i want to know more about wicca?
2011-11-20 19:03:57 UTC
anything would be nice. im a christian but i love the values and traditions that ive hear about wicca. specifically love for nature and making herbal remedies. a few specific questions would be; im a vegetarian, do i need to be vegan? can i mix wicca and christianity? and how do i find other people around me who are wiccan to talk to? thank you very much in advance for any help :) one more thing, im a guy so would that still mean id be a witch?
Thirteen answers:
Geneva Strider
2011-11-23 14:06:49 UTC
If you are truly interested please watch my youtube videos on wicca.

If you have ANY questions ask me on youtube and I will answer them.

Love and light.
2011-11-21 03:21:03 UTC
1: You can't mix two religions, especially when one opposes the other so heavily as with Christianity towards Wicca.

2: Not all Wiccans are witches. Whether or not a Wiccan practices witchcraft and/or wants to refer to themselves as a witch is entirely up to them. (But the term witch isn't gender dependent. There can be male witches. Heck, go with wizard if you want.)

3: Wiccans can eat anything they want. I eat (generally speaking) a balanced diet consisting of meats, vegetables, dairy, grains, and so on. I even enjoy a stop at KFC or Taco Bell once in a while.

4: You can however study herbalism, and display a love for nature without being Wiccan. I'm pretty sure there's nothinunchristianan about those specific areas. Anyone can study herbalism and love nature if they want--it's not strictly Wiccan.

Books are a good place to start if you just want to know more. Scott Cunningham is an excellent author. If you want to meet Wiccans, is a good place to find Wiccans in your area. Or, look up local metaphysical stores and ask around there.
2011-11-21 03:20:09 UTC
If you are truly interested, than see if your local library has a book by Scott Cunningham called "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner". You don't have to become Wiccan to read and enjoy the good information this author gives on the practice.

To be a witch is not the same as being Wiccan. Wicca is a religion. Witchcraft is a magical practice within that religion. You can't be Wiccan and Christian. You can, however, be Christian and a witch. You are welcome to call yourself a witch. Most Wiccan magic practitioners take the title of witch whether they are male or female. That is because the original term for a male witch (warlock) has gotten to much bad press in shows like "Charmed" or even from the original proponents of Wicca who mistranslated the Saxon word 'warlock' to mean 'oath breaker', when it doesn't mean that at all.

This from a reliable source: "Regarding the origin of the term "Warlock", I offer the following. As

you would know this title has frequently been identified with a male witch. More recently many have disputed this due to its possible reference to a "liar" or "betrayer of trust", an oath-breaker. Others

choose to dismiss it because of the inclusion of "war" in the name.

Doreen Valiente in her book, "An ABC of Witchcraft" (pub. Hales 1973, re-printed with corrections, 1984) states that the term has Scottish origins, but doesn't enlarge upon this at all. More interestingly, Nigel Pennick in his, "Practical Magic in the Northern Tradition (pub.

Aquarian 1989) has the following to say:- The Scots dialect word Warlock, meaning a cunning man or male white witch, is rarely used today except pejoratively. Because dictionary definitions have given it meanings like "liar", it has fallen from use, but it is clear that in reality it relates to the power to shut in or enclose, i.e. a person with the capability of making binding spells.

As far as being vegetarian, or vegan or has nothing to do with other. While some witches/warlocks are vegan, or vegetarian, others are very much meat eaters.

To find others like yourself I would visit to see if there are any open circles or public venues around your home area where people might go. Your local UU church might also have information or even ""
2011-11-21 06:03:37 UTC
Wicca is a religion. So if you're happy as a Christian, Wicca should hold no interest for you. Wicca is polytheistic. Do you believe in multiple gods? I'm presuming now.

Like our values? Great, Embrace them. But that doesn't make you Wiccan. There's plenty of values I share with my Christian relatives, but that doesn't make me Christian.

If you're interested in nature, go out and enjoy it. Don't need to be Wiccan.

if you're interested in herbalism, study herbalism and alternative medicine. That really has nothing to do with Wicca at all.

You don't have to even be a vegetarian, much less a vegan. Wiccans eat whatever they choose.

No, you cannot mix two contrary religions.

Yes, guys can be Wiccan.

Yes, guys can be witches, but witchcraft and Wicca are two different things. Wanna study magic as a Christian? Go for it. But that has nothing to do with Wicca. Most witches are not Wiccans.

More info:
2011-11-21 20:27:53 UTC
A few things you need to know first:

- You don't have to be Wiccan to love & revere nature; you can do that in any religion.

- You don't have to be Wiccan to make herbal remedies; you can do that in any religion.

- Wiccans don't have to have any special diet.

- Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same thing. You don't need to be Wiccan to practice Witchcraft.

As for being Wiccan & Christian-- how can you practice 2 different religions at the same time?

How can you worship a God & Goddess; while worshipping a God who tells you not to worship them?

