Are these Jehovah's Witnesses rules really true? They seem a lil cooky?
2008-09-26 19:22:48 UTC
1. you cannot be a police offer.
2. you cannot buy girl scout cookies.
3. you cannot be a cheerleader.
4. you cannot celebrate your own birthday.
5. you are discouraged from giving to charity.
6. you cannot vote.
7. you cannot play chess.
8. You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work
9. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat
10. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage
11. you must own your own wind chimes (for chasing away evil spirits)
12. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams
13. you cannot wear any jade jewelery.
14. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows
15. You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)
16. JWs are are fobidden to say "good luck"
17. JWs in times of crisis, are strongly discouraged from consulting with family counselors, including mental health professionals who are not Jehovah's Witnesses
18. You forbidden to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes.
19. You cannot participate in a school play
20. ???
26 answers:
2008-09-26 19:34:33 UTC
Here we go with these stupid rumors! I'll answer them.

1. you cannot be a police offer.


2. you cannot buy girl scout cookies.


3. you cannot be a cheerleader.


4. you cannot celebrate your own birthday.


5. you are discouraged from giving to charity.


6. you cannot vote.


7. you cannot play chess.


8. You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work

FALSE...I drive a pick-up

9. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat


10. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage


11. you must own your own wind chimes (for chasing away evil spirits)


12. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams

FALSE...I fish tournaments with a bass club

13. you cannot wear any jade jewelery.


14. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows


15. You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)

TRUE, but reason false

16. JWs are are fobidden to say "good luck"


17. JWs in times of crisis, are strongly discouraged from consulting with family counselors, including mental health professionals who are not Jehovah's Witnesses


18. You forbidden to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes.


19. You cannot participate in a school play


20. ???

EDIT: Nope, you CAN be a cop. I know some. The thing is, that person will not ever serve in the congregation because they are not an example.

But, they can be a police officer. It is different than being in military.

Sorry though, but I right, you wrong!
Bernard Jean-Pierre
2008-09-26 23:50:41 UTC
Oh goodness....

First those are not JW 'rules' as if there is some Big rule book with endless pages filled with the things we 'can't' do. Jehovah's Witnesses are guided by the Bible and apply its principles, and if everyone did the same a lot of things would not seem so 'cooky'. For example, we CAN vote, but we CHOOSE not to, because we are trained by the Bible and we realize the significance of it. Where did Jesus EVER say 'vote and support the rulers of the world'?? Mmm....I don't recall that scripture, but I do however remember one where he said his true followers would be 'NO part of the world'. I also remember when Satan offered him all the Kingdoms of the world as a temptation....which means that ALL of them belong to Satan, since you can not offer something that does not truly belong to you. (Luke 4:5-8)

But returning back to your question....Some things on the list are 'based' on truths, whereas some of them are just silly. For example MANY Kingdom Halls have windows, and some of them depending on where they are made are wide open with only partial walls where you can literally look right through them. We can play Chess, I happen to enjoy myself. #17 is not true at all. #12 is not true either, as well as #13, #11 is just crazy. As mentioned many of those 'rules' are just very exaggerated things instigated by apostates who KNOW we have the truth are obsessed with what we do. EVERYTHING that Jehovah's Witnesses do and don't do has a Biblical reason.

The main point is that JW's are not robots, we have free will, and each one of us can do or not do as we choose. However we as a group willingly choose to follow the Bible and worship Jehovah as HE wants, not as WE want. Here is a question: Why do so many other 'Christian religions' celebrate Christmas?? Where is Santa Clause in the Bible?....or the Easter Bunny for that matter? We KNOW why we don't celebrate Christmas, but how many actually know WHY they do other than the fact that's its a tradition? Because it is certainly NOT a Bible teaching.......and yet the same people will be quick to attack us because we don't believe Christ is a diety as if they are strict adherents of the Bible....? What? How can one support something that is NOT Biblical and then turn around and criticize others because they think our beliefs are not Biblical?

