaction in the world, we can deal with this suffering , and end what we call samsara ( the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. 2. Buddhists dnt have a sacred text. 3. Siddartha Gautama an Indian prince, became the Buddha when he reached spuritual awakening. 4. We do not worship rather the monks and nuns give teachings, perform prayers, rituals, and blessings. 5. Yes, visitors are always welcome at a temple, monestary, abbey, etc. 6. You always remove your shoes before entering the temple, opposite sexes should be careful of how they touch opposite sex monks/nuns, be quitet during meditation, and when a monk/nun is speaking. Try not to breath on holy objects and do not point your feet at holy objects. 7. Lay buddhists must take certain precepts on how to live life (similar to commandments) also taking refuge in the three jewels should be dne at least yearly. 8. There aren't really any certain roles everyone is considered equal. 9. Buddhism is very open towards other religions, we believe that understanding other religions is a step towards world peace. 10. Not sure about the US but we estimate about 400 million in the world. 11. Buddhism is very different than most religions, so approach it with an open mind. Thank you so much for this oppertunity.
2013-03-12 23:51:36 UTC
1. 1. Evangelize the lost. 2. Worship God. 3. Disciple believers.4. Show compassion.

2. All scripture is sacred as the breathed Word of God but the most well known scripture is John 3:16.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

(John 3:16 ESV)

One of my favorite scripture is Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

(Philippians 4:8 ESV) It is good for seeing if something is good to do, read, go to something, etc.

3. Jesus

4. We praise God. People come forward for hands on prayer.

5. Yes

6.We don't dictate how visitors should behave

7. Water baptism, testimony, Baptism in the Holy Spirit(with evidence of speaking in tongues), parents will have their baby dedicated

8. We have a Men's group that gets together to do man things as well as study the Bible. The women's group do a Bible study as well as cooking meals for the missionaries visiting that weekend or making meals to give to those in need. The women's group also gets the church decorated for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

For both the children and adults there is Sunday School before the worship-service.Since I am an adult I go to Sunday School for the adults: it is like a Bible study. The kids' are split up into age groups. After we finish singing praise music the kids get to go to children's church. On Wednesday nights we split up the kids into age groups and into boys and girls except for the preschool kids. On Sunday night when the adults are having a Bible study, the kids are taught to be more knowledgeable for junior Bible quiz

9. We don't hiss and growl at non-Christians, we are taught to pray for them.

10. 57-60 million world-wide; I couldn't find a number for the U.S.

11.Jesus Loves you.

12. Have you found a Bible teaching church?
2013-03-13 00:59:17 UTC
1.What are the essential teachings of your faith?

One God - Jehovah, Psalm83:18. Belief and following the teachings of Jesus his son (not God) is essential - John 3:16, 36. Preaching the good news of God's kingdom is a requirement of a true Christian - Matthew 24:14. Neutral in all politics, wars ... Acts 5:28, 29: (When there has been a direct conflict between the commands of human rulers and the requirements of God, true Christians have imitated the example of the apostles by putting obedience to God first.)

For more info about us see:

2.What is your Sacred Scripture? Bible

3.Who is considered your founder? We believe that Jehovah and Jesus are the founders of true worship, through the Bible we can learn what they require of us. In the OT Jehovah guided his people himself but also used people like Moses, David and other prophets. Our modern day organization began in the 1800's with a group of people who did some serious research into the Bible, they came from various religious backgrounds. They became known as Bible Students and later in the 1930's as Jehovh's Witnesses.

4.What takes place in worship ? We open with a song, then prayer. During the week we have a study of a book that helps us to better understand the Bible - at the moment this is Jeremiah. It lasts 30mins, followed by between 5-6 small talks also based on the Bible that last 5-10mins. At the weekend we have a 30 min public Bible talk, then 1 hour study of an article based on the Bible.

5.Are visitors welcome? Yes, always.

6.How should visitors behave? With respect, they don't have to pay anything or participate or talk to anybody or leave their details ....

7.What are the significant rites of passage and other rituals/practices in your faith? We don't have any rituals ie no candles, smoke, group prayers, days of worshiping saints etc. Fundamental to our worship is preaching the good news of God's kingdom on a regular basis.

8.What are the roles of men, women, and children in your religion? Men can be appointed as ministerial servants and elders, in harmony with Bible requirements (there's a verse here for women too) :

(1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Requirements for elders:

(1 Timothy 3:1-7)

Women should be as in 1 Tim 3:11 above - moderate ie modest

(Titus 2:3-5) . . .Likewise let the aged women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, neither enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good; 4 that they may recall the young women to their senses to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sound in mind, chaste, workers at home, good, subjecting themselves to their own husbands, so that the word of God may not be spoken of abusively.

9.What attitude does your religion have towards other religions? We have so many publications that have been carefully researched to help us find similiarities to draw us together - you can find them at under publications. We're not prejudiced toward anybody.

10.How many believers are there in the world, the United States? 1 156 150

11.What is the most important thing you want outsiders to understand about your faith?

We genuinely want people to get to know Jehovah better BUT this is only if the person wants to. We are not a dangerous sect, we just want people to feel the same peace and freedom that we have by knowing that God is not cruel ie doesn't torture people in hell if they don't want to worship him, he's not responsible for deaths, tragedy, natural disasters etc. That God has a wonderful promise for us that will be fulfilled ie his original purpose for the earth to be a paradise, full of perfect people - no wars, no sickness, no death, no sorrow. We do base everything solely on the Bible and don't allow doctrine or philosophy to guide us.

