2007-11-19 02:36:55 UTC
Have you ever heard "I'm not a snitch".
Have you even said it yourself?
Why are people proud to announce they are NOT truthful? Isn't honesty the best policy?
Snitch is a word criminals use, to make it seem a bigger sin to TELL, than to be a law breaker.
How can witnesses to crime so easily join with the criminals, as "ACCESSORY after the fact", covering up a crime, with their cowardly silence?!?
Have you ever called annonomously to "Crime Stoppers" or dared to give true witness in open court against a wrong doer?
Did you face threats? Fears???
I worry about murder suicide by husbands who wipe out their family.
Is this what happens sometimes when a raped daughter tells mom?
No wonder girls keep silent.
What about suspicious moms, do they dare talk to dauhter (or son) about their fears?
Are moms "with blinders on" a big part of the girl's problem.
How can you ask about your beloved?!