I will give you some information to describe the parts of the bible
and what they are for... it should help you get some perspective.
I hope you begin in the New Testament, because that is meant
to be for us - for the Christian churches in the "new covenant"
that Jesus set up between people and God.
(The "old covenant" was for ancient Israel, in the Old Testament)
Any time you are going to read the bible ~ pray first !! and ask
the Lord to help you understand with the Holy Spirit's help.
I was advised to begin at Acts, and get familiar with the original Apostolic church.
Here's where we see the beginning of several 1st Century churches.
Then work through the Gospels... to hear their accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.
Matthew has regard to the Hebrew foundations. (from the 1st covenant)
Mark was written for the benefit of the Roman people's perspective.
Luke was a physician, and compiled a more detailed account.
John was a far more personal testimony ~ he was Jesus' very close friend.
Then to Romans and read each epistle (= letters) written to the churches that were
begun in the book of Acts - to help them with doctrine and local issues.
Revelation is heavier going, and is best read soon before or after the book of Daniel,
in the Old Testament, to connect the end-time prophecies.
I recommend a thorough reading of Isaiah with a review of John's Gospel.
This should highlight that God is one - and not a 3rd or 4th Century "trinity".
He was - and is - always one, as God said in the opening lines of the First
Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:4) and said again by Jesus (Mark 12:29)
Pay particular attention to these texts just the way Jesus is quoted:
(John 10:30 / John 12:44-45 / John 14:7-10 / John 8:24 / John 8:58)
Then consider these: Colossians 2:9 / 2 Corinthians 5:19 / 1 Timothy 3:16
You should have a clear idea from these verses who Jesus is...
There is one God - the Father... He came to us joined with humanity
so Jesus was called both "Son of God" and "Son of Man"...
because He is both deity and humanity in one .. Spirit and flesh.
(See Hebrews 1:1-3) Back in the days when God made a Covenant
with King David, He told him of His FUTURE plan to conceive His Son.
(2 Samuel 7:14 / Isaiah 7:14 / Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 35:4 / Isaiah 43:10-11)
God was alone when He made the world (Isaiah 44:24 / Isaiah 45:15)
and He came into the world to save us: (Matthew 1:23 / Galatians 4:4)
The beginning of John's gospel says "In the beginning was the word.."etc
"word" in the Greek manuscript is "logos"... which is God's intention...
or His mind, plan and intent. So read that passage thinking of God's
mind, plan and intent .. everywhere it says "word" and it makes sense
that His mind, plan and intent became flesh -- became Jesus Christ.
Beware of "Watchtower" links. they mean well, but don't know Jesus... &
I pray you won't get hypnotized by the "trinity" fairytales!! Jesus is God.