Which bible would you say has never been added to, or had verses taken away or changed by the will of man?
Wellll... hello then!
10 years ago
What again did God say He would do to Christians that do that to His word.

Soo,...WHICH bible is the ONLY book God WROTE?

If there isn't,..then.. how can we believe God Who sez His word is UNCHANGING,and will stand forever?
47 answers:
10 years ago
The King James Version of the Bible is a true accurate translation of The Holy Scriptures.The men who translated The Recieved Texts into English were fully qualified to do so. They were learned in Biblical Greek and Hebrew,but their most qualifying quality was their fear and reverence for God.Todays modern versions are not translations,but interpretations (using modern, not Biblical Greek) made by people who are living sinful lives and from texts that were already so corrupt when they were dicovered that one was found in a dumpster at St Catherines in Sinai. The Sinaticus and Vitanicus were the two pillars the new versions were based upon and they disagree with each other over 15,000 times in The New Testament alone! These jaybirds who say none of the versions can be trusted have swallowed a huge lie. They are saying God did not keep His Word when He said "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. The KJV supporters are the only English speaking people who can actually say they have an accurate translation of God s Word as the new versions tell you right in their introduction that they are not accurate.Look up the NIV and see how it was written.The corrupted manuscripts were laid out and voted on verse by verse to see which manuscript was used for each verse (since the manuscripts they used that are suppose to be the oldest and best do not even agree with each other).They were voted on by people like Virginia Mollencott (research her life online) and the translations were made using modern greek New testament Dictionaries whose foundation was laid by Gerhard Kittel. (Research his life) He was working for Adolph Hitler as Nazi Minister of Propaganda while working on the Dictionary for the Greek New Testament.Strongs,Nestles and all those dictionaries rely heavily on his work.He himself said the years he worked on the dictionary were some of the most deceptive in his life. These new age,new version supporters have no idea.If the new version movement were right,then we would be in a HUGE mess because we would ad could never know what God really said.They are decieved and decieving. There are MANY pages of information that expose their lies .The Old King James Version is right.The manuscripts origins can be traced to the early Church at Antioch.Do not be decieved by smooth talking people who say they have a "better" version. There s no way all these new versions are right.They are in opposition to each other and God is not the author of confusion.
10 years ago
Just to clear this up, you are NOT talking about translations into different languages, because that would be purely silly. Instead, you really mean removing words of any language to change the meaning.

For example: The personal name of Almighty God. Psalms 83:18 shows it to be Jehovah. In the oldest manuscripts that name appears over 7,000 times. By the time the King James was written in 1611, that 7,000 was reduced to 4. Then along came the Revised King James which totally erased that name.

Can you imagine anyone erasing the name of the Author, from his own book???

Another example is what they put in. Example: Exodus 22:28, where there is a precious stone mentioned. Only problem is NO one today has any clue what that is known as now. So most translations just make something up, without regard for accuracy.

One translation today always seeks to be honest in all matters. That translations used the Hebrew word itself to be completely open and honest. It reads, "And the third row is lesh′em stone, agate and amethyst."

That translation is the New World Translation. Additionally, it puts the personal name of God BACK in the places it belongs.

What you may not understand is when translating between languages, Hebrew and/or Greek into English, can have several words correctly done in different ways. This is why translations are hardly ever word for word, but they are correct still.

That is why the Good Advice is when studying scriptures, to use at least 3 translations. One in modern English. The other two, whatever you are familiar with. This way you get a well rounded understanding of what the writer was trying to convey.
10 years ago
I think you're working from a mistaken impression.

I don't accept the notion that the Bible is the "word of God" in the sense that he dictated the whole thing. It's a collection of books that accumulated over about a thousand years, and we can tell from the texts that some of those were assembled from earlier material, sometimes combining multiple older texts. If God directly dictated the whole thing, then why are so many contributors arguing for corrections or refinements to earlier material?

I believe it's the "word of God" in the sense that it's a collection of reference material which largely concerns the development--and the arguments over--one particular notion of deity. When Isaiah said "the word of our God will stand forever," he was not referring to the Bible; it didn't exist. He was referring to an ideal toward which that development was reaching, but which it had not then reached and which it still hasn't achieved.

