Jesus spoke everything in Aramaic, yet all we have are gospels written in Greek. Is there any way to know what words Jesus actually said?
2015-10-24 12:00:41 UTC
Rather than just a translation? Or are his actual words lost forever to history?
82 answers:
2015-10-25 15:07:38 UTC
No. Consider the King James Version. It is a book edited in the 17th Century from 16th Century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th Century scrolls that someone claimed were copies of letters written in the 1st Century. Not exactly "the word of God".
Gay Christian
2015-10-24 16:50:05 UTC

I don't think the fact that the earliest and most reliable manuscripts are in Greek is a problem. Think of the current refugee crisis. When Angela Merkel says something about it, would you say we have to learn German? Isn't the fact that Sky News or CNN, provides a translation into English sufficient?

In the same way, just because Jesus' life was written in Greek, I don't see that as an issue. In fact, it may be a strength. Greek was the international language of education, so to ensure that something was accessible to as many people as possible, you'd have to know Greek - which was something all educated people could do - which is why the New Testament was written in Greek. It's a lot like English today, the reason many people from non-English speaking counties learn English is to be able to access things like the internet.

So, do we know what Jesus said? Yes. Do we know the exact Aramaic words? No. Does it matter? No. I don't think so.

2015-10-24 14:03:12 UTC
If I'm not mistaken there are a few early copy's written in Hebrew and Aramaic from the second century and the third since there would have been Christians who would have spoken those languages anyway. So his exact words would have been the same for Hebrew and Aramaic as they would have been for Greek and Jesus DID speak Greek! You may want to do some research as to what language the oldest known copy of the gospel of Matthew is because IF I'm Not mistaken that language is Hebrew
2015-10-24 12:08:44 UTC
If you are a speaker of another language you can tell when a translation is literal or when words are transferred with out translation. Greek sentences using Aramaic words or word order are clues that are used. The word that Jesus used to ressusitate the "sleeping" girl is Aramaic. This means that the story that this was actually done by Jesus is more credible than if a Greek word or phrase was used.

Red letter bibles do not use modern scholarship. Books like crossan's essential saying of Jesus are alternative studies but are not without controversy.
2015-10-26 08:58:54 UTC
You sure Jesus spoke everything in Aramaic?

In his early childhood, Jesus lived in Egypt where he probably learned a second language.

Every "educated person" in that era knew Greek.

On the other hand, just because a Gospel was originally written in Greek does not mean that the author could not have been multilingual and have learned the words of Jesus in the original language.

One of the fundamental beliefs in Christianity when it comes to the Bible is DIVINE INSPIRATION. For most people, that also applies to translators.
2015-10-26 00:09:00 UTC
The words that Jesus spoke, as God, were formulated first in a language that no human knows - the language of Heaven. Thus, the Hebrew that was spoken by the Lord to the prophets of Israel was a translation - by God Himself. Similarly, Jesus may have spoken in Aramaic to the disciples but, as God, He formulated what He would say, before the Creation began, in the Heavenly language. Since "all scripture is God breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16), you can be assured that the Greek writing of the Gospels was directed by the Holy Spirit. Further, both Greek and Hebrew are, by definition, the more perfect and optimal languages when it comes to precision in meaning. Thus, having an "aramaic" version would be of zero benefit.
2015-10-26 09:09:36 UTC
We do not even know if Jesus was a real historical figure.

Assuming that he was there is certainly no way to know his actual words with the resources available today. It is possible that something he actually wrote (assuming he was literate) will be discovered.

You are also assuming everything he said was in Aramaic. Greek was the lingua franca at that time and place. So it is possible - again assuming an historical Jesus - that Jesus could have spoken Greek.
2015-10-26 03:50:15 UTC
Jesus words are the same yesterday and tomorrow...

Life has neither meaning nor purpose except merely "being" and to live consciously in the awareness of that reality

Mother earth gave birth to us.Father Sun give light to see the beauty of our mother.

And You and Me created some stories.Hmm. It is about Competition. This is my entry, the TRUTH.Just close your eyes.

You will see a black background, that is the beginning and there are red balls passing around, those are the heat and become the stars.

If holy spirit is in you, You will see it. Heat is the beginning and the end. Where heat come from?

It come from energy. God = negative and positive. Positive alone can not create power, without power no energy, without energy no heat, without heat no life.

