If humans came from monkeys THEN WHY DO WE STILL HAVE MONKEYS?
2009-07-26 07:22:56 UTC
I don't understand why people don't believe in GOD! Evolution can't be real since we still have monkeys,
52 answers:
2009-07-26 07:25:24 UTC
We evolved WITH monkeys, dumbass.
2009-07-26 07:38:16 UTC
Typical... Some has been told misleading information about evolution.

This isn't something that I can explain to you in one posting. There is so much to learn to understand how evolution works, but I will do my best to outline a rough definition. Then I will explain where we actually came from...and the fact that there are still monkeys has nothing to do with disproving evolution.

First mistake - You're assuming that people that support the Evolution Theory are Atheist. The truth is that people of faith support it, atheist support it, agnostics, etc. Basically, it is widely supported.

Second Mistake - You are making the connection that evolution is some sort of stepping latter hierarchy. This is far from the truth. Extinct species were perfectly fitted for the era they lived in. Further more, we did not come from monkeys or apes. We are very closely related to the Apes - specifically the chimps. Our DNA is 98.2 percent identical. However, we did not evolve from chimps. We evolved from a common ancestor of Apes.. So imagine a line that forks like the letter Y. The common ancestor is where the two line come into.

Now obviously this is short, and lacking a lot of detail. I'd love to sit down over an IM and talk. It's good you're asking questions, even if the question was by an inaccurate assumption. We all have to start somewhere. Open you mind, and don't be afraid to think for yourself.
2009-07-26 08:45:25 UTC
Quit acting like such an idiotic little brat. No really, quit it. We did NOT come from monkeys. We came from the same ancestors. Through changes and mutation, different kinds of species emerged. Some ended up as apes, gorillas, monkeys or just humans. Besides, who said that if you believed in evolution, you didn't believe in god? Dumb@ss. Our ancestors could have been created by god. We weren't the first species in this universe. Next time you think about asking such a stupid question, do your research.
2009-07-26 07:31:22 UTC
I believe in God but I also believe in evolution. What I think happened was God provided the energy and rules for the universe - the rules of physics, chemistry and biology. God told the universe how to go together right so that certain atoms and molecules fit a certain way. With these rules and the energy in place, it just happened. The big bang, formation of the universe etc... all happened. Then, when the world was just filled with primitive bacteria, at the right time, nature provided right selection forces and made amphibians, land animals etc... then monkeys and humans.
2009-07-26 07:43:49 UTC
This is a stupid question which is why you have so many answers, I suppose. I won't read them although many no doubt point out to you that man and monkies came from the same ancestor, so your question makes no sense.

However, in case you still think people came directly from monkies, take the Galapagoes Islands. It has many unique animals that evolved from animals that we have in this part of the world. They did not evolve the same way here, only in the isolated Galapagoes. In other words, some monkies(or a common ancestor) could have developed into humans in a certain part of the world, but not so developed in another part of the world. How could you ask such a stupid question, when the answer is so obvious?
2016-12-24 13:31:34 UTC
"If human comes from monkey why are there nevertheless monkeys?!!?" And if English is derived from German, then how come such numerous human beings in Germany infrequently communicate to a minimum of one yet another in English? And if Christianity is derived from Judaism, how come Woody Allen isn't a Catholic? "i think of this isn't any longer real that human comes from monkey." So what? certainty isn't based upon your opinion. replace "in accordance to the survival of the fittest, the monkeys might desire to have died and long previous extinct via the time the people ruled the section." What a pathetic sentence in line with rank lack of information. replace 2 "i like how the stupid question on the Bio class gets all the solutions from the Bio good contributers however the real Bio questions get no longer something or a million answer if have been fortunate!" Then demonstrate how issues might desire to be finished, Alex. furnish those solutions to "real Bio questions". no one's combating you.
2009-07-26 07:28:20 UTC
there were two groups of apes (not monkeys). One group learned how to use tools, formed communites and such and evolved into humans, the other group stayed the same and didn't change, and they are still apes. It's not something that happened overnight, it took millions of years. Why can't a person believe in both God and evolution? The two theories are not mutually exclusive. I believe humans evolved (there is scientific evidence of that) because that's the way God planned it to happen.
2009-07-26 07:33:04 UTC
Because monkeys, just like people, are different. Some evolved, and some didn't. I like to think that the smart monkeys are the ones who evolved, but I certainly can't prove that by observing some humans!
2009-07-26 07:27:42 UTC
Primates are mammals that include lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans.

The Strepsirrhini, or “wet-nosed” primates, which include lemurs and lorises, branched off around 63 million years ago.

Old World monkeys and apes divided from New World monkeys about 40 million years ago.

Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, which probably resembles the common ancestor of New World monkeys and apes, lived about 29 million years ago.

The apes split from Old World monkeys about 25 million years ago.

Humans and chimpanzees diverged 5-7 million years ago.

Of the macaque's nearly 3 billion DNA base pairs, 93.5 per cent are identical to those in the human genome. This is not unexpected for a species whose lineage diverged from our own about 25 million years ago. The human and chimp genomes, which diverged just 6 million years ago, are about 98 per cent identical.

One puzzling discovery is that several mutations that cause genetic diseases in humans - such as phenylketonuria and Sanfilippo syndrome, which lead to mental retardation - are the normal form in macaques and, presumably, our own ancestors.

So yes on each split the original got left behind to stay as it was! But why do you think they were unlucky? I am sure that many of the "left behind" species are perfectly happy as they are and that there are a good many humans that would not mind trading places with them!!!

But it also sems as though you are one of the screwed thinkers and BAD christians the church now condemns!!

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept evolution and the big bang!!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!!

Nice that christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at your expense!!

Careful how you go - we do not want you tripping off the edge of your flat world!!
Dad of 2
2009-07-26 07:39:50 UTC
This is a key question when talking about evolution. There will always be differences between people who believe and do not believe in GOD or that there is higher power always present. With their believe system they will need to find supporting positions as to justify their believes.

I do not agree with the teaching of evolution without the teaching of religion. This separation is wrong and it is really up to the individual to decide for themselves what their believe are. Tolerance and understanding is the key.
2009-07-26 07:29:21 UTC
Because the God Yahweh mixed His DNA with a monkey to create a human. That makes Yahweh the missing link between the monkey and the human and that the human didn't evolve from the monkey through natural selection or survival of the fittest or through mutation but by being intelligently designed by a "Intelligent Designer."
Michael C
2009-07-26 07:40:38 UTC
Because humans didn't come from monkeys, we merely share a common ancestor. Got a good book for you it's called ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES.
2009-07-26 07:37:29 UTC
Evolution simply means change over time, the idea is a shared common ancestry but divergent paths. Do you know people are still born with vestigial tails? We humans are very anthropocentric, our egos crave immortality and a place in the center of the universe.
2009-07-26 07:33:00 UTC
Human's did not evolve from Monkeys. I have never seen a Alcholic Monkey? A Rapist Monkey? A lying and stealing Monkey? A killer Monkey?

A Monkey that takes Drugs??

Get the idea? Even the Monkeys in the Zoo's think we are crazy. And rightly so.

GOD Bless YA,

Chicago Bob. (Imasinner)

Please pray for our Country and Our President (DAILY)

There is more Joy in JESUS in 24 hours, Than there is in the World in 365 Days. I have tried them both.(ME TO)

R.A. Torrey.
No Decaf
2009-07-26 07:30:08 UTC
That's a stupid question and you know it.

But just in case you're really truly stupid and don't know it...

Humans did not come from monkeys. Nobody ever said we did except for certain twits who think it's cute to bring this up in a childish attempt to discredit evolution.

Humans and primates all descended from the same source. Some descendants became monkeys, some became chimps, some became gorillas. Some did better and became humans. Well, except for you. But you have a chance to better yourself, simply stop asking stupid questions in an effort to be cute. It ain't working.
2009-07-26 07:29:40 UTC
Humans didn't come from monkeys though evolution doesn't say that we did.

Perhaps you should actually find out what evolution says first of all and then come back with sensible questions hmmm?
2009-07-26 07:31:09 UTC
Yeah, but the monkeys evolved into creationists and let me tell you they didn't have to evolve much. In fact I think that is one example of evolution working backwards.
2009-07-26 07:30:11 UTC
I hope you're just ignorant. Does your god appreciate the silly lies you speak about evolution on his behalf? For the last time we did not evolve from monkeys, we had a COMMON ANCESTOR with monkeys.
2009-07-26 07:27:32 UTC
Why is it that only (some) christians think evolution has anything at all to do with humans 'coming from monkeys'?
2009-07-26 07:27:24 UTC
1st: Humans did NOT come from monkeys we have the same ancestor as the great apes from today

2nd: Somewhere along the line our ancestors splitted into two different species we just got lucky through natural selection in becoming more intelligent, but guess what, gorillas are far more stronger than a human.
2009-07-26 07:27:46 UTC
humans did not come from monkeys you ignorant fool. both humans & monkeys came from a common ancestor & evolved separately. Do your homework
2009-07-26 07:31:59 UTC
Humans evolved from upright walking apes. There's bone records they all originated in africa until **** erectus was smart enough to master fire and was built to sprint so he travelled across the world and that is how humans evolved... in a nut shell.

