evolution or creation?
2007-12-18 16:54:48 UTC
ok I've thought about something like this before I do we know we exist

I'm atheist but sometimes I'm like ok we evolved but what did we evolve from....and how did that get did the earth get here....big bang? how did all that get here....where is the end if there is even an end at all...what goes on after infinity....everything MUST end....

it confuses the hell out of me
46 answers:
2007-12-18 16:56:59 UTC
I believe in God and that He created us.
2007-12-18 17:18:20 UTC
" do we know we exist?"

"I think, therefore I am." Not to mention that when I break a bone it hurts like the dickens. You are asking questions that will never be answered with our meager human minds. Scientists will acknowledge that they don't exactly know what caused the Big Bang, if indeed it happened. I would say yes based on mathematical predictions.

Believers like to say, "I KNOW there is a God." But that is a feeling, or thought not based on any science. That requires faith.

As far as eternity goes, I don't think we can comprehend that. One always wants to ask, "Well, what was there before the Big Bang?" Maybe there have been many Big Bangs. We will never know.

If you go back and look at the issues pondered by the ancient philosophers of any culture, you find the exact same questions

It's good to wonder about these things. Give yourself a pat on the back for being able to question our very existence. You are in good company.
2007-12-18 17:24:08 UTC
Looks like you are answering your own question, if you know and believe we evolved , then it is only common sense to believe what the scientist predict where we evolved from .

big bang , life of this planet , predictions about how our planet will end, and if you believe in infinity , why must every thing end , the whole universe will change billions of time over , as it has been done billions of time before, but it will never end , we can safely say we are pretty well sure of the future , and we know how we came to be ,

The question should ask, WHY dose it happen, that is the Question,( I don't know)
2007-12-18 18:54:26 UTC
Creationists say god created the universe, god has no creator, god has no beginning nor ending, god knows everything, etc. Very complex supernatural concept without any single proof throughout the history of mankind.

Scientists say that the beginning of the universe was the big bang. The universe keeps expanding and, under physical laws, when it reaches the critical density (thus maximum size) it will begin to collapse into the big crunch. The big crunch turns into the next big bang and the cycle continues.

So, while religions say there is god that does not have beginning nor ending, science says the universe itself does not have beginning nor ending.

Must everything end? The current universe, yes. But, the new universe after the next big bang will emerge. New civilizations will emerge and they will ask "how did we get here?" too. This is when "I think, therefore I am" applies to them.

I chose science and evolution and big bag theory. These are comprehensible. Religions' supernatural concepts are just way too weak.

Study histories of religions (as many religions as you can, including extinct ones) and I think you will come to the same conclusion as mine that all religions were just man made concepts developed to control mass from self destruction and social chaos. Religions provide imaginary hopes that most people need in order to have inner peace.
Blue Eyed Christian
2007-12-18 17:08:21 UTC
Good questions, sounds like you have an active mind and that's a good thing. What I wonder is, if evolution is true then where did all the orderliness in our universe come from? Why is there such organization, such concrete natural and moral laws? How did such complex life forms as amoebas come to exist out of nothing, let alone something as incredibly complicated as the human body? Where did the matter that everything is made of come from in the first place? And why does beauty exist? What is the function of beauty? It is certainly not an efficient or necessary thing. That I do not understand.

This is why I believe in creation. It makes far more sense to me that an intelligent (well, brilliant actually!) Being created everything to run smoothly and in order than it does to think that all this beauty, all this complexity, came from random chaotic events with no rhyme or reason.

Keep searching!
2007-12-18 17:16:38 UTC
creation theres evidence all around us i dont see any monkeys here that change to humans and the lucy thing really riduclious big bang nope read the Bible its the real truth we couldnt have evoled from monkeys Gensis 1:1 in the begening God created the heavens and the earth and no this isnt a fairy tale its the TRUTH and no there wasnt any million years only about 6thousand God created the earth and i dont give a care if everyone gives me thumbs down this world today is crazy about the bang and the monkey stuff is not real im just trying to help

God Bless

Hera Sent Me
2007-12-18 16:57:48 UTC
The Theory of Evolution is an explanation based on the evidence for how and why life on Earth developed over time into its current forms.

It says nothing about how life started, why there's an Earth, or why there's a Universe.

"Infinity" seems to be an imaginary human concept. At least, nothing in observable reality can be said to have an infinite aspect.
2007-12-18 17:13:10 UTC
If you have asked the question then you have answered it. To ask you have to be aware of your existance.

The problem with organized religion and belief is you don't understand anything out of your tribal mentality of belief. If something doesn't fit into your understanding or teaching then it can't exist. Things have to just exist in its perfect form or it can't be divine, when in reality all things have a plan or course of action in order to be.Everything starts with a Basic element and divine/organized planning and a series of events to make it into a finished product. A master craftsman starts with a thought and then puts it into action with a series of actions and events to get a finished product.

Called the Creator, God or evolution it still has an element of existance of a beginning that ends with a finished product.

