I have scoured the internet, trying to find out more about Wicca, but all I see is garbage, garbage, garbage ! ! ! I see pics of people who call themselves reverends, yet have alters with Egyptian gods and Wiccan items on them (The two things DO NOT go together). I see men going by the name of Azeal, which is a FEMALE deity, whom causes harm and would be considered generally "evil". Wicca is not an evil religion, yet people call themselves "Wiccan", yet do not have a clue what it is all about ! ! ! I am beginning to think that most Wiccans are just people looking for an identity, not a true purpose in life, and that quite frankly, makes me sick to my stomach !!! Does ANYONE know of a decent website to obtain more information on Wicca, and possibly any covents in or near the Detroit, Michigan area??? Please help, I dislike fake people, and thats ALL I can seem to find on the sites I have visited !!