2009-05-08 22:58:45 UTC
from what she is speaking she sound crazy like she belongs in a mental institution i just feel sorry for those 2 girls i mean its kinda embarrassing to have a mother like that
this time i did a little research before i ask a question and im not a religion person like i dont care what the heck will happen to me after i die i know that im gonna be in casket and im gonna be laying 6 feet under the ground
anyways back ot that crazy lady as i said i did a bit of research nad it seem like she and the rest of her community or gang is against everything :
race and ethnicity
another thing that i just dont get how the heck is it ok if a pastor is the one preaching like isnt that what a priest or a bishop is for ????
so for example anyone can become a pastor ? some random guy off the street ??
and another thing who is classified as a pure Christian ? the ones that are abstinent??? so if teens have sex just to lose their virginity they are not pure ?? they are "stained" right??
its just soo different from that way i was raised