Do Humans Comprise A Trinity?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do Humans Comprise A Trinity?
Fourteen answers:
2008-10-01 05:22:15 UTC
Many people say man is a trinity to give validity to something that does not exist: a God who is made up of three co-equal, co-eternal persons. Just how are we made in God's image? It could not be a physical thing since God is a spirit and humans are fleshly. Being created in the image and likeness of God, with God’s great attributes of love, wisdom, justice and power, the original man was much superior to the animals. Man is in a class apart from the animals in that he is able to reason, to plan for the future, and he has the capacity to worship God. Animals do not have intellect to reason with, but they live by instinct.

No matter what scriptures trinitarians grope for to prove their point, such as 1 Thess. 5:23, there is nothing in the Bible to support the belief that God is any more than one person. As Jesus said at John 17:3, his Father is the only true God. By calling his Father “the only true God” he shut himself out from being God or even a part or a Person of God. Otherwise, the Father would not be the “only true God.” The word “only” means, according to the dictionary, “alone in its class; without others of the same class or kind; sole; single; alone, by reason of superiority; pre-eminent; chief.” According to Jesus, his Father was, not only the “true God,” but also the “only” one. According to his own words, Jesus did not class himself with God.

"Tell me if Thessalonians, which mentions, body soul and spirit, can properly be used to support the belief that humans are a trinity."

The answer is no. However, trinitarians will twist any scripture to make it appear that humans are a trinity in some way. Desperation will make some people think and do crazy things.
2008-10-01 05:10:07 UTC
anyone who reads the bible without any preconceived ideas walks away believing in God the son and the holy spirit. not all 3 combined.
2008-10-01 06:13:22 UTC
Agree's with Line Dancer 100%.

Sorry to disagree with you about the holy trinity being in the bible. No where it is in the Bible. No matter what you believe you can't find Trinity in the bible at all. Even the world agree's that it's not in there.
2008-10-01 05:15:48 UTC
I used to think this way, and it's a common theological belief that the human trichotomy of body, soul and spirit is reflected in the divine Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The only trouble is, the Trinity doesn't exist. It's based on a non-Biblical source of some kind, which may not be a problem depending on where you think spiritual authority lies, but the evidence that there is a Holy Spirit helping people to live Christian lives is pretty slim because of the way Christians tend to behave compared to non-believers when you judge both by Christian standards. It's still possible there are Christians in churches somewhere though, but even then the problem is the lack of a scriptural basis.

Therefore, i'd say it's an appealling idea but not borne out by observable facts about Christian behaviour. The use of three points is a common rhetorical device though, so i think that's probably the origin of those three being put together.
2008-10-01 13:12:02 UTC
No, the Bible tells us that the soul that is sinning, it itself will die, so the soul of a human dies.
2008-10-01 13:07:22 UTC
No. Well I'm not anyways.
2008-10-02 13:54:52 UTC
Paul is not describing a trinity.

He is describing what makes a 'living person'.

If you take away the spirit (breath) you die.

If the soul dies or the body dies, you die.

(Eccl. 9:5-10; Ez 18:4)

Paul tells us that those who go to heaven exchange their fleshly bodies for spiritual bodies, thus the fleshly body doesn't live on without us.

Other wise those bodies made of flesh and blood would be running around somewhere without knowledge, and wisdom.

A live person must have spirit (breath of life), soul (in this sense, the right of life), and a body (spiritual in heaven, fleshly on earth)

Take away any and the person dies.

The spirit, soul, and body are not 3 equal persons in one (ie: trinity).

2008-10-01 05:32:43 UTC
God is not 3 persons, But he is a spirit, So there is no such thing as 3 persons in the Godhead. But only one, There is 3 attributes of God but by the same spirit. You have God as the creator, Remember God is a spirit, Then after Jesus was baptized at age 30, Then God, & only Then did God dwell in his Son as the redeemer, & then You have God as the comforter or may I say the Holy Ghost. But all is done by only ONE SPIRIT, Remember God is not a person, but a spirit, & God did not live in Jesus until his baptism & that was at age 30.
Ray G
2008-10-01 05:07:43 UTC
Mind = Father

Body = Son

Soul = Holy Ghost
2008-10-01 08:01:53 UTC
Note that the scriptures plainly tell us that the human soul is made of the spirit and the body.

