BIBLE pleasee help?x?
2011-06-25 05:08:45 UTC
i am a 13 year old girl, i go to church every sunday and i read the bible, but when i read the bible at home in my room, i dont get the message from the verse or chapter, and i dont learn it, so please help on how can i understand it, btw i got the new king james version x
Twenty answers:
Zog Blaster
2011-06-25 06:48:50 UTC
You have a few good options, depending on what you're happy with:

1) Buy an easier translation, aimed at modern readers. You can always cross-reference with your King James, to check your understanding. Popular translations (which are acceptable to most Protestants) include the NIV (New International Version), RSV (Revised Standard Version) and NRSV (New Revised Standard Version), and the GNT (Good News Translation, also called Today's English Version and Good News Version). You could have a look at passages from these online, and see which you find easiest to understand and most appropriate (I'm sure you can use Google!). Then you can choose one to buy.

2) You could get a Study Bible, which will have lots of notes explaining what passages mean and how they link together.

3) You could get a 'retelling' of the Bible or of specific stories, and then reread those bits in your Bible after getting the basic idea. 'The Message' is a version of the Bible that rewords stuff to be easier to understand, for example.

4) Don't read the New World Translation or stuff from the Watchtower unless you are Jehovah's Witness, or intend to become a Jehovah's Witness. They deliberately wrote the New World Translation to make sure it supported their doctrine, rather than mainstream Christian doctrine, which sometimes means they've added words and sometimes means they've used a misleading wordchoice (like translating the Greek word 'proskuneo' as 'worship' when it refers to the Father, but the exact same Greek word as 'do obeisance to' when it refers to Jesus).

5) A fun option, if you're feeling brave and enjoy reading/studying, is to teach yourself New Testament Greek (Koine Greek), like the early Christians used and wrote the New Testament in. You can get 'Teach Yourself New Testament Greek' books in Christian bookshops, as well as big non-Christian bookshops, or maybe at your library, or cheaply through eBay or Amazon. You can get a copy of the New Testament in its original Greek the same way.

This might seem unhelpful, but actually working to translate a verse means you have to concentrate on it and study it, and it is sometimes easier to do that in a language that is clearly different from your own, rather than a language that it feels like you should just understand (like 17th century English). Plus, how cool would it be to read the Gospels in the language they were written in by people who were around back then? How cool to read Paul's letters as he dictated them? The synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) use fairly straightforward language, in Greek. Mark was actually criticised at the time for not using pretty enough language! And, at 13, you'll pick it up fairly quickly.
Party Delights
2011-06-25 05:38:50 UTC
Dear Jessie Amaron,

Glad to know you a god-minded teenager.

I agreed with a previous answer that although you will get many answers on the Internet, many comes from sources that may mislead you.

To be more precise, you're a Christian that believes in a God. But over here, there are the following persons:

1) Atheist (those who don't believe in a God),

2) Agnostics (those who believes in a God, but He don't care enough about us),

3) Muslim and Jews (those who don't believe that Jesus saves us),

4) Other religions (those who worship idols),

5) Cults (those who appears to teach from the Bible, but a wrong message. E.g Watchtower or Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc)

You may not understand all I typed here. In fact, you may get confused by the many answers given here. I can suggest you call your parents to read them and explain to you.

Ask your parents/pastor how to accept Christ and receive the holy spirit. Thereafter follow their instructions to become a baptized Christian. God gives His wisdom to those obeying Him.

Remember to pray and ask your Christian believers to pray for you also.

These are some pointers to understanding the Bible. Finally, do not rush. Many (like myself) takes ten, even twenty years to know a little about the Bible. So be patient.

May you gain wisdom as Jesus did when He was 12 (Luke 2:41, 52). Amen.
2011-06-25 08:26:45 UTC
This can happen if the beliefs that were instilled in you are in conflict with Scripture. You need to believe what you read, even if it means abandoning a particular belief.

Sorry, but it would be difficult for a 13 year old to grasp what all is involved, as there are rules of properly evaluating Scripture, and methods people use to circumvent those truths of Scripture that are very convincing.

2011-06-25 07:45:16 UTC
Zog Blaster gave good advice. Here is the Bible that I recommend for people of your age:

The Bible itself is very easy to read (about 5th grade level) and it has very nice explanatory notes written at a similar age level. If you can't find that one for a decent price, here's a Bible with the very same easy notes but with a 7th-grade level Bible text:

If you have to use the New King James, someone else may have good advice with regards to a study Bible that has easy-to-understand explanatory notes. The above Bibles are the best I know for someone in your situation.