Looking for a book which has all the instructions set out for us, and worshiping that book, is a form of idolatry. It's a way to substitute a set code of rules for belief in God. Eventually, that deteriorates into worshiping ourselves, via our own interpretations of the book.

There IS no version of the Bible which hasn't been modified over time. But there was no original divine manifesto at the start.
10 years ago
1) Which bible would you say has never been added to, or had verses taken away or changed by the will of man?

No Bible fits that description. Why? Because the Bible is by its very nature:

a - a collection of several documents (which means that it HAS to have "been added to" at some point in history)

b - a translation of those documents into a single target language (which means that ALL Bibles have been "changed" in at least that one way)

2) What again did God say He would do to Christians that do that to His word.

In the Bible, God teaches that punishment will be given to people who alter **particular portions of particular Biblical documents**. It does not teach anything similar with respect to the Bible as a whole.

3) Soo,...WHICH bible is the ONLY book God WROTE?

The Bible itself teaches us that several HUMANS were the authors of the several documents included in the Bible. God is given credit **of authorship** for one (or perhaps two) passages in the Bible.

4) If there isn't,..then.. how can we believe God Who sez His word is UNCHANGING,and will stand forever?

The claim that God's word is unchanging and will stand forever

does not affect people's ability to change God's word into something that is NOT God's word.

Nor does it stop people from changing God's word into words of another language that are as close as possible in meaning to God's word. In other words: Bibles are translations of God's word, and the intent of most Bible translators is to convey (as accurately and precisely as possible) the meaning of God's word in the target language.
10 years ago
The ones who transaction first should not be bias and want to promote their own thought or belief by tampering with the scripture. The second half of the Bible was written in Greek. In John 1:1 the letter a was left out of some the commonly used Bible.

RS reads: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” (KJ, Dy, JB, NAB use similar wording.) However, NW reads: “In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. This one was in the beginning with God.”

Which translation of John 1:1, 2 agrees with the context? John 1:18 says: “No one has ever seen God.” Joh 1 Verse 14 clearly says that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . . . we have beheld his glory.” Also, Joh 1 verses 1, 2 say that in the beginning he was “with God.” Can one be with someone and at the same time be that person? At John 17:3, Jesus addresses the Father as “the only true God”; so, Jesus as “a god” merely reflects his Father’s divine qualities.—Heb. 1:3.

Is the rendering “a god” consistent with the rules of Greek grammar? Some reference books argue strongly that the Greek text must be translated, “The Word was God.” But not all agree. In his article “Qualitative Anarthrous Predicate Nouns: Mark 15:39 and John 1:1,” Philip B. Harner said that such clauses as the one in John 1:1, “with an anarthrous predicate preceding the verb, are primarily qualitative in meaning. They indicate that the logos has the nature of theos.” He suggests: “Perhaps the clause could be translated, ‘the Word had the same nature as God.’” (Journal of Biblical Literature, 1973, pp. 85, 87) Thus, in this text, the fact that the word the·os′ in its second occurrence is without the definite article (ho) and is placed before the verb in the sentence in Greek is significant. Interestingly, translators that insist on rendering John 1:1, “The Word was God,” do not hesitate to use the indefinite article (a, an) in their rendering of other passages where a singular anarthrous predicate noun occurs before the verb. Thus at John 6:70, JB and KJ both refer to Judas Iscariot as “a devil,” and at John 9:17 they describe Jesus as “a prophet.”

John J. McKenzie, S.J., in his Dictionary of the Bible, says: “Jn 1:1 should rigorously be translated ‘the word was with the God [= the Father], and the word was a divine being.’”—(Brackets are his. Published with nihil obstat and imprimatur.) (New York, 1965), p. 317.

In harmony with the above, AT reads: “the Word was divine”; Mo, “the Logos was divine”; NTIV, “the word was a god.” In his German translation Ludwig Thimme expresses it in this way: “God of a sort the Word was.” Referring to the Word (who became Jesus Christ) as “a god” is consistent with the use of that term in the rest of the Scriptures. For example, at Psalm 82:1-6 human judges in Israel were referred to as “gods” (Hebrew, ’elo·him′; Greek, the·oi′, at John 10:34) because they were representatives of Jehovah and were to speak his law.