Matter never dies is just evolves to a new existance it is the same matter just in different form. It will still be you. You will just have a different set of values, form and reason for being that will be just as important to you then as now only it will pertain to who you are then in a new existance. A child dies to the womb to be born into life but it is still the same entity only now with a different purpose.

That's how I see it.
2007-12-18 17:20:01 UTC
> how do we know we exist

I accept the input from my senses. It seems to be coherent. Thanks for asking.

> we evolved but what did we evolve from

Our hominid ancestors.

> how did that get here

They evolved from their hominid ancestors. Go back far enough, and you have ape ancestors, monkey ancestors, prosimian ancestors, ...

> how did the earth get here

Gravitational coalescence of gas cloud formed by a supernova or hypernova

> how did all that get here

*shrug* Don't know. "Don't know" is very different from saying that a god or gods must have done it.

> where is the end if there is even an end at all

No one knows the nature of the universe's edge.
2007-12-18 17:01:06 UTC
i believe in evolution because of the big bang but there is no evidence that say there is a god. people say the universe keeps growing all the time and dose not stop so the universe must be infinity because it keeps growing
2007-12-18 17:03:36 UTC
the entire population of the world DEFINITELY did not grow from two people named adam and eve. the story is meant for symbolism.

In AP boi2, you learn about the primordial soup, which is basically the by chance combination of the right chemicals and gasses that sparked life.

This is not to say i do not believe in a my school, which is a catholic school, they teach us the importance of evolution in a scientific way, and then say that altough we all did not pop out of Eve, there could have been a presence of God in the perfect combination (aka primordial soup) that sparked life.

therefore, you can still have creation/religious beliefs, and believe in the science of evolution
Someone who cares
2007-12-18 17:11:26 UTC
Why must everything end?

Earth was created from existing materials. It will one day be changed. Same as millions and billions before and after. Creation.
2007-12-18 17:03:15 UTC
that's why i love God.He created us all different and unique. i'd also be stuck if i were a non- believer, science says to very action there's a reaction. now if there is no action where did the reaction come from? that's why i find it so hard to believe in the big bang theory. something cannot just come from nothing unless there is a creator..

ad whether people give this answer a bad rating or not, the truth still stands and the truth shall set you free...
2007-12-18 16:59:20 UTC
I understand your angst completely. The more honest atheist SHOULD be confused--but most do not want to admit it, or not thinking laterally as you seem to be.

The evolutionist will start with the complex and work backward in hope that it will all add up. The actual idea that an eye could be gradually developed over millions of years is ridiculous. The focus system, the lens, the iris, the rods and cones, the optic nerve, the brain to make it all make sense. And what told the evolutionary process that there was color or depth of field? What told evolution there were things to taste or smell or even hear? What frequency? What spectrum? All at the same time as the ear, the nose, the sexual reproduction system? It's ludicrous. And what of the soul? Of love? Of affection? Are these necessary for survival of the fittest? What about the search for our Creator? There is nothing evolutionary about that in the least. Why do we seek to save Eagle eggs or whales? Survival of the fittest. We are tampering with evolution by trying to save them.

DNA and the human body are far too complex to be thrown together by long periods of chance mutation, and natural selection. DNA is a very complex organic computer program that could never evolve out of such occurrences. So either you believe in the ET seed theory that such an organism was planted here by alien beings, or in a Designer who dwells in the eternal.

Most physical sciences are based on one presupposition. That is, that all physical evidence is a constant. That is, over the years they have never changed. There is much evidence (that many scientists will poo poo) that entropy and decay effects everything that is of matter and even energy. So what is your constant? Einstein proved that even Time is a physical property. Because it is a physical property, can also be effected by entropy. Both of which throw all calculations and assumptions out the window. On what then can you base your math? There really is too many variants to be dogmatic in any of the sciences.

God is eternal and cannot be subject to testing and scrutiny. God designed it to be that way for the purpose of free will choice. To see which you desire to cling to for your personal doctrine of origin. The problem is, upon death you go from the physical to the eternal, and there, all that you concluded regarding science, will be of no value. Remember Esau and do not trade your destiny for a bowl of beans.

Science has no hope for what occurs after life ceases. It has nothing on which to observe or test. Once a person dies, and is dead for a day or two--science, in all its knowledge, cannot bring them back for discovery for what lies beyond.
2007-12-18 16:58:45 UTC
I believe in creation, but I do agree, it is very confusing. I've been christian my whole life and I still don't understand how God always was there not a beginning of time? Some things are just not meant to be explained i guess
2007-12-18 17:03:21 UTC
Creation fails to answer it's own question - Who designed the designer?

Evolution fails because of the missing links - missing...

