Hey seeker, we e-mailed back and forth months ago. I told you that I was divorced from an abusive spouse, newly christian and waiting for God to bring the guy He has chosen for me into my life in his perfect timing. You said that God would not add another to me.
I gave up on having a spouse, I figured that God wanted me to be alone and that is how I was going to remain.
I still wanted friendship. I was talking online with someone, like I talked with you, and he asked me to go hiking with him. I really didn't want to because I'm shy but I prayed to God that He would take anyone out of my life that was no good for me. So I met up with him, just wanting to be friends only, but the first time we met was like lightning stuck (our long in person conversation). That was 6 months ago. I am 100% certain that God brought him into my life due to many factors, and that God has chosen him for me.
In this time we have helped each other grow in our walk with God, we are not married yet but will be soon and we are waiting until marriage to do what the birds and bees do.
Deuteronomy 24 gives the rules for divorce, Matthew etc does not contradict this(Greek). Corinthians says that a brother or sister is not under bondage if an unbelieving souse leaves (my ex was an unbeliever, left and filed). God has divorced, God does not sin (Jeremiah 3:8). It is not good for man to be alone. It is a sin to return to your divorced spouse if they marry another (Deuteronomy 24)(my ex has remarried). What God has joined; people can join themselves without God (I was not a christian when I married years ago). If a prson gets legally married that does not mean that God joined them, legal marriage =/= Godly marriage.
There is no way I'm going to refuse a gift from God because of what some people tell me based off of their incorrect understanding(due to translation) of the topic of marriage and divorce in the bible. Let God be the judge of His servants.
Sex is for a man and his wife alone, no fornication. Put your trust in God and He will bring a spouse to you in His perfect timing. If you have not met your Godly spouse yet then you are not ready for her. I believe God will only bring 2 together if they are ready for each other. Work on your relationship with God, trust and put Him first. You can only have a good Godly relationship if God is in the center.
The verse you are quoting "neither married or given in marriage" was followed by talking about the dead. I believe it could be saying the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage. God is not the God of the dead but of the living.
If someone is not going to heaven, how can they be married, any true marriage is joined by God, those who are not going to heaven do not listen to God therefore God can not lead them to the spouse He has chosen for them. If God has brought 2 of His children together why would He separate them in heaven?
ps. there will be physical bodies in Heaven, this is what Jesus demonstrated to us.