There are hundreds of species of apes/monkies, you know. Just because one turned out to be human doesn't mean all the other monkies disappeared. They just evolved into the modern day babboon, chmp, gorilla, etc.

plus you know every animal EVOLVED to adapt to their surroundings.

whales used to be small ugly little things that started swimming and slowly evolved over I think it was 2 million years to become the giant creature we know today.

Penguins obviously used to be flying birds but adapted to the cold and didn't need to fly so their bodies evolved to be hydrodynamic in the water and cold resistant.
2009-07-26 07:29:59 UTC
Yeah we evolved with monkeys. My sciene professor says that its absolutely impossible for God and all that to be real with all the information and proof we have, but back on subject, its controversial.
2009-07-26 07:28:10 UTC
Evolution is a series of changes to genetic material over time. Not all reproducing apes had offspring with new traits. The original gene pool stayed in tacked while create a newseparatee and distinct gene pool.
2009-07-26 07:29:41 UTC
I'm going to put this simple for you.

There's a black dog.

Some black dogs evolved as other black dogs, more sophisticated (the monkeys nowadays).

Some black dogs evolved as more distinctive species, white dogs. Humans. Get it? Not all evolved in the same way.
Andrea C
2009-07-26 07:27:17 UTC
Monkeys are still around so we can ask the question "if humans came from monkeys then why do we still have monkey?"
2009-07-26 07:26:51 UTC
Monkey #1: Oh gawd guys I forgot to evolve.

person #1: Haha sucker!
2009-07-26 07:27:14 UTC
Shut up.

It's one thing to believe in God, but think outside the box, k?

People don't believe in God because Science proves everything, While religion comes from a little MAN MADE book.
2009-07-26 07:26:54 UTC

Humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor.
2009-07-26 07:26:43 UTC
To answer the question "why do we still have monkeys?"

Why not?
2009-07-26 07:26:12 UTC
we didn't come from monkeys both humans and monkeys had a common ansestor which we both came off of..... monkeys are like our cousins
2009-07-26 07:28:57 UTC
science is a best guess thing. If one belives humans were first monkeys, I feel sorry for them. " Let us make man in our own immage and likeness.."
2009-07-26 07:28:37 UTC
We evolved from them, but they are still a successful species, thats why they still exist. We havent wiped them out - yet... :/

Humans are just a branch from them so we continue to evolve and so do they

there u go :)
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2009-07-26 07:26:37 UTC
Oh, but every human on earth descending from Adam and Eve after she believed the talking snake makes PERFECT sense!
2009-07-26 07:33:02 UTC

Once again, this stupid question is posted. Please, all theists... scratch that. All those who don't "believe in" evolution, please please get your facts straight before you come touting in here sounding off like a broken record.

Ok, here it goes...



Ok, now gtfo.

2009-07-26 07:31:07 UTC
Then, tell me this:

If Eve came from Adam, why do we still have men?
William C
2009-07-26 07:28:28 UTC
Us and chimps evolved from a common ancestor.
2009-07-26 07:26:59 UTC
if many of we americans came originally from europe, why are there still europeans--ever hear of a concpet called divergence of the geographically isolated
2009-07-26 07:26:16 UTC
Simple: Monkeys are simply a more evolved form of whatever you are.

The CAt in The Tin FOiL HAt v17
2009-07-26 07:27:46 UTC
We still have monkeys because they taste like ****.
2009-07-26 07:26:38 UTC
It's a bit early for a drink

How about we share some coffee and danishes?
Satria Piningit
2009-07-26 07:25:55 UTC
To make you feel that you are handsome and beautiful. Human used to compare themselves with others.
2009-07-26 07:30:08 UTC
the money in question no longer exist because it evolved into us
2009-07-26 07:27:19 UTC
Then use the search feature. This question has been asked and answered a few gazillion times.

2009-07-26 07:25:58 UTC
Your logic is cute. I think you should read up some more on evolution before posting :-)
2009-07-26 07:30:51 UTC
common ancestor numb nuts
2009-07-26 07:28:04 UTC
I wonder the same thing how can people be so dumb to believe that. and ever one is like believe in evolution its right, then im like its not like ill go to hell if i don't believe in this stuff. so i don't.
2009-07-26 07:25:59 UTC
2009-07-26 07:29:35 UTC
2009-07-26 07:26:45 UTC

PLEASE tell me this is a joke.
2009-07-26 07:25:41 UTC
this must be the worst example of trolling i've ever seen.
2009-07-26 07:25:13 UTC
they didn't get that memo from the science community

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.