Is Islam REALLY such a bad thing? (UK question)?
Not Ecky Boy
2007-01-30 10:53:28 UTC
Over the last year or so I have been very interested in Islam and I think I have approached the subject with an open mind. I am a Scotsman, and a Protestant.

Let me say from the outset that I have always had a sneaking admiration for the way Islamic cultures treat their women.

But I now find that I am ALSO aligned with Islamic thought on money lending, the decline of moral standards in Western society, and homosexual deviancy too.

So surely the presence of Islam in Britain can only be a good thing, if it helps to stop our present decline?
25 answers:
2007-01-30 11:23:52 UTC
NO! The decline in our country is because of a lack of discipline yes but i dont think that makeing woman up and suicide bombings are the answer. I think the brits need to stand up for our way of life. Have you noticed how as the country becomes more PC the more lose in moral fibre and respect people have? People dont respect there neighbours, people dont care for or love there country or Queen anymore! they have no respect for themselves or how other people see them, people dont respect the police(mind you some of the younger policemen i have seen today absolutly disgust me with there foul language and seedy comments) People are afraid to have an opinion. If you dont like asians,blacks or gays thats fine! as long as you dont go around murdering them who cares? If you want criminals to be properly punished thats good! Islam is not the answer however as whereever you look they seem to be involved in a conflict somewhere, whether it be bombings, riots or moaning about racism. I honestly believe that multicultureism doesnt work it just destroys one culture and replaces it with another.

Furthermore i am not a racist i personaly dont care what anyone does as long as my family and I are doing fine. I used to care then thought no one else does so whats the point? Just a thought to anyone that is going to accuse me of racism there is a large number of asians at my college with a most unpleasant attitude. They go on about hating white "bast@rds" and wanting to murder us which is quite frightening they also swagger about the place banging into us while we go about our buissness quietly which is not on. Of course we are afraid to retaliate for fear of being called racists or indeed getting attacked even worse.

It is a truely sad situation but one i really do not think can be changed as you will always have an extrimist on one side or the other stirring hatred. It would be best for all if everyone just stuck to there own country and own people.

BTW Pangel what you said about Scotland(i am Scottish myself) isnt true there has been fighting of Catholics and Protestants for years!

No offence meant to anyone by this so please dont go on at me calling me a racist etc as i cant be bothered with that rubbish just now.
2007-01-30 11:22:42 UTC
No it is not. What may be "bad" (I am not a maniqueist!) is what some people do with some Islam principles. They are the bad things... not the principles themselves...

Religion may be get as a set of propositions (I call principles here) or as a practice based on those propositions.

So, depending on what you see, you'll say it is good or not. I believe that every religion in itself is a good thing. What differ them is their practice and this is the result of the cultural reading people do from the "sacred writings".

And try to think about this: who is saying "this or that religion is good or bad etc" is another person, which belongs to another culture and likely to another religion. That is: from a totally different background. This and other things make such moral evaluation almost impossible, because to do that (as one may want to hear) we star from our own way of living and practicing religion.

In a few words, it is difficul to judge such a thing from outside. And once inside, the judgement will be totally different. And that is not at all moral relativism. That is a complex view from the stuff you asked.

Tnx! Hope you have good answers!

Ie - B r a z i l

PS: I am Christian.
samah a
2007-01-30 12:45:06 UTC
I applaud you since you are not only one of the open minded people left i n th eWest adn you take time to study a religion properly before passing ignorant accusations but for you trust in teh islamic ethics and the Prophet said " I was sent to complete the good human morals" and in Islam you will find how to treat every single living creature be it another human, an animal, family members you just name it. If we all believe we are accountable to someone greater who is fully aware of every move we make and start acting more respectfully our life would be totally different even in the UK or USA.
2007-01-30 13:44:46 UTC
An alternative to Islam, which would also provide a moral framework, shares the philosophy of anti-homosexual deviancy, and other similarities, would be Catholicism. This has the advantage of being non-threatening, and generally more pleasant.

Please note that I am neither Catholic, nor Moslem.
2007-01-30 11:19:29 UTC
If they base their ideas on the Old Testament as a sacrosanct source of divine inspiration for the writings and musings of Mohammed then the answer is YES.

The Romans brought the Old Testament into Europe with Christ attached as a 'tag-along-appendage, which was bad enough, but to bring it without Christ, is far worse than you can ever imagine in a million years.
2007-01-30 16:30:52 UTC
One has to be true to them self and prepare and remind them self to come with an open mind and heart and to leave any preconceptions behind..