Based on this information, the New World Translation of the Holy Scripture is the most accurate translation of the Bible. For more information go www.J.W.Org.
10 years ago
First of all, the bible is not written by God!

No one has had the verses taken away or changed by any men and by any means! The Bible is a Living Words inspired by God, so it is following the development of any language in this world! God owns all languages in the world, that he allows the bible to be translated to any language.

In English verses, the King James Bible is the first Bible translated by the order of King James, to a language that will be used by God to be the language of the world. It is translated by scholars in theological in several countries in Europe, Greece and even from Jerusalem, which by this Bible has unified Christian and Catholic of Rome.

And by the grace of God, England has been given the privilege by God to conquer the world, and England become the Great Britain, the United Kingdom, a kingdom that there is no sunset, Britain rules the waves, and seven continents, where Christianity and English is spread out through!

Conclusion: If you are a English speaking - use any English speaking Bible, but any languake of the Bible is true and just!!
10 years ago
It's all a matter of faith. I believe in the King James Bible. If you believe God is all powerful, the being that created the Heavens and the Earth, do you not think that He is powerful enough to keep His word unchanging? If you bring it down to believing that man could change the bible then you're believing more in the power of man. Man's power is not greater than God's. God can keep His word true and unaltered. He's that powerful if you believe in it.
10 years ago
The first Bible written was in Hebrew/Greek/ and Aramaic. Most of us today cannot read these languages so it has been translated into other languages. Some people think that the King James is the most accurate, but it is not. Recently it had been noted that in the King James version, God's name, Jehovah had been taken out in all but 4 places, then they wrote it over and took out God's name completely, then again they rewrote and put his name back in most of the places it should be. That is not something that i personally would trust. Taking God's name out is a terrible thing to do.

The New World translation is translated directly from the original language of Hebrew/Greek/Aramaic. It is by far the most accurate translation.
10 years ago
Since first being written? The Latin Vulgate Bible of Saint Gerome, springs to mind. It has never been changed, except by translation.

Otherwise - God never wrote any books. Not even the 10 commandments. Supposedly he inspired people, and they wrote the books.

As for changing the word of God, that is impossible. Changing words in some book does not change what God or anyone else said in reality.

But anyone with more than one brain cell would know that.

Even an Atheist like me.

sandy d - if you are telling the truth, you should report it to the police immediately.

the odds of a child being sexually abused by a member of the Catholic Clergy today are 400,000 to 1.

The odds of a child being sexually molested by a teacher is 240 to 1, or 90 to 1 in USA.

The odds of a child being sexually abused by an American is 60 to 1, or 10 to 1 in Asia, or 9 to 1 in America, or 6 to 1 in New York.
Roberta B
10 years ago
The best final word that one can rely on is the oldest and most accurate manuscripts available. The fact that God wants this generation of readers of his word to know the truth about him would make it logical that he would provide the truth through this means. If we rely on a translation completely we are letting humans get in the way of the message. A regular reader of the Bible should, therefore, get to know at least something about Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, the languages in which the Holy Scriptures were written by those who were inspired to write it.

Most of the changes that were made by translations and versions of the Bible have been identified, many to the decade or even the year in which the change was made. Translators who want to be true to the earliest manuscripts have omitted the additions, and restored the deletions. The history of this process is fascinating and helps one to rely on what was originally written as the true word of God. has a remarkable fund of information about those ancient manuscripts. This can help to build up confidence in the God who inspired the Bible, and it can strengthen faith in the counsel and direction that it contains.