An alternative is 'the creation' which says that the Earth creates life forms as a matter of course, even humans - explaining our common DNA, etc etc.

see (English Discussion Forum)

It's in the Spiritual Teachings....
2007-12-18 16:58:05 UTC
We were meant to be curious. But there are things out there that are unexplainable and will probably continue being that way. People don't give up easily though huh? We'll still look for answers to which we may never find...
2007-12-18 16:57:36 UTC
you should post this in the philosophy and anthropology section for more accurate and varied responses

or instead of always wondering .. go pick out some books at your library about abiogenesis .. anthropology .. and other sciences .. they make for very interesting reads


rasberry. .. we are still evolving .. ur not going to see any major changes in your life time


krodnite : this world is not an accident .. and no atheist claims that


robtol1 : Sorry you cant comprehend complex ideas / theories or facts .. or any ideas at that
2007-12-18 17:00:52 UTC
I beleive in Creationsim and this is one of the reasons. How is it possible that everything that exists happened by chance over a billion years its impossible . I mean think about it how we have feelings, how our bodies work, how we have the perfect conditions to live on the planet, and many more things. I can't believ that we came from something that came from nothing that formed a soup of things, that formed bacteria,that formed fish,that formed lizards and reptiles,that formed dinosaurs,that formed birds that formed monkeys and apes and other things,and eventually us.
Petrushka's Ghost
2007-12-18 17:00:13 UTC
Well, the earth and the universe are full of mystery. It's beautiful, because it gives you something to ponder.....just enjoy thinking about it and don't try to find answers for everything--that kind of thinking will drive you to religion.

Enjoy the mystery of what you don't know, and enjoy the natural beauty through science and astronomy.
2007-12-18 17:02:02 UTC
You can't evolve. To evolve is to continue as in develop. We never stop developing but how did we get here? Good question my friend. We were created. How can you walk and breathe without believing in God. How did you know to wake up? You didn't Christ woke you up babe. He loves you and this is a cross road.
2007-12-18 17:01:10 UTC
This also confuses me too. I do think God created us but made us so we could evolve. I guess no one will ever know if until they die. If there is a God we will all know then.
2007-12-18 16:58:29 UTC
Maybe you should deal with your confusion before asking a question that makes no sense. There is no choice between evolution and creation. One is a well researched and supported scientific theory, the other is a fairy tale.
2007-12-18 16:58:20 UTC
I was thinking about that today. We came from somewhere, you gotta believe that. If you look carefully, you will see there is more to life than meets the eye.
2007-12-18 17:00:34 UTC
i consider myself an atheist because i dont like the word god but i believe in a higher entity whether it is the force that created the big bang another dimension i think there is a higher entity just not a god
2007-12-18 16:59:25 UTC
wel im a christian so i obviously believe in creation

but personally, i think evolution exists at once but not significantly,,,because like for example, if someone does a certain thing repeatedly he/she will get used to it and will perform that act better than others,...and those abilities tend to pass onto their children

for example...a diver can hold their breaths longer than normal people and most of the cases, their children too

wel, i dont believe in like a species creating another species thru evolution, because i think its just total cow poop
2007-12-18 16:58:57 UTC
I know it's confusing.

But I'm pretty confident a big magic man didn't create us out of clay and then used his ribs to create a woman a mere 6000 years ago.
2007-12-18 17:01:18 UTC
Your questions have been taken to their conclusions millions of times. We always get to the point where we have to ask-"but where did 'that" come from"?
2007-12-18 20:10:40 UTC
Who's to say they're not the same thing. Peace
2007-12-18 17:17:59 UTC
I believe in God! I believe that he created us and everything that exists. It is that simple.
2007-12-18 16:58:11 UTC
Maybe you should consider creation, for one thing it makes far more sense than the big bang theory. If we evolved then why are we not still evolving? betcha they can't answer that one
2007-12-18 16:58:21 UTC
Kinda heavy for an atheist eh, ever consider there must be a creator? plain as the nose on your face.
<3 jb~~
2007-12-18 16:58:38 UTC
Creation, i mean how could this whole world be created on accident. God created the world, or chuck norris, lol jk.
Christine S
2007-12-18 16:57:13 UTC
Evolution AND Creation.

Creation through Evolution!
2007-12-18 16:56:59 UTC
im athiest to.

so i belive in evolution its makes more sense to me then what the bible says about the world and how we got here.
2007-12-18 16:56:29 UTC
i beleive in the big bang theory
Ms. Sta
2007-12-18 16:59:29 UTC
Most people believe it has to be one or the other.... well.......I believe it can be both.....we just havent figured it all out yet. Fighting over it is stupid.... we are here now..... lets move forward :)
2007-12-18 16:57:08 UTC
haha the earth is only 300 years old some people are so dumb.
2007-12-18 16:56:54 UTC
Just don't worry. It doesn't really matter how we got here.
2007-12-18 16:57:18 UTC
very good question...and one that i no one will really be able to answer. goodluck with your pondering..
country boy
2007-12-18 16:58:18 UTC
All I can and need to say is Jesus. threes something about that name.
Go chiefs
2007-12-18 16:57:51 UTC
It is creation. I don't know why any loser thinks we formed from freakin apes!

Read the Bible!
2007-12-18 16:58:52 UTC
creation it makes more more sense
2007-12-18 16:58:50 UTC
creation through the PROCESS of EVOLUTION.....
2007-12-18 16:56:41 UTC
That's why we have libraries.
2007-12-18 16:56:50 UTC
hmmmm......maybe evolution

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