Life on earth is only story so is the universe. It is also easy to predict the future,

it will be hotter and hotter and more disaster to come more unpredictable weathers it will be more difficult to control

the food supply because of drought and there will be a big war.

We are going to be place on test by our Father because you let Jesus suffer more. Who is Jesus? It is You. You alone is God.

Please create an advance story and move your ***, if you want to solve the problem. Anyway the end of the universe will be white !00%, everyone is going to see it.

*God created the universe by word and so the stories.Heat from the head and heat from the heart. That is what really matter most.

The question is this, are we 1 or 0? (^-^) Note: Big Bang, string, finger print,dark matter, time, wave and vibration effect theory will not occur without Heat.

In every story there is beginning and an end, right and wrong play a big roll on it.
2015-10-24 18:57:23 UTC
Jesus never existed. The Gospels were written by Greek men for a Greek audience in the Greek language. The authors and intended audience had never set foot in Israel.

Such things would not be written in Israel because for Jews, God and man are very separate. For Jews it's blasphemous to say God could have a human son and extremely blasphemous to say that God would become a flesh and blood man.

There's a lot of Jewish culture in the Old Testament but very little Jewish culture in the New Testament. Remember, the gospels were written for Greeks and by Greeks.
mia delight
2015-10-28 09:16:36 UTC
The gospels were written 60 to 150 years after Jesus death, they were written by people who didn't know Jesus who had never even met Him.

They were written by unknowns according to stories told by Matthew , Mark, Luke , and John.

Then translated into many languages. With hundreds of known translation errors ...Any actual words Jesus said have been lost for several thousand years now.
2015-10-26 14:29:07 UTC
1- Jesus spoke most of his speeches in Greek. Most of his service was in Galilee, where people spoke Greek

2- When in Juda, he spoke Chaldean , not Aramaic. It is a historical mistake. It is true that Chaldean is a common dialect derived from Aramaic, but different from. The Jews were captive in Babylon, the country of Chaldea, and there they learned it.

3- We have the 21st chapters of Mathew written originally in Aramic, the origin of Chaldean. Mathew translated these chapters to Greek, and then added the last 7 chapters, so we have the words of Jesus in Aramic.
2015-10-25 12:20:28 UTC
i dont agree, that he spoke everything in Aramaic. when Pilate wrote n the header, he wrote in 3 primary language, Hebrew, Greek and latin.

Luke 23: 38

38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. i think those languages were the primary languages. that said, jesus couldve known a dozen different language and at age 13 marveled the doctors and wise men in the temple at age 13. he was tutored by a man that said Jesus cant be taught because he already knows everything. and of course there in a non biblical story of him being taught By God for 7 years. he probably could speak aramaic, but he was a hebron Jew. and he might have spoken some forms of chinese as well because a historian said he traveled the world, studying with druids in britany, first and going with his uncle in a trade business of Tin
2015-10-25 19:54:48 UTC
Unlike King Apologist Jesus was never known to write anything down. Rather when Jesus spoke his parables and teachings they were for the most part readily understood when heard. Hence for others to write those utterances down that concur for the most part what others wrote down doesn't require a huge leap of faith that the 4 gospels represent pretty close as to what Jesus actually said during his time on earth. Just like when hundreds of different accounts of what occurred on the streets of NYC near the world trade centers on Sept. 11, 2001 most listening would agree it was a dusty dangerous disaster.
2015-10-25 12:22:39 UTC
Since what Jesus said could not be videoed or recorded even Aramaic would merely be a recollection of what he said. The literal, actual words of Jesus are forever lost, and we have only the recall of the witnesses as told to and written down by more literate men.
2015-10-25 23:09:15 UTC
well there were so many translations through the years most people in iseal at the time were bilingual anyways Hebrew in some form Yiddish or armaic as well as greek with latin being the educated launge that only the romans knew mostly but assuming the apostles were on missions outside of the middlie east greek seems like a more laungague choice than Hebrew it is used much more universaly btw latin was the first languge it was translated to in the 5 century then german being the second in the 16th century everything was after that I think English was the third though
2015-10-24 16:01:22 UTC
In the West in the present day, it's difficult if not impossible to know what Jesus actually said because of the way His words have been mistranslated so many times by so many ignorant people. The only way to know is to go through the ancient Vedic tradition of India. A monk of that ancient tradition came to the U.S. in 1920 to get people back in touch with the teachings that Jesus brought. He showed how the books of the Bible compare to the ancient Vedic ("Hindu") scriptures & showed that they are, in fact, saying the same thing (something that Christians do not like to hear!). One good book that explains thoroughly what Jesus was actually saying is titled, "The Second Coming of Christ," by Paramahansa Yogananda, published in 2004. In the Christian tradition there have been far too many errors and in some cases, deliberate manipulations of the scriptures. One great error Christians make is saying that "Jesus is God," yet nowhere in scripture does He make that claim. It's important to know what He really said. His words & the ancient teachings are not lost forever, although it has to be said that most people have no idea of the overall scope of what He was saying. But those who are sufficiently curious CAN find out. I would start with that 2-volume set i mentioned above. I do know one thing: You're NOT going to get to the real truth of it by asking modern-day Christians because, quite simply, they no longer know. This is why they cling to ideas such as "Jesus is God" and the one about "eternal damnation" from a "loving" God (an idea that makes no sense whatsoever). Good luck ...
2015-10-24 12:48:39 UTC
Unfortunately, we are not aware of any discovery of original Aramaic Gospel. Jesus discouraged written Gospel at first to avoid it being mistranslated or distorted. His Apostles also refused to write the Gospels until just prior to their deaths. Simon Peter Barjona memorized and taught the Gospel for over 37 years. Peter co-wrote the Gospel of Mark prior to his death in 67A.D.; Mark published it in 68A.D. The Gospel of Mark was the only Gospel published in Aramaic, and prior to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70A.D.. After 70A.D.. Greek was the only language authorized by the Romans and all writing were scrutinized by the Government. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Theophilus had Luke rewrite 'Mark' and 'Matthew' to please the Roman Government; thereby distorting some of the original message; then adding their own gentile scriptures.
2015-10-25 19:43:25 UTC
Jesus and his disciples knew: Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. This makes sense because:

1) The Babylonians captured the Jews in the 6th century BC and gave them their language (Aramaic) and culture.

2) When the Jews returned to Israel, Alex the Great conquered all of the known world gave them Hellenic culture and the Greek language.

3) The Jews began speaking Hebrew once more to preserve the language and keep their heritage alive.

You should probably take a history class on the subject. It's very interesting.
Coop 366
2015-10-25 19:34:32 UTC
Everyone is looking for a reason to believe or not but first Jesus is a Jew. It tells He read the Scripture on the Sabbath, that would mean He had to read and speak the language. Aramaic is the basic language of several languages of this region.

To believers the Word of God is Jesus who has His hand out and asks follow. To the non-believer means nothing but they seem to want to destroy the Belief of others.
Steve S
2015-10-26 06:41:14 UTC
I have two aramaic of them is harder to come by and is very helpful, but be prepared for a big change in the use of words..God is Allaha in Aramaic and Jesus is Eashoa. Search Eashoa Msheekha
2015-10-27 02:32:46 UTC
The reason why the original Gospels of the New Testament were written in Greek is because the people who wrote them spoke Greek. The Early Christians had much support among the Greeks.

Greek Influences on Early Christianity

For the Coptic Church (Jesus Christ in Egypt) worship if a joyous experience.
2015-10-27 06:06:57 UTC
Most everything has to be translated to be read by others.


What is contained in the various books of the Bible?



Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

From creation to the founding of the ancient nation of Israel


Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Israel’s entry into the Promised Land and events thereafter

1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles

History of the nation of Israel down to the destruction of Jerusalem

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

History of the Jews after returning from exile in Babylon


Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Collections of wise sayings and songs


Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Prophecies, or predictions, concerning God’s people



Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

History of Jesus’ life and ministry


History of the start of the Christian congregation and missionary activity


Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Letters to various Christian congregations

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon

Letters to individual Christians

Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, Jude

General letters to Christians


Series of prophetic visions given to the apostle John
2015-10-24 12:04:52 UTC
Some few of his words in the NT were translated from Aramaic. But there is no reason to believe that every word that Jesus ever spoke was in Aramaic. He would have used languages common to the groups that he preached to.