If you're a Roman Catholic, here are the best Bibles:

- Jim
Jim the evolution cruncher
2011-06-25 05:15:50 UTC
Good question

Don't expect to be a scholar by reading it one time. I am a youth pastor and I tell my kids when they start out, pick a book in the New Testament. I would suggest John. Then commit yourself to reading that book over and over, as many times as you can in one month.

You will be amazed how much it comes to life for you.

But, make sure you are a Christian first. If you are not, the Bible says you will never understand a Book God wrote with out God in your heart. - 1Corinthians 2:14

Also, just a side note. Be careful seeking advice on yahoo answers. There are a lot of false prophets and people that would love to destroy your faith.

Stick to asking your parents or your Pastor.

God Bless
2011-06-25 05:23:19 UTC
Spend some time at

I've learned more there in a year than I have in 20 years going to church. There are three new Q&A's added every day, a Psalm on Wednesdays and a Bible study on Sundays. Plus there are more Bible studies in the Gift Shop. All free. My favorite is:
2011-06-25 05:16:02 UTC
I will give you some information to describe the parts of the bible

and what they are for... it should help you get some perspective.

I hope you begin in the New Testament, because that is meant

to be for us - for the Christian churches in the "new covenant"

that Jesus set up between people and God.

(The "old covenant" was for ancient Israel, in the Old Testament)

Any time you are going to read the bible ~ pray first !! and ask

the Lord to help you understand with the Holy Spirit's help.

I was advised to begin at Acts, and get familiar with the original Apostolic church.

Here's where we see the beginning of several 1st Century churches.

Then work through the Gospels... to hear their accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.

Matthew has regard to the Hebrew foundations. (from the 1st covenant)

Mark was written for the benefit of the Roman people's perspective.

Luke was a physician, and compiled a more detailed account.

John was a far more personal testimony ~ he was Jesus' very close friend.

Then to Romans and read each epistle (= letters) written to the churches that were

begun in the book of Acts - to help them with doctrine and local issues.

Revelation is heavier going, and is best read soon before or after the book of Daniel,

in the Old Testament, to connect the end-time prophecies.

I recommend a thorough reading of Isaiah with a review of John's Gospel.

This should highlight that God is one - and not a 3rd or 4th Century "trinity".

He was - and is - always one, as God said in the opening lines of the First

Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:4) and said again by Jesus (Mark 12:29)

Pay particular attention to these texts just the way Jesus is quoted:

(John 10:30 / John 12:44-45 / John 14:7-10 / John 8:24 / John 8:58)

Then consider these: Colossians 2:9 / 2 Corinthians 5:19 / 1 Timothy 3:16

You should have a clear idea from these verses who Jesus is...

There is one God - the Father... He came to us joined with humanity

so Jesus was called both "Son of God" and "Son of Man"...

because He is both deity and humanity in one .. Spirit and flesh.

(See Hebrews 1:1-3) Back in the days when God made a Covenant

with King David, He told him of His FUTURE plan to conceive His Son.

(2 Samuel 7:14 / Isaiah 7:14 / Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 35:4 / Isaiah 43:10-11)

God was alone when He made the world (Isaiah 44:24 / Isaiah 45:15)

and He came into the world to save us: (Matthew 1:23 / Galatians 4:4)

The beginning of John's gospel says "In the beginning was the word.."etc

"word" in the Greek manuscript is "logos"... which is God's intention...

or His mind, plan and intent. So read that passage thinking of God's

mind, plan and intent .. everywhere it says "word" and it makes sense

that His mind, plan and intent became flesh -- became Jesus Christ.

Beware of "Watchtower" links. they mean well, but don't know Jesus... &

I pray you won't get hypnotized by the "trinity" fairytales!! Jesus is God.
2011-06-25 05:26:34 UTC
Does your church preach and teach from the bible ? Always ask God for help to understand before you read His Word.
2016-10-04 13:06:45 UTC
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 If a guy happens to fulfill a virgin who isn't pledged to be married and rapes her and that they are discovered, he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He might desire to marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can by no potential divorce her as long as he lives.
2011-06-25 05:17:02 UTC
First: find a 'bible' that respects Ex 23:13, and calls YHVH and YAHUSHUA by their right names. (There are at least 5 such. I usually use "THE SCRIPTURES' by ISR, and also have 'THE SACRED SCRIPTURES' Bethel Edition from the Assembly of Yahweh in Bethel Pa. Second: Get one written in language you speak. King James English is practically a foreign language to Americans today. Third: get a good bible study course, so you can study scripture in an orderly manner. The Seventh Day Adventists put out a number that are pretty good, and only teach error in a few places. Fourth. Choose to obey YHVH, for only those who obey, will understand. Fifth,,, get E-Sword. For specific questions, e-mail me....:-) I'm not afraid to say, 'I don't know' or 'there is a difference of opinion about this question'.
2011-06-25 05:14:22 UTC
Honey, join a Bible study group.