But I'm not suprised I know that these things are prophecy, but even still sometimes I'm just shocked at how people focus on the WRONG thing. They take the time to make up little 'cute' list like the one above, when they should be paying attention to time period we are living in! This show is almost over, and JW's have been preaching the SAME thing for years, and years and years, and just like Noah, nobody see's the 'GIGANTIC ARK' that Jehovah has allowed us to build, and people will live their lives right up until 'the rain comes'. All I can say, is READ THE BIBLE. Serve Jehovah and not tradition, and don't waste time, because things are about to change like never before.
Truth Seeker
2016-09-07 23:46:17 UTC
Every statement made by the Watchtower religion is considered 'the truth' because they claim to be God's mouthpiece and channel of communication. It is an excommunication offense to say the Watchtower is not God's organization or to attend services at any other church. In 1981 it became a sin to leave the Watchtower Society. Leaving is 'wrong doing'.

Here's why JW's disagree with which rules are correct and which ones aren't.

1. Only JW men who have achieved the position of Elder or higher are given the official rule book. If you want a copy, Google 'Shepherd the Flock of God'. Even though loyal Elders must guard this information with their life, some are secretly not loyal. They have leaked the information to the public. :)

2. JW's are encouraged to use their 'conscience' and the Watchtower's interpretation of the Bible so some JW's don't believe they're following rules. They are NOT TOLD they MUST comply with Watchtower policy. Instead they are told it is a 'privilege' to be submissive to 'those taking the lead' because Jehovah requires obedience.

3. JW's Theocratic Warfare. Google this term. (It means it's okay to lie for God and his organization the Watchtower). Although JW's prefer not to lie, they are masters at deception so as to make their religion look good and misdirect 'the enemy' (anyone who disagrees with the Watchtower). Google JW's lying in court.

Notice the JW who wrote the 'Best Answer' and other JW's attempted to misdirect readers and put 'God's organization' in the best possible light. Another person says the 'best answer' is not honest and points out why.
2013-12-27 14:46:59 UTC
Not all of the answers here are very honest. Lets revisit this.

1. you cannot be a police offer.

If being apolice officer requires you to carry a firearm, you cannot do it.

2. you cannot buy girl scout cookies.

False. At one time this was discouraged. Joining the YMCA was once a reason for excommunication. Now those things are not really addressed.

3. you cannot be a cheerleader.

This is discouraged to be sure, but not forbidden. i am sure her and her parents would have to speak to the elders about it.

4. you cannot celebrate your own birthday.

True. Excommunicating offence.

5. you are discouraged from giving to charity.

You are neither encouraged nor discouraged, although most JW's do not. They give to the religion and go int he ministry work and consider it tantamount to giving to charity.

6. you cannot vote.

True. Excommuniating offence.

7. you cannot play chess.


8. You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work

False. Some may have this opinion (I knew someone who was removed as an MS in a hall because he bought a sports car), but officially this would be someone acting rouge.

9. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat

True if the man is baptized.

10. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage

True. No oral or anal sex. If other found out, you would get a talking to, and perhaps lose priviledges of service.

11. you must own your own wind chimes (for chasing away evil spirits)

False. I don't know where this is coming from.

12. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams

False. You can, although playing competative sports is discouraged and will keep you from having priviledges in the congregation most times.

13. you cannot wear any jade jewelery.

False......and weird.

14. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows

False. many do, most don't. Mainly for insurance purposes and to avoid vandalism and distraction.

15. You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)

Those holidays are forbiddedn. Excommunicating offence.

16. JWs are are fobidden to say "good luck"

Forbidden is a strong word. You wouldn't find one doing it, but if they did they would not be hauled off to the gallows. I would say this is false.

17. JWs in times of crisis, are strongly discouraged from consulting with family counselors, including mental health professionals who are not Jehovah's Witnesses


18. You forbidden to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes.

See "good luck" for explanation.