On the main page of this site, just type "Bible Manuscripts" in the Search box in the upper right corner.
Scott B
10 years ago
The Bible was primarily written in Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT). Some original manuscripts are even written in Aramaic (a dead language). The English language translations do their best to translate ancient sayings into a modern lexicon. It is not a word for word translation. As culture changes our modern language, different translations are made. None completely wrong as long as their source material is the original prototext. For my money the best translation is one that keeps the intent of the original text but modernizes it, the ESV.
10 years ago
"You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.", Deuteronomy 4:2

"...if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.", Galatians 1:9-10

The apostle Paul could not give the Galatians the New enacted Testament gospel, and the still active laws of God from the Old Testament, using the Hebrew language, he had to speak to them in their native tongue.

Due to language differences, no translation can be "word for word" as it would not make sense to those of other languages.

Changes in language over the centuries within the English language alone and rules of grammar dictate certain differences for the purpose of the smooth flow in thought while seeking to preserve the intent.

You have the scripture which states, God's word is unchanging. "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle [a tiny mark in the original spelling of a word] will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.", Matthew 5:18

God's word will stand forever. "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.", Isaiah 40:8

So, on what basis do you think that the Word has changed? If you think that "anyone" purposely changed the Divine Intent within the inspired holy Bible, then provide your textual proof.

As the saying goes, "put up, or shut up".


@grnlow- you must of been in a hurry, the text you mention about the stones used for the Ephod is not Exodus 22:28, it's Exodus 28:19.

There are other errors in your post. Apparently your information is faulty, or, you have no regard for accuracy.

Blue Letter uses the KJV-

Exodus 28:19, And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.

On that website, The Strong's and Hebrew Root Form indicates that "ligure" is H3958 לֶשֶׁם leshem. shows that KJV1769, AVOKJB1611, and Brenton Greek Septuagint, all have "ligure".

Also on that website, Hebrew Bible/OT Massoretic Text, Hebrew Bible Transliteration have לֶשֶׁם leshem. Parallel shows that NIV, NASB, ESV, NLT, BBE, NKJV, NRSV, KJV all have the same verse. Some use "ligure", the others use (orange) "Jacinth". Parallel shows that HCSB, ISV, GWT, KJ2000, AKJV, DBT, ERV, WBT, WEB all have the same verse.

JB2000 has "And the third order, a topaz, a turquoise, and an amethyst."

YLT has "and the third row is opal, agate, and amethyst."
10 years ago
When you analyse John 1:1,

(John 1:1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.

WAS "A" GOD. A spiritual being...

Just like Satan is "a" god.

(2 Corinthians 4:4) among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

Does this make Satan...also God...almighty God...

or just another...god.

This confusion is why Jehovah, the ONLY Almighty God, has a opposed to just his title...

(Exodus 6:3) And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but with regard to my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.

And John 1:1 never mentions any third "equal" part.

There is only ever...Jehovah and Jesus.
10 years ago
None of the bible is by mankind. God teaches that every word, period, coma is there because the Lord God meant for it to be that way. God is the author and he can keep it just the way he wants it, because he is ALWAYS in control of everything. He is God! Mankind is only a piece of rice in God's hand. No more.
10 years ago
Every translation has the reality to face that thje Bible was written in languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic) that have shades of meaning where no-one can be absolutely sure on occasions.

However, reading translations from almost 2000 years ago, alongside modern ones, shows that little of real substance has changed. Even English, of course, has shades of meaning that are interpreted differently by different people
10 years ago
They were translated into English from the Greek and Hebrew. Each prophet and men of God in the OT and the disciples in the NT wrote their books as Gods witness to the things they heard and witnessed of God. God is his Word and we are to live by every word. The scriptures were written by the Holy Ghost ( spirit of God) in each person. We have to see the spiritual meanings to them, they are both naturally and spiritually discerned.
10 years ago
If you are asking which Bible translation is word for word closest to the original texts then I would tell you it't the Interlinear Bible. However, thought-to-thought translations are a lot easier to read as they require very little knowledge of the culture of the original authors of the Bible. The Message is a very easy to read Bible. It's what's known as a thought-to-thought translation.

Most translations lie somewhere inbetween word-to-word and thought-to-thought like KJV and NIV. These translations are truer to the original texts, but still worded so they are not too difficult to understand.
10 years ago
You need to read up on the Council of Nicaea, The bible is a collection of works of unknown authorship selected according to political expediency.