Remember too, to pray to the Holy Spirit before you begin to read each day. Ask for the wisdom and knowledge TO understand the message God would like for you to receive from your readings.
2011-06-25 05:25:18 UTC

The two links below will help you learn what the bible says.

Link one - What Does The Bible Really Teach

Link two - The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

If your parents allow you to study the bible contact Jehovah's Witnesses. They will more than happy study the bible with you.
2011-06-25 05:15:54 UTC
When God says in his word to do something, do it. Be a doer of the word, not just a hearer only. I never would have understood healing if I had not done what God said do concerning healing.God tells us what we can do to prosper and he also says what qwe can do to come to poverty. When God says that the drunk and the glutton will come to poverty, believe him.When he says that the giver will prosper, believe him and act accordingly.
Queen of Sheba
2011-06-25 05:21:15 UTC
I suggest you get more than one Bible so you can and compare them since King James version, though widely used, didn't do the most accurate translation.

King James was born in 1566. He inherited the Scottish throne when he was only one year old. He then also became the King of England and ruled both countries for 22 years.

It is apparent, if you compare some of his chapters, that King James changed some of the words from what the Hebrew said to make people kill witches and blamed his bad experiences on people he thought possessed super human abilities to put spells on him.

King James also wrote also one other book: "Demonology." He supported burning witches to death because they competed with religious healers. He may have had sex with dead bodies, as he believed in necromancy, at least according to the book he wrote, which you can take a look at by clicking here:

It is known that James had a morbid fear of violent death. Therefore these trials were of special interest to him, as he morbidly and violently caused the deaths of so many innocents he killed by accusing them of plotting his death by the use of witchcraft which, if had worked, would have killed him at least once. Since not one of hundreds succeeded in killing him, it is obvious he simply accused people he feared or hated of witchcraft simply to murder them, slowly and painfully.

Witches were accused of attempting to drown James by calling up a storm while he was at sea with his new wife. Other charges include trying to kill James by melting a wax effigy of him. They were also accused of performing perverted rituals in a church in Berwick – though it is not clear what this had to do specifically with trying to kill the king. However, it did point the way to witchcraft and it is thought that over one hundred witches were actually put on trial. It is said that a large number were executed but there is accurate no figure for this.. One theory put forward is that the whole story was a plot made up by those nobles in Scotland who wanted to devalue the standing of Bothwell within Scotland – and expand theirs. However, this can not be proven.

. It was in Denmark that James met a number of intellectuals and philosophers including the astronomer Tycho Brahe. Witches were actively hunted out in Denmark where the theory of a demonic pact had been widely accepted. The king’s journey back to Scotland proved to be a very rough and stormy one and one ship was lost. Witches were blamed - working in both Scotland and Denmark. When the Danish court made a reciprocal visit to Scotland in 1590, the topic of witchcraft and sorcery may well have been a topic of conversation.

When he became king of England in 1603, James claimed never to have been responsible for pushing ahead with persecutions of witches. However, the evidence suggests differently. In 1591 he showed a particular interest in the trial of Mary Napier – arrested for consulting a witch and linked to treasonable activity. She claimed to be pregnant at the time of her arrest. Despite the 1563 law outlawing witchcraft, no one had ever been arrested in Scotland for consulting a witch. Yet James wrote to the court ordering them to find out if she was pregnant or not and that if she was not, she should be burned. That Napier was a friend of Bothwell’s also indicates that James was willing to use witchcraft for political ends. The court acquitted Napier – much to the anger of James.

I gave away my King James version because I feel he was an evil person, for having perpetuated the accusations that lead to the torture and murder of at least 300 innocent people.

I hope that you and others who may read this will research this for yourself, so you won't be using a Bible written by the wicked King James.

Sometimes it might help you to google a verse and get the translations of scholars to compare with what you got out of it.
2011-06-25 05:20:49 UTC
the disciples had to ask christ to explain his teachings so do not feel alone you are in good company, and give yourself time you may find that you are learning more than you know.
2011-06-25 05:17:29 UTC
If you know a Jehovah Witness, you should ask them for a bible study. I used to study the Bible with them and they really know and use the Bible.
2011-06-25 05:14:32 UTC
Kink James is a good bible but it is written in the language they spoke in the 1600's . Go to And see how the scripture is written in modern English. I know it helped me.
2011-06-25 05:12:57 UTC
what are the elements you are struggling with. Perhaps I could be of some assistance.
2011-06-25 05:19:16 UTC
This is sad .......... it may hurt you a lot .

Do some exercise will be better for you .
2011-06-25 05:11:56 UTC
You don't need a book to tell you how to be a good person.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.