What happens to the animals sacrificed in the name of God ?
2010-07-20 06:07:29 UTC
What happens to the animals sacrificed in the name of God ?
22 answers:
2010-07-20 08:20:32 UTC
i don't think there is a heaven or hell for goats ,sheep and chicken ---------------hence they are finished here itself on this earth after sacrifice to the GOD'S--------

i think millions of animals are sacrificed all across the world to the god's of Africa [voodoo god's] ,,,god's of north America [red Indian god's] ,, Muslim sacrifices of sheep to the gods,,,,,Jewish sacrifices of sheep in passover,,,,to the Wiccan god's,,etc etc

to the Norse god's Sacrifice could comprise of animals or human sacrifice; that was performed for the gods at religious festivals,-----

Greeks erected temples to their particular deities, and these deities were honored in festivals with animal sacrifices. ------

for the voodoo god's of Africa, animal sacrifices are given in elaborate expensive ritual involving the sacrifice of a large animal, like an ox,

Animal sacrifice, as a mode of religious worship, has been in existence since the dawn of humanity itself

In Greece ,,sacrifice they killed an animal and offering part of it to the gods, or to one specific god, while eating the rest of it themselves--------------

in ancient Greece generally a sacrifice went something like this: somebody decided that he or she owed something to a god, or that he or she wanted something from a god. Or there were also regular times of year for sacrifices--------

There was a stone altar outside each house that you could kill the chickens on, with an appropriate ceremony.

The Inca's conducted sacrifices. However, human and animal sacrifices were held only on special occasions such as the enthronement of the Inca king (the king), when 200 children would be killed,

what happens to the animals as a body? they just lose their life painfully and become a meal of the devotees----that's it --------

what happens to the animal soul after sacrifice is altogether a different concept according to different religions------

good luck
udaya k
2010-07-21 08:43:24 UTC
Giving up the life for the sake of others is the ultimate sacrifice. Willingly and happily if someone give up his outer garment which is his mortal body, if that is going to ensure the spirit of lasting Dharma, that soul is entitled to conjoin the source. That would be a fine example of unconditional Love. The lower animals is considered as not having the soul is not correct. They do have the soul. For that matter everything on the surface of the earth have soul, if not, God cannot be omnipresent. But the purity achieved by the soul is the determining factor whether they stay within lower entities or human beings or release through the benefit of human janma (life) to attain moksha or liberation from the chain of births and deaths. A sacrificial animal in the right sense of the word therefore is entitled for this release. It can also be viewed as the person who forcefully sacrifice an animal absorbs all the sins of the animal and make it sin free for liberation.It depends on what connotation one gives to the word Dharma to interpret or misinterpret these to acts (karmas) of dharma or acts of (karmas) of Adharma. Dharma is conduct of human consciousness at par with Divine consciousness, living a life of divine wisdom which are virtuous in nature aimed towards the eternal benefit of the universe and creations(differentiations) within.. It does not include any act of evil in the name of God. The principle behind the sacrifice is the most easily misterpretable tatwa(principle) and use it for advantage towards material pleasures and personal material benefits.

It is a tantrik shortcut path which is technolgical and therefore a double edged sword.
2010-07-20 21:53:20 UTC
First of all Did god ask for sacrifices. It is the lower spirits which people pray to attract this. All living things are gods creation and why should god destroy. They have been put there to help human beings fill their stomach.and humans on the other hand take it as a sacrifice to fill their stomachs. God has always said sacrifice yourself and have you done it. What god wanted was for you to do good to help the needy and the unfortunate so that you will go to heaven, But are we doing this. Muslims are killing muslims, hindus are cheating hindus and Christians are being lost in this world where humanity is concerned. So why worry about animals sent by god to fill the stomach of humans.
Potter'sClay-Isa 64:8
2010-07-22 10:09:17 UTC
What happens to the animals ?

They die.

The more focus should be on what happens to the person for whom the sacrifice is done. If it is for the remission of sins, there is a much greater and holier sacrifice which was done once and for all. That sacrifice was our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He came down in the form of man so that he may become salvation to those who believe in Him and accept HIm as their God.

