Creations should be taught with evolution?
2011-09-20 08:40:10 UTC
what's the difference with this two sentences: "creations should be taught with evolution and creation should be taught with evolution", and can you elaborate what's the difference between the two?? and can you give some reasons why creations should be taught with evolution??thanks in advance
26 answers:
2011-09-20 08:45:26 UTC
School is for education not indoctrination!
2011-09-20 08:53:24 UTC
I think creationism should be allowed to be taught without legal hassle from folks like the ACLU.

If any theory is taught in school and there is some dispute over it, students should be made aware of both the evidence for and against the theory. All too often students are told that evolution is a fact and that there are no scientific problems with it.

I don't think schools should force teachers to teach either creation or evolution. Do you think an evolutionist would give a fair and objective view of creationism? What about a creationist? Would he do the same with evolution?
2011-09-20 08:47:08 UTC
"what's the difference with this two sentences: "creations should be taught with evolution and creation should be taught with evolution""

I'm assuming you mean the sentences, "Creations should be taught with evolution," and, "Creation should be taught with evolution"?

I suppose the difference is that the latter probably meant to say "Creationism", while the former is a misspelling of what meant to say "Creationism". I'm just fielding a wild guess, though, because, honestly, I'm not sure *what* you're asking.

"and can you give some reasons why creations should be taught with evolution??"

Again, do you mean Creationism?

If so, it should be taught alongside evolution for the same reason that alchemy should be taught alongside chemistry, astrology should be taught alongside astronomy, and magic should be taught alongside physics.

2.718281 - "I think the sentence is supposed to be "Creationists should be taught evolution.""

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Addendum II: Zadok_00 - "Even evolutionary scientists are forced to accpet today that there was once nothing and then all things began with a "BIG BANG" they say."

Not only does the Big Bang Theory have nothing whatsoever to do with evolution, but your nonsensical claim about "there was once nothing" is actually the exact opposite of what is actually true.
2011-09-20 08:53:03 UTC
That sneaky, snakey "S", the slithering Satan of the alphabet!

There's your answer.

If creationS were taught along with evolution, then children who might otherwise have to decide between the Bible story and the science story, would see that many cultures, not just those where the Bible was made up, have stories of magical Beings who made the Earth and the plants and animals that fill it.

And since the Hopi, the Navajo, the Watusi, the Creationist, and so forth have scant proof for their stories, and evolution has quite a bit, the students might end up valuing science over superstition.

While this might be good for humanity in general, it would be politically and financially devastating to those who exploit superstition.
2011-09-20 08:45:31 UTC
Inthe first sentence, you said "creations" (plural). That implies the teaching of more than one creation story.

Creation should not be taught with evolution. Creation is not science, so it belongs in a biology class just as much as it belongs in a calculus class. Even if creation was true, it still isn't science. The core of science is the scientific method, which deals with what is observable and testable.

If religion should be taught anywhere in our schools, it should be in a philosophy class...but religion has no place in our public schools.
Hal Roach
2011-09-20 08:41:38 UTC
That's one sentence you have there in quotes, not two.

"and can you elaborate what's the difference between the two??"

The word '"creations" is plural of "creation". Regardless, neither word is the one you want in this context.

"and can you give some reasons why creations should be taught with evolution??"

You mean "creationism"? I can't think of one good reason why it should. It makes about as much sense as trying to teach medieval alchemy with the periodic table, or teaching rain dances with meteorology. Science is not about offering all hypotheses and letting you choose which one most appeals to you; it's about finding eliminating all of the ones that don't withstand the scrutiny of the scientific method. Evolution is a biological model that does withstand the scrutiny of the scientific method. A literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis does not.

"thanks in advance"

Does that mean you're not going to bother to come back and pick a Best Answer?
2011-09-20 08:42:42 UTC
Creationism is based off intelligent design. Intelligent design is an argument for the existence of God and would be considered theology. Evolution is based off of scientific theory. The two do not go together. If schools offer a theology class, then they can teach creationism, otherwise only evolution should be taught.
2011-09-20 08:42:40 UTC
There is ONE creation.