The Aramaic New Testament exists in two forms: (1) the classical Aramaic, or Syriac, New Testament, part of the Peshitta Bible, or "Peshitta;" (2) the "Assyrian Modern" New Testament and Psalms, published by the Bible Society in Lebanon (1997) and newly translated from Greek. The official Assyrian Church of the East (known by some as the Nestorian Church) does not recognise the new "Assyrian Modern" edition, and traditionally considers the New Testament of the Peshitta to be the original New Testament, and Aramaic to be its original language. This view was popularised in the West by the Assyrian Church of the East scholar George Lamsa, but is not supported by the majority of scholars, either of the Peshitta or the Greek New Testament.

Barney Google
2015-10-24 14:37:31 UTC
No one alive when Jesus was alive wrote the versions of the Gospels that can be read in the Aramaic, or the Greek, etc. There is no proof capable of demonstrating that.
2015-10-25 04:29:05 UTC
Jesus spoke everything in Aramaic, yet all we have are gospels written in Greek. Is there any way to know what words Jesus actually said?

The literary style of he gospels tells us they were written by well educated men, not by Galilean fisherman. We don't know if they were recording the words of Jesus, or if they were putting their beliefs into the mouth of Jesus (historical or mythical).

The fact that a few Aramaic words were used tells us nothing, as Aramaic was the lingua Franca of eastern Mediteranean. The author of the first gospel, Mark, may have used a few Aramaic words to make his invention more plausible. Or he may have reused an earlier story.

Paul tells us nothing of what his Jesus said, and the gospels have different, contradictory ideas (such as Matthew keeping the Jewish laws, against Marks Pauline version of Christianity). Luke uses both gospels, and the authors of John are 'correcting' the other three. And if they are inventing stories about Jesus, they could be inventing the words of Jesus.
2015-10-26 14:07:03 UTC
No Way!

With "bibles" in versions to censor the words to the need of Kings and various perverted Churchs it grows easier to change them, Also words themselves change meanings over time.

Example: the U.S.A. Constitution, only a couple of hundreds of years old, is easily perverted when people do not read the dictionaries of the that time for what words meant then.

Even the Greek is "translations" or recordings of the Spoken Word (Oral histories). All made hundreds of years later.

We do surmise that terms such as, "Inherit the Earth", might mean Dying. From the current variation of "Buying the Farm" and such similar sayings.
2015-10-24 23:57:26 UTC
the message of the Bible is very clear. Many people tried to discredit the Bible, but in 2000 years, could not get far. The apostles & others documented Jesus' life( eg. the NT) - So you have good and various descriptions of more than one person, each unique but similar. With that in mind you can assume that it is historically quite correct, given the time in which and where it occurred. Researchers & scholars always use this original sources and others in the original languages for translation and study. The message of the Bible and especially Jesus' words as in the NT, will never be lost or less than spectacular. . It is the strongest message of love, hope and faith in this world and no religion could ever top that. many copied from it, though. Jesus is your Savior, you can look forward to his return, and eternal life with Him. We now live in a time of abundance - when God is with you - in the form of the Holy Spirit. you have a living relationship and connection with him every second of your life. The relationship makes is a living relationship and religion , not one of hate or fear, but of grace and love.
2015-10-25 18:53:47 UTC
So you think God is powerful enough to create the universe but not powerful enough to give you a translated Bible that speaks to you exactly what He wants to speak to you?

Or do you think He loved you so much to sacrifice His son for your sins, but didn't care enough to make sure the Bible you have in your hands is the truth?

Yes there is a way to know what words Jesus actually said. It's called faith. Doesn't matter if he spoke in Aramaic and the gospels were written in Greek. In fact, translating His words is probably a BETTER way to communicate their meaning!

If the Bible isn't all true then that that means either God didn't care enough to give us an accurate Bible or He wasn't powerful enough to. No other possibilities exist outside the Bible being inerrant. There's plenty of evidence to render both notions absurd.
2015-10-25 08:39:30 UTC
aramaic was almost dead language at the times of jesus, at least in its older form (the one you speak of).

the hebrews back then spoke old hebrew (not biblical).


the gospels was translated to greek most like because the original christians-the hebrews (jewish-christians) died-out around the 2nd or 3rd century.

so they used the greek language for the new (and different) religion.

actually i dont think there were ever gospels in hebrew. originally christianity was practiced in synagogues and was pretty similar to the mainstream judaism of the time.
2015-10-25 06:44:30 UTC
J**** isn't limited to a Bible. J**** speaks to some. He's got the 12 working for Him. So...

