OK, I'll be honest: I don't go to church every Sunday.
But I *am* a devout fundamentalist Christian who has taken a lot of time reading different bible versions and attempting to answer the very question that you are asking.
The "short" answer is here
On the above page, I make several *different* bible recommendations based on the reader's requirements. However, all of the bibles recommended I have read and found to be "superior" to the competition for one reason or another. If you *don't* see a version that you think should be on the list, e-mail me and I'll tell you exactly why I did not recommend it.
Some comments about the previous answers:
King James Version (KJV) - several reasons this should be avoided, primarily a consequence of its age. *Unless* you feel that the KJV is the only worthwhile bible, do not use the KJV. If you *do* need the KJV, I offer recommendations for which edition to buy at the link above.
New King James Version - based on the same (verifiably unauthentic) NT source text as the KJV - which is one of the primary reasons the KJV should be avoided by non-KJV-only Christians.
The Message - a paraphrase. Paraphrase bibles are the opposite of what you are seeking.
New Living Translation - very easy-to-read version. Although these are not really the opposite of what you are seeking, very easy-to-read versions tend to result in a "muddying" of the meaning as a result of being restricted to a simplified vocabulary. I would not recommend the NLT2 *or* the CEV unless ease of reading was a primary concern.
New World Translation - the Jehovah's Witness bible, a *very* biased translation (which is not the same as saying that it is a mistranslation). I do not recommend this for you for this reason - though this bible is worthwhile as a secondary study bible.
Catholic Bibles - actually, one of these is my favorite translation as well as being my favorite study bible. You can read about the New Jerusalem Bible in the link above. However, not all Catholic Bibles are the same, and the NJB is normally the only one I recommend (the NAB in certain circumstances).
New American Standard Bible - I saved one of the most controversial for last. I say "controversial" because the NASB is a very literal translation, a technique of translation which *tends* to result in *inaccurate* translation. You can read more about my evaluation of accuracy in English bibles here
Some indicators of accuracy here (note: summaries only. The detail pages are not complete)
One indicator evaluated in depth here (including the NIV)
Acquiring the most trustworthy English translation is a passion of mine, one that I have spent hundreds or even thousands of hours researching. Although my research is by no means complete, I will be happy to answer any questions that you have about specific versions or issues as best as I can.
Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/bibles/