Does America have any right to tell the world what to do?
2008-10-08 10:49:03 UTC
I mean just about 50 years ago Non - Whites where not even considered real Citizens.

And about 180 years Ago America used to say that Blacks and Indians had no rights because the white race was the free race.

So for a country that was founded by slave owners that wanted to be free and believed all man where created equally but did not live up to it till around 1968 do we have the right to tell the world how to live?
21 answers:
2008-10-08 10:54:03 UTC
If you ask me America was founded on Borderline Fascism.

"The white race is the free race"

Doesnt that sound familiar to you?

Rick G
2008-10-08 18:12:17 UTC
So, why did you leave Females off the list, which barely got the vote about 80 years ago?

Usually it the guy with the biggest gun that tells the others what to do. Sort of like OJ in Vegas.

Plus, from the Bible's veiw point, all governments are beasts. The biggest and the baddest tell the weaker who will do what and when.

And as Jesus said concerning his Kingdom, it is not from the same source as the human governments, which was shown to have be in the power of the Devil when he tempted Jesus, saying he would give the nations to him for one act of worship.

So, you got the biggest, baddest, beast under the satanic governmental system of things, telling the other satanic governments what to do.

Is there any surprise why the world is in the mess it is?
2008-10-08 17:58:56 UTC
You can construct your arguement ad hominim against this country--we've had our own share of things that shouldn't have been. However-when countries across the globe decide they want what they have no right to--then yes--we have a right not just to tell the world but to act. The number of American GI's that gave their blood and their lives liberating Europe from a monstorous dictator is virtually astronomical. The world wanted diplomacy and that's what the world got--"peace in our time"--right up until that dictator who didn't play by the rules overran Europe. So yup, at time we do, we payed the butcher's bill for the right to do so in denfense of ourselves and our allies. If you don't like that answer blow it out your ***.
2008-10-08 17:52:38 UTC
Does any HUMAN have the right to tell another human what to do.

If you're an enlightened thinker, you'd say no. If you're a student of history, you'd say might makes right.

(It is worth noting that America did SAVE THE WORLD from total domination by the Axis in WWII)
2008-10-08 18:12:04 UTC
WWI, WWII, the United Nations Peace Keeping Force....

IF they don't want us to tell them want to do then stop standing their with their hand out begging for this that and the other...

You won't give a homeless guy $5 because he might spend it on drugs or booze...America feels the same way toward other countries...
2008-10-08 18:01:26 UTC
I don't see the reason they WOULD have the right.

If that sounds like a too-short, empty answer; maybe that's the whole point. If you can think of a reason we should dictate aside from some nose-in-the-air superiority, let us know.
2008-10-08 17:58:51 UTC
Whether individuals or individuals who are overseeing the government, they must first cast out the wrong-doing in their own eye, before trying to pull out a fault in anotherĀ“s; otherwise they are hypocrites, and their evaluations, and determinations, and conclusions are contaminated with sin.
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-10-08 17:54:21 UTC
Yes America has the right, and the World has the right to tell us to go jump in the lake. That's the way free speach works
2008-10-08 17:54:12 UTC
Not at all. America has created dictatorships throughout the world to protect its interests. America is morally bankrupt as a world policeman.
2008-10-08 17:57:45 UTC
Whether we have the right or not it is going to happen in a big way, very shortly! Revelation 13:11-18.
2008-10-08 17:54:25 UTC
Yes, just as any country has a right to tell the world what to do. The world doesn't have to comply though.
2008-10-08 17:53:15 UTC
Team America, World Police. I hope for an end to our tyranny, but I don't see it coming anytime soon.
2008-10-08 17:54:59 UTC
No and the Americans have just f****d up the financial situation in the world with their greed and bad judgement too.
2008-10-08 17:57:11 UTC
When you give other countries hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, food, and military protection--hell yes we should have SOME say.
2008-10-08 17:52:43 UTC
We do have a slight megalomania about us.

One of these days, we'll learn to respect personal space. Imperialism is not dead though. So don't hold your breath.
2008-10-08 18:30:17 UTC
2008-10-08 17:52:59 UTC
And you live in which country? No country has an innocent history.

And America doesn't tell the world what to do.
daljack -a girl
2008-10-08 17:54:51 UTC
No we do not.....but we insist on doing it anyway.
Smile Jesus Loves You
2008-10-08 18:01:01 UTC
2008-10-08 17:53:46 UTC
2008-10-08 17:54:02 UTC

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