19. You cannot participate in a school play


Ok there you go.
2016-12-15 17:54:40 UTC
Jehova Witness Rules
2016-05-01 09:46:45 UTC
Therefore if you are putting up with from approach anxiety, find it too difficult to begin discussion, and struggle to have women to come home with you, then that is the solution.

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The Tao of Badass is absolutely an entire information on how to be love by women.
2008-09-26 23:09:25 UTC
I agree with Blazer1 and after researching police officer, my opinion is if using lethal force is a part of the job description than no, if investigation and clerical work is all you do and do not carry a gun, yes you could. I dont know all the requirements for being a policeman, so the hesitation the principle is deadly force could bring blood guilt if you killed someone and could have been hired doing

anything other than...

Thin mints please

The rest I agree with Blazer1

Just because you can do one or another doesnt mean it is the best thing for you or that there isn't a missed opportunity to do otherwise. specific to #3 and #19
2015-05-13 08:00:31 UTC
They are.Two young female JWs asked me if I knew where she could use a "bathroom" nearby. I didn t but I offered to drive her to a fairly nearby supermarket with a toilet for the public as she seemed to have an "emergency" on.She declined, saying there is a rule forbidding her to ride in cars????.My car is a small Suziki with 4 doors but the two back seats were down.I wonder would she have accepted if I had a stretch limo ?? What a mad religion!.How can rational reasonably intelligent people fall for this garbage in 2015 !!!
2016-05-30 19:07:52 UTC
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2008-09-26 22:41:21 UTC
Yes, they are kooky!!!

I've seen this list before.

But, I believe the other one said we couldn't drink iced tea.

Women couldn't wear pants.

You better believe if I'm in the garden, I'll have pants on.

And thee ole' we can't write with a red pen

because we think we're writing with the devil's blood.

And lest we forget the ever popular!!

Women can't drive cars!!!

BINGO! we have a winner.

These are unsubstantiated rumors.

Some have a bit, a piece of truth in there.

But, not, as is.


#4) we don't celebrate "anyone's" birth date.
2016-04-14 01:36:41 UTC
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2016-04-17 13:20:07 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

A quick glance seems to indicate that about a third are correct, about a third are distortions of the truth, and about a third are unequivocally and utterly incorrect.
2008-09-26 19:48:54 UTC
Ive done






dont know about the rest ive never wanted to be a cheer leader.
2014-03-09 21:52:37 UTC
I'd like to comment on 17. If you have a problem, you're STRONGLY encouraged to speak to the elders about it & get help from them. The problem is that they don't have the same training as a psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist. So, when it comes down to it, they can't forbid you to seek what's basically medical help, but you may be viewed as spiritually weak, and not having your trust in God.

Notice how much the answers change for some of these? Just part of the reason I don't want to be associated with the JWs anymore.
2008-09-26 22:13:46 UTC
My brothers and sisters are a good bunch of people. They honor God with every breath they take.

I wanted to point out that we do not want to be like the rest of Christendom. We want to be different, and approved by God.

We do not want to see how close we can come to your way of life. We want to avoid the trappings that make Satan happy..

#1. Jesus said you live by the sword (gun) you die by the sword.

#2. I have eaten some GS cookies. I don't like them.

#3. I had one daughter and I would not encourage her to shake her booty for sex crazed men to gawk at.

#4. I read in the bible the trouble that comes from placing ones self above all others on a certain day....John the baptist lost his head because a crazy woman was insulted.

#5. I personally give and give and give to the ones in my own area that need it and I know they get all of it.

#6. Jesus told us his followers were no part of the world. I want to stick with Jesus.

#7. I play chess, it's just a game.I stink at it.

#8. Jesus sent people out two by two.....perfect for a two door car.

#9. There is order to headship. God, Jesus, Anointed, Angels, Man, Woman, Children. We respect our place and if forced to pray we place a head covering for the angels.

#10. We do not do anal or oral

#11. wind chimes are pagan and are used by the occult to chase demons away.

#12. I showed dogs with the Kennel Club, in a quilting club, hubby was in a hunting club.....but we balance our responsibilities and entertainment.