Messages distributed etc... You know a CEO in a company of 100,000 people and you're like the new graduate? The CEO as Jesus basically is way up in the chain, messages go up & messages go down. But the CEO is practically hard to see amidst.
Don Verto
2015-10-26 07:32:45 UTC
That is a very interesting question.As far as names go He was never named or called Jesus in Aramaic.The same can be said for names like Mary,Joseph,Peter or John.We can honestly trust the Greek translations.
Roberta B
2015-10-25 05:04:55 UTC
Yes, for this reason: Humans are not the ones who are overseeing the transmission of the words of Jesus, or any other part of this message.

Isaiah knew. He was inspired to write:

Isaiah 40:8

8 The green grass dries up,

The blossom withers,

But the word of our God endures forever.”

The Bible, made up of the Hebrew and the Christian Scriptures, is God's message to us about how we can get salvation from death and this wicked world. It clearly outlines how he will make this possible, and it is the work of one Mind, although transmitted through over 40 humans.

God has the ability to preserve this all-important message for us today. He has done so because he has the power to do so, and because he loves us, who live in the time when the last of a long list of prophecies is being fulfilled.

It does not matter how we get this message, that is, in what language, because currently there are well over 6000 languages spoken, and about a quarter of that number is spoken by the majority of people.

The 66 books of the Holy Scriptures are translated in whole or in part in over 2500 languages.

We have over 56,000 manuscripts and fragments of the Christian Scriptures alone, and more of the Hebrew Scriptures, including the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls, both of which predated the time of Jesus. The earliest and most accurate artifacts available are there for us to know what God wants us to know in our time, in our language. If anyone feels that the original manuscripts,or what the words are in the language that Jesus spoke, are necessary things to get this message of salvation to all of humankind, then they are not seeing what God has done. If he does not think that these things are necessary or important, then they are not necessary or important. Our God and Father has made his Word the most widely circulated book in the world, and that is no small feat in a time when the population is about seven and a half billion people.

What is important is for us to study God's message daily in our language, put faith in it, in him and in his Son, change our lives, and live according to the way that it outlines, and share that message with others.
2015-10-24 17:03:23 UTC
Jesus, like God speaks to us through our hearts and heads. If you're not receiving answers for you many questions as this one, then translations will not help you much. This is much based on the premise that sinners and non believers can't comprehend the words of God. If you're intact with and well connected with God and Son, you wouldn't be asking these types of easy questions...These kinds of questions are better answered by God in prayer.
2015-10-25 03:54:21 UTC
So let me get your question straight:you say that since a direct dictation from Jesus is available, that we should question whether Jesus actually said what He is attributed to saying? Oral tradition, through which much of history was passed down before the invention of the printing press about 600 years ago, has not been proved entirely false; many historical events in the Old Testament have been verified and accepted as true. You have many eyewitness accounts to the events of Jesus, just as you have eyewitness accounts of those Old Testament writings. None of them were written down for decades after the facts, either.

If you put the words of Jesus to proper use, they prove themselves. Are you up to the challenge?
2015-10-25 21:04:13 UTC
Who said he spoke in Aramaic ?

Why has the bible been passed down through the generations and printed in EVERY Language ?

GOD wrote the First Bible...HE directed men to continue to WRITE the events through History in the known language.

THE BOOK was mentioned throughout The BOOK ( the Bible ) to testify of it s validity and History and the events surrounded it pages have also testified of it s facts

And when the SPIRIT of God spoke ALL that heard Him, heard Him in their OWN language .......

and the BIBLE states what Jesus said...and GOD knows what man needs to hear, it has been preserved and written and passed down through the Centuries.......

guess you refuse to READ the facts..IF you READ the Bible you would KNOW what Jesus the LIVING WORD said and IF HE abode within you...HE would testify of Himself to You !!
2015-10-25 06:24:05 UTC
The Biblical Jesus is a conglomeration of earlier characters from Egyptian and Sumarian religions and perhaps several real people. Some of them may have spoken Aramaic, but more likely other languages. History 101
2015-10-24 21:26:41 UTC
the historical fact is:

nobody was taking notes on what he did or said. He had followers.

after his execution may stories were told. from about 70- 350 ad each locality had its own church and traditions. about 350 ad a pagan Roman emperor made Christianity the official state religion and ordered the the church leaders decide what was "true and what was not. the New Testament was ONLY collected then.

in the last hundred years many fragments of other stories were found. some similar to the N-T and some very different.

there is great argument about what they mean.

