2013-01-23 08:11:14 UTC
First, I am not a Catholic, and to me, this has to do with EVEN more important
things than the ...seeming issue.
Yes, there's the issue, but I think it goes far beyond that issue.
(delivered from
Notice that is you google more on the link below, that this has happened.
White House Website Petition Declares
the Catholic Church a Hate Group
There is a petition on the White House website that condemns Pope Benedict XVI's address to the Catholic Church on Christmas Day. Signers of the petition want to declare the Catholic Church an official "hate group" because of our views on same-sex marriage. This is an attack against ALL people of faith, not just Catholics! Stand with Catholic Advocate today and help us launch an all-out campaign against the Obama administration's hateful, secular agenda.
Now I have ...views on this, and mine might not be yours...
BUT....I always lived in a country where there was freedom of speech,
where YOU could legally think and speak differently than I did,
that you could legally oppose my point of view if it were not a law.
Here is their site if this is how you feel or if you are catholic:
(again, my interest is in the freedom here, not in the details so much)
My concern is saying someone like the pope or other preachers cannot...
NOTE: I expect a backlash in this. I will then either report or use the material
to shed more light on how things are going for the Christian groups.
(they are moving fast!)