"And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

No where does the Bible say these are three separate persons or entities living in one human being, or in God Almighty. Such an idea has to be read into the scriptures.

"May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle prayed that the spirit, soul, body of the congregation (at Thessalonica, and by extension, the entire body) might be preserved at the presence of Jesus our lord.

While the Greek pronoun for you is plural, Paul does not say the spirits, souls, and bodies (plural) of the Thessalonica church will be preserved until the coming of our Lord Jesus, but he speaks in the singular. Nor was he saying there were three persons in each of the individuals in the church at Thessalonica.
2008-10-01 05:59:56 UTC
1)The Holly Trinity is mentioned in the Bible.

Old Testament: Book of Genesis: 1:26 God said, «Let us make man in our image, after our likeness» Its the first mentioning about few hypostasis of God.

New Testament: there are many places in Gospel where God is mentioned by Christ as His Father and as the Spirit.

2) Here is a simple example, a comparison with Sun:

a) The sun itself (the planet) – the Father

b) The light of the sun coming to us– The Son (Christ) c) The heat given by the sun and unseen – The Holly Spirit.

They are all three different qualities (hypostasis) of sun, but at the same time they are so unite, that we rarely separate any of them, when we say the word «sun».

3) Human being example: spirit, soul, body

4) Family: husband, wife and every child – which is always a third one.
2016-11-02 08:54:09 UTC
The Trinity is a lie. "It did no longer take place until eventually the 4th century A.D. between the Apostolic Fathers, there have been no longer something even remotely drawing close the variety of mentality or attitude."--- (1967), Vol. XIV, p. 299.the hot Catholic Encyclopedia. Christianity is derived from Judaism & Judaism is precisely Unitarian believing that God is one guy or woman. Fourth century Trinitarianism did no longer reflect properly early Christian coaching with regard to the character of God; it became, on the different, a deviation from this coaching."--(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L. The Encyclopedia Americana. a million Cor 8:5,6 RS: "whether there are may well be so-noted as gods in heaven or on earth--as certainly there are various 'gods' and somewhat some 'lords'--yet for us there is one God, the father, from whom are all issues and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by using whom are all issues and by using whom we exist." This grants the father because of the fact the "one God" of Christians and as being in a type diverse from Jesus Christ. by no skill in the Bible is the father reported to confer with the Son as "my God," nor does the father confer with the holy spirit as "my God." each Scripture that Trinitarians use as 'evidence' of the Trinity certainly point out 'in user-friendly terms 2 persons, no longer 3'; so whether the Trinitarian rationalization of the texts have been maximum remarkable, those would not coach that the Bible teaches the Trinity. No the place in the holy Scriptures are we given a acceptance for the holy spirit. God---YHWH---Jah---Jehovah. Jesus Christ the Son of God; the sole begotten-god. we are given names for the two certainly one of them. no longer the holy spirit. JW's, Muslims, Hebrews & Unitarians all worship One God. no longer the pagan, Trinity concept. Any1 be attentive to of any others? (u can no longer incorporate Mormons)
2008-10-01 05:09:37 UTC
Well maybe! This view has some merit, but also has problems. One might say that Mark 12:30 divides man’s nature into four parts (heart, soul, mind, and strength), and that 1 Corinthians 7:34 divides man’s nature into two parts (body and spirit).
The Apple Chick
2008-10-01 05:08:27 UTC
Yes, humans were created in God's image, hence we are also triune in nature. We have a spirit, a soul, and a body. The spirit is the pure form that God breathes into us at the moment of conception. The soul is our mind, will and emotions. Our body, well, that's obvious.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.