Christians believe the Bible is the word of God, that there is a savior, and that there is something to be saved from.

These things make no sense according to Wiccan tenets-- we don't believe there is a word of God, we don't believe there is a savior; our religion teaches no one can take accountability away from you. We don't believe in the good-vs-evil world view. We also do not believe in eternal reward/punishment for what we do, we believe everything has natural consequences.

Christian theology and Wiccan theology contradict each other.

There's more to being Wiccan than loving nature and practicing magic. You don't need to be Wiccan to do those things; doing those things doesn't make you Wiccan.
Child of Venus
2011-11-24 02:50:48 UTC
What do you believe that makes Wicca an appropriate religious choice for you? Because Wicca is not merely a system of values or a collection of traditions and herbal remedies and loving nature have nothing to do with Wicca. It is a religion with its own deities and religious practices. You cannot be a Christian and be a Wiccan at the same time. You can draw influence from one religion and incorporate it into your practice of the other, but there are too many concepts that directly contradict one another in Wicca and Christianity.

Christians believe in one god who demands that his followers follow only him. Wiccans believe in, at minimum, two deities, a God and a Goddess, who embody the intrinsic polarity that is central to our concept of the universe. It isn't Christianity with the Goddess, and it isn't Wicca without Her. Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins so that they would be saved. Wiccans believe in personal responsibility and that no one can die for you, and that no one needs to in the first place because the very concept of carrying original sin for an ancestor's crime is foreign to Wicca. It isn't Christianity without the savior, and it isn't Wicca with him.

There are Wiccans and Christians who find a balance that suits their personal beliefs, but the balance is always more one or the other with just an influence from the other one. You find Christians with some Wiccan concepts but who ultimately are not Wiccans. You also find Trinitarian Wiccans who honor a Judeo-Christian pantheon within the Wiccan religion (this requires some non-orthodox interpretations of the Christian concept of deity, and the Goddess is usually seen as Mary, Mary Magdolene, the Holy Spirit, or Sophia).

As for being a vegetarian or a vegan, many Wiccans are neither. Wicca does not require any specific diet. I have been Wiccan for 5 years, and I am an omnivore and have no intentions on changing my diet. If you choose to be a vegetarian, that is your choice and Wicca has nothing to do with it. The same goes if you want to go the extra step and become vegan as well. A common misconception about Wicca is that we prohibit actions that cause harm and therefore are required to be some form of vegetarian. Of course this is nonsense, and even if it were true, we'd still be harming plants in order to survive. Harmlessness is impossible, and we only say that all actions that do not cause harm are morally acceptable, but we say nothing on the subject of actions that do cause harm. We imply that we should judge all actions by a standard of harmlessness and attempt to do as little unnecessary harm as possible, but the decision is ultimately left up to the individual. I see it as greater harm to the natural order of the universe to deny my nature as a predatory animal, so I remain omnivorous.

If you need to talk to other Wiccans, I highly recommend this site: . It has listings for pagans by location, and you can find covens, teachers, or just companions on your journey if this path becomes yours.

Not all Wiccans are witches at all, male or female, and you said nothing of witchcraft. If you want to be a witch, you can be so without leaving Chrisitianity (and yes, men are witches, not warlocks or wizards as both of these terms have other meanings in the Pagan community). Wicca is a religion, and witchcraft is a magical practice. Not all witches are Wiccans and not all Wiccans are witches. Many Wiccans practice witchcraft as well as it is highly compatible with our faith, but the two don't necessarily go hand in hand. As a non-religious magical practice, witchcraft is not contradictory to Christianity in the way that Wicca is, and as long as you don't believe that your god condemns it, it is perfectly fine to be a Christian witch.

I highly suggest you do more research both into Wicca and into witchcraft and figure out where your beliefs lie. I would suggest you look into Trinitarian Wicca and see if it's right for you, but I also suggest looking into other paths that may or may not fit your beliefs. Explore as much as possible and try to find something that is the best path for you.

Venus Bless
Uncle Wayne
2011-11-21 03:10:44 UTC
It is so simple in the beginning:

1. Do no harm.

2. Do what you want as long as it does not harm others.
2011-11-21 03:13:29 UTC
Wicca is christianized witch-craft, and christianity frowns upon any true form of witch craft, as should be evident with the witch trials.

"The first known reference in print to the three-fold law of return appeared in 1970 in ’Witchcraft Ancient and Modern’ by Raymond Buckland who was initiated into the craft by Gerald Gardner and was instrumental in introducing Gardnerian Witchcraft into the United States."¹

With enough research, it is evident that the "three-fold" emerged with the "Gardnerian Tradition." Then, we have the "seven-fold" and I’m sure everyone has heard of the "ten-fold." My point here is none of this recent man-made nonsense has anything to do with the original religions. Its sole purpose is to keep people from using their inborn power and to promote a passive attitude that is accepting of abuse. This is no different from the Christian Church.

