I understand your angst completely. The more honest atheist SHOULD be confused--but most do not want to admit it, or not thinking laterally as you seem to be.
The evolutionist will start with the complex and work backward in hope that it will all add up. The actual idea that an eye could be gradually developed over millions of years is ridiculous. The focus system, the lens, the iris, the rods and cones, the optic nerve, the brain to make it all make sense. And what told the evolutionary process that there was color or depth of field? What told evolution there were things to taste or smell or even hear? What frequency? What spectrum? All at the same time as the ear, the nose, the sexual reproduction system? It's ludicrous. And what of the soul? Of love? Of affection? Are these necessary for survival of the fittest? What about the search for our Creator? There is nothing evolutionary about that in the least. Why do we seek to save Eagle eggs or whales? Survival of the fittest. We are tampering with evolution by trying to save them.
DNA and the human body are far too complex to be thrown together by long periods of chance mutation, and natural selection. DNA is a very complex organic computer program that could never evolve out of such occurrences. So either you believe in the ET seed theory that such an organism was planted here by alien beings, or in a Designer who dwells in the eternal.
Most physical sciences are based on one presupposition. That is, that all physical evidence is a constant. That is, over the years they have never changed. There is much evidence (that many scientists will poo poo) that entropy and decay effects everything that is of matter and even energy. So what is your constant? Einstein proved that even Time is a physical property. Because it is a physical property, can also be effected by entropy. Both of which throw all calculations and assumptions out the window. On what then can you base your math? There really is too many variants to be dogmatic in any of the sciences.
God is eternal and cannot be subject to testing and scrutiny. God designed it to be that way for the purpose of free will choice. To see which you desire to cling to for your personal doctrine of origin. The problem is, upon death you go from the physical to the eternal, and there, all that you concluded regarding science, will be of no value. Remember Esau and do not trade your destiny for a bowl of beans.
Science has no hope for what occurs after life ceases. It has nothing on which to observe or test. Once a person dies, and is dead for a day or two--science, in all its knowledge, cannot bring them back for discovery for what lies beyond.