It helps to understand the history of antiJewishism to understand what antisemitism is. In scholarly circles there is a difference.
Until the age of enlightenment & scientific reawakening, antiJewish sentiment was expressed at them as a "religious group." If you wanted to leave the hate, you could covert out.
Then the idea of races came into existence with science. Along with that Jews were redefined by racists (not by Jews) to be *inherently* evil. So now when a Jew wanted to leave the hate, the only option was killing them.
That shift from religious grouping antiJewishism to inherent character antiSemitism, is the scholarly difference between the two stages of hate at Jews. Books describe this, such as "The Pope Against the Jews" by David (something like) Ketzer. A renown history scholar who was let into the Vatican secret records to research for his book.
From that shift, came room for the Holocaust, and enmass killing, when before it was more in pockets & efforts to convert.
Wilhem Marr invented the word antisemitism to label his antiJewishism -- as a way to make it sound more scientific. He incidently was incorporating that shift that was taking place.
To add - a pineapple isn't an apple with pines (a few of us find that example of linguistics helpful.) The word isn't literally anti -- semitic languaged people. It's antisemitic, the hate at Jews. It is different & unique from any other hate in the world. Also it's fully robust with so much to it, that it can't be wrapped into other general hates. Hate at other semitic languaged people such as Arabs have a different dynamic and deserve their own word.
So it includes:
- Accusing Jews of killing Jesus and therefore deserving to be harmed themselves. The call of "christ killers" was used a lot in pogroms & the crusade killings of jews in Europe (before they got to the Middle East.)
- Accusing Jews of control & aim to control, the world, media, money, everyone's minds.
- Accusing Jews of greediness, conniving, clever back stabbing, etc..
- Accusing Jews of being capitalist pigs, and communists. (Never said the hate made sense!)
- Blood libels, black plague libels, the cause behind ever evil that happens.
- Thinking they are superior (chosen which isn't what it means in judaism), being physically inferior and weak, and mentally inept (200 years ago that was the view, not the current one)
Meanwhile anti Arab sentiment includes by contrast:
- Claiming they are barbarians who aren't civilialized and can't learn to live in this world.
- Claiming they are backwards shepards, dirty
Anti Islamic sentiment has an even different set of libels against it.
Also as for antisemitism being more political than with religion, in many ways that's true. The original antireligious themes, developed into the secular world and have taken on their own life. Many a king kicked out jews to avoid any debts he had from borrowing money and simultaneously to distract his peasants from being mad at him. That's politics. The "Protocol of the Elders" written as a fake for the Russian Czar for just that purpose.... was a keystone in the Nazi hate and is a best seller in pockets of the Middle East ... and it very much is a politically motivated and based set of libels.
I can keep going on the history. You might find this book interesting, "The Anguish of the Jews" by Father Flannery. It goes through the history, and was the first seminal non-Jewish look at that history that eventually led to dramatic attitude changes at antisemitism. The beginning history is based on NT and not accurate (historically verifiable), but the rest is good.
"Constantine's Sword" is supposed to do the same, but I haven't read it & it has more objections to the Catholic theology in it -- is more about theology too.
If you'd like more history on any aspect of how the hate developed, let me know.
Glancing thru your question, I'll add --- during colonizing the European antisemitism was imported into the M-E. It was used by Vichy g'vt, & so on to distract the Arabs by having them blame the Jews. So there are elements that lead to antiArab sentiment at Jews, & history of antiArab/Muslim at Jews OUTSIDE of the European. That TOO has a long history, just not as bad as the European.