We do NOT even know his name "Jesus" is a Greek name. we do NOT know when or where he was born. there were no "birth certificates" in those days

Losts to learn.

his "love one another" teaching were a good idea.
2015-10-27 17:15:43 UTC
Would you understand Aramaic? Or Greek? Translations are close enough.
brother trucker
2015-10-24 21:15:08 UTC
We have Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew scrolls to consult if you speak and read any of those languages. If you don't we have handy dictionaries and concordances that can be compared.
2015-10-25 09:36:45 UTC
I'll put it to you this way.

If I picked up every book I ever read in my entire life. And questioned if the author meant what he said or not? How would I ever accept anything I read in a book. Ever. That includes stories of fiction and nonfiction. And is true whether this was a text book I got from school or church or store or wherever.

At some point and this is usually early in life we read and trust the person (usually our parents) that what they've given us to read is something we should read whether religious or not. The same is true in school and in church or wherever else one reads books at an early age.

For myself personally. I never doubted the authenticity of the Bible and it's words. The Old Testament is all Jewish scriptures which predate all Christian scriptures that in the New Testament. In fact the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls show that all scriptures we have in the Old Testament are the true translations seen in our bible's today.

The last site tells us that the oldest language for the New Testament we have is Greek in origin and newer and not part of the Dead Sea Scrolls to my knowledge at this time. But just because we have the original documentation does not make it any less. I trust in the reliability of what is the Bible over any other book that I've read. But that's just me. Knowing what I know of history in that Israel exists and the sacred book which is all Jewish scripture and the New Testament believers that were Christians. The Christian faith came from the Jewish faith because the Old Testament and its faith were just for the nation of Israel although gentile could become a believer. But the New Testament shows God as the savior of the whole world (including gentiles) through Jesus Christ and why Jesus Christ proclaimed his gospel to be preached to all the world.
2015-10-24 17:50:53 UTC
Jesus spoke Greek day-to-day (thus different names for Noah and Elijah) and Hebrew to read scripture.
2015-10-25 03:49:47 UTC
Yes, u must pray for the 'comforta' the 'spirit of truth' using its name. The 'holy spirit' is the God of Israelites, '(those who contend with our Creator'), He will not show u the truth of the words of Jesus for He was in the world before Jesus came and left and Jesus said only if He leaves this world can He send the 'Comforta.' And that the Comforta will 'glorify Him,' which was blasphemy to the Israelites and Jews back then for Jesus made Himself more greater than their Lord God. Only the Comforta can teach u what is truly from Jesus, but, is your house cleaned so that it can enter and abide in u, and r u prepared to become persecuted and suffer by the spirits that u kicked out of yourself? Those who endure to their flesh dies shall enter the kingdom of our Father, 'be saved?'
2015-10-25 01:38:30 UTC
No. Consider the amount of time that has passed since 'Jesus" lived. Consider the languages and the translations involved. One source notes that Jesus's mother was originally called; maiden. A translation changed the word to; virgin.
2015-10-27 15:36:19 UTC
He probably could speak a basic form of Greek but he sure wouldn't have been speaking in it. He was obviously fairly well educated as the writings of his disciples have survived , wonder what happened to his own?
2015-10-24 18:06:23 UTC
He didn't speak Aramaic, it was 100% Hebrew.
2015-10-25 12:26:12 UTC
ALL the scrolls used in the Bible were translated to Greek and none were written in the time of Christ. So no one knows that Jess actually said.
Ernest S
2015-10-24 12:19:50 UTC
His words are faithfully rendered to us by the Holy Spirit Who chose to use Koine Greek the international language of that day especially prepared for this very purpose.
2015-10-25 12:34:16 UTC
You problem have to find a Bible in the original language. The second half of the Bible commonly known as the New Testaments was written in Amaraic and Greek.