#13. I have and wear jade jewelry, Jehovah made jade, nothing wrong with it.

#14. no windows, no broken glass from hurricanes, tornadoes, vandalism...also heating and cooling is more affordable.

#15. our children show us they love us every day...need no special reminder.

#16. Satan is the god of good luck. I want nothing to do with the devil.

#17. Some of our congregation have the same mental infirmities as you all...bipolar, dementia, melancholia, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, etc. And they seek professional help like you do.

#18. Why would someone bless someone for getting dust out of their nose?

#19. School plays are no biggie, they are fun as long as they are not dealing with pagan holidays. We don't forget God for fun.

#20. Lost your thought?
2008-09-26 19:52:21 UTC
Blazer 1 got most of them correct except #1...we do not bear arms so therefore we would not become police officers.

And NOTHING listed is "against the rules".

We decide to make these decisions for ourselves out of our own free will. No one makes us "do" or "not do" each of these things. We chose to out of our love for Jehovah God. When you study the Bible scriptures in depth and really see the truth in the words, it moves you to change your life in ways that show others that you are completely different than those who are not truly "Christ-Like".
2008-09-26 21:13:50 UTC
I'm agreed with Blazer including no. 1
2008-09-26 19:46:58 UTC
Blazer had it right except I have to disagree with him on #1.

You cannot be a police officer because police must be prepared to take a life in the line of duty. They also must take an oath of allegiance to our government and its rules.

You cannont be a witness and a cop for the same reasons witnesses cannot join the military.
2016-08-29 15:40:54 UTC
This question is worth everyone's attention
2014-01-31 08:13:37 UTC
The best way to find the answers to your questions is to have a bible study with JW and get answers based on the bible.
Sarah H
2008-09-26 19:29:26 UTC

The short answer is no, they are not all really true.

There is some truth in some of them, but you need to ask each one separately if you want to know the full truth about them.

paula r
2008-09-26 19:34:55 UTC
Several of those are absolutely true, I'm 100% certain.There are others I'm not so sure about.There are others that I'd be just shocked to find out they were true! I worked w/ a JW for several yrs.She tried her best to get me interested in her KH.I visited there a time or two.I have read the magazines quite often over the years.Though I find them untrue, I find them interesting.
2008-09-26 19:38:46 UTC
These are the most dumbest thiks i ever heerd of!

They not troo at all!
2008-09-26 21:29:24 UTC
please tell us, WHERE did you get this list???? it is nuts.

but, fwiw, here it is from an OLD guy.

we do not have any 'thou shalt not's in the congregation. we DO have, otoh, a lot of .

1. you cannot be a police offer.

we can be. i was one. i no longer am, i will not carry a sidearm. HOWEVER!, if they were to offer me a job AS a cop in the office, in computer crimes or the like, SURE i would. i know of three elders who are cops and do not carry sidearms in there specific positions.

2. you cannot buy girl scout cookies.

we can but, why? overpriced, supports a group with which we have VERY little in common. i prefer famous amos. macadamias.

3. you cannot be a cheerleader.

in MY case i can not. i wont dress in those skimpy outfits and have sex with the quarteback or the dallas cowboys.

again, why would a girl WANT to do so? does she have no self esteem? she is a sex object to be ogled at?

4. you cannot celebrate your own birthday.

we COULD but why? i am cute. that is a given. i have walked on water at times. usually wintertime when it is frozen.

but i was born when the archduke of aus-hun was murdered by some nutcase, precipitating WW1. would you not rather forget that day, hummm?

5. you are discouraged from giving to charity.

that one is way off. we do not do it in PUBLIC. let not your left hand know what your right is doing. do we prefer to give to our OWN as opposed to others? sure. we know that other witnesses will administer the funds properly and they will donate their time, not using the funds to pay inflated wages.

fwiw, i have set up numerous nonprofit corps around the usa. most of these are NOT witnesses. one deals with displaced children, one is a halfway house. one is for disabled old folks.

funny thing, the one director is a pastor of a protestant church and has a number of members who could have done the work. he wanted ME because he knows witnesses will do it right and not cheat him.