This "three-fold teaching was taken from the eastern concept of "karma" after it merged with Western Christianity. After the eastern teachings of karma picked up the Judeo/Christian overtones of divine punishment, the product evolved into yet another system of control with the same theme of keeping power in the hands of a few who know how to use it to exploit humanity. One thing led to another and Gerald Gardner added more to this and promoted the belief that witches must never use their powers to cause harm. Everybody has to take abuse and keep the passive attitude.

The Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what ye will." According to Gardner, the "creed" is derived from "Good King Pausol" who declared, "Do what you like so long as you harm no one." King Pausol is a fictitious character from the French novel by Pierre Louÿs (1870-1925): Les Adventures du Roi Pausole: Pausole (Souverain Paillard et Débonnaire) (1901 and reprinted in 1925 numerous times since), or the Adventures of King Pausole (The Bawdy and Good Natured Sovereign). This is the basis of "Wicca." Wicca is nothing more than a Christianized version of the old religions. Wiccans have taken selected rites and teachings to suit their whims, from the original religions and have twisted, corrupted and transformed them and are now passing themselves off as the original religion. The hypocrisy can be readily seen in the Gods they acknowledge. Many, if not most of these Gods and Goddesses that they claim to worship, were the ones who brought the teachings of magick to humans, both white and black magick. They are known as "The Fallen Ones."

There's more info in the link I had provided
2011-11-21 03:07:14 UTC
Magic, of course, has always been associated with the occult.* Many people in both ancient and modern times believe that the magic practiced by witches is performed to bring harm to others. Witches are credited with the power to inflict severe pain and even death by means of magic. Traditionally, witches have been blamed for an almost limitless array of misfortunes, including illness, death, and crop failure.

Witches today strongly deny such charges. While acknowledging the existence of the occasional rogue witch who pursues evil, most maintain that their magic is used to bring benefits, not harm. Wiccans teach that the effects of magic will return threefold to the person practicing it and say that this is a major deterrent to the pronouncing of curses. Examples of this so-called benevolent magic include spells to protect yourself, to purify your home from negative energy left behind by former tenants, to make a person fall in love with you, to promote healing and health, to prevent the loss of your job, and to acquire money. With such sweeping powers being attributed to witchcraft, it is not surprising that it has become so popular.

Magic has always been associated with the occult

The Bible, however, makes no distinction between magic that is good and magic that is evil. In the Law given to Moses, God made his position quite clear. He said: "You must not practice magic." (Leviticus 19:26) We also read: "There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium."—Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.

Many witches agree with the Bible on this point: Evil spirits do exist. In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns: "The Shadows are out there: They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures. . . . The terms 'Imp', 'Evil Spirit' and 'Demon' are fairly accurate. They are very strong. . . . The most intelligent variety . . . are capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of entering our world. . . . They can enter your body . . . , even asserting a degree of control over you. Yes, this is exactly like the old stories of Demon possession."

In Bible times, demon possession afflicted people in various ways. Some of those affected were unable to speak, some were blind, some acted insane, and some possessed superhuman strength. (Matthew 9:32; 12:22; 17:15, 18; Mark 5:2-5; Luke 8:29; 9:42; 11:14; Acts 19:16) At times the agony was compounded when many demons gained possession of a person simultaneously. (Luke 8:2, 30) Surely, then, there is good reason why Jehovah warns people to stay away from witchcraft and other occult practices.

Religion Based on Truth

Many are drawn to witchcraft today because it seems to be a harmless, benign, nature religion. In some communities it has become accepted. It is not feared. Rather, it has often become trivialized. In a climate where religious tolerance leads many to embrace even the bizarre, witchcraft has gained considerable respectability.

The Bible reveals the way of truth

Indeed, the world of religions has become a marketplace from which people are free to choose one that fits their needs, much as one would buy a pair of shoes. In contrast, Jesus spoke of only two choices. He said: "Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." (Matthew 7:13, 14) Naturally, we are free to choose which path to take. But since our eternal welfare is at stake, that choice is vitally important. To achieve spiritual enlightenment, we must pursue the way of truth—the way that is found only in God's Word, the Bible.

* In English, some use the spelling "magick" to distinguish the difference between the occult variety and stage illusions. See Awake!, September 8, 1993, page 26, "Is There Danger in Practicing Magic?"
2011-11-21 03:13:11 UTC
No you cannot mix Christianity and wicca! Wicca is satanic!
2011-11-21 03:13:03 UTC
wicca wicca wicca

The sound a DJ makes by scratching his records.
2011-11-21 03:08:58 UTC
I would not go there! White Witch Craft

Stay with Jesus he is the only one that satisfies
2011-11-21 03:11:43 UTC
They worship Satan. Upon a full moon they turn into feral-like beings and sacrifice Christian children.

They try to turn good Catholics against their faith.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.