What Language Did Jesus Speak? On this question there is considerable difference of opinion among scholars. However, concerning languages used in Palestine when Jesus Christ was on earth, Professor G. Ernest Wright states: “Various languages were undoubtedly to be heard on the streets of the major cities. Greek and Aramaic were evidently the common tongues, and most of the urban peoples could probably understand both even in such ‘modern’ or ‘western’ cities as Caesarea and Samaria where Greek was the more common. Roman soldiers and officials might be heard conversing in Latin, while orthodox Jews may well have spoken a late variety of Hebrew with one another, a language that we know to have been neither classical Hebrew nor Aramaic, despite its similarities to both.” Commenting further, on the language spoken by Jesus Christ, Professor Wright says: “The language spoken by Jesus has been much debated. We have no certain way of knowing whether he could speak Greek or Latin, but in his teaching ministry he regularly used either Aramaic or the highly Aramaized popular Hebrew. When Paul addressed the mob in the Temple, it is said that he spoke Hebrew (Acts 21:40). Scholars generally have taken this to mean Aramaic, but it is quite possible that a popular Hebrew was then the common tongue among the Jews.”—Biblical Archaeology, 1962, p. 243.

It is possible that Jesus and his early disciples, such as the apostle Peter, at least at times spoke Galilean Aramaic, Peter being told on the night Christ was taken into custody: “Certainly you also are one of them, for, in fact, your dialect gives you away.” (Mt 26:73) This may have been said because the apostle was using Galilean Aramaic at the time, though that is not certain, or he may have been speaking a Galilean Hebrew that differed dialectally from that employed in Jerusalem or elsewhere in Judea. Earlier, when Jesus came to Nazareth in Galilee and entered the synagogue there, he read from the prophecy of Isaiah, evidently as written in Hebrew, and then said: “Today this scripture that you just heard is fulfilled.” Nothing is said about Jesus’ translating this passage into Aramaic. So it is likely that persons present on that occasion could readily understand Biblical Hebrew. (Lu 4:16-21) It may also be noted that Acts 6:1, referring to a time shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E., mentions Greek-speaking Jews and Hebrew-speaking Jews in Jerusalem.

Professor Harris Birkeland (The Language of Jesus, Oslo, 1954, pp. 10, 11) points out that Aramaic’s being the written language of Palestine when Jesus was on earth does not necessarily mean that it was spoken by the masses. Also, the fact that the Elephantine Papyri belonging to a Jewish colony in Egypt were written in Aramaic does not prove that it was the chief or common tongue in their homeland, for Aramaic was then an international literary language. Of course, the Christian Greek Scriptures contain a number of Aramaisms, Jesus using some Aramaic words, for instance. However, as Birkeland argues, perhaps Jesus ordinarily spoke the popular Hebrew, while occasionally using Aramaic expressions.

While it may not be provable, as Birkeland contends, that the common people were illiterate as far as Aramaic was concerned, it does seem that when Luke, an educated physician, records that Paul spoke to the Jews ‘in Hebrew’ and when the apostle said the voice from heaven spoke to him ‘in Hebrew,’ a form of Hebrew was actually meant (though perhaps not the ancient Hebrew) and not Aramaic.—Ac 22:2; 26:14.

Lending further support to the use of a form of Hebrew in Palestine when Jesus Christ was on earth are early indications that the apostle Matthew first wrote his Gospel account in Hebrew. For instance, Eusebius (of the third and fourth centuries C.E.) said that “the evangelist Matthew delivered his Gospel in the Hebrew tongue.” (Patrologia Graeca, Vol. XXII, col. 941) And Jerome (of the fourth and fifth centuries C.E.) stated in his work De viris inlustribus (Concerning Illustrious Men), chapter III: “Matthew, who is also Levi, and who from a publican came to be an apostle, first of all composed a Gospel of Christ in Judaea in the Hebrew language and characters for the benefit of those of the circumcision who had believed. . . . Moreover, the Hebrew itself is preserved to this day in the library at Caesarea, which the martyr Pamphilus so diligently collected.” (Translation from the Latin text edited by E. C. Richardson and published in the series “Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur,” Leipzig, 1896, Vol. 14, pp. 8, 9.) Hence, Jesus Christ as a man on earth could well have used a form of Hebrew and a dialect of Aramaic.—See HEBREW, II. For more information go
2015-10-25 12:09:14 UTC
The Gospels were written by their namesakes or scribes, It is up to the reader to decide whether to accept them as authentic or not and only believable when prompted to do so at the unction of the Holy Spirit.
2015-10-26 13:18:34 UTC
No, its all been repeated even the gospels were not written until some 30 years later.
2015-10-26 00:02:21 UTC
Jesus was not a real person and thee is nothing in history about such a person. The Romans made it all up and wrote it in Greek.
2015-10-26 19:34:19 UTC
I don't think anyone has the authority to say what language Jesus spoke. Did you ever consider he just simply spoke and every one around him just understood him.
2015-10-24 20:38:19 UTC
Muhammad Spoke in arabic and all original Quran and hadith are still present but no original Torah nor Bible exists!
2015-10-25 13:51:02 UTC
There were no on the spot reporters taking every word down.