He is unique in divinity. He offered up His own life inorder that we may live. And on the third day He has risen again just as the prophets prophecied. All this was done as per the plan of God.

only if you believe and accept His sacrifice you have Eternal Life. Or else , you are condemned to Eternal Damnation. Believe in Jesus Christ.
2010-07-21 04:39:40 UTC
According to Tantra the five pranas of the animal will go to Kali and the animal will be liberated.


If animal sacrifice is a bad karma. What about killing humans. Krishna told to Arjuna to kill his brothers. Was it sinful or bad karma


Who oppose sacrifices (it may be animal or human) are ignorant. Soul does not die. Only body decays. Decay of the body is certain. So there is no sin in any kind of sacrifice. But one should be willing to self sacrifice. One rule for others and another for self is sinful
2010-07-20 13:31:30 UTC
The point of a sacrifice is to offer God 'consideration' for an expected favor, or for appeasement. Therefore, the animal is simply a symbol of sacrifice for the people; they give up something valuable to them (animals are food, source of labor) to show God their commitment to faith.

So, animals are tokens and do not have a soul like humans. They simply die.
2010-07-20 14:58:16 UTC
They die,but a proper person who knows how to how to sacrifice will help its soul to take a higher birth.

Most of the people will laugh at my answer but can't help it,this is the way sacrifice used to happen.
Krishna किंकर Arya
2010-07-23 13:26:13 UTC
In ShriMadBhagwata, DevRishi Narada went to a king, the king asked the same question as you did. Narada told him, "Oh King ! just see in the sky, the souls of those animals are waiting for you furiously whom you slaughtered ruthlessly on the name of sacrifice. When you will die, these souls will take their revenge in hell or other births."

So died animals become revengeful souls and wait for the person who slaughtered them.

(Just tryinng debunk such bad practices religiously.)
2010-07-27 05:27:23 UTC
The animal sacrifices his/her life for us and goes to Heaven.

We eat the flesh under the camouflage of Religion - we go to Hell.
2010-07-21 08:43:10 UTC
Animals are also children of god and we have no right to take their lives in HIS name
2010-07-21 06:34:32 UTC
The one who sacrifices animals, certainly get negative energies and bad karma and these people have to face karma.

the animal's soul goes on higher planes and takes rebirth as higher animal... or even as human beings.

Even the deers killed by lions do not take birth as deer, but as lions, because in their last breath they think of lion.
2010-07-20 14:19:40 UTC
it is a biggest stupidity and ego of the human who are not sacrificing themselves but choose the animals. GOD never accept that and human are becoming more and more crazy. thanks.
2010-07-20 13:10:52 UTC
They die. According to Christian dogma, any animal besides humans doesn't have a soul. Thus, they can't go to Heaven. That's what you were driving at, right?
2010-07-20 13:56:42 UTC
Sacrifice animal in Islam is having a story of Abraham PBH. Allah asked him to sacrifice his beloved thing in the name of Allah. Abraham Decided to sacrifice his own son. and he took him for the sacrifice. but Allah replaced his son with a goat like animal. Allah liked his activity somuch that he ordered all the people to copy his activity. In Quraan Allah says what ever you sacrifice in the name of Allah neither blood nor meat reaches to Allah. He wants to check the people whether they obey him or not.

In every religion sacrifice is allowed. remember Allah says I have created Human being as the rulers and all the other things like sea, mountains, plants,animals, metals inside the earth, air, sky,and all other things in the universe are to serve the Humanity. utilise them for the betterment of humanity. Also he says I have created some Animals to serve you and some for we can eat animal to survive.
2010-07-20 13:23:02 UTC
They die.

And the "sacrifices" become the meat for the feast.

That's it, period.

Bow to the mighty Agnostic
2010-07-20 13:12:41 UTC
Animal sacrifice is really bad.... It is allowed n many religions like Islam...and though some people say that it is allowed even in some sects of Hinduism, I strongly oppose it
2010-07-20 13:11:28 UTC
They're set on fire "for a sweet savour unto the LORD".

God enjoys the ritualistic killing of animals and the smell of their burning flesh..
2010-07-20 14:48:59 UTC
2010-07-20 13:09:33 UTC
holy cow
2010-07-20 13:11:27 UTC
they get eaten?
2010-07-20 13:11:52 UTC
They died.
2010-07-20 13:09:28 UTC
they die......................

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