***I have been researching more and more about Judaism and I honestly believe that this is the right path for me.***
Please tell us about this research: books and articles read that would tell you that polydox Jews would need to "convert." Convert to what?
***survey commissioned that year by the Central Conference of American [Reform] Rabbis, reported that “Only one in ten [Reform] rabbis states that he believes in G-d ‘in the more or less traditional Jewish sense.’”[20] The remaining ninety-percent classified their faith with terms like: “Agnostic;” “Atheist;” “Bahai in spirit, Judaic in practice;” “Polydoxist;”***
Seriously, surely you knew that 90% of Reform Rabbis classified their faith with terms like *** “Agnostic;” “Atheist;” “Bahai in spirit, Judaic in practice;” “Polydoxist;”***
So how, exactly, does one convert to being an Atheist" Jew unless you are currently a Gentile who believes in the living, acting, and speaking God of Israel? Do tell us how you can personally know God and feel you need to convert to a belief where you don't believe God exists?
After all, in your research, you surely came across the writings of Rabbi Reines.
***Alvin J. Reines (1926-2004) was an American Reform rabbi, philosopher and theologian. He was professor of Philosophy and Theology at Hebrew Union College. He is known for his pluralistic religious philosophy and theology of 'Polydoxy.' 'Polydoxy' emphasizes individual autonomy and religious freedom.... Polydoxy is presented as the opposite of orthodoxy.***
I am sure you read pages 135 to 137 in Reform Judaism: The Shock of Freedom
After all, when you are converting to NOT believing in
1. God
2. the Jewish Scriptures
3. the Sabbath
4. the Feast
that means you want to convert to not doing these things like most Reform Jews!
While I find it difficult how you can move from "knowing what the God of Israel Israel made you to do"
"the uncertainty taught by a polydox rabbi"
I am sure this has brought you what you have resolved to want.
After all, even Judaism 101 says,
***Who is a Jew?
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do.***
And since you are converting to being a Reform Jew which ***has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do.***, then naturally, you currently have a uniform belief system where it matters what you believe and what you do.
Please tell us more about wanting to convert to not having a belief when you currently had one. Does that make you currently one who believes like Orthodox Jews since
***Polydoxy is presented as the opposite of orthodoxy.***
If so, when you actually have a defined list of what makes a Jew a Jew, you will either have a list of requirements which is directly opposed by 90% of Reform Jews or being Jewish is reduced from being God's chosen people to a very old club loosely associated with some ancient myths.
Therefore, if you establish a list, Messianic Jews keep more of the list and therefore are more Jewish than Reform Jews.
If there is no official list established, then being Jewish is determined by the club you belong as they independently make up their own list of who they want as members/ affiliate and who they want to exclude...in which case, excluding Messianics has nothing to do with a uniform system of beliefs as no one calling themselves Jews obey all the laws defined in the Torah.
Instead, you have clubs that have nothing to do with the God of Israel or Jewish scriptures excluding from their membership the Jews who believe there is a God of Israel who speaks and acts as all the Jewish scriptures teach.
A general note: Jews are the heirs of Abraham's covenant with God only if bloodlines are the only rational of a person being Jewish which is what 1 Kings 16 to 22 teaches. Of course, to state this publicly brings out
the groups that never want to SHARE the list of what makes a Jews a Jew
maintain this is antisemitic because it was the method Hitler used to determined what makes a Jew a Jew.
When you find "intelligent, well educated Jews" separating who is and who is not a Jew without EVER WANTING TO REVEAL HOW OTHER THAN "I AM JEWISH," then you know
1. whether their mother (oral Torah) / father (Tanakh) is Jewish
2. whether they believe in the God of Israel who speaks and acts
3. whether they hold the Jewish scriptures to be true and given by God.
are optional...otherwise they would state it as a requirement of membership.