Very few people could actually write in any language.
2015-10-25 04:45:22 UTC
The witnesses wrote in Koine Greek for the same reason we write in English. So the masses can have His message; which remains intact to this day.

The language is Truth.
kat m
2015-10-27 05:23:06 UTC
Don't you know Christ is in you? Don't you know Christ said " I am truth". Look for truth in you , truth keeps you from being the fool. Truth has no man made language, it is the language of God. Truth & love make up the fullness of God within you & outside of you. Truth is reality, reality is truth. Truth is what it is. Fools truth is what they make of it. Mankind can't make truth but either abide in it or reject it. Christ when crucified was man rejecting truth & love from God. Compare the scriptures with the words on your heart, this is how you know if it's real, if it's true .
2015-10-24 15:48:20 UTC
In Jesus' day's koine-greek was spoken. Hebrew and Latin.
Guru Hank
2015-10-24 15:34:04 UTC
We have absolutely no reason to suppose that we know anything actually said by Jesus, in any translation.
2015-10-26 18:46:36 UTC
He spoke Hebrew he quoted Hebrew scriptures
2015-10-28 07:00:43 UTC
Jesus wrote nothing down. And no one knows who wrote the Gospels.
2015-10-25 18:43:08 UTC
I know what I need to and that is God is love and the living God and Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins. He was resurrected in 3 days and now he is in heaven with our heavenly father as our savior and lord ..
2015-10-26 08:36:33 UTC
If one discards the Bible as unreliable historically (as you seem to do @King Apologist), then you must discard all the literature of antiquity. What are the tests that you apply to any piece of historical to determine it's accuracy and reliability my friend?
2015-10-26 04:04:11 UTC
Let it be the dilemma of Christianity. Hey, what has the Holy Spirit to say? Did the Bible not tell you that the Spirit of Truth, i.e Mohammad will tell you everything.
2015-10-24 12:24:24 UTC
Only in translation do some words have a slightly different meaning. Our Bible is 100% accurate.......
2015-10-26 08:35:25 UTC
EVERYTHING gets lost to history.

That is why we have faith.

We choose to believe in the scriptures and in the translations and in God's word through faith.
2015-10-25 12:31:19 UTC
The Holy Bible proves Jesus was imaginary....

You can prove that for yourself in five minutes if you have a copy of the Bible and a couple of friends who claim to be "real Christians"...
2015-10-24 22:28:44 UTC
Aramaic is a long dead language with no records of an Aramaic Gospel. So the true Gospel is lost now, but the OT was in Hebrew which is still used in some synagogues, and of course we have the Qur'an originally in Arabic, which is still used and has not changed letter for letter.
2015-10-25 22:22:20 UTC
The red lines from the old King James.
2015-10-24 17:42:11 UTC
I also wonder why they use English Bible rather than the Bible in it's original language.
2015-10-25 05:26:47 UTC
Who knows it may all be a big 'The Dead Sea Scrolls'
Jimmy C
2015-10-24 16:56:52 UTC
That is one of the problems with the Bible. It has been translated many times, so the story has changed.
2015-10-26 05:22:17 UTC
Absolutely. Its a miracle.
2015-10-24 21:45:30 UTC
jesus is an anthropomorphized myth . There is NO historical proof he ever existed. A good start to open your mind would be the reading of "The Christ Conspiracy the Greatest Story ever Sold",it is well researched and very compelling.
Alan H
2015-10-25 02:46:57 UTC
As many were fully bi-lingual that is no problem
2015-10-26 07:29:52 UTC
there's no way to know it was such a long time ago.
2015-10-24 12:06:25 UTC
The answer is no.

All we have are reports of reports of reports of reports of reports of reports of reports of reports of reports of reports

of what other people say he said.
2015-10-25 06:43:30 UTC
I know
2015-10-25 00:12:02 UTC
2015-10-25 09:44:40 UTC
2015-10-24 12:11:29 UTC
They are lost.
2015-10-26 04:29:02 UTC
it doesn't matter
2015-10-24 17:25:58 UTC
Poo poo popular

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.