Are there any REAL Wiccans out there, or are they all wanna-be's?
Aaron & Morgan
2007-09-05 07:10:10 UTC
I have scoured the internet, trying to find out more about Wicca, but all I see is garbage, garbage, garbage ! ! ! I see pics of people who call themselves reverends, yet have alters with Egyptian gods and Wiccan items on them (The two things DO NOT go together). I see men going by the name of Azeal, which is a FEMALE deity, whom causes harm and would be considered generally "evil". Wicca is not an evil religion, yet people call themselves "Wiccan", yet do not have a clue what it is all about ! ! ! I am beginning to think that most Wiccans are just people looking for an identity, not a true purpose in life, and that quite frankly, makes me sick to my stomach !!! Does ANYONE know of a decent website to obtain more information on Wicca, and possibly any covents in or near the Detroit, Michigan area??? Please help, I dislike fake people, and thats ALL I can seem to find on the sites I have visited !!
Twelve answers:
2007-09-05 07:29:11 UTC
Look harder, not everyone is fake. Just the glamorous sites are fake ... that is why they can pull the wool over your eyes. Anyone who needs to promote themselves with glitz and glam should automatically be called a scam in my opinion. They lead people into the darkness of foolishness without even blinking an eye knowing that people will buy their crap over and over again because they say that their magick is 100% real guaranteed.

Do not lose hope ... there are people who would help.
Young Wiccan
2007-09-07 21:15:13 UTC
Reverend is simply a title given to any priest. Since every Wiccan is a priest or priestess of Wicca, I can't see how this is wrong. Some men simply have a calling toward a female deity and so take her name instead of a male one. I don't know who she is and I can't find her on the internet, but I've never heard of any Wiccan with her name, male or female. As for those who don't really know what Wicca is all about, there are fluffy bunnies, but we aren't all like that. A good site is:
2007-09-05 11:59:57 UTC
I think that we are probably to blame for the wanna-be Wiccan and the Play-guns because we don't want to rain on anyone's parade or enforce the "rules". People think that just because they read a book about Wicca and they are interested in magick, then they can just be Wiccan. But it doesn't work that way. Sadly this also tends to cause Witch wars by those who know and those who think they know.

Oh well. I think that a truly good site would be considered sacrilegious seeing that some secret information might be shared with "strangers."

Have you tried The Witch's Voice? I'd suggest a little research with them and a meeting with potential groups after a good phone conversation with the group leaders.
2016-10-20 02:30:38 UTC
i become Wiccan, or a witch for the final 15 years. those days I even have become upset with regard to my Pagan course, yet i will attempt to grant my maximum suitable solutions on your questions. A e book of shadows isn't consistent with wiccan ideals. it fairly is a team each and each individual witch creates of her own spells, rituals, policies and reviews alongside the path. usually a witch will finally end up with numerous books spanning her existence. in basically 11 years I even have made a minimum of six, or seven. The rituals are as real as any Sunday church provider may well be. As for spells... it fairly is subjective. I as quickly as believed that categorical they have been real, yet looking decrease back, i'm greater of the opinion that i become seeing what i needed to verify. Making small, insignificant info into lots better than they have been. Wicca is a non violent, loving faith. i'm starting to be further and further atheist than agnostic each and all the time. The pentagram... it fairly is an emblem of numerous issues. as quickly as upon a time it become a representation of Christ, even though it become deemed to be Pagan, so... I choose to view it by way of fact the 4 factors plus the aether(the spirit that connects each and every thing), all interior the form of someone, held mutually as one. it continues to be a efficient image in my techniques and coronary heart.
Karma of the Poodle
2007-09-05 07:35:50 UTC
Go to Registration is free and you can search for other Pagans in your area as well as metaphysical stores and upcoming events.

Many wiccans choose the God or Goddess of their choice. Some are particular to the Nors gods, Egyptian gods, Helenistic, Greek, European God and Godess, Hindu, ect. The Gods are alive and well and those who chose one to have as their primary source is an individuals choice.

It doesn't make them any less Wiccan or Ecclectic. Check out the website and then explore, read, learn, and respect.

Blessed be and Peace


Be Blessed Wiccan Rider ;)!
~Heathen Princess~
2007-09-05 07:43:00 UTC is a decent site

And sure I know a lot of Wiccans. You have to understand that one of the Wiccan approaches though that all god/ess are aspects of THE god and goddess so in their faith yes they can have multiple deities from different pantheons.

Sounds like you are a recon at heart. Read up on Asatru or Kemetic or Celtic Recon. They are tradition that are pretty hard core about the gods being totally seperate and completly individual. It's just the persons apporach is all.
2007-09-05 07:31:28 UTC
The Internet will always be full of information that is not what you seek. Best way to find what in your opinion is real Wiccans is to join a coven of a tradition in which you feel is real Wicca.

Brigid's Priestess MorningSt
2007-09-07 22:22:38 UTC
Lady, I feel your pain, but I think the best way to approach your issue is not using the path you suggest. I believe the ONLY way to evolve your soul is to actively work at it, not read about working at it. There are many ways to work at it. You can work as a solitary on your own, trying methods suggested in websites or books, and maybe you'll have some success. I think the deep value of the solitary Path is in becoming deeply acquainted with you: how you feel, what you think, who and what you resonate with. And/or you can work with a group, either a structured group with a disciplined approach, or an eclectic group that likes to experiment. I think the value of the group Path (with a good group) is in deep learning you get from developing intensely spiritual relationships with people you can trust and admire. No substitution for those on the internet anywhere, or in books. So my advice is for you to visit groups that offer public socials and Sabbat celebrations and see if you feel a kinship with them. Check out for local groups offering public meetups, or for a list of local groups. A bit of advice for others (I don't think this applies to you, sweetie ;) is to get good at attuning your ears for B.S. I completely agree with your assessment (and it's not just on the internet) that public Wiccans/Witches tend to be those posing, trying to get brainless followers, and/or trying to extract money out of people. A disgusting thing, but I assure you is not 100% of them out there. See below for a few good sites. One final bit of advice: ask the Universe for exactly what you want. Be as specific as you possibly can. I've been following this Path a very long time, and even the most experienced folks forget this step. Do you want to learn serious magick and hang out with a very formal, disciplined group? Do you want to learn the Faery tradition and hang out with a fun-loving giggly group? Do you enjoy the spirituality aspect the most and want to work with folks who like to do healing? Ask and you will be amazed at how quickly and expertly the Universe provides. Sit on your behind complaining and you get nowhere. Hugs and bright blessings!!
2007-09-05 11:15:42 UTC
Welcome to seperating the wheat from the chaff.

I suppose we should ask what makes a "real" Wiccan, of course - are you referring solely to BTW? If so, there's not too many, in comparison. Even if you include well-trained non-BTW Wiccans, there's still a pretty high signal-to-noise ratio.
2007-09-05 08:16:19 UTC
A "real" Wiccan will exercise great caution in sharing information with you before being convinced of your good intentions.
2007-09-05 18:27:53 UTC
It sounds like you're listening to the wrong people. You probably would not find "real Wiccans" if they were listed on a map of your neighborhood.
Sean L.
2007-09-07 18:32:57 UTC
i suggest you read anybooks by scott cunningham

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