I'm an ex-Catholic/atheist who didn't grow up as a Jehovah's Witnesses. I've seen many sides to life and religions. There are imperfect people who don't always behave in the right way in our organization but there are many lies out there about us. I'd advise anybody who believes these lies to go to a kingdom hall to see for themselves, don't let yourselves be blinded by stories on the internet or what others say.

(Acts 17:11) . . .Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni′ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.
2013-03-12 22:27:45 UTC

1) All people need a Savior. Jesus is that Savior. He lived a perfect life and then died on the cross, to pay the price for our sin. Through faith in Him our sins are washed away and we have eternal life!

2) The Bible

3) Jesus Christ

4) Usually music, and a message from the pastor.

5) Yes, always

6) Just be themselves. No perfect people allowed.

7) Baptism and Communion

8) Parents teach their children about God's love

9) Jesus is the only way to be saved. He is the way and the truth and life.

10) World: 2.3 billion U.S. 230 million

11) Jesus loves you! He is the way and the truth and the life.

More info:
2013-03-12 22:24:49 UTC
To love thy neighbor as I love thy self, forgive others just like I would want to be forgiven by GD, and to love GD with all my heart.

I have no sacred scripture. If I were to keep it sacred then I would be keeping my self in chamber ling from the world and we are commanded not to be.

No one, GD is my only creator



How else would anyone behave, like a respectable human being

Practice the word of GD and his commands and prayer

To be men, women and children

We don't spend most of our time talking of other religions but our own and what we need to do to live a healthy life style the is good in GDs eyes

Who knows

That GD is true
2013-03-12 23:33:02 UTC
Essential teachings:

God is one, and he is Allah. He is the creator, controller, and will be the destroyer of this Universe. Then there will start an "afterlife" which is the real and forever life. People who die as Muslims go to Heaven, but who die as non Muslims go to eternal hell. The fuel of hell will be Humans.

Believe in One God.

And since Islam teaches that by 'Faith' alone one cannot be saved, but has to go with deeds.

Meaning: Just to believe in God isn't enough but to prove the 'Faith' through action and deeds. So did the Prophet said:

'Faith should be conformed with deeds, and deeds to be in conformation with 'Faith'".

So, once one is committed to this believe he/she should begin to style and shape his life in conformity with his/her faith.

The foundation of Islam is the '5 pillars':

1) Believe in One God, Allah; and to believe in prophet Muhammad as His last Prophet and Messenger, known as the 'Shahada'( which incorporates the ^ articles of 'Faith' within it as explained at the bottom)

2) Observe 5 obligatory prayers a day at different times each lasting for less than 10 minutes each.

3) Observe fasting in the month of Ramadan;

4) Zakat (Obligatory Communal Charity/ Purifying Tax) Paid to the poor in community if one is financially wealthy.

5) Haj- Perform at least once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca, if financially and physically fit.


The 6 Articles of Faith in Islam:

1) To believe in One God

2) To believe in all angels, example Arch Angel Gabriel, Michael, etc. etc. know and unknown.

3)To believe in all known religious scriptures, example Torah, Psalms, Gospel, and the Quran , and others known and unknown, but to believe that only Quran alone remains free from interpolation.

4)To believe in all prophets from Adam down to Jesus and Muhammad, the 5 great being Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

5)To believe in Resurrection of the dead and Judgment'.

6) To believe in 'Predestination'; that is to believe that all that shall happen either individually in a person or collectively as a whole from Day 1, has been pre-recorded in the Book of Life with God.

(Though this is the case, it is forbidden to rely upon 'pre-destination and stay dumb without action).

Hope this helps.

I'm a Muslim. I say that you read and study about Islam and Quran a little and think about it. Do not listen to other people remarks about Islam. Encourage yourself a little towards this religion.

Why? Let's see!

1) Have you ever wondered or seen animals who are unaware of human speech call the name of Allah. You can check YouTube and you will see this amazing fact. How is this possible. This is possible because there is a God who is the most powerful and the most merciful and that is Allah.

2) Recently a bible has been discovered in Turkey 1500 years old (has been proved by lab research) and consist of text worth 20 million dollars. In that Bible Jesus himself predicts Muhammad will arrive.

3) Zamzam is the name of a famous well in al-Masjid al-Haraam [the Sacred Mosque in Makkah], which is thirty-eight cubits away from the Ka’bah. It is the well from which Allah quenched the thirst of Ismaa’eel the son of Ibraaheem (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both) when he was an infant. His mother(Haajra(peace and blessings of Allah be upon her) looked for water for him, but could not find any. She climbed to the top of Mount al-Safaa, praying to Allah to help her and give her water for Ismaa’eel, then she climbed to the top of Mount al-Marwah and did the same. Allah sent Jibreel(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , and he struck the earth, and water appeared.

And guess what, it is still there in Kaaba!

5) The dead body of Firon, a cruel ruler who used to annoy Musa whenever he had the chance. So Allah drowned him and his body is preserved for the non believers as a sign of what will happen if you die as non believers. His face is black with sins and he will go to hell.


We have no concern in what other people follow, but we are not allowed to make fun of others religion at all.

A visitor should study it and try his/her best to obey its rules.

Visitors are welcomed!!!

That there is one God Allah and we will have to answers him about our deeds in the afterlife!

Every prophet preached Islam in various books, but our most loved founder in Muhammad.

Islam is the fastest growing religion, especially in Europe.

Our Holy book is Quran.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.