When you approach the knowledge of Islam with a clear state of mind,,it well be impossible for one to reject its truths.

if one approaches the knowledge with their fixed misconceptions then. really they have not approached it sincerely with intention to truly find out what this practice is about.

It gives truths and guidence in all aspects of life and if the values it teaches were practiced then society and nations would not be in the state we find ourselfs in today.

Its sad, when people give ignorant opinions,,

If one sincerely is seeking the truths and realitys of existance then there is no doubt that they will discover them...

It all comes down to sincere intention..

Wishing you the best,,
2007-01-30 11:35:38 UTC
No actually it isn't bad at all ,the current attack that Islam is enduring is nothing but a lie ,

the people that use the name of Islam in there horrible actions are not Muslim for they do not follow the Islamic teachings for it stated that Islam told us (or more like the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) not to kill a woman,child,animal,people who are worshipping (no matter what religion they are) and not to destroy any plant nor any home or place of worship (just fight who ever fights you)
2007-01-30 12:35:55 UTC
Not Ecky Boy --- The Answer is so simple --- Just Get in touch with B A - get yourself a "One Way Ticket" and go and Join them -- Suicide Bombers , Rapist,s Murderers and all the rest of the Demented Filth who wish to Destroy the Free world ---- You Might end up as their President
2007-01-30 10:59:19 UTC
Riiight that decline would be in the number of people living in poverty? The number of women murdered and disfigured? The number of acedemic prizes won? The freedoms and liberties such as freedom of speech and thought? the freedom to love who you wish to?

No it is not a good thing, go and live in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan for a while....
2007-01-30 11:06:18 UTC
Are you refering to the invasion of the Islamic world in the UK??

I didnt know you people were ignorant to that point.
2007-01-30 11:04:26 UTC
Islam stop decline omg so u also think all Jews are murderers 2 do u its wot muslims belive btw nothin wrong wit homosexuality god doesnt excist ne way
2007-01-30 12:07:18 UTC
no islam isn't bad at all ,

it is a very beautiful religion , but misunderstood sadly.

islam is a complete way of life and it is a very applicable religion , if muslims really followed its teaching , the world would surely be a better place , just look at history and see its clean proude history when muslims were true followers and good model of it.

thanks .

peace be with u.
2007-01-30 11:07:37 UTC
The most complicated problems is solved by Islam you name it you will find an answer.
2007-01-30 15:37:27 UTC
jews christians and moslems are all hypocrites. islam is not a religion of peace. how was islam spread.... by the sword!!
2007-01-30 10:58:30 UTC
There are some very good ideas, one of my favourites is the family unit where we do no let our old people rot in a council flat; we look after them.
2007-01-30 10:59:04 UTC
Well I KNOW for a fact that you are joking, because you answered a previous question totally differently. And I liked your point yesterday actually.

However, if your attitude has changed, and you really agree with all that islamic teaching - why don't you fu ck off to the Middle East and live in the desert then?

Well done fourmore!! hit the nail on the head. How many more child executions, suicide bombings, rapes, mutilations and wars? How many more advocations of paedophilia, 'just because muhammed did it'?

SHROOM - so you look after your old people do you? Bullsh it you do. WE look after your old people - WE give them a good life from OUR tax-payers money. Oh yeah, of course your old people have a wonderfully long life expectancy in the Middle East don't they? You tool.

Course I dont mind your fun! I knew you were only winding up the rags.
2007-01-30 11:13:55 UTC
Islam provided answers for all questions

thanks to God.

I hope you take you shahada soon.
2007-01-30 11:30:04 UTC
Do you see Christians, Jews or atheists blowing up buses?

If you want to know about Islam watch these:
2007-01-30 14:37:58 UTC
there was also less crime in south Africa under apartheid, that doesn't mean the black people were better off.
2007-01-30 10:58:01 UTC
Man, no wonder they fought to get away from You Guys! I Love New York!!!!!
2007-01-30 11:00:19 UTC
you have an open mind and am a good person
2007-01-30 10:59:39 UTC
it is not islam that is bad, it is some people who use it to do bad things
2007-01-30 11:01:49 UTC
I nearly agreed with you ... being a Scot myself

until i noticed your bigotry .....

Scotland has a great name for itself being tollerant and secular... please dont ruin that
2007-01-30 10:59:36 UTC
no islam is good
Clint Eastwood
2007-01-30 11:01:53 UTC
reackon not

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