Even evolutionary scientists are forced to accpet today that there was once nothing and then all things began with a "BIG BANG" they say.

This is the ONE CREATION.

Other "creation stories" are mythology if they do not tell of a beginning of all things.

What Biblical Christianity is astute enough to explain is that this creation began between 6-10,000 years ago and man did walk with dinosaurs (often called dragons and depicted in cave drawings in many cultures).

We can teach evolution as a theory that is not science since it does not meet the qualificatoins of being a scientific study as it is not measurable and repeatable and is just conjecture.

Unfortunately some evolutionists try to sell the idea the man came from a rock as more than a theory and are deceptive and simply put, they 'lie'

Creationism should have equal space in the schools as evolutionists.

I was recently told that Muslims in Toronto, Ontario, Canada schoos are now given allowance for prayer time and I am sure it is by mass devotion to a god that they are believing in.

Creationism could be taught if Christians stood up for their rights. For example in the U.S. there is 90% of the population that reveals they believe in God and yet the vast majority of the scientific field fights against what God has revealed in creation.

But, we know why that is ................. a deity being creator would put them out of workd that has always been in such small steps to try to find the origin of the universe and every time they seem to have something conclusive it is shelved for the latest greatest idea.

The Louvre in France is full of outdated scientific material that has been disproven over time and these periodical and journals keep piling up as man tries to find a reason to get rid of God.

The GOD of the Bible answers this folly:

Romans 1:21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
2011-09-20 08:43:07 UTC
"can you give some reasons why creations should be taught with evolution?"

It shouldn't - not in a science class anyway. In an RE class possibly, as an example of fundamentalism.

Out come the "only a theory" brigade.
2011-09-20 09:01:30 UTC
They should be taught both. But not the Darwin way.

Creation is required for evolution and evolution is required for more creation to occur.

Why many believe they evolved from fish or birds or apes...etc I find difficult to comprehend such foolish thoughts.

Many do understand this many do not.
Anne Arkey
2011-09-20 08:42:25 UTC
Creation is a biblical concept, creations are actual things. So, you teach a concept, which is creation or creationism. Playing devil's advocate, I gave you some reasons why creationism should be taught with evolution in your last post.
2011-09-20 08:51:01 UTC
Theists, you have your hypothesis, now go out and prove that hypothesis with actual verifiable/non-refutable evidence. Then let the entire Scientific community review that evidence and if a general consensus is found, then we will consider your hypothesis strong enough to be considered a Scientific Theory. Then and only then should it be taught in schools.

The other thing is that the bible is NOT evidence. Good luck!
2011-09-20 09:10:29 UTC
Evolution should be taken out of schools completely, it was put in school in America by Communist,

and religon should be taught by the parents and churches.
Meatwad Gets The Honeys
2011-09-20 08:44:26 UTC
I am extremely confused... Please clarify your question...

Evolution = Science based on Evidence.

Creationism = Mythology.

Mythology should be taught in World Religions Class...

Evolution should be taught in the Science Class...

ESPECIALLY since, in the United States, it is CHRISTIANS that want the CHRISTIAN CREATION MYTHOLOGY taught in Science Class... Yet they would fight tooth and nail if Hindus filed lawsuits claiming that if Christian Creation Mythology (Disguised as "Creationism") the Hindu Creation Mythology should be taught in the Science Class as well...

Of course... That would open up the floodgates to any cult that wants to be seen as 'Equal' so Science Class would run out of time to teach SCIENCE and it would devolve into a World Religions Class that has become mislabeled and held in a classroom with Bunsen Burners on the tables and posters of dissected frogs on the walls.

"Creationism" a.k.a. "Intelligent Design" is no more valid a Scientific Theory than the Egyptian Creation Myth where the universe was created when the Goddess gave her God a Handy-J... The issuance becoming all the stars, planets, and (of course) the Milky Way. (Though the way that their priests and priestesses worshiped their creation mythology is WAY more fun than how christians do it... Every morning the head priest and head priestess would meet in the most holy chamber of the temple and as the sun rises and shines onto the alter, the priestess gives the priest a handy-j to ritualistically recreate the creation of the multiverse.)

