Islam is a fraudulent "religion" in my opinion. I am entitled to my opinion and you asked a legitimate question (queue in the TD bandits), so I will give a legitimate answer. Islam figured one thing right...all of the top 3 Abrahamic faiths are violent, oppressive to women, and restrictive. Islam took this one step further by ensuring that women's rights were clearly outlined IN the actual "holy" book they follow, the koran. Book 4 deals exclusively all with women and how they should be beaten, restricted and their "rights", instead of the bits and pieces in this book that book, mentioned about women in the bible and torah.
I think Muhammad was an evil genius. He saw that through violence, complete control of women and using them almost exclusively for reproduction only at a man's whims, over time, Islam would take over entire regions. It remains one of the largest religions that still condone and encourage polygamy, which usually appeals to men of questionable character. Women are virtual chattel in the Islamic world, they hold no ritual divinity or right, as in Christianity, the virgin mother at least is recognized. Chastity is valued above all, because dominating and oppressing and control over a woman is so vital to Mohammad's vision and the successful spread of Islam.
Women are the key, and totally taking their power away in my opinion, has made Islam what it is. Sure, sure...there are plenty of other factors, but I think women and the taking of their power is the most relevant. Think of least in places where Christian missionaries touched foot and overtook, like Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea for example, the people still hold onto old customs and traditions. Look at places like Iran, Iraq (ancient Persia was NOT Islamic!!!) and Egypt. What the heck happened there? They destroyed EVERYTHING having to do with any other religion or popular belief system. Ancient cities like Ur, they destroyed. The ziggurats, they destroyed. In persia long ago, only whores wore veils to cover their faces, now look at them. Does anyone know how much of antiquity that Muslim conquerors have destroyed? Countless ancient artifacts are forever gone, they routinely cordon off or destroy ancient temples found in remote desert in Saudi Arabia and allow no archaeologists access to study. There are of course, rigid muslims and lax muslims like any other belief, but Islam encourages extremism due to it's tenets and fundamentals.