6. you cannot vote.

define 'vote'. in a number of communist/ socialist lands witnesses and everyone was herded into voting booths and told 'vote or else'. so, we voted. they voted Jehovah for president, Jesus for vice president.

*** can you find a better set of candidates?


7. you cannot play chess.

heh heh heh.

i beat the champion of the pacific south fleet.

let me show you MASTER chess.


8. You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work

now THAT was dumb. blazer has a pick up. i had a bike [motorcycle]

some have 2 door. some have vans. i prefer a roadrunner 2 door ragtop with a 426 hemi / 3/4 cam , staged holleys and a nitro 'fun pack'.

9. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat

that one is scriptural. do you have a bible?

(1 Corinthians 11:1-16)

1 Become imitators of me,

3 But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.

5 but every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a [woman] with a shaved head.

8 For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man;

10 That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels.

13 Judge for YOUR own selves: Is it fitting for a woman to pray uncovered to God? 14 Does not nature itself teach YOU that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him; 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her?

if you want to fight that one, go to god. but, when he answers, let your final thought of life be - I TOLD YOU SO.

10. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage

i missed that book. fwiw, the mormon/ lds church might have such a thing. heard it, never SAW it. go ask them.

11. you must own your own wind chimes (for chasing away evil spirits)

do you REALLY think you are going to 'scare away' superhuman demons with some little metal thingy that rattles enlessly, clang clang clang?

12. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams

i was a member of : dpma, german club, mensa, three health food co-ops. daryl strawberry is still a tiger. and i STILL like them.

13. you cannot wear any jade jewelery.

maybe you meant jaded. jade the rock is pretty. jehova created it for us.

14. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows

some do, some dont. depends on the safeness of the area, the cost, the design. the one my son in law & daughter attend is BEAUTIFUL and has a giant window looking over a field. it is N of columbus OH.

15. You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)

i remember captain kangaroo. EVERY day is mother's day. treat her special every day. why buy some junky card once a year that says something worthless? words or DEEDS?

show your mom love EVERY day. dad too. respect his position as the family head.

i never talked back to my dad til the day he died.

what card can show that?

16. JWs are are fobidden to say "good luck"

study the history of the goddess of 'good luck' and you will see why we refrain from it.

think about it. really. do you say 'good luck' to a guy who is playing YOUR team? do you want her to win or do YOU want to win?

should you not say 'bad luck' to her? hmmm?

17. JWs in times of crisis, are strongly discouraged from consulting with family counselors, including mental health professionals who are not Jehovah's Witnesses

dont know what/ if your religion is. let's guess you are at least a nominal christian. you have a family crisis. what do you do?

go to hugh hefner for counsel on morals?

maybe timothy leary for drug interdiction?

how bout akmadinijad for religious instruction?


there ARE some very good MSW's out there who are NOT jw's as well as good psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.

but, would we not feel better talking with someone who shares our moral values and our view on life as sacred?


18. You forbidden to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes.

again. forbidden?

do YOU know where the saying originated? that it is steeped in superstitions? hmmm?

19. You cannot participate in a school play

you kiddin? ???

my kids ATE THEM UP.

only problem is they wanted to do the plays on our MEETING nights.

sorry. no.

okee dokee. we are outta here.

mind you, we COULD have sued, etc. but why?

i was on first string football team for hi school. rush over center.

in hi school i was BIG. i could pick up the center and TOSS him on the quarterback. they actually wrote a rule because of me.

big game fri.

nope. meeting night.

so, the smarty pants coach told me, CHOOSE - THE TEAM OR GOD.



they LOST all but three games that season.

bowsher rebels. 66 team.

20. ???

yeah. we ask questions.

LOTS of em.


2008-09-27 00:00:32 UTC
After reading what is written here, then you will think differently:
2008-09-26 19:30:17 UTC
It's they way they interpret the bible..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.