► Scientific Theory:

► Intelligent Design: Belief Posing as Theory

► Yes, Evolution is a Theory. It's Religion and Politics that are the Problems

► Intelligent Design: An Ambiguous Assault on Evolution

► Anti-evolution Attacks on the Rise

► U.S. Lags World in Grasp of Genetics and Acceptance of Evolution

► How Anecdotal Evidence Can Undermine Scientific Results

Why subjective anecdotes often trump objective data

► Open-mindedness

► Skewed views of science

► Ben Stein's Expelled: No Integrity Displayed
2011-09-21 07:19:04 UTC
Easy, we are Forced to Pay Taxes to Schools and forced to send our Children to those Schools when we cannot afford to Home school or send to Private Christian Schools, therefore we have the right to dictate what our money is used for.

The evidence for evolution is and has been interpreted from a Philosophical and ideological Bias, THAT alone destroys it, They employ a False Dichotomy, meaning the evidence HAS to be this or that But IT cannot be God,

In The series of Below Listed Videos, Lee Stroble a FORMER ATHEIST Honestly and Objectively did his own research without the influence of a pre-set world view and Contaminated by a Hostile anti christian Philosophy and ideology.

I suggest watching them from an Unemotional Objective point of view and consider the Possibility of the fact that Evolution teachers have lied to you for More Philosophical reasons than for Pure truth of Science, Ohh I know, some people will answer with all these Long winded answers trying to sound all smart with walls of texts and links and think if they sound intelligent it has Validity, Fact is it doesn't, Don't be fooled by high-sounding words from Fools,

Eternity is a Long Time to be wrong about this

The Case for a Creator

What Hath Darwin Wrought?

Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)

Creation In The 21st Century - Fossils Galore Part 1 (1 of 3)

Creation In The 21st Century - Why The Difference 1 of 3

Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3

Creation In The 21st Century - Lets Talk to An Evolutionist About Creation 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - Overwhelming Evidence 1 of 3

The Privileged Planet

More than 600 Scientist with PHD’s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM

“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.

Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
2011-09-20 08:47:06 UTC
G-d created the Universe and this Earth and all that is in it and gave mankind dominion. We are made in G-d;s Image and are to be the care takers of this Earth. G-d sent a part of Him here and His name is Jesus the L-rd to die for our wrongs. Read the 10 commands. Read all of John 3 and 4.

Yes all things were created. Evolution is each living thing's way to survive. This means change to adapt.
mike s
2011-09-20 08:44:04 UTC
didn't you ask this earlier?

creationism is a fantasy story with no fact.

evolution is a discovery of science, provable and is a fact.

and if you were to teach the fantasy based one you have to teach the other forms of it from other religions as well not just christain based stuff.
2011-09-20 08:41:50 UTC
if all the different creation stories were taught in school, they would have to be taught in a mythology class

not a science class
2011-09-20 08:44:00 UTC
To be fair and unbiased, you'd have to teach multiple creation stories.
2011-09-20 08:46:38 UTC
Sorry, you're definitely on a loser with this one. :(

I'd suggest trawling some creationist sites to see if you can come up with anything that sounds like a half-way decent argument.

But you ARE going to lose the debate. ;)
2011-09-20 08:41:29 UTC
I think the sentence is supposed to be "Creationists should be taught evolution." Perhaps you got some typos in there.

2011-09-20 08:46:41 UTC
One is verifiabled fact the other is pure fiction. Never the twain shall meet.
2011-09-20 08:44:06 UTC
There is no differance because its an unknown. You either follow the theory of the auther of genisis or the theory of charles darwin, they are all stabs in the dark. No one knows and no one ever will. No point in teaching it at all.
2011-09-20 08:41:44 UTC
evolution is a science, not a course in science fiction.
2011-09-20 08:43:28 UTC
you are right.since evolution is still a theory.not an absolute
2011-09-20 08:42:17 UTC
they are not THEORIES

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