All copies were made by hand, the thousands of different texts rarely agree. Look at the comparisons between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the copies of copies of copies of copies that were used at Nicaea.
10 years ago
The true word of God is the Olive Garden Menu.

Tengu Bakemono
10 years ago
You need to go back to the root source, and that would be - The Hebrew Masoretic Text or (Tanakh) for the old testament and the Greek Majority Text for the (new testament).

If you learn how to read Hebrew and Greek, then you'll be fine.
10 years ago
The Bible was written by God inspired men. My personal choice if you only speak English is the King James version study Bible.
10 years ago
No Bible fits this description; there is actually a difference of seven whole books between the Catholic Bible and the Protestant one. The only revealed text which exists word-for-word since its revelation is the Glorious Qur'an. It has not changed by one accent mark since revelation Insyallah.
10 years ago
Don't concern yourself with this book anymore.

I've seen proof this place was made but it was made by negative entities, some say demons, they're just psychopaths.
robert p
10 years ago
Study the Hebrew and Greek interlinears with the King James.
10 years ago
The Roman writers of the NT surely tinkered with the OT in trying to build imagination for Jesus.
10 years ago
Read F.F. Bruce The Books and the Parchment for a real answer.
10 years ago
The King James version is JUST AS IT WAS 2000 YEARS AGO!!!

The Eye Did Not Evolve!!!
10 years ago
The various versions of the Bible are translations based on ancient manuscripts. None of them were intended to be bound into a single book.
10 years ago
God didn't write the bible, old or new testament, men did. Men edited this same collection of stories/histories/myths many times throughout the centuries.
10 years ago
None. All are written by people. Messages from above are twisted by the persons perspective of the world.

But for blind person anything is better than nothing.
10 years ago
The revelation Urantia Book, is a good source of near unadulterated truth regarding God, Jesus, angels, earth, heaven, celestial beings, Paradise, and the universe.
10 years ago
If there is a God who wrote any Bible, that would have to be the Jewish Bible, since in the Torah, God said it was eternal and would never be changed or added to.
10 years ago
in english its the KJB or NJB (new jersualem).

modern king james Bible is an alternative for those who have a problem with the old english (for example foreigeners whos first language isnt english).
10 years ago
Sacra Veritas
10 years ago
Basically any valid translation that has the exact same cannon as determined in the late 4th century. That means that only the first edition of the King James is valid, the rest have removed books and chapters like all version that came out of the Reformation.
10 years ago
First of all, God did not personally write the words down. He gave the inspiration to men who then wrote them down. Initially, the Hebrews used oral tradition to hand the Scriptures down from one generation to the next. Today I would still say that the Authorized King James Version is the one to go back to, for it remains closest to original manuscripts. There are thousands of manuscripts and parts of manuscripts and over 95% of them agree. So it is quite logical to conclude that at least the New Testament is accurate.
10 years ago
We know it hasn't been changed for roughly 3000 years based on the Dead Sea Scrolls alone.
10 years ago
The socaslled Holy Scriptures were all written by men. Men also changed them in many ways.
the Christian
10 years ago
I think you got that verse or verses out of most non-believers do. You must ask yourself why would a christian change Gods word? hope at all without jesus.
10 years ago
i would say its only the hebrew old testament. even the book of mormon has been modified in several different ways, and its the most correct word of God on the planet.
10 years ago
God showed me the Bible is true. I was reading the King James Version at the time. I hate when Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses deny changing the Bible. They both have.
sandy d
10 years ago
No actual gods or devils or heavens or hells or afterlives or previous lives, etc., etc. exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! The inculcation comes from the same person who stands before you in church and preaches blah blahs at you then after his last amen he goes to the backroom of the church and him and all powerful omniscient god use their jesus's to have their way with little boys butts!!!
10 years ago
the ancient manuscripts they're translated from
10 years ago
The bible is entirely the product of human will.

Maybe some of it actually may reflect contemporary beliefs, but those beliefs are only based on human imagination.
10 years ago
No such thing exists. All texts are written by humans.
10 years ago
10 years ago

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.